Differences between running OSX App from Finder versus Xcode? - xcode

Differences between running OSX App from Finder versus Xcode ???
System is iMac 27” all-in-1 running Mavericks OSX 10.9.5 and latest Xcode 6.0.1
The App reads a binary file and writes two text files, may re-write the binary file, and draws in a
window client area.
App totally runs in Xcode. App, binary file and two text files are in ~/Debug or ~/Release directory.
No problem writing to files. File i/o code does this…
std::fstream out( binary_file, std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
if ( out )
out.read(buffer, MaxBuffer);
ofstream info(“info_file.txt”);
if ( info.is_open() )
info << text;
system("chmod 777 info_file.txt"); //tried this, doesn’t help
ofstream clout(“clout_file.txt”);
if ( clout.is_open() )
clout << text;
system("chmod 777 clout_file.txt"); //tried this, doesn’t help
App cannot write to files when run (double clicked) from Finder. Regardless of where App and files are located…
/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/Appname
I should say the App is Archive/Release built in Xcode and placed in destination directory for
Finder situation. Is this the right way? This is my first OSX App but I’ve been programming for
Permissions for Finder situation are
App: myname Read & Write, staff Read only, everyone Read only
binary file: myname Read & Write, staff Read & Write, everyone Read & Write
text files: myname Read & Write, staff Read & Write, everyone Read & Write
I’ve checked all the permissions in directory tree in Unix terminal also.
Xcode versus Finder, what are the differences? regarding…
user name (byname)
group name (staff, root, admin)
working directory on startup
permissions on App and files (read, write, execute)
location of App and files
would /tmp location for file writing work?
where would be the best place to put App and files?
App working directory is changed by App to be where App and files are located.
Xcode -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Options -> Working Directory set to same location.
This doesn’t help the Finder run situation.
A MS Windows version of this App works fine.
I have ported it, re-written it, for iMac OSX environment and it runs great in Xcode.
What is wrong with Finder case? Why can’t files be opened in output mode?
I’m thinking of re-writing the file i/o in objective-c style but it would be a pain and should not be
necessary. CString versus NSString is a big pain for me. I have had to use .mm and
objective- c++ source type to get this far.
Ideas welcome and thanks.

Full path names resolves all issues with running from Finder. Multiple directory locations were tried successfully. Awesome thanks to Paul R.


Application doesn't launch from ZeroBrane Studio

I'm having a lot of problems with ZeroBraneStudio!
I enjoyed using it to write my first application on Windows, but now I fail to make it working on MacBook Air and even on WIndows after reinstalling Solar2D and ZeroBrane!
If I launch my app opening Corona Simulator everythings works well, but ZeroBrane doesn't work. The errors on MacBook and on Windows are similar.
On MacBook:
Program starting as '"/Applications/Corona-3664/Native/Corona/mac/bin/lua" -e "io.stdout:setvbuf('no')" "/var/folders/4w/hn6pxl5s20v31f0q2n9msjs40000gn/T/.bO0D1R"'.
Program 'lua' started in '/Applications/Corona-3664' (pid: 1638).
Debugging session started in '/Applications/Corona-3664/'.
SampleCode/Interface/Composer/main.lua:18: module 'composer' not found:
no field package.preload['composer']
no file './composer.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/composer.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/composer/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/composer.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/composer/init.lua'
no file './composer.lua'
no file './composer/init.lua'
no file './lua/composer.lua'
no file './lua/composer/init.lua'
no file '/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/lualibs/composer/composer.lua'
no file '/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/lualibs/composer.lua'
no file '/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/lualibs/composer/composer/init.lua'
no file '/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/lualibs/composer/init.lua'
no file './composer.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/composer.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
no file '/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/bin/clibs/composer.dylib'
no file '/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/bin/clibs/libcomposer.dylib'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
SampleCode/Interface/Composer/main.lua:18: in ma etc.
Please help me to understand what is going wrong!
It looks like your project points to /Applications/Corona-3664/ folder, but it needs to point to the location of your project files, such that the require statement for your project modules work from that location (or you need to adjust package.path values so that Lua interpreter can find the modules you are loading).
In this particular case it looks like the application expects the composer.lua to be in the same folder as main.lua, so try setting your project folder to /Applications/Corona-3664/SampleCode/Interface/Composer/ (although it's better to keep it outside of Applications/ folder).

