a Ruby script to use gmail RESTful API - ruby

you may help me here.
I want to write a script using Ruby, which sends emails on behalf of a user who gives permission to send emails to his contacts using gmail restful api (link to view). So I found Gmail API Client Library for Ruby, and I am getting stuck while trying to use it.
Now my question is which would is the best way to make a script using the gmail API, which will ask the user permission to send email on his behalf and save the access token, then fetch all his contact email addresses and any other permitted info in json preferably and finally setup the system to save a given email content file on his behalf to a selected friend/friends.How will I authenticate the users accounts from the terminal? will it be Simple API access (API keys) or Authorized API access (OAuth 2.0)?? whats the difference by the way?
Please advise the best tools, and other resources.

Use Oauth2 as it says in the API docs:
If you have more specific questions, please write them. As it is now your question seems a bit general.
See: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2#installed for examples on how to do Oauth2 authentication from different environments.


secure a laravel REST API with client's that act on their own behalf

I'm sorry if this question is asked before, but I'm still confused.
I'm currently creating a REST API with laravel. I'm using passport to secure the API-endpoints. The API should be used/accessed from several websites and SPA's. BUT all this sites need to access the API on there own behalf. So there is no user that need to sign in! I found a lot of tutorials that cover the topic of authorization and authentication but only on behalf of a user.
So my question is: What oauth grant type shoud i use to secure my API considering that all api consumers act on there own behalf?
I tried to use the client credential grant because the documentation said that
The client credentials grant is suitable for machine-to-machine authentication.
But that creates a bearer token and it seems not save to store it in a SPA or generally on client side.
Has someone experience in this topic and can please provide an answer (maybe with a short explanation)?
A simple example of how I want to use some endpoints of the API to provide some context:
I created a location endpoint that receives a zip code and returns all the relevant places. I want to use this in a form. So that the user inputs his zip code and dynamically receives all the places in a select box, so that he can choose one and proceed with the form.
Thanks in advance!

Accessing user GMail Account through API

I am writing this goroutine that'll call the GMail API and poll my inbox every 2 minutes or so. The problem I am having trouble with is the authentication part because it'll need me to login and authenticate myself and give authorization to the app to read my inbox. I am trying to eliminate the part where I will need to login via the Web UI and give access to my program. Does anyone have any ideas on how to login and authenticate myself programmatically?
You should be able to use the steps here in order to generate and OAuth client ID, then use that to connect using oauth?:
Failing that, you could use IMAP access to bypass the api entirely. Turn on imap in settings and use a library like this to access your messages:

OAuth 2.0 for Google API requests in PHP Webhook

I'm faced with a difficult scenario regarding OAuth 2 authentication and Google's Calendar API.
I am attempting to write a PHP script which processes my personal calendar data after being triggered by a POST call from an external source. However, I am having trouble granting the script access to my account. Since the script runs entirely in the background, there is never an opportunity for me to enter the authorization code which is required for PHP command line tools making Google API requests.
I have looked into Service Accounts, which grant access to personal data without individual approval, but unfortunately this is only available to G Suite users, which I am not.
I have also attempted to run my script manually, enter the code to authenticate, then run it from my external source. This doesn't work either, because the authorization codes are apparently only good for the same mode of access where it was entered, and the response to the external source still shows as asking for the code.
Lastly, please note that responding with the authorization code from the external source is not an option. Which I can activate the trigger, I cannot change how it works or the data it passes.
TL;DR: How do I grant a PHP script (which runs only in the background) access to my personal Google Calendar data?
Thanks in advance!
Articulating this question actually helped me better formulate my Google searches, and I found the answer!
I'll leave this question/answer here so somebody can hopefully benefit from it -
Turns out that the Service Account is the way to go, but instead of trying to access your account's data via the service account, you need to share the calendars in question with the generated service account email address. Essentially, this makes the service account a "co-owner" of the calendar. Then, you simply make the request to the service account's own information.
Hope this helps!

Is there another way to access google APIs other than OAUTH2?

I'm trying to write a CLI script (ruby) to manage my youtube videos. Technically I'm updating a script that I used in 2012 to do this. It appears that since 2012, youtube has discontinued the simple client authentication mechanism and moved to OAUTH2 (though I'm not totally sure).
I'm wouldn't be the first to say that OAUTH2 is hell (just google it). It's been 3 hours and I still haven't gotten my old script to even authenticate with google (using the youtube_it ruby gem).
I simply do not understand why I would need to use OAUTH to access my own account on Google? What am I missing? I thought OAUTH was so that separate users could give access to applications to temporarily access their data.
Is there another way? What am I missing. As one blogger commented OAUTH2 is enough to make one want to change careers. Even the lead dev quit the project.
The Youtube API docs is specific in stating that if you're going to use Youtube API (or other Google APIs), you must learn how to use OAuth:
If your application will use any API methods that require user
authorization, read the authentication guide to learn how to implement
OAuth 2.0 authorization.
Youtube has a Ruby Quickstart sample which includes the OAuth process.
I simply do not understand why I would need to use OAUTH to access my own account on Google?
I think OAuth answers exactly that question, "how will Google products know if you are who you claim to be?"
Read the OAuth Google guide for more info.
OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Facebook, GitHub, and google. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account, and authorizing third-party applications to access the user account. OAuth 2 provides authorization flows for web and desktop applications, and mobile devices.
for more detail study :-

Access email from Gmail from server

I am trying to be able to set up a cron job to read contents from a certain email in my gmail inbox daily. I lookeed up gmail api documentation and noticed that the only way to authenticate my requests to access email data is via OAuth 2.0 which requires user authorization. Is there a way to authorize my app to access emails from a particular email id without the need for the user to manually take any actions.
I found this: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/server-side-flow. I was wondering if there is any way to follow this workflow without having to build the UI?
Technically speaking you can use Oauth2 you just have to have the user authentication your application once. You will get a refresh token then you can use the refresh token to get a new access token from cron. Unless this is a Google domain account you cant use service accounts. There is no way to pre authorize a service account to access a normal user gmail.
Alternative: have you considered going directly though the mail server? Skip the rest api. https://developers.google.com/gmail/oauth_overview Note: That page also speaks of XOauth2 I haven't tried it yet you can still access SMTP and IMAP using username and password.
