JSON Response find_all_playlists without video data - brightcove

When I saw that the api has a call find_all_playlists I was assuming it would do just that; find the playlists. Sadly this call also gets every bit of information of every video inside the playlists.
Is there a way to just request all playlists and get a response like this:
{ "items": [
"id": 1721334541001,
"name" : "playlist 1"
"id": 1721334541002,
"name" : "playlist 2"
Hope someone has a solution for this.
- Drazen

You can specify the fields to be returned with the playlist_fields parameter.


Elastic/Opensearch: HowTo create a new document from an _ingest/pipeline

I am working with Elastic/Opensearch and want to create a new document in a different index out of an _ingest/pipeline
I found no help in the www...
All my documents (filebeat) get parsed and modified in the beginning by a pipline, lets say "StartPipeline".
Triggered by an information in a field of the incoming document, lets say "Start", I want to store that value in a special way by creating a new document in a different long-termindex - with some more information from the triggering document.
If found possibilities, how to do this manually from the console (update_by_query / reindex / painlesscripts) but it has to be triggered by an incoming document...
Perhaps this is easier to understand - in my head it looks like something like that.
PUT _ingest/pipeline/StartPipeline
"description" : "create a document in/to a different index",
"processors" : [ {
"PutNewDoc" : {
"if": "ctx.FieldThatTriggers== 'start'",
"index": "DestinationIndex",
"_id": "123",
"document": { "message":"",
} ]
Does anyone has an idea?
And sorry, I am no native speaker, I am from Germany

Azure Data Factory REST API paging with Elasticsearch

During developing pipeline which will use Elasticsearch as a source I faced with issue related paging. I am using SQL Elasticsearch API. Basically, I've started to do request in postman and it works well. The body of request looks following:
"query":"SELECT Id,name,ownership,modifiedDate FROM \"core\" ORDER BY Id",
"fetch_size": 20,
"cursor" : ""
After first run in response body it contains cursor string which is pointer to next page. If in postman I send the request and provide cursor value from previous request it return data for second page and so on. I am trying to archive the same result in Azure Data Factory. For this I using copy activity, which store response to Azure blob. Setup for source is following.
copy activity source configuration
This is expression for body
"query": "SELECT Id,name,ownership,modifiedDate FROM \"#{variables('TableName')}\" WHERE ORDER BY Id","fetch_size": #{variables('Rows')}, "cursor": ""
I have no idea how to correctly setup pagination rule. The pipeline works properly but only for the first request. I've tried to setup Headers.cursor and expression $.cursor but this setup leads to an infinite loop and pipeline fails with the Elasticsearch restriction.
I've also tried to read document at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/connector-rest#pagination-support but it seems pretty limited in terms of usage examples and difficult for understanding.
Could somebody help me understand how to build the pipeline with paging abilities utilization?
Responce with the cursor looks like:
"columns": [
"name": "companyId",
"type": "integer"
"name": "name",
"type": "text"
"name": "ownership",
"type": "keyword"
"name": "modifiedDate",
"type": "datetime"
"rows": [
"mic Inc.",
I finally find the solution, hopefully, it will be useful for the community.
Basically, what needs to be done it is split the solution into four steps.
Step 1 Make the first request as in the question description and stage file to blob.
Step 2 Read blob file and get the cursor value, set it to variable
Step 3 Keep requesting data with a changed body
{"cursor" : "#{variables('cursor')}" }
Pipeline looks like this:
Configuration of pagination looks following
pagination . It is a workaround as the server ignores this header, but we need to have something which allows sending a request in loop.

How to get name/confidence individually from classify_text?

Most of the other methods in the language api, such as analyze_syntax, analyze_sentiment etc, have the ability to return the constituent elements like
etc etc etc....
but I have not found a way to return name and confidence in isolation from classify_text. It doesn't look like it's possible but that seems weird. Am missing something? Thanks
The language.documents.classifyText method returns a ClassificationCategory object which contains name and confidence. If you only want one of the fields you can filter by categories/name or categories/confidence. As an example I executed:
POST https://language.googleapis.com/v1/documents:classifyText?fields=categories%2Fname&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
"document": {
"content": "this is a test for a StackOverflow question. I get an error because I need more words in the document and I don't know what else to say",
"type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
Which returns:
"categories": [
"name": "/Science/Computer Science"
"name": "/Computers & Electronics/Programming"
"name": "/Jobs & Education"
Direct link to API explorer for interactive testing of my example (change content, filters, etc.)

MailChimp Campaign Update

i am trying to use campaigns/update in MailChimp.
However i still cannot understand how can i use it.
Can anyone please explain to me, for example how can i change the "from_email" parameter?
my current json for that purpose looks like this:
"apikey": "my_api_key",
"cid": "my_campaign_id",
"name": "options",
"value": ["list_id_value","subject_value","from_email_value"]
However when i send this json to campaigns/update, it returns error saying that "Can not update unknown option "2"".
How can i change the json so that i can update the "from_email"?
The API docs seem to be wrong. Try replacing [ ] with { } and giving field:pair values inside it. So, example to change the subject:
"apikey": "my_api_key",
"cid": "my_campaign_id",
"name": "options",
"value": {"subject": "My new subject"}

Mandrill API with Handlebars "each-loop" not working

Met problem when using Mandrill API to send transactional newsletters. I chose Handlebars for the template parameters. The user name was shown correctly, but data in the list (post titles) were empty. Please help indicate if anything I did wrong. Thank you!
The template is as below, sent to the endpoint /messages/send.json :
func genHTMLTemplate() string {
return "code generated template<br>" +
"Hi {{name}}, <br>" +
"{{#each posts}}<div>" +
"TITLE {{title}}, THIS {{this}}<br>" +
The API log in my Settings panel in mandrillapp.com shows the parameters:
"key": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"message": {
"merge_language": "handlebars",
"global_merge_vars": null,
"merge_vars": [
"rcpt": "xxxxxx#gmail.com",
"vars": [
"name": "posts",
"content": [
"title": "title A"
"title": "title B"
"name": "name",
"content": "John Doe"
And below is the email received. "title A" and "title B" are expected after "TITLE".
code generated template
Hi John Doe,
Mandrill decided to create custom handlebars helpers with some horrible, HORRIBLE names:
title and url will definitely give you grief if your objects happen to have keys named title and urlas well. Why they didn't name their helpers something like toTitleCase and encodeUrl is beyond me.
As far as arrays and #each is concerned, you can work around it by using {{this.title}} instead of {{title}}.
After testing with Mandrill's sample code here I found the key "title" just doesn't work. Dunno the reason (a reserved keyword of Mandrill?) but replace it with "title1", "titleX" or something else it can be rendered correctly.
"name": "posts",
"content": [
"title": "blah blah" // "title1" or something else works
while using handlebars as the merge language 'title' is the reserved helpername which is used in handlebars which makes your text in title case. If you do only {{title}} by default it considers as title the empty text. try giving it {{title title}} which should work or changing the key name to something else ( if you dont want your title in title case )
I know this is late but it could be of use to someone trying to debug this issue currently. Take note of this point in the Mandrill documentation
There are two main ways to add dynamic content via merge tags: Handlebars or the Mailchimp merge language. You may already be familiar with the Mailchimp merge language from creating and editing Mailchimp templates. We also offer a custom implementation of Handlebars, which is open source and offers greater flexibility.
To set your merge language, navigate to Sending Defaults and select Mailchimp or Handlebars from the Merge Language drop-down menu.
I've run into a similar issue on Sending Blue, where their default configuration does not enable handle bars so it won't evaluate them.
