Archive validation failed with errors - xcode

I get the following error in XCode when submitting the app:
Archive validation failed due the issues listed below.
ITunes Store operation failed.
Invalid Pre-Release Train. The train version '1.1' is closed for new build submission.
But this version of my application is in the status of "Prepare for Submission" after the status "Developer rejected".
I want to upload a new Build to replace the existing, but can not do it.

Change the version number in iTunes Connect and build another archive with that new version number. It will pass validation and you'll be able to submit.


Fastlane TestFlight upload missing

I'm trying to set the changelog via Fastlane:
changelog = changelog_from_git_commits(
commits_count: 1)
upload_to_testflight(changelog: changelog)
This causes the following error:
Could not set changeling: {"code"=>"", "description"=>"Missing primary test info."}
This is an app used for internal testing only. I didn't fill in any information on "Test Information" because I don't want to accidentally release it to external testers.
I tried unchecking the following box:
It still shows the same error message.
What's the minimum amount of information I need to get this to work?
I'm on fastlane 2.108.0. I found some related information here, but that's mainly with, which is not the exact error I'm seeing.
Navigate to:
App Store Connect
Choose your App
Test Information
You will probably see this error message up top:
⚠️ Complete test information is required to submit a build for external testing.
You can ignore that. For an internal test to work, you don't need any information on here. However, to get Fastlane's changelog feature working, you'll need to fill in the following details...
Could not set changeling: {"code"=>"", "description"=>"Missing primary test info."}
You're missing a "beta app description":
Could not set changelog: {"code"=>"", "description"=>"Missing feedback email."}
You're missing the "feedback email":
So as a minimum, you need to fill in the following information when using fastlane's TestFlight changelog feature:
Beta App Description
Feedback Email

Unable to lookup the settings for submission for the application at this time due to a general error

When I try upload my app to app store I get the following error: "Unable to lookup the settings for submission for the application at this time due to a general error". Have anyone ever get this message? Is it due to an Apple developer portal problem?
2017-01-06 15:32:14 +0000 The store submission configuration response failed with errors: (
"Error Domain=ITunesConnectionOperationErrorDomain Code=1614 \"Unable to lookup the settings for submission for the application at this time due to a general error\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Unable to lookup the settings for submission for the application at this time due to a general error, NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to lookup the settings for submission for the application at this time due to a general error, NSLocalizedFailureReason=iTunes Store operation failed.}"
), warnings: (
), info messages: (
2017-01-06 15:32:16 +0000 [MT] Presenting: Error Domain=ITunesConnectionOperationErrorDomain Code=1614 "Unable to lookup the settings for submission for the application at this time due to a general error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Unable to lookup the settings for submission for the application at this time due to a general error, NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to lookup the settings for submission for the application at this time due to a general error, NSLocalizedFailureReason=iTunes Store operation failed.}
I have found the solution, before uploading the app by xcode, you should create the app at
I had the same issue, and after playing around I realized that when updating a new version of an app, the "Bundle ID" must match the original version "Bundle ID".
Matching the Bundle ID to my version 1.0 upload solved the problem.
I got the same problem, and I realized I made spelling mistake of bundle Id...
I'm getting the same for the last couple of hours.
From the verbose.log:
Bundle ID based store submission configuration response received = (null)
Looks like a problem at their end.
I had this same problem and I went to analyze my account on Itunes, I realized that I was as a Developer. To create apps and send versions to iTunes you must also have access to the Application Manager function
In Itune connect,App info: group ID + suffix ID must be as same as your Bundle ID in Xcode Info.plist
In my case the problem was that I had specified the wrong bundle ID in my app settings in xCode. It didn't match the bundle ID I had specified in iTunes connect.
Basically this setting in xCode:
Needs to match this setting in iTunes Connect:

[BFTask isFaulted]: unrecognized selector sent to instance error

Updated to Parse SDK 1.7.1 with Bolts 1.1.4 and using the new and latest Facebook SDK. Every time I login the user I get the following error:
[BFTask isFaulted]: unrecognized selector sent to instance error.
I'm able to login the user, the user's info is store in parse, but not sure how to resolve this exception.
Anyone else having this problem?
Had this problem also.
I copied the Parse Bolts framework to the project directory. Referencing didn't do it. Same for Parse FacebookutilsV4.
I had solved this problem just a minute ago.
You need update the latest FacebookSDK to avoid this error.
You can just download the latest SDK from facebook website.
However if you just drag the parse and facebook framework together into the project, maybe a 'duplicate' error will be reported.
So I recommend you to use CocoaPods to manage your thirdparty framework.

Magento Connect: Unable to upload new release error message

Today I finished my plug-in and I would like to add it to the Magento Connect store by choosing for "Add Extension" but when I do that I get the following errormessage:
An error occurred during upload to channel MagentoConnect 1.0: Unable to upload new release e102c963387e144a2eb6768b2ebc51ec-0.1.0.tgz
An error occurred during upload to channel MagentoConnect 2.0: Channels names doesn't match 'Plesents_Plugin' and 'community'
I've followed the official pdf tutorial file for adding the extension to the Magento Connect store. I'm packaging for Magento 1.7 only.
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
I worked with the same pdf shortly and had no problems.
From the file:
Extension Key:
The extension key must be the exact same name you used during the packaging process.
To check if the names match have a look in the var/connect/package.xml of your module. Theres a node name. Compare it to value you entered when uploading the package.

APNS Error in registration. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000

Hello everyone i have beenn working in several projects and all push notification were working either on developemnt or prodcution. However i am not getting this error : "Error in registration. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000" since yesterday. I have tried to create a new provisioning but its shut down for maintenance. Is it due to this?
Thanks in advance.
Ensure the Bundle Identifier matches the one in your project's
Create a new App ID, and configure it for production/development
push before creating a new provisioning profile.
Make sure you're build and archiving on the right target, with the
right configuration. You might need to go back to project settings
and double check with the correct configuration selected (I use
release for this).
