Delimiter Warning in shell Script with psql - shell

I get a Delimter Error in a Shell Script:
result=`psql -d databasename -t -A <<EOF
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM schema.table
WHERE "column_name_x" = 'specific_value_x'
AND "column_name_y" = 'specific_value_y'
AND ("column_name_z" LIKE 'specific_z%' OR "column_name_za" LIKE 'specific_za%')
echo $result
The result of the Script is fine. But I get two warnings:
./ line 13: warning: here-document at line 8 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF')
./ line 9: EOF: command not found
What is the problems here? Thank you!

You have the start of your here-doc inside of your command, but the EOF is outside of your command.
result=`psql -d databasename -t -A <<EOF
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM schema.table
WHERE "column_name_x" = 'specific_value_x'
AND "column_name_y" = 'specific_value_y'
AND ("column_name_z" LIKE 'specific_z%' OR "column_name_za" LIKE 'specific_za%')
The ; seems wrong here too (at least it threw an error for me).


Using yaml in bash script

I have following yaml file and I need to take inputs from this yaml file in my bash script
Database: backup
Table: mytable
Partitions: P10,P11,P12
I tried this like below but getting error
Database=yq e '.Database' t_partitions.yaml
Table=yq e '.Table' t_partitions.yaml
Partitions=yq e '.Partitions' t_partitions.yaml
mysql -u root -p -e "
use $Database;
alter table $Table truncate partition $Partitions;
The error is
bash run line 2: e: command not found line 3: e: command not found line 4: e: command not found
Your assignment statement is wrong with Bash's grammar.
You need command substitution, like:
Database="$(yq e '.Database' t_partitions.yaml)"
Table="$(yq e '.Table' t_partitions.yaml)"
Partitions="$(yq e '.Partitions' t_partitions.yaml)"
mysql -u root -p -e "
use $Database;
alter table $Table truncate partition $Partitions;
Using $() to get output of a command. Use "" to prevent eventually sentence break inside the output by some special character.

Bash treating variable expansion as command while passing to other script

a=HDH b=udud c=jsjsj bash secondscript
The command above works. I'd like to save the assignments in a variable, like so:
a=HDH \
b=udud \
c=ududj \
$value bash secondscript
But it gives an error: line 9: a=HDH: command not found
Why? What can I do instead?
bash's taking first item a=HDH as a command, what you need is :
env "${value[#]}" bash secondscript

unix shell script not working gives me error

what is wrong with my code this is it -
export -P ttiUsername="Username: " || ^
i get an error about command ^ and the -p
here is my error
/Users/michaelgray/Desktop/ToontownWorld/ToontownInfiniteRetro/ line 3: export: -P: invalid option
export: usage: export [-nf] [name[=value] ...] or export -p
/Users/michaelgray/Desktop/ToontownWorld/ToontownInfiniteRetro/ line 3: ^: command not found
edit: i lowercased the p but it doesnt prompt u to enter username like it should
The problem with your code is this line:
export -P ttiUsername="Username: " || ^
It's wrong because export doesn't read data, -P is not a valid option, and ^ is not a valid command. None of it makes sense if the goal is to read data.
To read data from the user, use read:
read -p "Username: " ttiUsername
echo "You wrote: $ttiUsername"

Execute psql query in bash

I have a problem with executing a psql-query in a bash script.
Below is my code.
sql_sel="$1;";#sql select
table=$2;#table name
for i in "${!GP_SERVER_NAMES[#]}"
logmsg "Executing [$sql_sel] on "${GP_SERVER_NAMES[$i]}": " $loglvl;
#result_host[$i]=cleanresult "`$(${PSQL_HOST[$i]} "$tx_fix $sql_sel" 2>&1`");
if [[ `checkresult "${result_host[$i]}"` != 'true' ]]; then
logmsg "Error occured during sql select: Result for "${GP_SERVER_NAMES[$i]}" '${table}': ${result_host[$i]};" '1' '1';
raise_alarm "${GP_SYNC_SQL_ERR}" "${i}" "${table}" "${result_host}";
logmsg "Result for" ${GP_SERVER_NAMES[$i]} " '${table}': ${result_host[$i]}";
for i in "${!result_host[#]}"
if [[ `checkresult "${result_host[$i]}"` = 'true' ]]; then
I am trying to executing the query on many different servers, with the following command
The above variables have the following meaning:
1. result_host[$i] : is an array that holds the i-th result of the sql query.
2. PSQL_HOST[$i] : is the command line psql-statement, including the IP address which is of the form
psql -t -q -h -U password -d database -c
3. $sql_sel : is the sql_statement
When I run the script, I get the following output. line 168: SELECT: command not found
ERROR: syntax error at end of input
Why is that? Any help, comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Bash script error. What is wrong with this script?

I'm new at bash script writing and I have this error. I have looked everywhere to find an answer with no success. What is wrong with this script?
exec >> /Users/k_herriage/bin/post-gererate.out 2>&1
set -x
myfile=fopen($mynewfile,'w+' );
#echo $myfile
fwrite($myfile, "testing");
exit (0)
line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `('
line 7:`myfile = fopen ( '~/bin/convert_tst.txt','w' );'
Few points:
Calling a function in bash does not require parens, it is syntactically equivalent to a command:
do_something arg1 arg2 arg3
There is no need to do open-append-close sequence in bash, it is perfectly doable with a single command:
echo "testing" >> $mynewfile; ##
>> means "append", where if it was >, it would mean "overwrite" or "discard content". (Both will create the file if it didn't exist.)
