Distribution of Azure Functions - installation

From the product development/ISV point of view, I wanted to understand if there is any recommended approach to create a Distributable package (installable) for Azure Functions. I found one post on TechNet but its very old (2017).
Also, is there any marketplace for Azure functions?

The "Zip deployment for Azure Functions" option could be possibly useful and there are few more options mentioned under the "deploy" section of the documentation.
This looks similar to what I was referring to the marketplace:

Thank you Venkatesh, Posting your suggestion as an answer to help other community members.
the above suggested steps in the shared article are working fine by the distributing azure functions in our local environment with last version of visual code 2019 and the documented steps were working pretty fine and this should work for you as well.


Update chatbot to Bot Builder SDK v4

Is there a manual describing migration from Bot Builder SDK v3 to v4?
I have a lot of compilation errors after updating NuGet packages
It appeared to be difficult. In addition to the answer below, I found this post quite useful to get a general picture https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/martinkearn/2018/07/17/bot-framework-v4-what-i-learnt-in-4-days-in-july-2018/
You can't just update your NuGet packages from V3 to V4, without changing your code. It is a major release with a lot of breaking changes.
The roadmap
for botbuilder-dotnet describes that a migration path from V3 to V4 is still in progress. I would suggest to have a look at BotBuilder-Samples and Microsoft Docs for the moment, to get an idea about how much has changed.
There are lot of changes from V3 to V4, they have completely re-written the concepts, architecture and terminologies.
So just updating the libraries won't work, you must update the code as well.
The roll-out is still not complete so it is recommended to use v3 in production as of now.
Upgrade is almost equal to the efforts of writing the complete bot code again. In case you are comfortable with your existing bot functionality and is willing to add new features which has nothing to do with SDK version, you can do this using Bot Channel Registration. Steps to do this is mentioned in a blog here - https://chatbotslife.com/microsoft-bot-framework-sdk-3-code-on-azure-bot-service-without-migrating-to-sdk-4-14afa3300887

CRM 2011 Online Plugin Uploader to support CI

I'm involved in developing a sandboxed Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Online plugin and have a set of tests that I can drive from a xUnit front end on my local machine given that I right-click the Package and select the Deploy option (and resort to using the plugin loader sample when that doesn't work).
I'd like to be able to automate the running of my tests on my CI rig, where I'll need it to upload a fresh binary as part of each run.
We've looked at http://pluginregcrm2011.codeplex.com/ but it has bugs that prevent it working for Online and in short looks like it's no longer being maintained and I'm not keen to take ownership of what should be a fundamental tool that a platform/ecosystem should just have.
Is anyone using that tool or another plugin uploader non-interactively? Am I missing something?
I know I'm late with my answer and I`m pretty sure that you already have found a solution which is working for you.
However I felt the same pain and I have hacked a small application which could be used to simply update the plugin assembly, without doing any configuration work.
PluginAssemblyLoader -f "C:\MyPlugin.dll" -c "Url=http://crmserver/org;"
Please see http://msdyncrm-contrib.github.io/PluginAssemblyLoader
There isn't an easy OOB experience with this but the CRM 2011 Developer Toolkit just uses a set of MSBuild targets that you can call yourself. It's just MSBuild, so you could hook it into your CI build if required. If you install or just extract the Developer Toolkit MSI in the SDK you'll find the following two files in there...
As an aside it would be nice if MS would open source this as the current implementation uses predominantly sealed and internal classes within the custom tasks.

Using a custom cache serializer with Azure App Fabric

The documentation on MSDN says you can inherit from the IDataCacheObjectSerializer interface and update the configuration used to use custom serialization.
I can't find the IDataCacheObjectSerializer or the SerializationProperties element of the Configuration class in any DLL I've looked at, has anybody found these? Which version of the SDK are you using?
This is available with the Azure Cache (Preview) release that is part of Azure SDK 1.7
You can look at my blog for more info: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jagan_peri/archive/2012/08/23/custom-serializer.aspx
Jagan Peri - Microsoft
The first step in the link you've provided is 'First prepare the development environment to use Caching.' which points at a set of instructions to follow first, which includes adding the necessary references

Is there documentation for Team Build 2010 Activites?

As most of you know TFS Team Build 2010 is Windows Workflow based. It comes with a handful of custom Activities out of the box. Is there any documentation available for these activities?
For example Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.GetBuildAgent is one of the activities that has basically only one property called Result which I'm assuming takes a variable name that receives the agent name. But how does it determine which agent to select? which variables/arguments does it use to receive input/output? I'm sure if I ask around I can figure out how this specific Activity works, but what about the other 50 activities? I have been unsuccessful in finding documentation on these Microsoft provided activities to date.
There is currently no documentation on these activities. I have seen some previews on a book on Team Build that will arrive soon (keep an eye on this blog) and the VS ALM rangers who will bring their guidance on codeplex during the beginning of CY11.
See Team Foundation Build Activities on MSDN for documentation on all the included build activities.
The GetBuildAgent activity can only be used within an AgentScope activity. It returns the IBuildAgent object of the build agent that it is running on.
William's book on Inside the Microsoft Build Engine: Using MSBuild and Team Foundation Build will also cover these build activities in more detail.
Beyond the built-in activities, I immediately found a need to implement custom activities. Some Custom Activity examples are:
Checking in/out a file in the build process
Updating Version properties (to support ClickOnce deployment)
Updating deployment folder html file to support Version updates
I found an article by Jakob Ehn very helpful in navigating through this process.
Ewald Hofman has a very thorough guide to help you get more out of customizing Team Build. It acts as a great reference.

Is it possible/advisable to register a MS CRM plugin WITHOUT using the registration tool provided by microsoft

Basically I am looking at doing remote deployment of custom plugin and workflow to an IFD MS CRM deployment. This means that the tool provided by Microsoft cannot be used.
Does anyone do this?
Is it advisable or not?
What resources are available?
I've done a lot of google-ing and reading and it seems like everyone is using the deployment tool.
Absolutely. There are a series of entities that you need to set up to do this. If I'm not mistaken, the SDK includes the source for a plugin registration tool... you can look at that to see how it's done, and you'd just need to update it to work with IFD.
