Boost:Graph recursive traverse and graph-copy - algorithm

I had some first experience with creating and traversing
graphs. But now I have a problem, of which I don't now,
if boost::graph has some algorithms to solve it.
Here is my graph-definition:
const int _AND = 1001;
const int _OR = 1002;
const int _ITEM = 1003;
struct gEdgeProperties
string label;
struct gVertexProperties
string label;
int typ; // _AND, _OR, ITEM
typedef adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, undirectedS, gVertexProperties, gEdgeProperties>
So BGraph contains items and logical relations between them.
Now I would like to transform this graph into multiple graphs,
each of which should contains NO or-relations, but represent
all by the OR-vertices defind combinatorial alternates
of items and their AND-relations.
An example: if there are three items A, B, C
related so: A AND ( B OR C)
then the result of the traversal should be two graphs,
containing the following combinations:
(1) A AND B
(2) A AND C
My (simple) idea now is to traverse the graph, and each time
the traversal finds an OR-vertex, to copy the whole
graph and follow from there on each part of the OR-node recursive:
if graph[vertex] == OR {
for (... // each child vertex of vertex
BGraph newGraph = copy(Graph);
This won't work correctly, because my recursive call of each child
would miss the stack structure (the information, how to come back upwards
in the graph). This means: the traversal would climb down correct,
but not upwards again.
I have no idea, if there is a more (or at all) efficient way to solve such
a problem with boost::graph and its embedded algorithms.
But to me it seems to be an interesting problem, so I would like to
discuss it here, maybe it leads to a deeper insight of boost::graph.
Thank you!

My overall approach would be to do a depth-first walk of the input graph, and construct the output graphs bottom-up. Because you want to construct an arbitrary number of graphs, the traversal function has to return a list of graphs.
So here's an algorithm in pseudo-code
-- syntax: [xxx,xxx,...] is a list, and (xxx AND yyy) is a node.
traverse (node):
if typeof(node) == term
return [ node ]
leftlist = traverse(node.left)
rightlist = traverse(node.right)
if node.condition == OR
result = leftlist .appendAll( rightlist )
else if node.condition == AND
result = [ ]
foreach left in leftlist
foreach right in rightlist
result .append( (left AND right) )
panic("unknown condition")
return result
For example: pass in ((A OR B) AND (C OR D))
The individual terms compile to simple lists:
A -> [A]
B -> [B]
C -> [C]
D -> [D]
The OR conditions simply become parallel queries:
(A OR B) -> [A] OR [B] -> [A, B]
(C OR D) -> [C] OR [D] -> [C, D]
The AND condition must be combined in all possible permutations:
(... AND ...) -> [A, B] AND [C, D] ->
[(A AND C), (A AND D), (B AND C), (B AND D)]
Hope this helps. If you cast it into C++, you'll have to take care of housekeeping, i.e., destroying intermediate list objects after they are no longer needed.

Here the adoption to python as addition (Thanks again, it works great!!!):
_AND = 1
_OR = 2
_ITEM = 3
class Node:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.condition = _ITEM
self.left = None
self.right = None
def showList(aList):
for node in aList:
print " elem cond: " , node.condition, " left: ",, " right: ",
def traverse (node):
leftlist = None
if node.condition == _ITEM:
return [ node ]
leftlist = traverse(node.left)
rightlist = traverse(node.right)
found = 0
if node.condition == _OR:
found = 1
result = leftlist
for right in rightlist:
if node.condition == _AND:
found = 1
result = [ ]
for left in leftlist:
for right in rightlist:
newNode = Node( + "_AND_" +
newNode.left = left
newNode.right = right
if (found != 1):
print "unknown condition"
raise Exception("unknown condition")
return result
node1 = Node("A")
node2 = Node("B")
node3 = Node("C")
node4 = Node("D")
node12 = Node("A_or_B")
node12.condition = _OR;
node12.left = node1
node12.right = node2
node34 = Node("C_or_D")
node34.condition = _OR;
node34.left = node3
node34.right = node4
root = Node("root")
root.condition = _AND;
root.left = node12
root.right = node34
aList = traverse(root)


Is there a way to find a path in a tree?

