How to enable PostgreSQL in Xampp on Mac OS? - macos

Can anyone please tell me how I can enable PostgreSQL in Xampp on Mac platform? Or is there any other GUI alternative like XAMPP for Mac platform.

Use MAPP Stack for OSX.
In case you need MySQL + PostgreSQL, download MAMP + PostgreSQL extension
PostgreSQL add-on:
Enable MySQL before installing PostgreSQL by starting MAMP stack's MySQL. After installing, go to PostgreSQL admin page and login as user=postgres and password=[password], create your own root user with password.


MAMP on MacOS 11.2.1 Disfunctional - RESOLVED

Have MAMP 6.3 on an updated macOS 11.2.1
The Configuration popup launches
Web server is working but that is it.
MySQL is not running although indicates Server is 5.7.32
Ports 80 and 30036 or 8888 makes no difference
http://localhost:8888/MAMP ... unable to connect
http://localhost:8888/MAMP/phpmyadmin.php ... unable to connect
Seems like I'm the only one for some reason as doesn't seem to anything I can find
Try removing all log files inside of the MAMP/db/mysql directory and restart MAMP.
I'm also using the same MAMP and macOS version as you but it's working.

Driver Installation Problem with MySQL ODBC using MacOS Big Sur

Is there an another way to install the MySQL Connector/ODBC Drivers?

Owncloud install on localhost using XAMPP but cloud not working

enter image description here
Owncloud install on localhost Xampp htdocs file. but right now it showing ownCloud Server does not support Microsoft Windows.
Now am a lite bit confuse what should I do!?
But Owncloud is very clear about that:
Operating System Ubuntu 16.04, Debian 7 and 8, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 and 12 SP1, Red Hat Enterprise Linux/Centos 6.5 and 7
Database MySQL or MariaDB 5.5+, Oracle 11g, PostgreSQL, & SQLite
Web server Apache 2.4 with prefork Multi-Processing Module (MPM) and mod_php
PHP Runtime PHP (5.6+, 7.0, & 7.1)

XAMPP is not working

I just installed this last night and it is properly working but today it is not working. I can't access my localhost and phpmyadmin and getting server not found page.
Apache 2.2.11
MySQL 5.1.33 (Community Server)
PHP 5.2.9 + PEAR (Support for PHP 4 has been discontinued)
XAMPP Control Version 2.5 from
Please install xampp in other drive(D:\ or E:\). Don't install in drive where your Operating System is installed. this will solve your problem if not than just right click on xampp-control.exe in xampp folder and click Run as administrator, Install Both service apache and mysql. Restart PC. Your problem will be solved.

Uninstall postgresql on MacOs Lion Mountain

I'm completely new with MacOS X and I'm not underestanding where my system postgresql 9.1.5 is installed. I want to upgrade to 9.2 but I would like to uninstall this default installation before.
When I type in the terminal
$> psql --version
The result is:
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.1.5
but I can not find this installation.
MacOS X does not come with PostgreSQL installed as a server (unless you have OS X Server Edition).
Only the client-side PostgreSQL commands and the libpq library ship with the system. These include the psql command that resides is /usr/bin along with other commands such as pg_dump, pg_restore, createdb... You don't have to remove them, and if you did, it's not clear anyway what would prevent the next maintenance update of the OS to put them back.
So if you didn't previously install PostgreSQL yourself on this system, going to 9.2 is not an upgrade, it's a fresh install.
There are a number of providers of PostgreSQL packages for Mac OS X:, homebrew, fink, macports...
These packages provide both a server and the client tools with the same version than the server, they have distinct installation paths, and they don't overwrite anything in /usr/bin. Once installed, you want to use the commands from the package preferrably to the ones in /usr/bin, which means technically putting them first in your PATH. Each package I've seen comes with a mention on how to do that in its installation instructions.
You don't have to remove the version Apple ships.
I have been using MacPorts to run various custom builds of PostgreSQL on OSX. It takes a little effort to make it "just work" (PATH and PG environment variables) but I never had to remove Apple's copy of Postgres.
I also keep a VM (VirtualBox) of a pretty minimal Debian install with Postgres running. I can do all my testing against the VM with a change of PG variables or JDBC URL. It's not as performant as running on the host but it is really clean for development.
