Difference on arrays, lists, hashes - algorithm

Is there a concept and/or algorithms that deal with the minimal sequence of elementary operations to handle differences between structured objects such as arrays/lists/hashes? I am imagining something like various notions of string distances, but I want to handle not only strings. For example, the difference between the first and the second arrays below:
["a", {b: 1}, false, "b"]
[{b: 1}, "a", false, true]
can be represented by two operations: transposing elements at indices 0 and 1 and replacing the element at index 3 with true. Replacing the whole array may apparently seem less (single) operation, but that involves larger objects, and should not be counted as the minimal operation. Is there a notion like this in programming?
I don't know what exactly should be considered as elementary operations that would make sense. I imagine insertion, deletion, (and perhaps transposition, substitution and/or assignment of a value under a different key in case of a hash). They should all be dealing with the structural difference. I clearly don't want to include operations like "add +3 to a number."

If you can encode the data structure as a string then you could use a variant of something like the Levenshtein distance algorithm. Assign a different symbol to each unique element of the two data structures, in this case "a" = A, {b: 1} = B, false = C, true = D, and "b" = E; then you'd be looking for the edit distance between the strings ABCE and BACD


Finding all subsets of a set of MultiSets made of elements from a single MultiSet (without replacement)

Two recent questions by the same author 1 are generally solved by the same technique. This feels to me like it would be a studied and perhaps well solved problem.
I would like to know what it might be called and where to find more information about it, assuming it is a well-known problem
This is my own phrasing of the question:
If we have a Set, M, of MultiSets2, M_1 - M_n made up of elements of Set S, and we have a MultiSet of components, C, also drawn from S, how do we find all subsets of M such that the for each subset, the multiplicities of each element of S in its union is no greater than the multiplicity of that element in C?3
For example, paraphrasing my own answer to the first question:
I think I understand that what you want would be for something like this:
const catalog= ["ad", "aab", "ace", "cd", "ba", "bd", "adf", "def"]
const components = ["a", "b", "a", "c", "d", "e"]
simultaneousItems (catalog, components)
to yield
["ad", "ace"], ["ad", "ba"], ["ad"], ["aab", "cd"], ["aab"], ["ace", "ba"],
["ace", "bd"], ["ace"],["cd", "ba"], ["cd"], ["ba"], ["bd"], []
where every array in the result is subset of catalog items that can be made together out of the components supplied. So, for instance, none of the output arrays contains "adf" or "def", since we have no "f" in the components, and none of them contain both "ad" and "aab" since we only have two "a"s in the component list.
Note that I'm using "abc" as a shorthand for the set containing the strings "a", "b", and "c".
The original problems seemed to be looking for maximal subsets, so there is one additional step, and that is perhaps an equally interesting problem, but I'm more curious about the version above.
Please don't look at my solution as any sort of algorithmic ideal. It was the first idea that came to mind.
Is this a well-known problem? There's some vague relationship to the Knapsack problem, and other packing problems, but I can't quite figure out what and where to search.
1 The first one is closer to what I think is the fundamental algorithmic question. I'm assuming the second one is closer to the real problem the OP is trying to solve. Without any feedback yet from the OP, I don't know for certain that my answers match the real need, but I find this an interesting question regardless.
2 Or Bag or mset. (definition)
3 More explicitly (and forgive me for being too far away from formal Math classes) if C = {S_1^m(z_1), S_2^m(z_2), ... S_j^m(z_j)} for some integer j, and S_1, S_2, ... S_j in S, and if N = {M_a_1, M_a_2, ... M_a_k} is one of the subset of M in the result, and ∪ {M_a_1, M_a_2, ... M_a_k} = {S_1^m(x_1), S_2^m(x_2), ... S_j^m(x_j)}, then for all i, x_i ≤ z_i.

