Why is my ${user.home} variable resoled at build time - maven

I have a JHipster generated application with an YAML property file that looks like this:
location: ${user.home}/my/folder
My problem is that the variable ${user.home} is resolved at build time, when I run mvn package (on Jenkins). So the property is already resolved in the resulting artifact, hence when I deploy on on my server, that path contains the resolved home of the user Jenkins.
Anybody know who is doing this and why? I was expecting that the variable would be resolved at runtime.

I'm not totally sure of how JHipster builds on top of Spring Boot, but my guess would be that it's Maven's resource filtering that's expanding ${user.home} at build time. It's enabled by default by spring-boot-starter-parent for application.properties and application.yaml in src/main/resources.
This Spring Boot issue contains some more information, along with details of a configuration change that you may like to make so that ${…} entries are no longer filtered:


Spring Native custom name for generated executables

I want to change the name of the generated executables in Spring Native with Maven.
Default is the <artifactId> from the pom.xml.
If we want to specify the name of the resulting .jar file, we have an option to configure this with <finalName> inside the spring-boot-maven-plugin plugin configuration.
Is there a similar configuration property to allow the same behavior for the native-image-plugin?
I just found a solution using <imageName> inside the native-image-plugin configuration like:
pom.xml (only part of file shown)

Quarkus Endpoints in dependency jars

I have a quarkus application which has dependencies to another maven module within the same project
within that module are REST endpoints
For some strange reason i cannot access those endpoints tho.. It seems quarkus will only accept endpoints of java classes within the quarkus module, or am I mistaken?
I foudn a solution:
if yopu add the jandex, endpoiints of other modules are being scanned, and can thus be found :
You can do this by creating a dummy extended class:
Lets assume your imported jar has this pattern, app\proto-gen\1.0-SNAPSHOT\proto-gen-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Add the below to application.properties,
MyGrpc extends XImplBase{
//your implementation
beans you extended/implemented in your current project will be started.
Check https://quarkus.io/guides/cdi-reference. You need to add a beans.xml to external models, create an index or reference the dependency using quarkus.index-dependency in the application.properties.
Then it will work when running tests or using the runner. But not in dev, because there is a probably in the current version (1.1.1Final). This problem has been fixed in the master, though, and will be available in the next release next month.
Please check ClassCastException in Quarkus multi-module project for more details.

Flyway seems to not be overriding properties

I have my standard flyway config in my pom file and I am trying to override in through system properties, as mentioned here.
Here is my configuration in the pom file:
And following is the command line that I'm running:
mvn clean compile flyway:migrate -Dflyway.url=anotherDbUrl -Dflyway.user=anotherDbUser -Dflyway.password=anotherDbPass
The documentation in the above link says System properties > Maven properties > Plugin configuration. Am I missing something?
Good catch. This seems to have broken along the way. Could you please file an issue? I'll fix this in time for 2.2.1.

Configure Maven to look at local directory while running tests

We are using JBehave and while running test we need to add a local folder and jars to the classpath while running the tests.
The problem is the local folder might vary from system to system. We want the tests to run by looking at the jars installed on that system and the resources defined on that system.
How to add a dependency to maven that could change from system to system?
You can use environment variables in your pom.xml using ${env.VARIABLE_NAME}. If you have the path to your local folder in the pom, you could replace it by a variable. If you do so you have to set that variable on every system you execute the maven job on. I have found some guides for linux and windows on how to do that. Hope this fits your problem.
The test are executed by the maven-surefire-plugin. The plugin has only one goal surefire:test and this goal supports the configuration of additionalClasspathElements.
You can find a usage example here. The example configuration on this page looks like this:
I would go this way. To change the local folder location for each system you can use environment variables or different maven profiles.

maven 3 javadoc plugin doesn't take the excludepackagename config

I'm trying to exclude a bunch of packages from a javadoc site.
Unfortunately this plugin seems to live its own life and when it was configured as a report plugin it failed with access denied when moving files, so it was changed to be a normal plugin and then configured to run with the site goal (aggregated). By doing that we have the javadoc generated and it's published under the site as it should be.
But it seems that the configuration parameters for the plugin doesn't take effect at all. I've tried to move the <excludePackageNames> element around - both being a general config and to be a specific config for the aggregate goal - and I even added an exclusion for our entire code base and all files was still generated.
What I'm trying to do is to simply remove a couple of packages that shouldn't be in the javadoc. Anyone who got this plugin and the config to play nicely, to exclude packages?
This is the config I use right now, the javadoc is created but all packages, including the excluded, is generated.
<!-- Hook up the Javadoc generation on the site phase -->
Any ideas, pretty please?
I solved identical problem by adding the sourcepath parameter to the configuration:
The configuration above will exclude all packages below my.company.packages but not my.company.packages itself. To exclude also my.company.packages use <excludePackageNames>my.company.packages</excludePackageNames> instead.