Building Xcode Project Using GNUstep Makefile Does Not Open Application Window, buildtool Can't Find English.lproj

I completed the CurrencyConverter example using Xcode 2.5 on Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11, which I called CurrencyConverter2 since it was my second attempt. Since I've read that GNUstep is compatible with the Mac OS X Tiger version of Cocoa, I wanted to try building this Xcode project in GNUstep, which I am interested in learning.
I was able to install GNUstep on a VM running FreeBSD 12.0. I created a Makefile called GNUmakefile. Here are the contents of GNUmakefile:
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
APP_NAME = CurrencyConverter2
CurrencyConverter2_OBJC_FILES = main.m ConverterController.m Converter.m
CurrencyConverter2_RESOURCE_FILES = Info.plist English.lproj/MainMenu.nib
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/application.make
When building the program using gmake, it appears that everything was built correctly:
This is gnustep-make 2.7.0. Type 'gmake print-gnustep-make-help' for help.
Running in gnustep-make version 2 strict mode.
Making all for app CurrencyConverter2...
Creating CurrencyConverter2.app/....
gmake[3]: Warning: File 'main.m' has modification time 21869 s in the future
Compiling file main.m ...
Compiling file ConverterController.m ...
Compiling file Converter.m ...
Linking app CurrencyConverter2 ...
gmake[3]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
Creating CurrencyConverter2.app/Resources...
Creating stamp file...
Creating CurrencyConverter2.app/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
Creating CurrencyConverter2.app/Resources/CurrencyConverter2.desktop...
Copying resources into the app wrapper...
However, when I try to open CurrencyConverter2.app, the main window does not show up at all.
My hunch is that for some reason my Makefile is not recognizing English.lproj/MainMenu.nib.
I also tried using a tool called buildtool that is able to build Xcode projects using GNUstep, but it complained that it couldn't find English.lproj even though it is in the directory that I ran buildtool.
When converting a Mac app to GNUstep, you need to make a GNUstep-specific Info-plist template that roughly mirrors Info.plist (which is Mac-only).
At build time, the Info-plist template is used to generate two files: Info-gnustep.plist, and the app's .desktop (freedesktop.org desktop entry) file.
Info-gnustep.plist contains Info entries used at loadtime/runtime, such as the name of the principal class, the main-menu nibfile to load, etc.
The app's .desktop file contains Info entries used for registering the app with the desktop-environment/file-browser, such as the app's desktop-menu category, the executable path, supported MIME types, etc. (Note: 'make install' currently doesn't register a GNUstep app with the desktop environment; In order for an installed GNUStep app to appear in the desktop menus, its .desktop file - found in its Resources folder - must be manually registered using the 'desktop-file-install' command-line tool.)
The Info-plist template should be named, "{APP_NAME}Info.plist", and can contain a standard XML-format plist, or a simple text-list format:
{KEY1} = {VALUE1};
{KEY2} = {VALUE2};
For CurrencyConverter2, create a textfile named "CurrencyConverter2Info.plist" in the same directory as the Makefile, with the contents:
ApplicationName = CurrencyConverter2;
FreeDesktopCategories = ("Utility", "X-GNUstep");
NSExecutable = "CurrencyConverter2";
NSMainNibFile = "MainMenu.nib";
NSPrincipalClass = NSApplication;
NSRole = Application;
GNUstep-make will automatically find CurrencyConverter2Info.plist, so it doesn't need an entry in the Makefile.
Unrelated to the Info-plist template issue, you can also make these changes to your Makefile:
Info.plist is Mac-only, so it can be removed from
MainMenu.nib can be specified as a localized resource (so it no longer needs English.lproj in its pathname) by removing it from CurrencyConverter2_RESOURCE_FILES and adding these two lines to your Makefile:
CurrencyConverter2_LOCALIZED_RESOURCE_FILES = MainMenu.nib
CurrencyConverter2_LANGUAGES = English