Check if a value belongs to a hash

I'm not sure if this is actually possible thus I ask here. Does anyone knows of an algorithm that would allow something like this?
const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
const hash = createHash(values); // => xjaks14sdffdghj23h4kjhgd9f81nkjrsdfg9aiojd
hash.includes('b'); // => true
hash.includes('v'); // => false
What this snippet does, is it first creates some sort of hash from a list of values, then checks if the certain value belongs to that hash.
Hash functions in general
The primary idea of hash functions is to reduce the space, that is the functions are not injective as they map from a bigger domain to a smaller.
So they produce collisions. That is, there are different elements x and y that get mapped to the same hash value:
h(x) = h(y)
So basically you loose information of the given argument x.
However, in order to answer the question whether all values are contained you would need to keep all information (or at least all non-duplicates). This is obviously not possible for nearly all practical hash-functions.
Possible hash-functions would be identity function:
h(x) = x for all x
but this doesn't reduce the space, not practical.
A natural idea would be to compute hash values of the individual elements and then concatenate them, like
h(a, b, c) = (h(a), h(b), h(c))
But this again doesn't reduce the space, hash values are as long as the message, not practical.
Another possibility is to drop all duplicates, so given values [a, b, c, a, b] we only keep [a, b, c]. But this, in most examples, only reduces the space marginally, again not practical.
But no matter what you do, you can not reduce more than the amount of non-duplicates. Else you wouldn't be able to answer the question for some values. For example if we use [a, b, c, a] but only keep [a, b], we are unable to answer "was c contained" correctly.
Perfect hash functions
However, there is the field of perfect hash functions (Wikipedia). Those are hash-functions that are injective, they don't produce collisions.
In some areas they are of interest.
For those you may be able to answer that question, for example if computing the inverse is easy.
Cryptographic hash functions
If you talk about cryptographic hash functions, the answer is no.
Those need to have three properties (Wikipedia):
Pre-image resistance - Given h it should be difficult to find m : hash(m) = h
Second pre-image resistance - Given m it should be difficult to find m' : hash(m) = hash(m')
Collision resistance - It should be difficult to find (m, m') : hash(m) = hash(m')
Informally you have especially:
A small change to a message should change the hash value so extensively that the new hash value appears uncorrelated with the old hash value.
If you now would have such a hash value you would be able to easily reconstruct it by asking whether some values are contained. Using that you can easily construct collisions on purpose and stuff like that.
Details would however depend on the specific hash algorithm.
For a toy-example let's use the previous algorithm that simply removes all duplicates:
[a, b, c, a, a] -> [a, b, c]
In that case we find messages like
[a, b, c]
[a, b, c, a]
[a, a, b, b, c]
that all map to the same hash value.
If the hash function produces collisions (as almost all hash function do) this cannot be possible.
Think about it this way if for example h('abc') = x and h('abd') = x, how can you decide based on x if the original string contains 'd'?
You could arguably decide to use identity as a has function, which would do the job.
Trivial solution will be a simple hash concatenation.
func createHash(values) {
var hash;
foreach (v in values)
hash += MD5(v);
return hash;
Can it be done with fixed length hash and variable input? I'd bet it's impossible.
In case of string hash (such as used in HashMaps), because it is additive, I think we can match partially (prefix match but not suffix).
const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
const hash = createStringHash(values); // => xjaks14sdffdghj23h4kjhgd9f81nkjrsdfg9aiojd
hash.includes('a'); // => true
hash.includes('a', 'b'); // => true
hash.includes('a', 'b', 'v'); // => false
Bit arrays
If you don't care what the resulting hash looks like, I'd recommend just using a bit array.
Take the range of all possible values
Map this to the range of integers starting from 0
Let each bit in our hash indicate whether or not this value appears in the input
This will require 1 bit for every possible value (which could be a lot of bits for large ranges).
Note: this representation is optimal in terms of the number of bits used, assuming there's no limit on the number of elements you can have (beyond 1 of each possible value) - if it were possible to use any fewer bits, you'd have an algorithm that's capable of providing guaranteed compression of any data, which is impossible by the pigeonhole principle.
For example:
If your range is a-z, you can map this to 0-25, then [a,d,g,h] would map to:
10010011000000000000000000 = 38535168 = 0x24c0000
More random-looking hashes
If you care what the hash looks like, you could take the output from the above and perform a perfect hash on it to map it either to the same length hash or a longer hash.
One trivial example of such a map would be to increment the resulting hash by a randomly chosen but deterministic value (i.e. it's the same for every hash we convert) - you can also do this for each byte (with wrap-around) if you want (e.g. byte0 = (byte0+5)%255, byte1 = (byte1+18)%255).
To determine whether an element appears, the simplest approach would be to reverse the above operation (subtract instead of add) and then just check if the corresponding bit is set. Depending on what you did, it might also be possible to only convert a single byte.
Bloom filters
If you don't mind false positives, I might recommend just using a bloom filter instead.
In short, this sets multiple bits for each value, and then checks each of those bits to check whether a value is in our collection. But the bits that are set for one value can overlap with the bits for other values, which allows us to significantly reduce the number of bits required at the cost of a few false positives (assuming the total number of elements isn't too large).