Let's say we have a tree like the one below. Is there an algorithm that given 2 nodes find the path that connects them. For example, given (A,E) it will return [A,B,E], or given (D,G) it will return [D,B,A,C,G]
/ \
/ \ / \
You will need to have a tree implementation where a child node has a link to its parent.
Then for both nodes you can build the path from the node to the root, just by following the parent link.
Then compare the two paths, starting from the ends of the paths (where the root is): as long as they are the same, remove that common node from both paths.
Finally you are left with two diverting paths. Reverse the second, and join the two paths, putting the last removed node in between the two.
Here is an implementation in JavaScript:
function getPathToRoot(a) {
if (a.parent == null) return [a];
return [a].concat(getPathToRoot(a.parent));
function findPath(a, b) {
let p = getPathToRoot(a);
let q = getPathToRoot(b);
let common = null;
while (p.length > 0 && q.length > 0 && p[p.length-1] == q[q.length-1]) {
common = p.pop();
return p.concat(common, q.reverse());
// Create the example tree
let nodes = {};
for (let label of "ABCDEFG") {
nodes[label] = { label: label, parent: null };
nodes.B.parent = nodes.C.parent = nodes.A;
nodes.D.parent = nodes.E.parent = nodes.B;
nodes.F.parent = nodes.G.parent = nodes.C;
// Perform the algorithm
let path = findPath(nodes.E, nodes.G);
// Output the result
console.log("Path from E to G is:");
for (let node of path) {

Tree from balanced parenthesis

I have to find height of tree and find protection number (or just to generate a tree) from balanced parentheses.
For example:
()()()() creates tree like a list with height 3.
I have no idea how to convert parentheses to tree. I found some 'answers': (second page contains all examples for tree with 4 nodes)
paragraph - Binary Trees, Forests, Non-Crossing Pairs :
However, I still don't know how to create a tree from such defined parentheses. I have some impression that in Knuth, authors treat it as something obvious.
Do I miss something or it's not that simple?
Is it necessary to create a forest and then a binary tree?
A pair of parentheses represents a node. What appears within those parentheses represents its left child's subtree (according to the same rules). What appears at the right of those parentheses represents the node's right child's subtree (again, according to the same rules).
The conversion of this encoding into a binary tree can be done recursively like this:
function makeBinaryTree(input):
i = 0 # character index in input
function recur():
if i >= input.length or input[i] == ")":
i = i + 1
return NIL
i = i + 1
node = new Node
node.left = recur()
if i >= input.length or input[i] == ")":
i = i + 1
return node
node.right = recur()
return node
return recur()
Here is an implementation in JavaScript that performs the conversion for each of those 4-noded trees, and pretty prints the resulting trees:
function makeBinaryTree(input) {
let i = 0; // character index in input
return recur();
function recur() {
if (i >= input.length || input[i++] === ")") return null;
let node = { left: recur(), right: null };
if (i >= input.length || input[i] === ")") {
return node;
node.right = recur();
return node;
// Helper function to pretty print a tree
const disc = "\u2B24";
function treeAsLines(node) {
let left = [""], right = [""];
if (node.left) left = treeAsLines(node.left);
if (node.right) right = treeAsLines(node.right);
while (left.length < right.length) left.push(" ".repeat(left[0].length));
while (left.length > right.length) right.push(" ".repeat(left[0].length));
let topLeft = "", topRight = "";
let i = left[0].indexOf(disc);
if (i > -1) topLeft = "┌".padEnd(left[0].length-i+1, "─");
i = right[0].indexOf(disc);
if (i > -1) topRight = "┐".padStart(i+2, "─");
return [topLeft.padStart(left[0].length+1) + disc + topRight.padEnd(right[0].length+1)]
.concat(, i) => line + " " + right[i]));
// The trees as listed in Table 1 of
let inputs = [
for (let input of inputs) {
let tree = makeBinaryTree(input);
If I understood Knuth correctly, the representation works as the following: A pair of matching parentheses represents a node, e.g. () = A. Two consecutive pairs of matching parentheses means that the second node is the right child of the first one, e.g. ()() = A -> B. And two pairs of embedded parentheses means the inside node is the left child of the outside node, i.e. (()) = B <- A. Therefore, ()()()() = A -> B -> C -> D.
A possible algorithm to convert parentheses to binary tree would be:
if parentheses is empty:
return Nil
root = Node()
left_start = 1
left_end = Nil
open = 0
for p = 0 to |parentheses|-1:
if parentheses[p] == '(':
open += 1
open -= 1
if open == 0:
left_end = p
root.left = convert(parentheses[left_start:left_end] or empty if index out of bound)
root.right = convert(parentheses[left_end+1:] or empty if index out of bound)
return root
It works by converting parentheses (L)R in the binary tree L <- A -> R recursively.

