IBM Integration Toolkit Issue for Validation - ibm-integration-bus

I am working on IBM Integration toolkit. I wanted to understand the exact validation feature of a particular input node via an example. Can anyone help?

Validation on inputs node you can see them in validation tab, you can choose how to validate (content, conent and value or none if you like to implement your own vaildation and what to do if this validate is failure (Exception , Exception List , user trace, log local error),
validation done automatically depends on the message parser : [BLOB, XMLNSC, XMLNS, SOAP, MRM, ..etc ], and message structurewhich is defined in your message set.
for example :
If you create a message set with message definition file and this message definition has got and element and this element is required and integer, and you set this message set to your input node, validation feature runs automatically if you put for example string value or you left it empty validation exception occurs.


How to map an input validation error to a specific error code in Spring

I am having a case in which I would like to do some input validation on the #RequestParams of an endpoint.
I know about Validators and Custom Validators, and my current strategy implies creating a wrapper object around the RequestParams, a custom validator and apply class level the annotation that triggers the custom validation.
My problem is that the custom validation is implementing ConstraintValidator, which means that the validator will either return true or false, and an error will be created by Spring with some text (I also know that I can change this text). My desire, however, is to create a custom payload back to the client. An example could be
class MyError {
int code;
String message;
The way to return this object is through a #ControllerAdvice Error handler, which understands that a ConstraintValidationException should return my custom payload format. However, I need to return different codes and messages for different reasons on the input validation failed. For example:
A Field is empty -> code XXX
A Field is formatted incorrectly -> code YYY
As far as I know, there is little customization possible on the exception that is reachable from my #ControllerAdvice, I can get a list of errors that happened but I cannot easily determine what happened. (Technically I can, but it would have to be based on the message string, which is pretty weak).
Is there a way to provide extra data to the Exception so I can distinguish from the #ControllerAdvice what happened and create my custom error response accordingly?
Am I approaching it the wrong way?
You can intercept the BindException ( with the #ExceptionHandler. This contains detailed information about all validation errors. For example, with e.getFieldErrors() you can access all errors associated with fields.
For example, for a field
#Length(min = 3)
private String field;
that failed validation you get the following information in the exception:
Field error in object data on field field: rejected value [XY]; codes [,Length.field,,Length].
Field error in object data on field field: rejected value [XY]; codes [,MyConstraint.field,,MyConstraint].
From this you can see that it failed the #Length constraint and the custom #MyConstraint constraint.

Change Struts Validator default messages

I am new in struts2 . I have created an XML file for validations, but when I test my form I don't get the error messages that I configured in the XML file. instead I get the Struts 2 defaults messages such as this one :
invalid field value for field "capteur.ENERGIE_CAPTEUR".
Is there anyway to make struts2 prints the messages configured in the XML file instead of the default ones ?
That is not a validation error message, it is a conversion error message.
You can override the default conversion error message up to each single object, by creating an entry for it in the global .properties file, as described in Struts 2 documentation, Type Conversion Errors Handling:
By default, all conversion errors are reported using the generic i18n
key xwork.default.invalid.fieldvalue, which you can override (the
default text is Invalid field value for field "xxx", where xxx is the
field name) in your global i18n resource bundle.
However, sometimes you may wish to override this message on a
per-field basis. You can do this by adding an i18n key associated with
just your action ( using the pattern, where xxx is the field name.
If you are interested in understanding how it works in a deeper way, read the Short Story about Validation, Conversion and Friends.

Difference between an error code and a message code as far as Spring validation is concerned?

I am in reference to the following method from BindingResult:
BindingResult.html#resolveMessageCodes(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
I am trying to figure out the difference between an error code and a message code. Can someone please provide an example, especially one that would illustrate why there could be several message codes for a given error code?
Because web applications are internationalized, when you reject an object and want to have a message displayed for it, you don't use a hardcoded text because that will show the same no matter the language.
Instead, you specify an error code that later server as a key to retrieving the proper message from the bundles (and now the error code is a message code from the point of view of the method that must find the proper message text).
Your error code resolves to more message codes because Spring (based on the implementation) adds some additional ones for you. Here is a snippet from the Spring documentation:
[...] What error codes it registers is determined by the MessageCodesResolver that is used. By default, the DefaultMessageCodesResolver is used, which for example not only registers a message with the code you gave, but also messages that include the field name you passed to the reject method. So in case you reject a field using rejectValue("age", "too.darn.old"), apart from the too.darn.old code, Spring will also register too.darn.old.age and (so the first will include the field name and the second will include the type of the field); this is done as a convenience to aid developers in targeting error messages and suchlike. [...]
The last statement is the reason there are more message codes, to have control on the message that is displayed to the user, from a generic one (e.g. "Value required") to a more specific one given the context (e.g. "A value is required for field XXX").
The javadoc for DefaultMessageCodesResolver explains it further and gives an example:
For example, in case of code "typeMismatch", object name "user", field "age":
try "typeMismatch.user.age"
try "typeMismatch.age"
try ""
try "typeMismatch"
This resolution algorithm thus can be leveraged for example to show specific messages for binding errors like "required" and "typeMismatch":
at the object + field level ("age" field, but only on "user");
at the field level (all "age" fields, no matter which object name);
or at the general level (all fields, on any object).

Is there a way to make angular run all the validations of an input instead of stoping when the first validation fails?

I'm having problems trying to make angular run all the validations of an input at once.
Here is a jsfiddle example of my problem
if you type 1 character on the email input you get this "The minimum lenght is 3." error message
and is not until you type 2 more characters than you get the other error message "This is not a valid email."
Does anybody know how to make angular show both error messages at the same time??
Thanks a lot in advance
You problem is not that all the validators are not being run - they are!
Remember that the way these validations work is by passing the view values through a pipeline of transformation functions, which can also specify the validity of the value.
The problem is that the min length validator passes undefined down the pipeline if it is not valid and that the email validator says that undefined is a valid email address!
Try creating your own validation directive that says that undefined is not a valid email address and you will find both errors are showing:

Organize validation messages in Struts2 validation(XML)

I am trying to do validations in struts 2 for my current project. I have to group my validation messages. For Eg: If there are 3 fields that are empty and there are 3 other fields whose format is not right, I need to get a msg like
"The following fields are required: field1, field2, field3
The format of the following fields are invalid: field4, field5, field6"
I tried providing a param to fieldError.
< s : fielderror >
< s : param value="%{requiredstring}"/>
< / s : fielderror>
According to me this is like specifying "show all errors whose validator type is requiredstring". Please correct me if I am wrong.
But this will display the message "The following fields are required" each time for every field that is empty. I want it displayed only once.
Is there a way to do this cleanly in stuts2 using validation through xml? I donot want to do all the validations in a validate method.
You are wrong; I have no idea why you thought that'd work, the docs don't imply that's possible.
Field errors are just that--errors for a specific field. If you need to group errors by arbitrary criteria, like the validation type, you'll need to implement that yourself.
There are a number of ways to do this, including writing a custom validation interceptor, providing validators that group errors in a different way, or simply gathering the appropriate messages in an action or validation method.
You could gather errors based on the message content, but IMO that would be brittle. If this is a cross-application issue, you're better off doing it a different way.
All that said, by presenting error messages in an order not necessarily reflective of the form, you're pushing more cognitive overhead onto the user: I don't want to see groups of messages telling me which fields share the same error, I want to see what's wrong with each field, in the same order the fields are presented on the form, preferably near the form field itself.
