Code::Blocks build from bash - codeblocks

I'm developing a C++ application in Code::Blocks.
My program has a few dependencies and has to run under Linux and Windows, this is why
I use Code::Blocks.
Now I'd like to include Travis CI for testing the builds.
On the Travis server, where I have no X11, I won't be able to run Code::Blocks. How can I build my project without Code::Blocks. (Is there a possibility to create "a Makefile" out of the .cbp-file?
This page (Code::Blocks Wiki) mentions there is a --build flag, but you need Code::Blocks & X11. Is there a server way without X11?

You can not run anything which require X11 on Travis, and as far as I know, there is no way to launch a build using Code::Blocks without requiring X11.
The best choice would be to set up your project differently, for example using a Makefile. You will be able to configure Code::Blocks to use your Makefile and also to build on Travis using the make command.
You can also consider using CMake (especially if you are not familiar with Makefile syntax, but not only). This will let you configure your project in a more high level way (compared to a Makefile), and then you will be able to generate a Makefile or a project for the IDE of your choice.

I used cbp2make (C::B Forum entry).
It is quite simple
cbp2make -in project.cbp -out Makefile
and it worked immediatly, even with a more complex configuration
than a simple command line project in Code::Blocks.
It also generates the same build targets as in Code::Blocks. For example make Release would work.
The debian package list shows only a few dependencies, so X11 is not required.


Compile for windows from WSL with CMake setup

So I get a bit confused on the many possibilities here. I have a CMakeLists.txt, which is hopefully all ready to be used. I am using WSL in the Windows Terminal and switching between microsofts cmd.exe and ubuntu wsl terminal on which I want to be able to run the compile command. So on which side do I need to run cmake and what build-files should I generate or what compiler should I use?
Main goal is having a simple compile cmd in vim on wsl, that compiles the exe for windows.
I tried to setup the build files with cmake from the wsl-side with the mingw cross-compiler, but during project setup it failed to find glfw3 configurations, which felt rather weird since it should use windows glfw files anways, right(?)
Next closest try was to create the build files with cmake from the cmd-site with the cl.exe compiler and ninja. That succeeded, but when now running ninja on the wsl side I get a lot of warnings concerning the unknown cmd option \O0 and fatal errors concerning not being able to include simple files like float.h, stdio.h, Windows.h etc. .
All my current search led me to this point, but I am not able to come up with a solution. So I would love to get some help. I want to stick mainly on the linux side, when programming but in the end have an executable for windows.

JSON-C build on Windows Platform

Disclaimer: Please read question carefully, This question has a twist so read it till end.
So JSON-C is one of the highly popular library to work on JSON using C programming. Basic illustration on current work, whatever code building here is for multi-platform. Currently Linux & Windows are supported platform and I have small issue with Windows related JSON-C part.
I'm using Cygwin for Windows development, and when I compile JSON-C code as per provided instruction on it's GitHub page, using CMAKE it works out quite good and build system is able generate DLLs for Windows. But if you have worked with Cygwin then you must know that whatever is built using Cygwin, will have dependency on it's run-time environment (cygwin1.dll) (Why does GCC-Windows depend on cygwin?) and it won't be an independent DLL that can be moved around to different system with same architecture. So with this dependency on Cygwin if my project is built on Windows platform, I have to carry around either Cygwin Run-Time Env. or I have to make sure Cygwin installed on target system for smooth execution. This sort of dependency I do not wish to have for my project, it can ruin user experience.
So what I want as help here, Is there a way to build JSON-C independent of Cygwin (run-time environment)??
NOTE: I already know that, if using Cygwin one wishes to create such an independent DLL for Windows then that can be done using few parameters to compiler and some additional macros placed in-front of function declaration as described here Creating a DLL in GCC or Cygwin?
But I don't see such support in source code JSON-C for Windows. So I was just wondering if JSON-C Dev team has kept some provision via build-system then I'm keen to know that part.
PS: I have not dipped into JSON-C build system yet due to my other development, so if anyone out there (my beloved community) has anything on this then please share, that would be terrific.
Forgot to mention the version I'm using :p
I am able to build JSON-C 0.14-20200419 (from under MSYS2 with MinGW-w64 - both static and shared - using these instructions (replace /usr/local as needed):
mkdir -p build_static build_shared &&
ninja -Cbuild_static install/strip &&
ninja -Cbuild_shared install/strip &&
echo Success
If you don't have ninja you can probably also use -G"MSYS Makefiles" and use make instead of ninja.
Note that MinGW-w64 is different from Cygwin in that it compiles to native Windows binaries without dependancies on a compatibility layer (like Cygwin's cygwin1.dll). The following screenshots illustrates this:

Shared library under Windows and CMake: DLL not found before installation

The library mylib consists of the library proper, in directory lib/, and a test suite, in directory test/. It is completely under CMake control:
add_library(my_lib ${src_files})
add_executable(mytest mytest.c)
target_link_libraries(mytest mylib)
Build steps are:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
ctest # or make test
make install
Works under Linux, stable since many years. Under Windows10 though, a message window pops up, entitled "mytest.exe - System error": "The code execution cannot proceed because mylib.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."
No, installing (rather than reinstalling) would not be a good solution: I need to first test the library before I install it (btw: this excludes most solutions proposed in response to somewhat similar questions).
Isn't CMake supposed to work cross-platform? What is the minimally invasive adjustment to make the above build steps work under Windows?
The right way of doing this on Windows is to populate the PATH environment variable for the test run:
ENVIRONMENT PATH="path-containing-your-dll")
I believe you can use generator expression if path-containing-your-dll is a function of an artifact that you generate in your build.
Cherry on top: since cmake 3.13, the variable VS_DEBUGGER_ENVIRONMENT can also be set on the target for having a nice debugging behaviour inside Visual Studio (eg. being able to debug the application directly from Visual instead of going through ctest).

Building Erlang projects on Windows

I'm looking for a way to build an Erlang project on Windows. I have Erlang installed and all project files, including makefile, cloned from GitHub. I would like to build the project as if I was using make command on Linux and run it. What tools can I use to do that?
I'd try cygwin.
You can either build erlang with cygwin or use gnu-make in combination with a native windows build of erlang
If you're asking "how do I run make in Windows?" then you can use Cygwin, the newly-available Bash shell, or the MinGW tools. These will all give you some level of ability to run make, though not every makefile will work.
If you're asking "how can I build an Erlang project using a makefile?" then you are looking for Note that Rebar3 (which is configured with Erlang terms and looks nothing like a make system) was recently selected as the "official" build tool, but is quite popular and is well-maintained.

Include Intel-compiler variables into CMake makefile

I'm using CMake 2.8.6 and the latest Intel C++ Compiler for a program which is compiled for Linux, MacOSX and Windows. For the development I'm using Eclipse with CDT on Linux and MacOSX.
Until recently I used CMake to create usual Makefiles which I ran from the console. To have a working environment, the Intel compiler comes with a shell-script called which can be sourced to set all required include- and library-paths.
Now I decided to give the Eclipse-CDT build-system a chance and used the "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" generator of CMake to create an Eclipse project file. Everything works fine under Linux, but under OSX, Eclipse does not know about the environment variables and therefore paths like DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH are missing and the compilation stops because libraries are not found.
Let me explain in more detail what I do. I'm running
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" path/to/src
from within the terminal where source was executed and all environment-variables are set correctly. If I would have created a normal Makefile there and would run make, the compilation would succeed. This is because of the DYLIB_LIBRARY_PATH (in Linux LD_LIBRARY_PATH) is set correctly and I do not have to give -L/path/to/libs as option to the compiler.
But instead, I start Eclipse and import the created .project which works fine. The problem is that Eclipse do not know about my environment in the console and therefore cannot find the required libraries. One solution would be to use find_library inside CMakeLists.txt and locate every required library because then the full path should be included in the created Makefiles. Instead, I was wondering whether...
Question: Is there a way to source the into my CMakeLists.txt so that the paths are available even when I'm not in my usual terminal-environment? Are there other possibilities?
Please note, that I know you can set environment variables for GUI-programs under OSX. What you have to do is to create a file environment.plist in your home under ~/.MacOSX. In this xml-file you put all your variables a GUI program should have. This works fine for other applications, but especially the Eclipse-builder seems to ignore this.