Cartesian product using spark

I have two sequences A and B. We want to generate a Boolean sequence where each element in A has a subsequence which occurs in B. For example:
a = ["abababab", "ccffccff", "123123", "56575656"]
b = ["ab", "55", "adfadf", "123", "5656"]
output = [True, False, True, True]
A and B do not fit in memory. One solution may be as follows:
val a = sc.parallelize(List("abababab", "ccffccff", "123123", "56575656"))
val b = sc.parallelize(List("ab", "55", "adfadf", "123", "5656"))
.map({case (x,y) => (x, x contains y) })
.reduceByKey(_ || _).map(w => w._1 + "," + w._2).saveAsTextFile("./output.txt")
One could appreciate that there is no need to compute the cartesian product because once we find a first couple of sequence that meets our condition we can stop the search. Take for example the first element of A. If we start iterating B from the beginning, the first element of B is a subsequence and therefore the output is True. In this case, we have been very lucky but in general there is no need to verify all combinations.
The question is: is there any other way to optimize this computation?
I believe the short answer is 'NO' :)
I also don't think it's fair to compare what Spark does with iterating. You have to remember that Spark is for huge data set where sequential processing is not an option. It runs your function in parallel with potentially thousands of tasks executed concurrently on many different machines. And it does this to ensure that processing will finish in a reasonable time even if the first element of A matches the very last element of B.
In contrast, iterating or looping is a sequential operation comparing two elements at the time. It is well suited for small data sets, but not for huge data sets and definitely not for distributed processing.

