Fancytree complains Ajax request returned a string using Cherrypy - ajax

Hi I am very new to use cherrypy as backend with fanytree as front end.
here is my fanytree side of the code:
source: {
url : '/test_data'
on the cherrypy side, I implemented function called test_data
def test_data(self, **kwargs):
cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return '[ {"title":"abc", "folder": true, "key": "1", "children":[ {"title":"b","key":"2"}] }]'
So I see the request comes to cherrypy as
'GET /test_data?_=some number...
On browser I see my return object back but it failed on check:
if (typeof data === "string") {
$.error("Ajax request returned a string (did you get the JSON dataType wrong?).");
I read somewhere that you need content-type to be json but I already have. What am I missing?

CherryPy JSON output tool,, takes care of MIME and turning your data into a JSON string. So if you use it the method should look like:
def test_data(self, **kwargs):
return [{
"title" : "abc",
"folder" : True,
"key" : 1,
"children" : [{"title": "b", "key": 2}]
Otherwise if you want to do it yourself it'll be:
import json
def test_data(self, **kwargs):
cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return json.dumps([{
"title" : "abc",
"folder" : True,
"key" : 1,
"children" : [{"title": "b", "key": 2}]
Then make sure you've restarted CherryPy app, and look in web developer tools or FireBug network tab to verify response headers and content.

The content type is ok, but the string you are returning is not valid json (for example the keys must be enclosed in double quotes).
I would recommend to prepare your data as list of dicts and then use 'json.dumps()' to convert to JSON.
(Maybe the json_out tool does the same but I would guess that even then you should return a list of dicts instead of a string.)


Questions with making calls to an API

I've been working on creating a CLI gem for a job board. I've been setting up my API class, but I have been struggling to get it to work correctly in terms of successful calls; I'm using HTTParty to parse. When I have been testing this, it keeps giving me a method error for "[]". I've gone over everything, made sure the syntax is correct but have hit a wall in figuring out what seems to break this. Here is the method I created to list all of the jobs on the specific board:
def all_jobs_call
url = ""
response = HTTParty.get(url)
response["absolute_url"]["location"]["metadata"]["id"]["title"].each do |job|
absolute_url = job["absolute_url"]
location = job["location"]
metadata = job["metadata"]
id = job["id"]
title = job["title"]
I would greatly appreciate any insight as to what I could be doing wrong or if I'm missing something glaring. Thanks!
The JSON response you get from looks like this:
"jobs": [
"absolute_url": "",
"internal_job_id": 4375855002,
"location": {
"name": "New York, NY"
"metadata": [
"id": 4019377002,
"name": "Employment Type",
"value": "Full-time",
"value_type": "single_select"
HTTParty converts that response to Ruby objects. So just like in that JSON response, response has a top level "jobs" key which contains an array of jobs.
In order to get the 1st job you'd use:
#=> {"absolute_url"=>"https://boa...", "internal_job_id"=>4375855002, ...}
and to get it's absolute_url:
#=> ""
And to traverse all jobs you call each on the array, i.e.:
response["jobs"].each do |job|
puts job["absolute_url"]

Jmeter: sending json object array into request parameter

i am trying to send http request using jMeter. in request parameter i have to send an array of json objects.
here is the piece of request i have created:
"parameter1": "value1",
"parameter2": "value2",
    "event[event_location_suggestions_attributes]": [
"latitude" : 13,
"longitude" : 13,
"address" : "asdsds"
but the third parameter is not being sent with the request. i may be mistaking in the format for the third parameter. please help with this.
Is it doable?

Parsing request JSON in Sinatra app

I am having some difficulty with parsing the JSON from a request to my Sinatra application:
response = JSON.pretty_generate(request.env)
reply = response["rack.request.form_hash"]
results in reply just returning:
as a string rather than just the relevant part of the response:
"rack.request.form_hash": {
"token": "token",
"team_id": "team",
"team_domain": "teamname",
"service_id": "service",
"channel_id": "channel",
"channel_name": "testing-webhooks",
"timestamp": "1424480976.000910",
"user_id": "U029W1WF2",
"user_name": "myusername",
"text": "checkeverything",
"trigger_word": "checkeverything"
which is within the JSON request object I'm trying to parse. When I use:
there is nothing returned. The following is returned in my log:
App 1662 stdout:
App 1640 stderr: JSON::ParserError - 746: unexpected token at 'No text specified':
So it looks like it's not iterating properly, or perhaps can't access it.
I've looked through other documentation and other posts, but found nothing that worked for me, but I am definitely overlooking something, but I'm not sure what.
What is the best way to parse this nested array in a request to Sinatra?
This should fix it :
res = JSON.parse( JSON.generate(request.env) )
# => Hash
# => http
The reason is that the JSON.generate only generates JSON syntax for objects and arrays in a string. Then you need to parse the generated JSON string into a hash in Ruby with JSON.parse.

JSON Response find_all_playlists without video data

When I saw that the api has a call find_all_playlists I was assuming it would do just that; find the playlists. Sadly this call also gets every bit of information of every video inside the playlists.
Is there a way to just request all playlists and get a response like this:
{ "items": [
"id": 1721334541001,
"name" : "playlist 1"
"id": 1721334541002,
"name" : "playlist 2"
Hope someone has a solution for this.
- Drazen
You can specify the fields to be returned with the playlist_fields parameter.,name

Parsing HTTParty response

I'm using HTTParty to pull a list of a Facebook user's books but I'm having trouble parsing the response:
Facebook returns data this way:
"data": [
"name": "Title",
"category": "Book",
"id": "21192118877902",
"created_time": "2011-11-11T20:50:47+0000"
"name": "Title 2",
"category": "Book",
"id": "1886126860176",
"created_time": "2011-11-05T02:35:56+0000"
And HTTParty parses that into a ruby object. I've tried something like this (where ret is the response) ret.parsed_response and that returns the data array, but actually accessing the items inside returns a method not found error.
This is a sample of what HTTParty actually returns:
#<HTTParty::Response:0x7fd0d378c188 #parsed_response={"data"=>
[{"name"=>"Title", "category"=>"Book", "id"=>"21192111877902", "created_time"=>"2011-11-11T20:50:47+0000"},
{"name"=>"Title 2", "category"=>"Book", "id"=>"1886126860176", "created_time"=>"2011-11-05T02:35:56+0000"},
{"name"=>"Thought Patterns", "category"=>"Book", "id"=>"109129539157186", "created_time"=>"2011-10-27T00:00:16+0000"},
Do you have any code that is throwing an error? The parsed_response variable from the HTTParty response is a hash, not an array. It contains one key, "data" (the string, NOT the symbol). The value for the "data" key in the hash is an array of hashes, so you would iterate as such:
data = ret.parsed_response["data"]
data.each do |item|
puts item["name"]
puts item["category"]
puts item["id"]
# etc
Just an additional info - It's Not Always a default JSON response
HTTParty's result.response.body or result.response.parsed_response does not always have form of a Hash
It just depends generally on the headers which you are using in your request. For e.g., you need to specify Accept header with application/json value while hitting GitHub API, otherwise it simply returns as string.
Then you shall have to use JSON.parse(data) for same to convert the string response into Hash object.
