Can't update Meteor on Windows 8.1 machine - windows

When I run 'meteor update', it says that I have the latest version Meteor 0.8.3. When I specify the release using '--release', it says that the version is unknown.
What's going on here?
I tried reinstalling but got the exact same behavior.

Unfortunately, Meteor does not support Windows out of the box. That means that it has to be ported, which takes some time. So if you want the newest Meteor version as soon as it is released, you can either run a VM with Linux (for example, using Virtualbox) or install Linux alongside Windows on you computer (make sure to back up all data before, though!)
Or you can just wait becuase as saimeunt pointed out, Meteor will be ported to Windows soon.

From March 31, 2015, meteor is supported on Windows


Citrix Reciever (v. 4.9) won't install on Windows 10

I can't get the Citrix Reciever install to complete on Windows, and always end up with the installation failing (I uninstall Citrix under apps and functions after trying to install Citrix). I have tried multiple versions of Citrix Reciever (4.9, 4.8, 4.7 and 4.6),
I have no previous versions of Citrix Reciever installed, and it's installing on a completely new computer.
A part of the view log says "Information - CApp::InitInstance(482) - SecureBoot is Unsupported in the system". This, however, is not true according to the systeminfo, that states that SecureBoot is turned on.
Does anyone have any fixes or tips?
CLeanup tool might help,i have used it in the past

Mac OSX Sierra Upgrade to latest Apache version

I would like to be running the latest version of Apache on my MacBook PHP dev machine.
Since the upgrade to Sierra it is now at 2.4.23 which seems to be the most current. But that will likely change. When it does, is it possible to upgrade to the newest on the Mac? If so, how please?
Update will come with the next upgrade of Mac OS. In this case, you can see this page:
Apache is part of the OS and updates of this will be provided by App store of with software upgrades.
Alternative is using MacPorts.
If you only want to stay up to date with the PHP part (and not Apache itself), you could take a look here:

Glassfish v4.0 cannot work on Mac OSX 10.6.8 + JDK 7.0 U40

I had been using 2010 Macbook Pro for a while and had updated the Mac OSX to the latest version, and I had been suffering the slow speed for a long time. So last night I googled and do some cleanup , such as fix disk permissions, but the Mac was still slow. And someone suggest to re-install MacOSX.
I was thinking it was the new version of Mac OSX's problem, I had the same kind of problems happen on the 1st version IPad either.
After I reinstalled, the computer became much more faster. But I encountered the following problems:
JDK 7 DMG does not support OSX 10.6.8, but ONLY OSX 10.7+
Github official client does not support OSX 10.7+
Gooooooogled again and again, to solve the 1st problem, there are mainly to suggestions:
A. Using PackageMaker to remove the OSX version condition.
B. Using a tool Pacifist to open the pkg file inside the DMG file downloaded from official.
Since I have PackageMaker installed on Mac OSX, so I choosed A.
Open it with PackageMaker, remove the limitation, and build it again, I installed with the new pkg file successfully at:
And then set JAVA_HOME on ~/.bash_profile.
Then I download the glassfish 4.0 multi-language version, unzipped, and start-domain successfully. and finally the problem killed me for now.
After glassfish v4 started, I try to login into web console at:
then glassfish server instance "dies", the java process of glassfish is still there, but without any response, the web console starting icon keeps rolling all the time. And there are no error logs created, and the "generated" directory is not generated.
2013-10-15 14:05:20.928 java[797:903] * NSInvocation: warning: object 0x1083c8390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead
2013-10-15 14:05:20.930 java[797:903] * NSInvocation: warning: object 0x1083c8390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort
Command start-domain failed.
That is the 1st problem.
The 2nd problem is about github. Since github official does not support OSX 10.6.8, I found an old installer with version 1.0.3. I installed this version, with one ONLY problem for now, I cannot login into github with username and password,no error responses, just no responding, I suffered this once I was on Windows. But I can work with clicking the "Clone into Desktop" button on
Can someone help me out? I am working on JDK7 based projects.
Why everybody is leaving Snow Leopard, and does not support it anymore, but old Mac computers should be die without working software after 2~3 years, just 2~3 years. And OS upgrade to nex t level will DOWNGrade the performance. Why this things happen?
Is it the oracle from god?
I had the same error (NSInvocation...), on my 2006 Macbook Pro (OS X 10.6.8), onto which I had installed JDK7 to develop a Java/GWT application in Eclipse Kepler. After searching around, I learned that one possible solution was to downgrade to JDK 1.7.0u25 (instead of update 40 or higher), so I installed that version alongside 1.7.0u45 (which I already had), and that fixed the problem. So I would recommend installing that version of the JDK and see if that fixes your problem.

Is meteor unstable on windows 7?

I have had basic tests for meteor on a Windows7 PC.
But there the application crashed too often.
Before this, I tested meteor on PC running Windows8. There, crashes happened much less often and generally they were recovered when I shutdown and rebooted the meteor.
Is Meteor unstable on windows7?
Or is there any way to avoid this?
The version packaged to the MSI installer that can be found on is not official. If you want a more stable, try the virtualized option I've described on the site. I've been using that for a month without issues.
Please could you be specific about what problems you are seeing, for example, what do you mean by 'crash'.
You can certainly raise issues on SO, but if they appear to be specific to the windows port, please raise a ticket at:
The only difference between Win7 and Win8 meteor, is that the installer sets the Win7 compatibility mode for the node.exe executable on Windows 8.
There are also relatively few differences between the windows port of meteor and the official linux/mac release. So there is a possibility that the issue is either environmental (e.g. you have different things installed on the two machines), or it may even be a core issue that just happens to appear more often Win7 due to timing issues (there was a case of this in 0.6.3).

Run latest version of G-WAN on windows

I see some comments in G-WAN website about discontinuing Windows version since Sep 9, 2009.
Now, I want to run the latest version of G-WAN web server in Windows, how can I do that?
Well, you'll have to convince Microsoft to update their issues which are slowing down G-WAN.
:) It's currently not very profitable to invest time in Windows when the bottlenecks are coming from the OS (from my understanding).
But, if you really want to run the latest version in Windows, you'll probably have to go down the virtualization route, and even then you'll still be depending on Linux to power it.
