How to Implement Rich snippet in magento Products? - magento

I have magento 1.8 and I want to implement Price and Availablity Rich snippet for Magento Products,
on which file I can edit code so my price and Availability snippet will appear in Google?

The plugin suggested by #user2434 seems to be pretty good but it is paid/premium but will make your work much easier and faster. However if you want to go all your own free way, you have to hard-code your pages with rich snippet tags. To make it little easy, you can use third party rich snippet code generator tool like and update your individual pages.


Using Sage in a website that needs to be maintained by mere mortals

I am trying to help out an organization that hired some developers to create their website back in 2016, and the developers haven't touched the site since 2016.
I don't know enough about Sage to know if the developers really screwed things up, or if what they have done is the way things need to be done in Sage. One example of something that has me scratching my head (in between banging it on my keyboard): some page content - content that needs to be updated on at least a yearly basis - is hard-coded into template files, so that in order to update the information, you have to go in past the warnings about using the Theme Editor, figure out which included template contains the content, and update it there.
NOT something your typical office employee is likely to be able to do, yes?
My question is: is it even worth trying to keep this site running under Sage, or should I rebuild the site using a more user-friendly template? The site currently has fewer than 2 dozen pages plus a dozen or so posts and I would say is unlikely to get a whole lot larger, given the available resources.
Thanks for any advice you can offer.
The problem to me doesn't seem to be so much about the Roots Sage theme framework, but that the developers didn't follow the most basic rules regarding WordPress theme development--separating the content from presentation. Hardcoding content into a template is just bad practice, and this would make any site difficult to edit no matter what framework it was built on.
If it's as simple as printing the content into a template so that page editor content changes can be reflected on the frontend, it may be a simple as adding the_content() to the corresponding page template overrides and removing the hardcoded content.
FWIW: Sage 8 templates are not that different from your standard WP templates, it's not using a templating engine like Blade, so you should be able to customize the templates if you're already familiar with standard WP templates.
So probably no need to burn it all down.

How can I make a one page websites on joomla?

i'm trying out joomla! CMS, and in my job we're very fond of one-page sites. Is there any way of making a fully functional website with it? The main reason we need the CMS is because of the way the client wants to update they're webpage.
Ok before you do anything, have a real think to yourself, is Joomla really the best option? Your client requires a 1 page website, therefore what would be the point in loading a full blown CMS just for that. Joomla, when zipped up, is more or less 8MB. Out of all honestly, I would even find the likes of Wordpress still too big for a project of this size.
What I would really recommend is having a look round on the web for a very small CMS that simply includes a small backend with the ability to create, update and delete articles.
Have a look at this for example:
This would be a brilliant way to start. It has a small backend for you to manage articles, and you can start building up a completely custom template, exactly to your client's liking. I'm not too sure on the programming skills but if you're fairly new to it, then this would be a good place to start and gain knowledge.
Given that the above is what I would personally recommend, you may not want to do that or may not have the time, therefore if you really want to stick with Joomla, you should find a template that fits your needs in regards to module positions. Else you can add your own custom positions to the template. Have a read through the documentation as it will give you the necessary information
Hope this helps
I was looking for a solution myself for quite a while. I came up with the following two soutions:
Like #mattosmat said for a joomla one page site the simplest solution actually is it to declare one section as the main componenent and create the other section with cusom-made joomla modules.
Use wordpress with the advanced field plugin to create a single-page website.
Actually if a clients wish is it to create a single page website with cck and cms features i create these projects in wordpress and not in joomla anymore in my opinion its the wrong plattform.
I Have One Word!!!
BOOTSTRAP!!!! IS the way to go.. simple,succinct,beginner friendly. Doesnt matter if you really make it in Joomla! or anything else.
And for head start, look up "Scrollspy" in Bootstrap.

How to create multiple frontend-editable textfields on one page

I need to have several textfields (may be articles, but not neccessarily) on a page, that is easily edited from frontend for registered users.
How do I best achieve this?
It is for Joomla 3.1
You can go several ways:
Use a cck: this is the easiest, no coding required, browse the JED for Sobi, K2, Zoo, Content builder...
Write a simple component: using componentbuilder or the like it won't take long and you'll only need to write very little code if this is the only requirement.
Upgrade to J3.2 and use the bundled FOF (by akeeba, introduced in Joomla core as of 3.2); Joomla! 3.2 will be available in 3 days, but you can already download the beta. With FOF you can achieve much the same as 2. by writing a simple xml file.
Depending on what you plan to do with this data, and your coding skills, the right answer may be any of the above.

Guide, tutorial for Joomla and a bit more information

May I ask is there any tutorial, guide website or videos that can guide me with template/theme building from scratch for Virtuemart 2.0.8?
Also do you suggest using Joomla with Virtuemart or Zen Cart for making an e-commerce website and I mean making a template and theme from scratch using HTML, CSS and Jquery.
Also I'm planning to add a text file into my database automatically from a ftp server every 8 hours so as to update the product prices of the site automatically. I know with Virtuemart I can do this with CSVI but is there any similar for Zen Cart?
Thank you!
If you are not experienced with HTML, CSS and JQuery, then making your own template will be very hard. You would be better off using a free one or adapting it to suit your own needs.
As for your query about using Zen Cart or VirtueMart. I would recommend using VirtueMart as its fully integrated and however JVitals have made a bridge for those who would prefer to use Zen Cart which can be found here

add dropdowns to magento

I would like to add dropdowns to the top navigation on a magento site, would this involve a plugin or is there built in functunality that could potentially do this already?
It is tough to say based on your details, but if you are looking for mostly css menus I believe many of the free themes that come with magento have drop-down menus. Also, there are several free and paid extensions that have slightly different functionality from the stock themes. Check them out by searching Magento Connect. One that I used before was ExplodedMenu (it also has a paid big brother, SuperMenu), but your requirements aren't really that clear, so it is tough to say.
If you are talking about select-box dropdowns, I am not so sure. You can certainly build your own extension, possibly starting with ExplodedMenu as a template.
Good luck. :)