String similarity score/hash

Is there a method to calculate something like general "similarity score" of a string? In a way that I am not comparing two strings together but rather I get some number (hash) for each string that can later tell me that two strings are or are not similar. Two similar strings should have similar (close) hashes.
Let's consider these strings and scores as an example:
Hello world 1000
Hello world! 1010
Hello earth 1125
Foo bar 3250
FooBarbar 3750
Foo Bar! 3300
Foo world! 2350
You can see that Hello world! and Hello world are similar and their scores are close to each other.
This way, finding the most similar strings to a given string would be done by subtracting given strings score from other scores and then sorting their absolute value.
I believe what you're looking for is called a Locality Sensitive Hash. Whereas most hash algorithms are designed such that small variations in input cause large changes in output, these hashes attempt the opposite: small changes in input generate proportionally small changes in output.
As others have mentioned, there are inherent issues with forcing a multi-dimensional mapping into a 2-dimensional mapping. It's analogous to creating a flat map of the Earth... you can never accurately represent a sphere on a flat surface. Best you can do is find a LSH that is optimized for whatever feature it is you're using to determine whether strings are "alike".
Levenstein distance or its derivatives is the algorithm you want.
Match given string to each of strings from dictionary.
(Here, if you need only fixed number of most similar strings, you may want to use min-heap.)
If running Levenstein distance for all strings in dictionary is too expensive, then use some rough
algorithm first that will exclude too distant words from list of candidates.
After that, run levenstein distance on left candidates.
One way to remove distant words is to index n-grams.
Preprocess dictionary by splitting each of words into list of n-grams.
For example, consider n=3:
(0) "Hello world" -> ["Hel", "ell", "llo", "lo ", "o w", " wo", "wor", "orl", "rld"]
(1) "FooBarbar" -> ["Foo", "ooB", "oBa", "Bar", "arb", "rba", "bar"]
(2) "Foo world!" -> ["Foo", "oo ", "o w", " wo", "wor", "orl", "rld", "ld!"]
Next, create index of n-gramms:
" wo" -> [0, 2]
"Bar" -> [1]
"Foo" -> [1, 2]
"Hel" -> [0]
"arb" -> [1]
"bar" -> [1]
"ell" -> [0]
"ld!" -> [2]
"llo" -> [0]
"lo " -> [0]
"o w" -> [0, 2]
"oBa" -> [1]
"oo " -> [2]
"ooB" -> [1]
"orl" -> [0, 2]
"rba" -> [1]
"rld" -> [0, 2]
"wor" -> [0, 2]
When you need to find most similar strings for given string, you split given string into n-grams and select only those
words from dictionary which have at least one matching n-gram.
This reduces number of candidates to reasonable amount and you may proceed with levenstein-matching given string to each of left candidates.
If your strings are long enough, you may reduce index size by using min-hashing technnique:
you calculate ordinary hash for each of n-grams and use only K smallest hashes, others are thrown away.
P.S. this presentation seems like a good introduction to your problem.
This isn't possible, in general, because the set of edit distances between strings forms a metric space, but not one with a fixed dimension. That means that you can't provide a mapping between strings and integers that preserves a distance measure between them.
For example, you cannot assign numbers to these three phrases:
one two
one six
two six
Such that the numbers reflect the difference between all three phrases.
While the idea seems extremely sweet... I've never heard of this.
I've read many, many, technics, thesis, and scientific papers on the subject of spell correction / typo correction and the fastest proposals revolve around an index and the levenshtein distance.
There are fairly elaborated technics, the one I am currently working on combines:
A Bursted Trie, with level compactness
A Levenshtein Automaton
Even though this doesn't mean it is "impossible" to get a score, I somehow think there would not be so much recent researches on string comparisons if such a "scoring" method had proved efficient.
If you ever find such a method, I am extremely interested :)
Would Levenshtein distance work for you?
In an unbounded problem, there is no solution which can convert any possible sequence of words, or any possible sequence of characters to a single number which describes locality.
Imagine similarity at the character level
hello world
world hello
In both examples the messages are different, but the characters in the message are identical, so the measure would need to hold a position value , as well as a character value. (char 0 == 'h', char 1 == 'e' ...)
Then compare the following similar messages
hello world
ello world
Although the two strings are similar, they could differ at the beginning, or at the end, which makes scaling by position problematic.
In the case of
The words only differ by position of the characters, so some form of position is important.
If the following strings are similar
Then you have a form of paradox. If you add 2 s characters to the second string, it should share the distance it was from the first string, but it should be distinct. This can be repeated getting progressively longer strings, all of which need to be close to the strings just shorter and longer than them. I can't see how to achieve this.
In general this is treated as a multi-dimensional problem - breaking the string into a vector
[ 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd' ]
But the values of the vector can not be
represented by a fixed size number, or
give good quality difference measure.
If the number of words, or length of strings were bounded, then a solution of coding may be possible.
Bounded values
Using something like arithmetic compression, then a sequence of words can be converted into a floating point number which represents the sequence. However this would treat items earlier in the sequence as more significant than the last item in the sequence.
data mining solution
If you accept that the problem is high dimensional, then you can store your strings in a metric-tree wikipedia : metric tree. This would limit your search space, whilst not solving your "single number" solution.
I have code for such at github : clustering
Items which are close together, should be stored together in a part of the tree, but there is really no guarantee. The radius of subtrees is used to prune the search space.
Edit Distance or Levenshtein distance
This is used in a sqlite extension to perform similarity searching, but with no single number solution, it works out how many edits change one string into another. This then results in a score, which shows similarity.
I think of something like this:
remove all non-word characters
apply soundex
Your idea sounds like ontology but applied to whole phrases. The more similar two phrases are, the closer in the graph they are (assuming you're using weighted edges). And vice-versa: non similar phrases are very far from each other.
Another approach, is to use Fourier transform to get sort of the 'index' for a given string (it won't be a single number, but always). You may find little bit more in this paper.
And another idea, that bases on the Levenshtein distance: you may compare n-grams that will give you some similarity index for two given phrases - the more they are similar the value is closer to 1. This may be used to calculate distance in the graph. wrote a paper on this a few years ago, if you'd like I can share it.
Anyways: despite I don't know the exact solution, I'm also interested in what you'll came up with.
Maybe use PCA, where the matrix is a list of the differences between the string and a fixed alphabet (à la ABCDEFGHI...). The answer could be simply the length of the principal component.
Just an idea.
ready-to-run PCA in C#
It is unlikely one can get a rather small number from two phrases that, being compared, provide a relevant indication of the similarity of their initial phrases.
A reason is that the number gives an indication in one dimension, while phrases are evolving in two dimensions, length and intensity.
The number could evolve as well in length as in intensity but I'm not sure it'll help a lot.
In two dimensions, you better look at a matrix, which some properties like the determinant (a kind of derivative of the matrix) could give a rough idea of the phrase trend.
In Natural Language Processing we have a thing call Minimum Edit Distance (also known as Levenshtein Distance)
Its basically defined as the smallest amount of operation needed in order to transform string1 to string2
Operations included Insertion, Deletion, Subsitution, each operation is given a score to which you add to the distance
The idea to solve your problem is to calculate the MED from your chosen string, to all the other string, sort that collection and pick out the n-th first smallest distance string
For example:
{"Hello World", "Hello World!", "Hello Earth"}
Choosing base-string="Hello World"
Med(base-string, "Hello World!") = 1
Med(base-string, "Hello Earth") = 8
1st closest string is "Hello World!"
This have somewhat given a score to each string of your string-collection
C# Implementation (Add-1, Deletion-1, Subsitution-2)
public static int Distance(string s1, string s2)
int[,] matrix = new int[s1.Length + 1, s2.Length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= s1.Length; i++)
matrix[i, 0] = i;
for (int i = 0; i <= s2.Length; i++)
matrix[0, i] = i;
for (int i = 1; i <= s1.Length; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= s2.Length; j++)
int value1 = matrix[i - 1, j] + 1;
int value2 = matrix[i, j - 1] + 1;
int value3 = matrix[i - 1, j - 1] + ((s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]) ? 0 : 2);
matrix[i, j] = Math.Min(value1, Math.Min(value2, value3));
return matrix[s1.Length, s2.Length];
Complexity O(n x m) where n, m is length of each string
More info on Minimum Edit Distance can be found here
Well, you could add up the ascii value of each character and then compare the scores, having a maximum value on which they can differ. This does not guarantee however that they will be similar, for the same reason two different strings can have the same hash value.
You could of course make a more complex function, starting by checking the size of the strings, and then comparing each caracter one by one, again with a maximum difference set up.