DNA subsequence dynamic programming question

I'm trying to solve DNA problem which is more of improved(?) version of LCS problem.
In the problem, there is string which is string and semi-substring which allows part of string to have one or no letter skipped. For example, for string "desktop", it has semi-substring {"destop", "dek", "stop", "skop","desk","top"}, all of which has one or no letter skipped.
Now, I am given two DNA strings consisting of {a,t,g,c}. I"m trying to find longest semi-substring, LSS. and if there is more than one LSS, print out the one in the fastest order.
For example, two dnas {attgcgtagcaatg, tctcaggtcgatagtgac} prints out "tctagcaatg"
and aaaattttcccc, cccgggggaatatca prints out "aattc"
I'm trying to use common LCS algorithm but cannot solve it with tables although I did solve the one with no letter skipped. Any advice?
This is a variation on the dynamic programming solution for LCS, written in Python.
First I'm building up a Suffix Tree for all the substrings that can be made from each string with the skip rule. Then I'm intersecting the suffix trees. Then I'm looking for the longest string that can be made from that intersection tree.
Please note that this is technically O(n^2). Its worst case is when both strings are the same character, repeated over and over again. Because you wind up with a lot of what logically is something like, "an 'l' at position 42 in the one string could have matched against position l at position 54 in the other". But in practice it will be O(n).
def find_subtree (text, max_skip=1):
tree = {}
tree_at_position = {}
def subtree_from_position (position):
if position not in tree_at_position:
this_tree = {}
if position < len(text):
char = text[position]
# Make sure that we've populated the further tree.
subtree_from_position(position + 1)
# If this char appeared later, include those possible matches.
if char in tree:
for char2, subtree in tree[char].iteritems():
this_tree[char2] = subtree
# And now update the new choices.
for skip in range(max_skip + 1, 0, -1):
if position + skip < len(text):
this_tree[text[position + skip]] = subtree_from_position(position + skip)
tree[char] = this_tree
tree_at_position[position] = this_tree
return tree_at_position[position]
return tree
def find_longest_common_semistring (text1, text2):
tree1 = find_subtree(text1)
tree2 = find_subtree(text2)
answered = {}
def find_intersection (subtree1, subtree2):
unique = (id(subtree1), id(subtree2))
if unique not in answered:
answer = {}
for k, v in subtree1.iteritems():
if k in subtree2:
answer[k] = find_intersection(v, subtree2[k])
answered[unique] = answer
return answered[unique]
found_longest = {}
def find_longest (tree):
if id(tree) not in found_longest:
best_candidate = ''
for char, subtree in tree.iteritems():
candidate = char + find_longest(subtree)
if len(best_candidate) < len(candidate):
best_candidate = candidate
found_longest[id(tree)] = best_candidate
return found_longest[id(tree)]
intersection_tree = find_intersection(tree1, tree2)
return find_longest(intersection_tree)
print(find_longest_common_semistring("attgcgtagcaatg", "tctcaggtcgatagtgac"))
Let g(c, rs, rt) represent the longest common semi-substring of strings, S and T, ending at rs and rt, where rs and rt are the ranked occurences of the character, c, in S and T, respectively, and K is the number of skips allowed. Then we can form a recursion which we would be obliged to perform on all pairs of c in S and T.
JavaScript code:
function f(S, T, K){
// mapS maps a char to indexes of its occurrences in S
// rsS maps the index in S to that char's rank (index) in mapS
const [mapS, rsS] = mapString(S)
const [mapT, rsT] = mapString(T)
// h is used to memoize g
const h = {}
function g(c, rs, rt){
if (rs < 0 || rt < 0)
return 0
if (h.hasOwnProperty([c, rs, rt]))
return h[[c, rs, rt]]
// (We are guaranteed to be on
// a match in this state.)
let best = [1, c]
let idxS = mapS[c][rs]
let idxT = mapT[c][rt]
if (idxS == 0 || idxT == 0)
return best
for (let i=idxS-1; i>=Math.max(0, idxS - 1 - K); i--){
for (let j=idxT-1; j>=Math.max(0, idxT - 1 - K); j--){
if (S[i] == T[j]){
const [len, str] = g(S[i], rsS[i], rsT[j])
if (len + 1 >= best[0])
best = [len + 1, str + c]
return h[[c, rs, rt]] = best
let best = [0, '']
for (let c of Object.keys(mapS)){
for (let i=0; i<(mapS[c]||[]).length; i++){
for (let j=0; j<(mapT[c]||[]).length; j++){
let [len, str] = g(c, i, j)
if (len > best[0])
best = [len, str]
return best
function mapString(s){
let map = {}
let rs = []
for (let i=0; i<s.length; i++){
if (!map[s[i]]){
map[s[i]] = [i]
} else {
rs.push(map[s[i]].length - 1)
return [map, rs]
console.log(f('attgcgtagcaatg', 'tctcaggtcgatagtgac', 1))
console.log(f('aaaattttcccc', 'cccgggggaatatca', 1))
console.log(f('abcade', 'axe', 1))

