iOS8 plugin pinterest.ShareExtension interrupted - ios8

I have an iOS app that uses UIActivityViewController for sharing. When I try to share via Pinterest I see the Pinterest share dialog very briefly and then it disappears.
The following message is printed to the log:
plugin pinterest.ShareExtension interrupted
What is causing this error? What do I need to do to make Pinterest sharing work?

I already had a UIActivityItemSource to generate my share link. I was able to resolve this issue by returning an NSString rather than NSURL to the Pinterest extension.
if ([activityType isEqualToString:PinterestExtentionType]) {
//Unclear why but passing an NSURL to the Pinterest iOS8 extention results in it instantly closing
return shareUrlString;
} else {
return [NSURL URLWithString:shareUrlString];


NSWorkspace throws error when launch the mail application

I tried the below code, it is working fine for me. Also am able to launch the mail application as well.
//Note the below path is coming from bundle identifier of Mail APP
NSString *path=#"/Applications/"
NSURL *mailURL = [NSURL URLWithString:path];
NSError *err=nil;
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplicationAtURL:mailURL
configuration: someData
But it throws me the below error message on console, What it means actually. How to resolve the below issue.
CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey failed because it was passed this URL which has no scheme: /Applications/
The error is thrown because you are not creating a valid URL. The URL needs a scheme, in your case it is file: so the correct URL is file:///Applications/Mail. You need to create a file URL which works as follows:
NSString *path=#"/Applications/";
NSURL *mailURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
Note that your code breaks if the user ha moved to another location. Also note that if the user doesn't use Apple's Mail app, it won't work well for the user either.
One possibility of doing it a more correct way is given here: How to launch New Message window in from my application
Another option is to get the URL for in a more fleixble way covering for users that have moved The idea is to use the bundle identifier and then ask NSWorkspace to launch this application by using
- (BOOL)launchAppWithBundleIdentifier:(NSString *)bundleIdentifier
additionalEventParamDescriptor:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)descriptor
launchIdentifier:(NSNumber **)identifier
(see also in detail here

Has there been a change to the way Mac OSX Mavericks handles CFBundleURLName "Custom url" launches for applications?

I created an app which is launched from a custom url in any OSX browser. This worked just fine by adding a standard CFBundleURLName entry to the app's plist.
My application works by reading by parsing some of the parameters on the custom url and then reacting to them.
So for example with a custom url of:
When clicking on the above url in a browser, OSX would launch my app and pass the actual custom url itself as the first argument to the app. Therefore in the app I could read the first arg and get the url the opened the app, and parse it for params I need.
This works fine in OSX 10.5-10.8, but in 10.9 Mavericks it appears to work slightly differently. Namely that if the application is not already running, it still launches the app but does not pass the custom url as first argument - so the app thinks it's just been launched manually by the user (such as selecting it from launchpad) rather than directly from a browser.
Weirdly, if the application is already open, then clicking the custom url DOES send the url string over to the app as first argument and functionality within the app occurs as expected.
I've tested this across 10.6->10.9 with new and old versions of my app and all exhibit the same behaviour. All work fine on first launch with versions before 10.9 Mavericks, but in 10.9 they don't get the url passed as first arg but then work on 2nd click once already running.
If anyone could shed some light on this I would be very grateful.
Where do you set up your URL handler? It needs to happen early. If you currently have it in applicationDidFinishLaunching, try to move it to applicationWillFinishLaunching.
The following works for me and logs the URL at launch even when the app is not running before I open the URL in Safari, for example. When I change WillFinishLaunching to DidFinishLaunching, I see exactly the behavior you describe.
#implementation AppDelegate
- (void)applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification
NSAppleEventManager *appleEventManager = [NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager];
[appleEventManager setEventHandler:self andSelector:#selector(handleGetURLEvent:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:kInternetEventClass andEventID:kAEGetURL];
- (void)handleGetURLEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)replyEvent
NSAppleEventDescriptor *obj = [event descriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject];
DescType type = [obj descriptorType];
if (type == typeChar) {
NSData *data = [obj data];
if (data) {
NSString *urlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
NSLog(#"url: %#", url);

SoundCloud OSX Oauth process doesn't create account unless cancelled

I've been trying to use the CocoaSoundCloudAPI to create a basic desktop app for OSX in Cocoa.
I'm struggling with authentication. Clicking a login button opens up an external browser window that tries to give my app authentication. If I click "Connect" the connect button shows a lovely animation... forever, and [SCSoundCloud account] is null.
However, if I click "Cancel" in the external browser window during this process, I see that SCAccount becomes !nil
Can anyone explain this?
Here's my code:
#import "SCMAppDelegate.h"
#implementation SCMAppDelegate
+ (void)initialize
[SCSoundCloud setClientID:#"MYID"
redirectURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"sampleproject1://oauth"]];
- (IBAction)login:(id)sender
[SCSoundCloud requestAccessWithPreparedAuthorizationURLHandler:^(NSURL *preparedURL){
// Load the URL in a web view or open it in an external browser
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:preparedURL];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
[[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager] setEventHandler:self
- (void)handleURLEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)event
NSString* url = [[event paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject] stringValue];
BOOL handled = [SCSoundCloud handleRedirectURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
if (!handled) {
NSLog(#"The URL (%#) could not be handled by the SoundCloud API. Maybe you want to do something with it.", url);
NSLog(#"This is the account: %#", [SCSoundCloud account]);
I've been using as a guide, and have found most things to work. Can anyone push me in the right direction?
I did some NSLogging and found that, in fact, I was receiving a valid SoundCloud Account object, it just needed some more time to receive the object back.
I was, however, surprised that my external browser window never received a notification to indicate that connection had completed - is this an error on my behalf or a regular occurrence when it comes to external oauth2 requests?
It seems that, even if I use Facebook authorisation with my app, I never get notified in the browser page that authentication has completed. Does anyone know how I can achieve this? I'm quite sure that my callback url is correct, but I'll keep trying...

