How can I have Gnome terminal effects for XFCE? - terminal

Surely, this is documented somewhere. I for some reason or another cannot find the answer for this.
Most people are wanting to make their terminals completely transparent, I however want the effects where you see the desktop background. I am certain that this is default for gnome. What is this effect called and How can I get this in XFCE?
I was told that installing something like Terminator would resolve this but its just the true transparency which looks messy with a ton of windows and stuff going on.
Here is an example of what I am wanting for XFCE.
Thanks in advance !

The simple way could be opening your xfce4-terminal and going to Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Background and then chose a Background image to show instead of a Solid Color or Transparent. In example.

In the Xubuntu version that I have solved this issue accidentally. I had to go to manage settings menu -> Window Manager Tweaks -> Compositor(tab)
and uncheck Enable Display Compositing
Now I can have the terminal just show the desktop background instead of every thing that is messy behind it.


Reproduce Windows drag and drop with a custom image

I am looking for a way to reproduce this behaviour from the Windows drag&drop file system :
The cursor isn't visible with the default screencap feature of Windows, but of course it's on the right side file.
I'm looking to reproduce this right side image following the cursor in a program and setting the image myself. Having it be removed automatically on MOUSE_UP would be a big plus.
I'd like to use the Windows API directly so this process could work in the same way across languages, but if anyone has a better way I'm perfectly willing to hear it, of course.

WebStorm built in terminal colors don't get updated once theme has been changed from black to white

I frequently switch between black and white themes of WebStorm when working in different day/night light conditions. One thing that always annoys me is that I have to manually close terminal in order for it to switch colors.
That's the only part of the interface that doesn't update automatically. Looks like a bug to me.
Is there any way to work around this issue?
Known issue, please follow IDEA-170747 for updates; unfortunately no workarounds exist for this issue - except for re-opening terminal tabs after switching UI theme

Is there a way to change the windows phone 7 emulator orientation in runtime

Is there way to change the orientation of the emulator in runtime.
I have some tests for a component which include different layouts based on orientation. It would be great if this is possible.
I'm not sure what you are asking for?
If you just want to change the orientation yourself, then use the mouse - there's some buttons top right on the emulator to change orientation -
If you want to automate this, then since I'm not sure there's a keyboard shortcut or command line for this, then you could just about do it by modifying the code inside
Alternatively... it might be quicker/easier to just hack your own code to set the supportedorientation of each page just for one-off testing.
Late response (translated by google), but can be useful for others.
Management guidance on this in the options bar to the right of the emulator:
Detail to know, so that the orientation is done properly and is taken into account, we must re-press the "pause" button if you did previously to use your keyboard. Otherwise, you will feel duty systematic tilt your head to the left or right. :)

Anyone know what program the Apple store demos likely use to make their interactive desktop

I have a project that I am attempting to do and we want something similar to what the Apple store does. We thought it was a Quartz Composer interactive desktop but I've been putting together an xcode cocoa solution to do it too.
Here is an image of what I'm wondering about it is just a Title and 3 images that link out to url locations. If anyone can point me in the direction they believe can make something like this I would appreciate it.
I have used Quartz Desktop to display a .qtz but it isn't interactive. If anyone knows of another quartz desktop displaying .app that does use the interactive parts such as mouse and keyboard, it would be appreciated.
Applestore demo
It's a custom proprietary program called, if I remember correctly, Concierge. But it's not doing anything tricky. You can make any NSWindow appear on the desktop by setting its window level to kCGDesktopWindowLevel.

Globally hide mouse cursor in Cocoa/Carbon?

Is there a way to globally hide the mouse cursor for all apps in Cocoa (or Carbon)? Or at least replace it with something else?
EDIT: Thanks for the input guys, but turns out Daniel Jalkut found the solution a while ago :)
You are looking for CGDisplayHideCursor, which is part of the Quartz Display Services API.
Check out:
It's an old sample, but probably still works.
I expect that you're going to be limited to your application window, however. If you want to hide it for everyone you will probably have to make your window cover the screen.
Fun fact: The old toolbox function was simply "HideCursor()".
just add this to your code:
CGDisplayHideCursor (kCGNullDirectDisplay);
No, I don't believe there's a way of doing what you want, short of showing a full screen window and then obscuring absolutely everything on the desktop. That would also prevent e.g. keystrokes being sent to the right application and the like.