How to package a Kivy app with Pyinstaller

I have a lot of troubles following the instructions form the Kivy website, many steps aren't explained like what should I answer to the warning.
WARNING: The output directory "..." and ALL ITS CONTENTS will be REMOVED! Continue? (y/n)
Even if I choose y, the folder isn't removed.
Also should I always add these lines:
from kivy.deps import sdl2, glew
*[Tree(p) for p in (sdl2.dep_bins + glew.dep_bins)]
in the .spec file? Why are they necessary?
Not many info is available for Kivy.
Because I spent a lot of time understanding how I should package my app, here are some instructions that would have really helped me.
Some info are available at http://pythonhosted.org/PyInstaller/
Python 3.6 as of march 2017
Because packaging my app gave me the error IndexError: tuple index out of range, I had to install the developement version of PyInstaller:
pip install https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/archive/develop.zip
Step 1:
I moved all the files of MyApp in a folder "C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\MyApp": the .py, the .kv and the images and I created an icon.ico.
I created another folder C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\MyPackagedApp. In this folder I press Shift+right click and select open command window here.
Then I pasted this:
python -m PyInstaller --name MyApp --icon "C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\MyApp\icon.ico" "C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\MyApp\myapp.py"
This creates two folders, build and dist, and a .spec file. In dist/MyApp, I can find a .exe. Apparently, if my app is really simple (just one label), the packaged app can works without the Step 2.
Step 2:
The second step involves editing the .spec file. Here is an exemple of mine.
(cf Step 3, for the explanations about my_hidden_modules)
I go back to the cmd, and enter
python -m MyApp myapp.spec
I then got this warning:
WARNING: The output directory "..." and ALL ITS CONTENTS will be REMOVED! Continue? (y/n)
I enter y and then press enter.
Because I choosed y, I was surpised that the folder build was still there and that the dist/MyApp was still containing many files. But this is normal. PyInstaller can output a single file .exe or a single folder which contains all the script’s dependencies and an executable file. But the default output is a single folder with multiple files.
Step 3: adding hidden modules
When I click on the myapp.exe in dist/MyApp, the app crashed. In the log C:\Users\.kivy\logs\ I could find 2 errors: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32timezone' and SystemError: <class '_frozen_importlib._ModuleLockManager'>.
Because of this I had to edit the .spec file and add these lines:
my_hidden_modules = [
( 'C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python36\\Lib\\site-packages\\win32\\lib\\win32timezone.py', '.' )
in a = Analysis I changed datas = [] to datas = my_hidden_modules,
Apparently this is because I used a FileChooser widget.
So, the line:
yes, it will be removed AND replaced later with new files. Check the date. I think it prints permission denied if it can't do such a thin both for files and the whole folder, so you'd notice it. It's important though, because you need to add additional files into your folder.
Those additional files of two types:
kivy dependencies
application data
Dependencies are just binaries (+/- loaders, licenses, or so), you get them through the *[Tree(p) ...] piece of code, which is just a command for "get all files from that folder". Without them Kivy won't even start.
Similarly to that, the second Tree(<app folder>) does the same, but for your own files such as .py files, .kv files, images, music, databases, basically whatever you create.
Obviously if you remove the deps, app won't start and if you remove app data, you'll get some path errors and most likely crash. You don't want any of that :P
It also works if in the 'a = Analysis...' block in the spec file one substitutes
hiddenimports=['win32file', 'win32timezone']
for win32file, win32timezone or for whatever files are missing

Ruby Shoes App packaged for Windows doesn't display images

When I package my Shoes App for Windows images doesn't work. I have this very simple app (min_test.rb):
background "bg.jpg"
Which works fine if I run it through Shoes, but when I package it with Shoes so that I get a standalone .exe file the images doesn't load. Inside the folder these are the contents:
min_test.exe (after packaging)
If Shoes3.3.1, indeed, on linux too.
console (alt-/) saying "couldn't find tmp.....bg.jpg" ?
(background or image)
could you file a bug report, please : https://github.com/Shoes3/shoes3/issues
EDIT: Sorry, wait
if Shoes3.3.1 !
you have to first make a shy then an exe and the resulting exe will be outside of the directory where your script and image is.
follow this : https://github.com/Shoes3/shoes3/wiki/Packaging
(note: tested on linux and on Windows)

How to get a .exe packaged Ruby Shoes app to reference resources outside the package?

I'm trying to make a standalone .exe packaged Ruby Shoes app that uses images dynamically, meaning whichever images is found in the folder of the .exe file.
Shoes.app() {
background "bg.jpg"
This code works if the image is in the same folder when the .exe is packaged, and the image seems to be packaged into the .exe since it's not needed in the same folder as the .exe for it to display when running the exe. But when you want it to load the file in the same folder as the .exe, packaging the app without the image, it does not show. I've tried different ways at finding absolute path to the current directory where the .exe is launched from, but they all seem to point to some temporary directory under AppData and not where the .exe file is located.
Edit: my first answer was incomplete. Windows is a little odd in Shoes for packaged apps. Write a little test script.
Shoes.app do
stack do
para "DIR: #{DIR}"
para "LIB_DIR: #{LIB_DIR}"
cdir = Dir.getwd
para "CWD: #{cdir}"
Dir.getwd is probably what you want.
Calling pwd should get you what you want
Nope, Ok sorry get it now !:-)
Shoes is opening your exe/shy into AppData/temp so working directory and __FILE__ both point there !
Someone, some time ago proposed this : Trying to access the "current dir" in a packaged Shoes app
must be a better way !
you probably want custom packager (check "i want advanced install options")
check "Expand shy in users directory"
Do as you done for regular packaging.
Now when launching the exe, it will ask you( or the user) to choose where to install your app, proceed, note the directory.
Now before launching the installed app feed the noted directory with your resources and you should be ok
Some references : https://github.com/Shoes3/shoes3/wiki/Custom-Install-Scripts
(there's a lot more to it)