xcode project always gets facebook login fail status

I encountered a facebook login problem. I installed FB SDK 3.0 and sample projects seemly run well --- not quite sure though. When I create a button in my own project and try to log in to Facebook, I always get FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed from sessionStateChanged method, although I apparently get the page "You have already authorized this app. Press Okay to continue". I also tried log out through Simulator Safari facebook page, and re-launched my project and I got new username/password page and I then logged in, but I still get FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed!
A few more observations.
1, I got FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed thru NSLog, the log comes up right after I clicked Okay button on the Facebook page "You have already authorized this app.
2, I tried clean xcode project cache, but no help.
Kind of frustrated. I wonder if any of you can help on this problem. Appreciated!
I did a bit more research, and I found what I have is probably a typical problem, as Facebook highlight here ("Pro-tip 3: Complete all iOS App Settings" section in page The image with a big red cross over iPhone is exactly what I have. From xcode project, I click my login button, and I'm directed to this page, and every time I have to click "Okay" on this page (let me call it Okay_page) to go back to my app in Simulator, however with login status as FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed. I checked bundle ID, I have it correct. I don't have a 'YOUR_IPHONE_APP_STORE_ID' yet, which I believe I need pay Apple to get and I will do it later but not while I'm still working on it.
Now get a couple of questions:
1, Do I have to have YOUR_IPHONE_APP_STORE_ID to skip this Okay_page?
2, Does this (not automatically re-directed back to my app from this Okay_page) have anything to do with that I always get a login status of FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed when I manually click Okay in this Okay_page and return to my app in Simulator? In another word, is (that I have to manually click Okay to get back to my app in Simulator) (the reason I got a status of FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed)?
Did you have set this function in AppDelegate?
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];
I had the same issue:
We created the facebook app ( setting our
bundle id (ex. com.MyCompany.MyApp)
Off course, created our iOS app with the same bundle id
After delivered our app to the client, he changed the bundle id
without notify us.
Obviously he started to get FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed errors!
So, you probably have different bundle id's between your iOS project and your Facebook App.
I had this error and couldn't resolve it for quite some time. It turns out that if you are using the native iOS Facebook account in settings and choose "no" for allow Facebook for this app, the app is blocked by the OS. You will always get the FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed error and there is nothing you can do inside the code to fix this (99% sure). The best you can do is alert the user to check out the settings.
i am typing wrong line in given below method. self.session was nil
return [self.session handleOpenURL:url];
it should be
return [[FBSession activeSession] handleOpenURL:url];
Use Following Method.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
annotation:(id)annotation {
// attempt to extract a token from the url
return [[FBSession activeSession] handleOpenURL:url];
// return [self.session handleOpenURL:url];
I fixed this problem after I reset the simulator. iOS Simulator - Reset Content and Settings..., hope to help.
I had this issue because I was calling [FBSession.activeSession close] in my applicationDidEnterBackground: app delegate callback. This closed the session so that when the redirect brought the app back up to open the session, it failed because it had been put into the closed state.
Make sure that you're not closing the session anywhere before you get to the Okay page.
go to Open your application on the left panel -> Status & Review -> there is a toggle with text "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?". Turn it on
well. I followed FBLoginCustomUISample somewhere on and it was a working example of facebook login implementation from facebook itself. You can also read my workaround while creating facebook login feature in a iOS app. Here is a link form me:
Native iOS Facebook SSO won't return to app

checking app download completion from my own app

so what I'm trying to do here is the following: let's say the user has already installed my app, app "A", from the store. On certain conditions, app "A" will open an URL pointing to a specific app page,app "B", on the App Store passing a redemption code so the user of app A is able to download app "B" without paying any additional money. So here's what I'm doing:
NSString *urlBase = #"";
NSURL *urlRedemptionCode = [NSURL URLWithString:[urlBase stringByAppendingString:code]];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:urlRedemptionCode];
This is working fine, so the question is: how do I know that the download of app "B" was completed correctly (or with errors) so I can take appropriate action in app "A"?
Thanks so much.
You could use NSURLConnection in combination with NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse instead of directly calling [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:yourURL].
NSURLConnection will allow you to set a delegate that will be notified when:
Data is (partially) received
Connection failed
Download finished
Check Using NSURLConnection at the official documentation.
