Owncloud install on localhost using XAMPP but cloud not working - xampp

enter image description here
Owncloud install on localhost Xampp htdocs file. but right now it showing ownCloud Server does not support Microsoft Windows.
Now am a lite bit confuse what should I do!?

But Owncloud is very clear about that:
Operating System Ubuntu 16.04, Debian 7 and 8, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 and 12 SP1, Red Hat Enterprise Linux/Centos 6.5 and 7
Database MySQL or MariaDB 5.5+, Oracle 11g, PostgreSQL, & SQLite
Web server Apache 2.4 with prefork Multi-Processing Module (MPM) and mod_php
PHP Runtime PHP (5.6+, 7.0, & 7.1)
Look: https://doc.owncloud.org/server/10.0/admin_manual/installation/system_requirements.html


How do I install Pterodacty local on my maschine

I am attempting to install the Pterodactyl Panel on my local machine for development designing purposes. I am running Windows 10 Pro.
From the Pterodactyl installation documentation page, Here are some OS that can run Pterodactyl:
Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04
CentOS 7, 8
Debian 9, 10, 11
And the way of installation is also mostly using the linux command. From here it can be concluded, maybe Pterodactyl can not be installed / running on Windows.
Try to use something like a vps or linux vm to run Pterodactyl, if it's just for development don't need to use too high specs.
Source: https://pterodactyl.io/panel/1.0/getting_started.html#picking-a-server-os

SonarQube cannot start with MariaDB 10

I installed MariaDB with yum in CentOS 7.
SonarQube throws this exception:
org.sonar.api.utils.MessageException: Unsupported mysql version: 5.5. Minimal supported version is 5.6.
When I reinstall MariaDB with version 10, SonarQube still throws the same exception.
How does SonarQube-5.5 detect the MySQL version?
The API of MariaDB 10 is compatible with MySQL 5.6 and CentOS 7 has replaced MySQL with MariaDB.
Why does it not support MariaDB 10?
MariaDB is not supported by SonarQube, see requirements.
Like Nicolas said, MariaDB is not supported by SonarQube - still in v7.
The Solution to run SonarQube in combination with XAMPP is to change the database from MariaDB to MySQL. Here you'll find the steps for changing it:

XAMPP is not working

I just installed this last night and it is properly working but today it is not working. I can't access my localhost and phpmyadmin and getting server not found page.
Apache 2.2.11
MySQL 5.1.33 (Community Server)
PHP 5.2.9 + PEAR (Support for PHP 4 has been discontinued)
XAMPP Control Version 2.5 from www.nat32.com
Please install xampp in other drive(D:\ or E:\). Don't install in drive where your Operating System is installed. this will solve your problem if not than just right click on xampp-control.exe in xampp folder and click Run as administrator, Install Both service apache and mysql. Restart PC. Your problem will be solved.

Ubuntu img file with hadoop installed in?

Are there any hadoop in ubuntu img files avalible? I mean a ubuntu system which has hadoop configured in it.
If you want a distribution install, Cloudera has a painless installation process for Ubuntu using Cloudera Manager. Though it only officially supports 12.04, it should also install on 13.x
You can download it here: Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager supports the following operating systems:
Red Hat-compatible systems
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 5.7, 64-bit
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 6.4, 64-bit
Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.4, 64-bit
SLES systems - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11, 64-bit. Service Pack 3 or later is required. Also, the SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP1 is required on cluster hosts running the Cloudera Manager Agents (not required on the Cloudera Manager Server host); you can download the SDK here.
Debian systems - Debian 7.0, 6.0 (deprecated), 64-bit
Ubuntu systems - Ubuntu 12.04, 10.04 (deprecated), 64-bit
AFAIK there are neither no "official" ubuntu packages for hadoop nor customized ditributions, but there is a PPA you could use. See https://launchpad.net/~hadoop-ubuntu/+archive/stable for instructions. So at least you can install "semioffical" packages (including updates).

Install localhost server on windows RT

I want to install a localhost server on a tablet with windows RT 32 bit.
I tried installing the xampp 32 bit for windows 7 which didn't work.
Is there any (xampp/wamp) server available for Windows RT currently or can I tweak somehow to get it to work?
XAMPP is not supported on ARM processors.
