Could someone please explain me how to use the environment variable GODEBUG ?
Maybe a link to a good tutorial
Google is not very helpful - or I don't know what to search for
The GODEBUG environment variable is documented in the runtime package.
Dave Cheney describes how to visualize GC using telemetry from GODEBUG=gctrace=1.
From the product development/ISV point of view, I wanted to understand if there is any recommended approach to create a Distributable package (installable) for Azure Functions. I found one post on TechNet but its very old (2017).
Also, is there any marketplace for Azure functions?
The "Zip deployment for Azure Functions" option could be possibly useful and there are few more options mentioned under the "deploy" section of the documentation.
This looks similar to what I was referring to the marketplace:
Thank you Venkatesh, Posting your suggestion as an answer to help other community members.
the above suggested steps in the shared article are working fine by the distributing azure functions in our local environment with last version of visual code 2019 and the documented steps were working pretty fine and this should work for you as well.
How does Rails (5.1) know which environment it is supposed to run in? All I've been able to find is that in nginx.conf a passenger_env variable seems to be set.
I seem to remember reading about a RAILS_ENV variable but I can't find it anywhere.
Turns out that passenger_app_env is ALL that is required to let know which Rails environment to load.
I found the answer here:
It's not immediately apparent but if you work through the Initialization Process you will find where the environment variable is set.
I am using Zurb's Foundation framework, and I would like to know how I can edit the default values of the SASS variables. I searched all over the internet but I was not able to find anything that could help me.
Please check this documentation on their site.
Under Available SCSS Variables section, SCSS variables are provided but I don't know where to place them after altering the values. I did not find much help by Googling because Foundation is not that old.
After creating a Foundation project, look for a "_settings.scss" partial that will contain all those variables.
Scroll down on this page: Zurb Foundation 4—Sass Documentation to where it says "Foundation Global Settings and Mixins" for the code in that file.
You should be looking into Sass that is already explained on their site and can be found here. I suggest you start reading the documentations for V3, Foundation 3, as those docs explain better how you can harness the power of Sass with Foundation. You can start reading here then do further reading here. Honestly, Zurb does a fantastic job of documenting their Foundation framework and all you need to know, 99% if not all, are already on their documentation pages.
jOk, there are global variables you can configure (_settings.scss), there are also default (!default) variables at a module level, you can find documentation of in the online docs, i.e. for buttons (scroll to bottom).
Because these variables are assigned with SASS's !default it is possible to override this in the global scope, but you must make the new variables available before the styles are declared. As in, the variables must appear in the cascade before the buttons do.
I wonder is there some tool similar to Debug tag in smarty to show all assigned variables in liquid templates. I am new to liquid and for me developing is going pretty much in "blind mode" - I can't use debugger in templates because it's not ruby and I don't know how to list all variables to see whats going on.
So, if anybody know such a tool, or command to list all variables - please help, thanks.
Well, I actually solved my problem by myself - I wrote a little plugin for to inspect environment variables in a webtools console. If anyone interested - take a look here
as in the question, i am trying to understand using environmental variables correctly, and also harness their power, but i'm confused by what i am finding.
caveat: cocoa, and Xcode 3.2.6 here.
Comment quote is:
Here is a table of the variables/values initialized from the
environment at startup.
the DEFAULT listed as "YES".
is this comment trying to convey that this is how it is setup if i don't change anything ?
perhaps, i have had too much coffee, but this is confusing.
can someone explain please ? thanks.
If you haven't defined anything then NSDebugEnabled is NO, and will not be used. Once we set that yes in environment variable then only it will work.