WebStorm built in terminal colors don't get updated once theme has been changed from black to white - terminal

I frequently switch between black and white themes of WebStorm when working in different day/night light conditions. One thing that always annoys me is that I have to manually close terminal in order for it to switch colors.
That's the only part of the interface that doesn't update automatically. Looks like a bug to me.
Is there any way to work around this issue?

Known issue, please follow IDEA-170747 for updates; unfortunately no workarounds exist for this issue - except for re-opening terminal tabs after switching UI theme


Fooling a Windows program into thinking Windows has a different theme

Here's a recurring problem I've had.
I love using a dark theme for my Windows 7 computer. Unfortunately, the only way to get a really dark theme is by choosing the "High Contrast Black" color style, even though I don't really want high contrast, just darkness.
My theme works great, except that once in a while, there's an app that shows terrible colors because of it. Chrome is one example. I managed to fight that off using the Forced Colors setting, but that setting may be removed in the future, and then I'll be in a big problem.
I'm guessing that each app has some kind of API to ask the operating system about the theme colors. Is there any way to intercept that call and change the data, so specific apps will think that I'm on a non-high contrast theme?
Other ideas and solutions would also be interesting to hear.

Why am I getting White background tabs in VS 2019 Dark Theme?

When I switched back to my Dark theme on VS from other themes, the tab backgrounds are stuck in white. Has anyone else had this issue?
I've restarted VS, disabled all extensions, and even tried signing into different accounts to see if it made a difference, but I can't to seem to get rid of it. Can anyone help?

How can I have Gnome terminal effects for XFCE?

Surely, this is documented somewhere. I for some reason or another cannot find the answer for this.
Most people are wanting to make their terminals completely transparent, I however want the effects where you see the desktop background. I am certain that this is default for gnome. What is this effect called and How can I get this in XFCE?
I was told that installing something like Terminator would resolve this but its just the true transparency which looks messy with a ton of windows and stuff going on.
Here is an example of what I am wanting for XFCE.
Thanks in advance !
The simple way could be opening your xfce4-terminal and going to Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Background and then chose a Background image to show instead of a Solid Color or Transparent. In example.
In the Xubuntu version that I have solved this issue accidentally. I had to go to manage settings menu -> Window Manager Tweaks -> Compositor(tab)
and uncheck Enable Display Compositing
Now I can have the terminal just show the desktop background instead of every thing that is messy behind it.

Weird anomaly of a graphic being with different color on one computer, but ok in another

Me and my colleague are facing a weird anomaly of one little graphic being purple in his computer and blue in mine. The file itself seems to okay and we have re-created it from PSD several times.
You would say that, the problem is local in his computer. However, our computers are fairly similar and there has never been this issue before. Also, if he checks the source-file its ok, meaning blue. His computer had a fresh install of Win7 and clean photoshop.
What could be the problem and what can we try to solve it?
More information:
He is using FF5. The image is in PNG format. There are no js related scripts, to alter any of the images.
Direct link
Live example
(In the image we are talking about the little arrow, that is purple in one image)
From my point of view:
From his point of view:
NOTE: I personally think the issue is local in his computer. But he of course doesn't accept this answer. So if it is local, then somebody could explain, how does it happen.
Your issue could be due to gamma correction and color correction for PNGs. Ran into a similar issue myself with PNGs a couple weeks ago. A PNG would display with the correct colors in one browser, and with different colors in another browser on the same computer.
See this stackoverflow question as well for more info: Firefox 3.5 color correction hack?
I definitely think this is a color correction issue, take a look at the images in two different browsers (chrome 13 and firefox5) on my machine. The image in Firefox is displaying with different colors than the one in Chrome.
Check the color settings on your monitors. If you're using different color temperature (Kelvin) settings, or your RGB settings are non-default and different, or if your monitors are different makes/vintages, you might see things display in "different" colors.

Can you adjust text weight in TextMate?

Please help me, because unless I'm losing my mind. My text in TextMate suddenly looks a lot lighter than it should.
Screenshot: http://cl.ly/5kVW
I fired up TextMate yesterday and I noticed that suddenly the text was a little hard to read. So I ran to TextMate preferences to see if I had accidentally un-bolded all text. But I can only find it on a per-theme-basis. Text looks light to me across all themes.
I even looked through the TextMate manual but I can't seem to find anything.
Am I losing my mind?
Found screenshot of what it should look like with this same theme: http://www.monokai.nl/blog/wp-content/asdev/monokaiTheme.gif
I've been seeing the same thing lately. I haven't been able to determine the cause or reliably reproduce the bug, but perhaps it is related to the most recent update (I'm using the "cutting-edge" build 1631). I believe I began seeing the issue after the update (mid-March).
Sometimes restarting TextMate has fixed it. Sometimes I cleared the font cache, too.
As Allan noted in the ticket I filed, this is due to a bug in OS 10.6 with third-party external LCD panels:
In that case the problem is likely with the automatic selection of font smoothing (based on display), see http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20090828224632809 for more details and potential workaround.
The reason restarting TextMate sometimes worked for me (and you, apparently), is because we restarted it without the external monitor attached. Running the defaults command in that Mac OS X Hints article fixes it properly.
defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2
Textmate disables Apple's particular flavor of font-smoothing with dark themes running on retina displays. If you want to opt-in to the Apple version, change Textmate's settings in the terminal with:
defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview fontSmoothing 1