Maximum element in a tree

I have the following ADT implementation in Scala.
How to find the maximum element in the tree? Can I introduce some helper function, and if yes, then how?
abstract class MySet {
def max: Int
def contains(tweet: Tweet): Boolean = false
class Empty extends MySet {
def max: throw new NoSuchElementExeption("max called on empty tree")
def contains(x: Int): Boolean =
if (x < elem) left.contains(x)
else if (elem < x) right.contains(x)
else true
class Node(elem: Int, left: MySet, right: MySet) extends Set {
def max: { ... }
def contains(x: Int): Boolean =
if (x < elem) left.contains(x)
else if (elem < x) right.contains(x)
else true
I found a solution in Haskell which feels quite intuitive can I convert it to Scala somehow?
data Tree a = Nil | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
maxElement Nil = error "maxElement called on empty tree"
maxElement (Node x Nil Nil) = x
maxElement (Node x Nil r) = max x (maxElement r)
maxElement (Node x l Nil) = max x (maxElement l)
maxElement (Node x l r) = maximum [x, maxElement l, maxElement r]
I am not interested in copying the Haskell code in Scala instead I think Haskell version is more intuitive but because of this keyword and other stuff in Object oriented language. How can I write the equivalent code in object oriented style without pattern matching?
Your tree is heterogeneous, which means that each node can be either a full node with a value, or an empty leaf. Hence you need to distinguish which is which, otherwise you can call max on an empty node. There are many ways:
Classic OOP:
abstract class MySet {
def isEmpty: Boolean
class Empty extends MySet {
def isEmpty = true
class Node(...) extends MySet {
def isEmpty = false
So you do something like this:
var maxElem = elem
maxElem = maxElem.max(left.max)
maxElem = maxElem.max(right.max)
Since JVM has class information at runtime you can skip the definition of isEmpty:
var maxElem = elem
maxElem = maxElem.max(left.asInstanceOf[Node].max)
maxElem = maxElem.max(right.asInstanceOf[Node].max)
(asInstanceOf is not required if you defined max in MySet, but this pattern covers the case when you didn't)
Well, Scala has a syntactic sugar for the latter, and not surprisingly it's the pattern matching:
var maxElem = elem
left match {
case node: Node =>
maxElem = maxElem.max(node.max)
case _ =>
right match {
case node: Node =>
maxElem = maxElem.max(node.max)
case _ =>
You can take it slightly further and write something like this:
def max = (left, right) match {
case (_: Empty, _: Empty) => elem
case (_: Empty, node: Node) => elem.max(node.max)
case (node: Node, _: Empty) => elem.max(node.max)
case (leftNode: Node, rightNode: Node) =>
If you don't want to use pattern matching, you will need to implement an isEmpty operation or its equivalent, to avoid calling max on an empty set.
The important thing is how the tree is organized. Based on the implementation of contains, it looks like you have an ordered tree (a "binary search tree") where every element in the left part is less than or equal to every element in the right part. If that's the case, your problem is fairly simple. Either the right sub tree is empty and the current element is the max, or the max element of the tree is the max of the right sub tree. That should be a simple recursive implementation with nothing fancy required.
Full disclosure, still learning Scala myself, but here is two versions I came up with (which the pattern match looks like a fair translation of the Haskell code)
sealed trait Tree {
def max: Int
def maxMatch: Int
case object EmptyTree extends Tree {
def max = 0
def maxMatch = 0
case class Node(data:Int,
left:Tree = EmptyTree,
right:Tree = EmptyTree) extends Tree {
def max:Int = {
def maxMatch: Int = {
this match {
case Node(x,EmptyTree,EmptyTree) => x
case Node(x,l:Node,EmptyTree) => x max l.maxMatch
case Node(x,EmptyTree,r:Node) => x max r.maxMatch
case Node(x,l:Node,r:Node) => x max (l.maxMatch max r.maxMatch)
Tests (all passing)
val simpleNode = Node(3)
assert(simpleNode.max == 3)
assert(simpleNode.maxMatch == 3)
val leftLeaf = Node(1, Node(5))
assert(leftLeaf.max == 5)
assert(leftLeaf.maxMatch == 5)
val leftLeafMaxRoot = Node(5,
EmptyTree, Node(2))
assert(leftLeafMaxRoot.max == 5)
assert(leftLeafMaxRoot.maxMatch == 5)
val nestedRightTree = Node(1,
EmptyTree, Node(3)))
assert(nestedRightTree.max == 3)
assert(nestedRightTree.maxMatch == 3)
val partialFullTree = Node(1,
Node(6, Node(7))))
assert(partialFullTree.max == 7)
assert(partialFullTree.maxMatch == 7)

