Maven Build some modules, liferay:deploy others - maven

I have some modules like:
|-business jar
|-dal jar
|-model jar
|-webApp war
I need to build all jar before liferay:deploy the war.
I also have a parent pom module that allow to build all modules but it doesn't deploy my war after that.

If you have defined all modules as dependencies then maven will take care that the modules build in the proper order.
By default the Liferay deploy goal is not executed. You need execute it or add some configuration to run tit automatically. e.g.

Does your parent pom contains all the modules in the
and then make sure that your portlet/webapp war does contain


Generate Javadoc for multimodule project

I have read everything I can find on solving this and my attempts still fail. The best I can do is to get the Javadoc of exactly one module to show up--the last one built. (For now, I'm not trying to bundle Javadoc into any JARs. I'm also not trying to do anything "site".) I just want to put Javadoc for easy access into a subdirectory under the project root.
Here's what's in my parent pom.xml:
What I'm putting into subordinate pom.xml files is identical to the above except for
I have played with replacing the <execution> in the parent and sometimes subordinate pom.xml files with:
but it makes no difference.
I think the following configuration is the reason your reports get overwritten:
All module builds will be written to the same directory, hence overwriting the previous build.
The solution is to use the default output directory and configure the output directory for the aggregated javadoc instead. This way the reactor build will create javadoc output files in each module's target directory. These can then be used by the aggregate goal to be combined.
This can be done by configuring your parent POM as follows:
<!-- Default configuration for all reports -->
<!-- Specific configuration for the aggregate report -->
(there is no need for any additional configuration in the module POM files)
The aggregated javadoc can now be created by running
mvn compile javadoc:javadoc javadoc:aggregate
(note that the compile or package goal is required for reactor to resolve inter-module dependencies)

maven jar deployed twice in a war module with attachClasses set to true

I am trying to use module as a dependency in another project by deploying it to our nexus repository.
The problem is that maven tries to deploy the jar twice and our policy forbids to overwrite a release version.
The module is packaged as a war.
Here is my configuration.
When I set attachClasses to false, everything goes fine and the war gets deployed, but the jar doesn't.
When I set it to true, the jar gets deployed but maven tries to deploy a second time and then the build fails.
Any idea why maven tries to deploy it twice.
(The module has a parent module, but it does not depend on any other module from the project).
The problem is probably that you defined your own execution.
Try to remove the block

Wildfly, fat jar and jndi-registration

When I build a fat jar with my ejb and dependencies, all the dependent libs/jars are unpacked, and when deployed to wildfly, jodi-registration is performed, and entries like
are reported on the console. I can then add a module dependency to my war-project manifest and use the ejb.
When I build the exact same ejb using one-jar plugin, the dependent libraries are not unpacked, and jndi-registration is not performed. Hence the ejb is not reachable.
From what I can se the jar files are otherwise similar, and it seems wildfly behaves different depending if included jars are unpacked or not. Is this so, and why? Or does the one-jar plugin create a fat jar that is different in some way that I have not figured out?
The pom.xml is listed below, with the one-jar config that I use commented out:
<!-- Includes the runtime dependencies -->

remove jar created by default in maven

I am using maven assembly plugin. in my pom.xml, pakaging type: jar and i dont use maven jar plugin.
Whenever i run mvn clean package, it create 2 jar files: one is from maven assembly, another one is created by default (due to packaging type =jar). I want to keep only the jar file created by assembly plugin only. How to do that?
You may have your reasons but I doubt that it is a good solution to skip the default jar being built and deployed.
Anyhow here is how you can disable the default jar being built.
<!-- some configuration of yours... -->
<!-- put the default-jar in the none phase to skip it from being created -->

How to register a custom built jar file as maven main artifact?

I have a project expected to deliver a jar file:
but the jar is built in a custom way, so the default packaging done with jar:jar has been disabled
but then when I want to apply shade:shade on the existing jar I get an error
The project main artifact does not exist.
I assume that maven doesn't know about the .jar file created by my custom tool. How to let it know, because antrun attachArtifact doesn't work
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="" type="jar"/>
the error I get is
An Ant BuildException has occured: org.apache.maven.artifact.InvalidArtifactRTException: For artifact {:jar}: An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact.
So this is not the method to register main artifact... Is there any (without writing custom java plugin)?
I checked the sources of JarMojo and it gave me an idea how to solve it with Groovy (via gmaven)
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
and it works!:)
Something like this
While your solution may work for a build to the install+ phase or where there are no dependencies in the reactor, in cases where only building to the compile or test phase the unpackaged classes won't be found by dependencies.
Building to compile happens when using plugins like the maven-release-plugin.
Extending your chosen solution to include identifying the unpacked classes during compile
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes"))
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
By default the maven-install-plugin will use the identified artifact along the lines of
So another option might go something like this
We were having the same problem, with getting the "attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact" error. We found the solution in the following excellent blog post:
As detailed in this section, you can fix the problem by adding a classifier so Maven can distinguish between the ant-built jar and the maven-built jar. Since you're using antrun attachartifact, you'd need this:
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="foo" type="jar"/>
Note you'll also need to include that classifier (along with groupId, artifactId and version) whenever you want to grab this jar as a dependency in other projects.
