Eloquent count() always returns 1 - laravel

I have the following query:
Item::select(['items.id', 'inventory.quantity'])
->leftJoin('inventory', 'items.id', '=', 'inventory.item_id')
The count() method always returns 1 despite there being 20 rows to the results that are returned. Why might this be?
Here is the raw query from DB::getQueryLog():
count(*) as aggregate
left join
`inventory` ON `items`.`id` = `inventory`.`item_id`
group by `items`.`id`

If you only need the correct number of rows from a grouped result, and you don't care that much about the performance then you can call get() first and then call count() on that.
$count = Item::select(['items.id', 'inventory.quantity'])
->leftJoin('inventory', 'items.id', '=', 'inventory.item_id')

Yes, count returns only 1 row, always.
You would probably want:
Item::select(['items.id as id', 'inventory.quantity as quantity'])
->leftJoin('inventory', 'items.id', '=', 'inventory.item_id')
->lists('quantity', 'id');
this will return an array with id as keys, and quantity as values. Otherwise use get, but never count if you want grouped results.


Convert DB::Select to Query Builder

i has raw query in laravel like this
public function getPopularBook(){
$book = DB::select("
with totalReview as(
SELECT r.book_id , count(r.id)
FROM review r
GROUP BY r.book_id
from totalReview x
left JOIN (
case when ((now() >= d.discount_start_date and now() <= d.discount_end_date) or (now() >= d.discount_start_date and d.discount_end_date is null)) then (b.book_price-d.discount_price)
ELSE b.book_price
end as final_price
FROM discount d
right JOIN book b
on d.book_id = b.id
) as y
on x.book_id = y.id
ORDER BY x.count DESC, y.final_price ASC
return $book;
so when i want to return a paginate, it doesn't work so can i convert this to query build to use paginate
This is a very un-optimized raw query in itself. You are performing too many Join in Subquery just to sort by price
i'm assuming the database table:
books[ id, name, price ]
reviews[ id, book_id ]
discounts[ id, book_id, start_date, end_date, discount_price]
Look how easy it is if you just use Eloquent:
this will give you all the Books order by number of reviews
now with the final price, this can be a bit tricky, let's take a look at a query when we don't consider discount time
->withSum('discounts', 'discount_price') //i'm assuming a book can have many discount at the same time, so i just sum them all
DB::raw('final_price AS (books.price - discounts_sum_discount_price)')
->orderBy('reviews_count', 'asc') // =you can specify ascending or descending
->orderBy('final_price', 'desc') //in laravel chaining multiple orderBy to order multiple column
I dont even need to use Subquery!! But how do we actually only add the "active" discount?, just need to modify the withSum a bit:
'discounts' => function($query) {
$query->where('start_date', '<=', Carbon::now())
->where('end_date', '>=', Carbon::now())
DB::raw('final_price AS (books.price - discounts_sum_discount_price)')
->orderBy('reviews_count', 'asc') // =you can specify ascending or descending
->orderBy('final_price', 'desc') //in laravel chaining multiple orderBy to order multiple column
and it is done
What about pagination? just replace the get() method with paginate():
->withSum(['discounts' => function($query) {
$query->where('start_date', '<=', Carbon::now())->where('end_date', '>=', Carbon::now())
->addSelect(DB::raw('final_price AS (books.price - discounts_sum_discount_price)')) //just format to be a bit cleaner, nothing had changed
->orderBy('reviews_count', 'asc')
->orderBy('final_price', 'desc')
->paginate(10); //10 books per page
WARNING: this is written with ELoquent ORM, not QueryBuilder, so you must define your relationship first

Eloquent: Order by sum of two columns

My working SQL query is as follows:
SELECT post_id
FROM news_tags
ORDER BY (link_clicks+views) DESC
What I've tried so far in eloquent is like this:
$newsTagSaved = NewsTag::
orderBy(DB::raw("`views` + `link_clicks`"), 'desc')
Newstag table has many columns and views and link_clicks are two of them. Now, I'm trying to retrieve the post_id order by desc of sum of views and link_click.
How can I do it in Laravel eloquent?
Thank you!
Do something like this:
$newsTagSaved = NewsTag::select(DB::raw('views + link_clicks as score'))
->orderBy('score', 'desc')
This will return just score value. If you want to return other fields, simply add them to select. As an example:
$newsTagSaved = NewsTag::select(
DB::raw('views + link_clicks as score'),
->orderBy('score', 'desc')

How to merge count and sum queries in one query in Eloquent

I have problem with queries in my Controller. I want to count rows and sum by column in one query.
Relations view
So far, I created two queries:
Query to count rows
$paymentsCount = Payments::where('pay_status', 'like', "%{$payStatus}%")->count();
Query to sum
$paymentsValue = Payments::where('pay_status', 'like', "%{$payStatus}%")->sum('brutto');
I have no Idea, how to make on query instead this two queries.
I will be grateful for any help.
The query builder allows you to customize your SELECT clause with the select() method.
Use it to add COUNT() and SUM() in addition of the other columns:
$payments = Payments::select('*', 'COUNT(*) AS count', 'SUM(brutto) AS sum')
->where('pay_status', 'LIKE', "%{$payStatus}%")

Laravel join two tables with where that compares two date time columns

I have two tables that I want to run joint query on using the value of two date time columns, I have products table and sync_status tables, I want to return all products with updated_at date time greater than synced_at date time.
->join('sync_statuses', function ($join) {
$join->on('products.product_number', '=', 'sync_statuses.product_number')
->where('products.updated_at', '>', 'sync_statuses.synced_at')
This SQL represents what I am trying to achieve using Eloquent:
SELECT products.product_number
FROM products
JOIN push_statuses
ON products.product_number = statuses.product_number
statuses.synced_at IS NULL
OR products.updated_at > statuses.synced_at
You have to use on() instead of where() to compare columns:
->on('products.updated_at', '>', 'sync_statuses.synced_at')
This worked for me:
->join('statuses', function ($join) {
$join->on('products.product_number', '=', 'statuses.product_number')
->where(DB::raw('products.updated_at'), '>=', DB::raw('statuses.synced_at'))
I needed to use DB::raw('products.updated_at') to reference each date time column in the where() clause.

Laravel join with limit

I have the following working for laravel paginate
$query = DB::table('clients')
->leftJoin('radusergroup', 'clients.username', '=', 'radusergroup.username')
->leftJoin('recharge', 'clients.username', '=', 'recharge.soldto');
I want to join some values from two tables radusergroup and recharge. radusergroup always return one row as it has only one row stored whereas recharge table return multiple rows. I want only one row returned from recharge table which is latest entry.
Right now its return all the possible rows from recharge table and showing it on paginated view.
This is Laravel Official documentation
->leftJoin('radusergroup', 'clients.username', '=', 'radusergroup.username')
->leftJoin('recharge', function ($leftJoin) {
$leftJoin->on('clients.username', '=', 'recharge.soldto')
->where('recharge.create_date', '=', DB::raw("(select max(`create_date`) from recharge)"));
this is the case if you have create_date column in your table, if you haven't got it I strongly recommend to create that column.