Map strings to numbers maintaining the lexicographic ordering

I'm looking for an algorithm or function that is able to map a string to a number in such way that the resulting values correspond the lexicographic ordering of strings. Example:
"book" -> 50000
"car" -> 60000
"card" -> 65000
"a longer string" -> 15000
"another long string" -> 15500
"awesome" -> 16000
As a function it should be something like: f(x) = y, so that for any x1 < x2 => f(x1) < f(x2), where x is an arbitrary string and y is a number.
If the input set of x is finite, then I could always do a sort and assign the proper values, but I'm looking for something generic for an unlimited input set for x.
If you require that f map to integers this is impossible.
Suppose that there is such a map f. Consider the strings a, aa, aaa, etc. Consider the values f(a), f(aa), f(aaa), etc. As we require that f(a) < f(aa) < f(aaa) < ... we see that f(a_n) tends to infinity as n tends to infinity; here I am using the obvious notation that a_n is the character a repeated n times. Now consider the string b. We require that f(a_n) < f(b) for all n. But f(b) is some finite integer and we just showed that f(a_n) goes to infinity. We have a contradiction. No such map is possible.
Maybe you could tell us what you need this for? This is fairly abstract and we might be able to suggest something more suitable. Further, don't necessarily worry about solving "it" generally. YAGNI and all that.
As a corollary to Jason's answer, if you can map your strings to rational numbers, such a mapping is very straightforward. If code(c) is the ASCII code of the character c and s[i] is theith character in the string s, just sum like follows:
result <- 0
scale <- 1
for i from 1 to length(s)
scale <- scale / 26
index <- (1 + code(s[i]) - code('a'))
result <- result + index / scale
end for
return result
This maps the empty string to 0, and every other string to a rational number between 0 and 1, maintaining lexicographical order. If you have arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point numbers, you can replace the division by powers of 26 with powers of 100 and still have exactly representable numbers; with arbitrary precision binary floating-point numbers, you can divide by powers of 32.
what you are asking for is a a temporary suspension of the pigeon hole principle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pigeonhole_principle).
The strings are the pigeons, the numbers are the holes.
There are more pigeons than holes, so you can't put each pigeon in its own hole.
You would be much better off writing a comparator which you can supply to a sort function. The comparator takes two strings and returns -1, 0, or 1. Even if you could create such a map, you still have to sort on it. If you need both a "hash" and the order, then keep stuff in two data structures - one that preserves the order, and one that allows fast access.
Maybe a Radix Tree is what you're looking for?
A radix tree, Patricia trie/tree, or
crit bit tree is a specialized set
data structure based on the trie that
is used to store a set of strings. In
contrast with a regular trie, the
edges of a Patricia trie are labelled
with sequences of characters rather
than with single characters. These can
be strings of characters, bit strings
such as integers or IP addresses, or
generally arbitrary sequences of
objects in lexicographical order.
Sometimes the names radix tree and
crit bit tree are only applied to
trees storing integers and Patricia
trie is retained for more general
inputs, but the structure works the
same way in all cases.
LWN.net also has an article describing this data structures use in the Linux kernel.
I have post a question here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22798824/what-lexicographic-order-means
As workaround you can append empty symbols with code zero to right side of the string, and use expansion from case II.
Without such expansion with extra empty symbols I' m actually don't know how to make such mapping....
But if you have a finite set of Symbols (V), then |V*| is eqiualent to |N| -- fact from Disrete Math.
