unix shell script not working gives me error - macos

what is wrong with my code this is it -
export -P ttiUsername="Username: " || ^
i get an error about command ^ and the -p
here is my error
/Users/michaelgray/Desktop/ToontownWorld/ToontownInfiniteRetro/start_game.sh: line 3: export: -P: invalid option
export: usage: export [-nf] [name[=value] ...] or export -p
/Users/michaelgray/Desktop/ToontownWorld/ToontownInfiniteRetro/start_game.sh: line 3: ^: command not found
edit: i lowercased the p but it doesnt prompt u to enter username like it should

The problem with your code is this line:
export -P ttiUsername="Username: " || ^
It's wrong because export doesn't read data, -P is not a valid option, and ^ is not a valid command. None of it makes sense if the goal is to read data.
To read data from the user, use read:
read -p "Username: " ttiUsername
echo "You wrote: $ttiUsername"


How can I disable * expansion in a script?

I have a strange problem - possibly I'm just going blind. I have this short script, which replaces the string #qry# in the here-document with a select statement in a file and then pipes it to mysql:
if [[ "$1" == "-h" ]]
echo "sqljob [sqlfile] [procnm] [host] [database] [config file]"
echo " sqlfile: text file containing an SQL statement"
echo " procnm: name that will given to the new, stored procedure"
echo " host: hostname of IP address of the database server"
echo " database: the procedure will be created here"
echo " config file: default configuration file with username and password"
set -o noglob
sed -e "s/#qry#/$(echo $(cat $infile))/g" <<!
drop procedure if exists $procnm;
delete from jobs where jobname="$procnm";
insert into jobs
notes="SQL job $procnm",
delimiter //
create procedure $procnm(vqid int)
call joblogmsg(vqid,0,"$procnm","","Executing #qry#");
drop table if exists ${procnm}_res;
create table ${procnm}_res as
delimiter ;
} | mysql --defaults-file=$mycfg -h $hn -P $pn $db
However, when the select contains *, it expands to whatever is in the directory even though I use noglob. However, it works from the command line:
$ set -o noglob
$ ls *
What am I doing wrong?
Block Comments in a Shell Script has been suggested as a duplicate, but as you will notice, I need to expand ${procnm} in the here-doc; I just need to avoid the same happening to select *.
I suspect it is because the construct echo (cat). The echo command gets the * from the cat command and the shell in which it runs expands it. In that shell set noglob is not active.
Try leaving the echo away: /$(cat $infile)/, in the end that is the data you need; then there is no extra glob expansion by a shell.

how to alias `read -p` on linux bash and store the user input in variable

I need to set alias for this command below but am unable to.
read -p 'Enter namespc: ' rvar
setting alias as a shorcut:
export gvar="read -p 'Enter namespc: ' rvar"
Actual Result:
-bash: read: `namespc:': not a valid identifier
Expected: should list below to user on prompt and then save its value in rvar.
Enter namespc:
echo $rvar
Use a function instead of a variable (or an alias).
gvar () {
read -p 'Enter names-can: ' rvar
Ah Just realised, i need to use Alias not export.
answer is
alias gvar="read -p 'Enter namespc: ' rvar"
then call
gvar and echo $rvar to validate

Execute psql query in bash

I have a problem with executing a psql-query in a bash script.
Below is my code.
sql_sel="$1;";#sql select
table=$2;#table name
for i in "${!GP_SERVER_NAMES[#]}"
logmsg "Executing [$sql_sel] on "${GP_SERVER_NAMES[$i]}": " $loglvl;
#result_host[$i]=cleanresult "`$(${PSQL_HOST[$i]} "$tx_fix $sql_sel" 2>&1`");
if [[ `checkresult "${result_host[$i]}"` != 'true' ]]; then
logmsg "Error occured during sql select: Result for "${GP_SERVER_NAMES[$i]}" '${table}': ${result_host[$i]};" '1' '1';
raise_alarm "${GP_SYNC_SQL_ERR}" "${i}" "${table}" "${result_host}";
logmsg "Result for" ${GP_SERVER_NAMES[$i]} " '${table}': ${result_host[$i]}";
for i in "${!result_host[#]}"
if [[ `checkresult "${result_host[$i]}"` = 'true' ]]; then
I am trying to executing the query on many different servers, with the following command
The above variables have the following meaning:
1. result_host[$i] : is an array that holds the i-th result of the sql query.
2. PSQL_HOST[$i] : is the command line psql-statement, including the IP address which is of the form
psql -t -q -h -U password -d database -c
3. $sql_sel : is the sql_statement
When I run the script, I get the following output.
scriptname.sh: line 168: SELECT: command not found
ERROR: syntax error at end of input
Why is that? Any help, comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Delimiter Warning in shell Script with psql

I get a Delimter Error in a Shell Script:
result=`psql -d databasename -t -A <<EOF
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM schema.table
WHERE "column_name_x" = 'specific_value_x'
AND "column_name_y" = 'specific_value_y'
AND ("column_name_z" LIKE 'specific_z%' OR "column_name_za" LIKE 'specific_za%')
echo $result
The result of the Script is fine. But I get two warnings:
./filename.sh: line 13: warning: here-document at line 8 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF')
./filename.sh: line 9: EOF: command not found
What is the problems here? Thank you!
You have the start of your here-doc inside of your command, but the EOF is outside of your command.
result=`psql -d databasename -t -A <<EOF
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM schema.table
WHERE "column_name_x" = 'specific_value_x'
AND "column_name_y" = 'specific_value_y'
AND ("column_name_z" LIKE 'specific_z%' OR "column_name_za" LIKE 'specific_za%')
The ; seems wrong here too (at least it threw an error for me).

Bash script error. What is wrong with this script?

I'm new at bash script writing and I have this error. I have looked everywhere to find an answer with no success. What is wrong with this script?
exec >> /Users/k_herriage/bin/post-gererate.out 2>&1
set -x
myfile=fopen($mynewfile,'w+' );
#echo $myfile
fwrite($myfile, "testing");
exit (0)
line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `('
line 7:`myfile = fopen ( '~/bin/convert_tst.txt','w' );'
Few points:
Calling a function in bash does not require parens, it is syntactically equivalent to a command:
do_something arg1 arg2 arg3
There is no need to do open-append-close sequence in bash, it is perfectly doable with a single command:
echo "testing" >> $mynewfile; ##
>> means "append", where if it was >, it would mean "overwrite" or "discard content". (Both will create the file if it didn't exist.)
