codeigniter form validation can't set_rules if using a config file - validation

My config file with my validation rules works fine when calling the form_validation->run('form'). The thing is that I want to set custom error message for one of the fields. So in the controller I just add: ..set_message('field','message'). But it's not registering, I get the default error message: .... is required.

For changing the message for the existing validation rules, just do the following.
Copy the form_validation_lang.php file from system/language/english to application/language/english
Modify the message for your validation rule name.
For example for changing message for required field change the below line.
$lang['required'] = "The %s field is required.";


Microsoft Access - not using a validation code

Under PostCode, I've put an input mask as well as a validation rule of 'Is Not Null'
The input mask is working fine. However, the validation rule isn't working as it allows the postcode to be null.
Is there a way to fix this?
Options I can see:
set field as required in table and let Access nag users
validation code in BeforeUpdate event of control and form

IBM Integration Toolkit Issue for Validation

I am working on IBM Integration toolkit. I wanted to understand the exact validation feature of a particular input node via an example. Can anyone help?
Validation on inputs node you can see them in validation tab, you can choose how to validate (content, conent and value or none if you like to implement your own vaildation and what to do if this validate is failure (Exception , Exception List , user trace, log local error),
validation done automatically depends on the message parser : [BLOB, XMLNSC, XMLNS, SOAP, MRM, ..etc ], and message structurewhich is defined in your message set.
for example :
If you create a message set with message definition file and this message definition has got and element and this element is required and integer, and you set this message set to your input node, validation feature runs automatically if you put for example string value or you left it empty validation exception occurs.

Validation for file types not working in laravel 4

After lots of search and no luck to found the solution.
I am validating a input file in laravel 4.2.*. Using the model validation rules but rules not working for me.
rules i am using in my model.php
'reqfile' => 'mimes:txt,pdf,doc,docx|max:20000'
'reqfile' => 'mimes:application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,text/plain,application/pdf|max:20000'
After applying these rules the validation errors generated but the errors also appear on the valid file selection.
Here's anybody tells me, where i am wrong to apply the rules.
Thanks in Advance.
For this validator rule to work you need to make sure that the value being validated for reqfile is an instance of:
So if you're validating a form, reqfile must be a uploaded file. That means its value should come from Input::file(). So your validator should look something like this:
// Value for reqfile
array('reqfile' => Input::file('reqfile')),
// Validator rule for reqfile
array('reqfile' => 'mimes:txt,pdf,doc,docx|max:20000')
The validation rule will actually try to guess the extension by extracting the mime type and compare that to the extension list passed into the rule. That means that you need to pass file extensions to the rule, not actual mime types, as the documentation clearly states:
The file under validation must have a MIME type corresponding to one of the listed extensions

Change Struts Validator default messages

I am new in struts2 . I have created an XML file for validations, but when I test my form I don't get the error messages that I configured in the XML file. instead I get the Struts 2 defaults messages such as this one :
invalid field value for field "capteur.ENERGIE_CAPTEUR".
Is there anyway to make struts2 prints the messages configured in the XML file instead of the default ones ?
That is not a validation error message, it is a conversion error message.
You can override the default conversion error message up to each single object, by creating an entry for it in the global .properties file, as described in Struts 2 documentation, Type Conversion Errors Handling:
By default, all conversion errors are reported using the generic i18n
key xwork.default.invalid.fieldvalue, which you can override (the
default text is Invalid field value for field "xxx", where xxx is the
field name) in your global i18n resource bundle.
However, sometimes you may wish to override this message on a
per-field basis. You can do this by adding an i18n key associated with
just your action ( using the pattern, where xxx is the field name.
If you are interested in understanding how it works in a deeper way, read the Short Story about Validation, Conversion and Friends.

Codeigniter Form Validation - Is there a way to define multiple different %s when setting error messages?

Based on the documentation, %s will be replaced by field name when setting error messages.
If you include %s in your error string, it will be replaced with the
"human" name you used for your field when you set your rules.
Is there a way to have multiple %s in the string and define them differently?
This is the line in the form validation library that creates the error message:
// Build the error message
$message = sprintf($line, $this->_translate_fieldname($row['label']), $param);
$line: The error message template, for example "The % field is invalid"
$this->_translate_fieldname($row['label']): The field's label
$param: The parameter passed the the validation function, if any, max_length[5] would pass "5"
So that's the extent of what the form validation class does for you. If you need more flexibility you'll have to prepare the error message yourself <-- might be useful beforehand with the extra variables already populated.
It might be interesting to extend the form validation class via core/MY_form_validation.php and work this functionality in. Unfortunately this line is contained in the main function _execute which is very big and messy, and from looking at it now, you'd need to overload some other functions as well. I started to write an example but it actually looks like a chore. You might be better off using:
$this->form_validation->set_message('rule_name', 'Your custom message here');
More on setting error messages:
