Accessing user GMail Account through API - go

I am writing this goroutine that'll call the GMail API and poll my inbox every 2 minutes or so. The problem I am having trouble with is the authentication part because it'll need me to login and authenticate myself and give authorization to the app to read my inbox. I am trying to eliminate the part where I will need to login via the Web UI and give access to my program. Does anyone have any ideas on how to login and authenticate myself programmatically?

You should be able to use the steps here in order to generate and OAuth client ID, then use that to connect using oauth?:
Failing that, you could use IMAP access to bypass the api entirely. Turn on imap in settings and use a library like this to access your messages:


Userless Automated server to server Oauth2 2 legged authentication to Gmail

I've found plenty of information on implementing Oauth2 using a user authorization step, but I'm trying to run a container that automatically scrapes a gmail inbox for attachments transforms them, and exports to prometheus, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to implement this library: or any other for that matter to retrieve a token without involving a manual user step.
Will doing this in Go require writing direct API calls since I can't find an existing library to handle this scenario? Would it make more sense to create a Google App password and use generic user/pass SMTP authentication?
First off i understand what you are trying to do.
You have a backend system running in a container which will access a single gmail account and process the emails.
Now you need to understand the limitations of the API you are working with.
There are two types of authorization used to access private user data
service account - server to server interaction only works with workspace domains. No authorization popup required.
Oauth2 - authorize normal user gmail accounts, requires user interaction to authorize the consent screen
If you do not have a workspace account and this is a normal gmail user then you have no choice you must use Oauth2, which will require that a user authorize the application at least once.
Using Oauth2 you can request offline access and receive a refresh token which you can use to request new access tokens when ever you wish. The catch is that your application will need to be in production and verified, because your refresh token will only work for seven days and then it will expire. To fix this and get a refresh token that does not expire means that your application must in production and verified. This means you need to go though Googles verification process with a restricted gmail scope which requires third party security check and costs between 15k - 75k depending upon your application.
I understand that this is a single user system but that does not mean that you still need to go though verification. When google added the need for application verification they did not take into account single user systems like yours.
Have you considered going directly though the SMPT server instead of using the Gmail api? If you use an apps password you should bypass everything by loging in using the login and the apps password.

Google javascript api client, automatically login to same account without popup

Is there a way to automatically authenticate the google javascript api client, without user interaction?
Something like this:
User loads webpage -> webpage automatically signs in into a predefined user account -> api calls get executed
Basically i want to prevent the popup where you have to select an account and sign in to it. As the account which will be signed in is always the same.
pinoyyid answer looks promising and is what im looking for. But this only works if the user has signed in with an account at least once, if im not mistaken.
Now i dont want to use an account supplied by the user, but a predefined account which i am the owner of and sign this account in.
Im not entirely sure if this is even possible, as i have to provide the password/some authentication code to google and somehow do this in a secure way.
Use Case: The website will create a Youtube Broadcast via the Youtube Data/Livestream API for the specified account.
Yes you can do that. Referring to
there are three pieces of information that will get you where you want to be:-
The OAuth URL can include a login_hint which is the email of your intended user
The OAuth URL can also include prompt=none which will do its work silently
This all needs to run in an iframe because this is based on origins and redirects.
If the requirement is for a browser client to connect to a Google Account other than that of the browser user, then this is not possible. It's kinda obvious really that to do so would require a credential in the browser which by definition is not a secure environment.
The approach I would take would be to use a service such as Lambda or Google Cloud Functions (or whatever marketing name they have this week) to create a proxy for the corresponding Google API using a credential stored server-side.

How to automate outlook api calls for mail read

I have an app in NodeJS which calls the outlook api and reads a user's mails. I'm connecting this to a MySQL db where I'm storing specific email replies.The app is working perfectly.
My problem is that I have to sign-in every hour to refresh the access token.
I need a way of calling the outlook api, returning the emails, store them in a db, and then expose them through an API. And I wanna automate this outlook api call through a cron job.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can accomplish this?
What I believe you are looking for is App-only access a.k.a access without a user. More on this below.
In addition, you get a refresh token along with the user consented access token. You can then refresh the access token periodically using the refresh token. More on this below:

Access email from Gmail from server

I am trying to be able to set up a cron job to read contents from a certain email in my gmail inbox daily. I lookeed up gmail api documentation and noticed that the only way to authenticate my requests to access email data is via OAuth 2.0 which requires user authorization. Is there a way to authorize my app to access emails from a particular email id without the need for the user to manually take any actions.
I found this: I was wondering if there is any way to follow this workflow without having to build the UI?
Technically speaking you can use Oauth2 you just have to have the user authentication your application once. You will get a refresh token then you can use the refresh token to get a new access token from cron. Unless this is a Google domain account you cant use service accounts. There is no way to pre authorize a service account to access a normal user gmail.
Alternative: have you considered going directly though the mail server? Skip the rest api. Note: That page also speaks of XOauth2 I haven't tried it yet you can still access SMTP and IMAP using username and password.

a Ruby script to use gmail RESTful API

you may help me here.
I want to write a script using Ruby, which sends emails on behalf of a user who gives permission to send emails to his contacts using gmail restful api (link to view). So I found Gmail API Client Library for Ruby, and I am getting stuck while trying to use it.
Now my question is which would is the best way to make a script using the gmail API, which will ask the user permission to send email on his behalf and save the access token, then fetch all his contact email addresses and any other permitted info in json preferably and finally setup the system to save a given email content file on his behalf to a selected friend/friends.How will I authenticate the users accounts from the terminal? will it be Simple API access (API keys) or Authorized API access (OAuth 2.0)?? whats the difference by the way?
Please advise the best tools, and other resources.
Use Oauth2 as it says in the API docs:
If you have more specific questions, please write them. As it is now your question seems a bit general.
See: for examples on how to do Oauth2 authentication from different environments.
