Guacamole - LibPNG undefined reference to 'png_set_longjmp_fn' - undefined-reference

When running make while installing Guacamole 0.9.0, I get the following error:
undefined reference to 'png_set_longjmp_fn'` in /home/src/libguac/.libs/
Apparently, this error pops up when there is something wrong with libpng. I tried to install a new version of libpng (16) but the error persisted.
Anyone know how do fix this?
I am running Ubuntu 14.01 and libpng version 12.
Thanks in advance.


Agox installation

I have problem with installation of AGOX, prerequisites are
A C compiler (Tested with Intel/2018.1.163)
An MPI installation (Tested with openmpi/4.0.3)
how to install these on Ubuntu, kindly help me with this. Thank you.
I have tried installing agox on ubuntu using the documentation given on github but got an error saying
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement agox (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for agox

Error (object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found) while building D project on MacOS

I was trying to build existing Dlang project on my home Mac. But I am getting this error. I haven't find anything about it.
$ dub build
Running pre-generate commands for vibe-d:tls...
Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
tinyendian 0.2.0: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
dyaml 0.8.0: building configuration "library"...
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(935,32): Error: object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found. The current runtime does not support resizing arrays, or the runtime is corrupt.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(968,32): Error: object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found. The current runtime does not support resizing arrays, or the runtime is corrupt.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(4064,18): Error: template instance std.uni.MultiArray!(BitPacked!(uint, 13LU), BitPacked!(bool, 1LU)).MultiArray.length!0LU error instantiating
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(4312,37): instantiated from here: TrieBuilder!(bool, dchar, 1114112, sliceBits!(8LU, 21LU), sliceBits!(0LU, 8LU))
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/regex/internal/ir.d(26,14): instantiated from here: CodepointSetTrie!(13, 8)
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(935,32): Error: object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found. The current runtime does not support resizing arrays, or the runtime is corrupt.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(968,32): Error: object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found. The current runtime does not support resizing arrays, or the runtime is corrupt.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(4064,18): Error: template instance std.uni.MultiArray!(BitPacked!(uint, 13LU), BitPacked!(bool, 1LU)).MultiArray.length!1LU error instantiating
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(4312,37): instantiated from here: TrieBuilder!(bool, dchar, 1114112, sliceBits!(8LU, 21LU), sliceBits!(0LU, 8LU))
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/regex/internal/ir.d(26,14): instantiated from here: CodepointSetTrie!(13, 8)
dmd failed with exit code 1.
Can somebody pls help?
I am using these:
MacOS 10.15.4
DMD64 v2.091.1
DUB 1.20.1
Thx to Adam D. Ruppe.
It looks like there was a problem with previously installed version of dmd.
Solved by:
brew uninstall dub
brew uninstall dmd
delete /Library/D directory
brew install dmd
brew install dub

collect2: fatal error: cannot find 'ld' when executing make install

I am migrating an Oracle Database to Postgres and I wanted to install orafce which is a module that contains some useful function which can help with the porting.
I tried to execute the command "make install" but I got this error "collect2: fatal error: cannot find 'ld'"
gcc version : 4.8.5
binutils version : 2.25.1
I didn't find anything that corresponds to my situation anywhere.
Thank you
Your installation of binutils is broken.
Reinstall it with
yum reinstall binutils
You should figure out who changed the permissions. Maybe they did more damage than that.

can not use help in octave 3.8.1 on mac

when i enter:
>> help help
i get error message:
error: unable to open /usr/local/Cellar/octave/3.8.1_1/share/octave/3.8.1/etc/macros.texi for reading
error: called from:
error: /usr/local/Cellar/octave/3.8.1_1/share/octave/3.8.1/m/help/__makeinfo__.m at line 103, column 5
error: /usr/local/Cellar/octave/3.8.1_1/share/octave/3.8.1/m/help/help.m at line 99, column 22
How could i solve it? I'm using this on MacOS 10.10.2.
Check if you have the documentations installed !
Depending on how you have to installed octave, you have to specify somehow to install also the documentations.
If you need more help, then provide more info, on how octave has been installed.
If you have installed through home-brew, try to reinstall it with with-docs option i.e.
brew reinstall octave --with-docs

libTogl undefined references

I am trying to install netgen (build from source).
Therefore Togl is needed and I installed it via
sudo apt-get install libtogl1 libtogl-dev
When typing 'make' I receive the following error messages:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Tk_InitStubs'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to `tkStubsPtr'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Tcl_InitStubs'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to `tclStubsPtr'
Maybe Togl was not installed right. Is this an 32bit 64bit issu?
What should I do to fix this?
This is an issue with linking to the correct versions of Tcl and Tk, as #keltar mentioned. If your goal is to build Netgen from source, your best bet is to stick with netgen-5.3.1, which works with tcl8.5 and tk8.5.
I ran into this issue because when I ran sudo apt-get install tcl-dev tk-dev, apt-get fetched tcl8.6 and tk8.6 for me. (If you search online for these issues you can see that these linking issues can sometimes be resolved by updating your Tcl/Tk version.) I uninstalled the default tcl-dev and tk-dev packages and installed tcl8.5-dev and tk8.5-dev instead.
Once you have the best fit version of Tcl/Tk, you can install Netgen from source. For example,
./configure --with-tclconfig=/usr/lib/tcl8.5/ --with-tkconfig=/usr/lib/tk8.5/
make install