Howto remove a word from a Trie structure?

maybe I'm not smart enough to learn Haskell, but I'd give it the last chance.
I've got stuck at implementation of entry removal from a tree, Trie like structure to be a more specific (
I'm looking for any advices (not a solution !) how to implement such pure function.
I've had an idea about one algorithm. Recreate a new tree by traversing whole tree "skipping" values equal to each character of the word, with edge condition return original tree if next character won't be found. But there arises a problem when a character also belongs to another word.
data Trie = Trie { commonness :: Maybe Int
, children :: [(Char, Trie)]
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
-- Creates an empty "dictionary"
trie :: Trie
trie = Trie { commonness = Nothing, children = [] }
-- Inserts a word with given commonness into dictionary
add :: String -> Int -> Trie -> Trie
add [] freq tree
| (0 <= freq) && (freq <= 16) = tree { commonness = Just freq }
| otherwise = error $ "Commonness out of bounds: " ++ (show freq)
add word freq tree = tree { children = traverse word (children tree) }
traverse [] tree = error $ "traverse called with [] " ++ (show tree)
traverse (x:xs) [] = [(x, add xs freq trie)]
traverse str#(x:xs) (t:ts)
| x == fst t = (x, add xs freq $ snd t):ts
| otherwise = t:(traverse str ts)
remove :: String -> Trie -> Trie
And the data looks like:
GHCi> putStrLn $ groom $ add "learn" 16 $ add "leap" 5 $ add "sing" 7 $ add "lift" 10 trie
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children = [('t', Trie{commonness = Just 10, children = []})]})]}),
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
[('p', Trie{commonness = Just 5, children = []}),
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
Trie{commonness = Just 16, children = []})]})]})]})]}),
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
Trie{commonness = Nothing,
children =
[('g', Trie{commonness = Just 7, children = []})]})]})]})]}
This is going to be easier if you use a Map Char Trie instead of [(Char,Trie)] for your child table. That is what I'm going to assume for this answer. I'll get you started with the inductive case:
import qualified Data.Map as Map
remove :: String -> Trie -> Trie
remove (c:cs) t = t { children = Map.alter remove' c (children t) }
remove' (Just t) = Just (remove cs t)
remove' Nothing = Nothing
remove [] t = ...
I'll leave the base case to you. Here are the docs for the Map function I used, alter. You could get this same solution without using Map if you implemented alter for [(Char,a)].
Exercise: remove' is pretty wordy. See if you can shorten it using fmap.
In Python you can do something like this
def remove_string_helper(self, string, pnode, index):
if pnode:
flag = False
if index < len(string):
flag = self.remove_string_helper(string, pnode.childs.get(string[index]), index + 1)
if index == len(string) and pnode.is_complete_word:
pnode.is_complete_word = False
return len(pnode.childs) == 0
if flag:
return len(self.childs) == 0
return False
def remove_string(self, string):
self.remove_string_helper(string, self.childs.get(string[0]), 1)
