Cartesian product using spark - algorithm

I have two sequences A and B. We want to generate a Boolean sequence where each element in A has a subsequence which occurs in B. For example:
a = ["abababab", "ccffccff", "123123", "56575656"]
b = ["ab", "55", "adfadf", "123", "5656"]
output = [True, False, True, True]
A and B do not fit in memory. One solution may be as follows:
val a = sc.parallelize(List("abababab", "ccffccff", "123123", "56575656"))
val b = sc.parallelize(List("ab", "55", "adfadf", "123", "5656"))
.map({case (x,y) => (x, x contains y) })
.reduceByKey(_ || _).map(w => w._1 + "," + w._2).saveAsTextFile("./output.txt")
One could appreciate that there is no need to compute the cartesian product because once we find a first couple of sequence that meets our condition we can stop the search. Take for example the first element of A. If we start iterating B from the beginning, the first element of B is a subsequence and therefore the output is True. In this case, we have been very lucky but in general there is no need to verify all combinations.
The question is: is there any other way to optimize this computation?

I believe the short answer is 'NO' :)
I also don't think it's fair to compare what Spark does with iterating. You have to remember that Spark is for huge data set where sequential processing is not an option. It runs your function in parallel with potentially thousands of tasks executed concurrently on many different machines. And it does this to ensure that processing will finish in a reasonable time even if the first element of A matches the very last element of B.
In contrast, iterating or looping is a sequential operation comparing two elements at the time. It is well suited for small data sets, but not for huge data sets and definitely not for distributed processing.


Algorithm for grouping non-transitive pairs of items into maximal (overlapping) subsets

I'm working on an algorithm to combine matching pairs of items into larger groups. The problem is that these pairs are not transitive; 1=2 and 2=3 does not necessarily mean that 1=3. They are, however, commutative, so 1=2 implies 2=1.
Each item can belong to multiple groups, but each group should be as large as possible; for example, if 1=2, 1=3, 1=4, 1=5, 2=3, 3=4, and 4=5, then we'd want to end up with groups of 1-2-3, 1-3-4, and 1-4-5.
The best solution I've come up with to this so far is to work recursively: for any given item, iterate through every later item, and if they match, recurse and iterate through every later item than that to see if it matches all of the ones you've collected so far. (and then check to make sure there isn't a larger group that already contains that combination, so e.g. in the above example I'd be about to output 4-5 but then would go back and find that they were already incorporated in 1-4-5)
The sets involved are not enormous - rarely more than 40 or 50 items - but I might be working with thousands of these little sets in a single operation. So computational-complexity-wise it's totally fine if it's O(n²) or whatever because it's not going to have to scale to enormous sets, but I'd like it to be as fast as possible on those little 50-item sets.
Anyway, while I can probably make do with the above solution, it feels needlessly awkward and slow, so if there's a better approach I'd love to hear about it.
If you want ALL maximal groups, then there is no subexponential algorithm for this problem. As points out, the number of maximal cliques to find may itself grow exponentially in the size of the graph.
If you want just a set of maximal groups that covers all of the original relationships, then you can solve this in polynomial time (though not with a great bound).
def maximal_groups (pairs):
related = {}
not_included = {}
for pair in pairs:
for i in [0, 1]:
if pair[i] not in related:
related[pair[i]] = set()
not_included[pair[i]] = set()
if pair[1-i] not in related:
related[pair[1-i]] = set()
not_included[pair[1-i]] = set()
groups = []
for item in sorted(related.keys()):
while 0 < len(not_included[item]):
other_item = not_included[item].pop()
group = [item, other_item]
available = [x for x in sorted(related[item]) if x in related[other_item]]
while 0 < len(available):
next_item = available[0]
for prev_item in group:
if prev_item in not_included[next_item]:
available = [x for x in available if x in related[next_item]]
return groups
print(maximal_groups([[1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5], [2,3], [3,4], [4,5]]))

How to assign many subsets to their largest supersets?

My data has large number of sets (few millions). Each of those set size is between few members to several tens of thousands integers. Many of those sets are subsets of larger sets (there are many of those super-sets). I'm trying to assign each subset to it's largest superset.
Please can anyone recommend algorithm for this type of task?
There are many algorithms for generating all possible sub-sets of a set, but this type of approach is time-prohibitive given my data size (e.g. this paper or SO question).
Example of my data-set:
A {1, 2, 3}
B {1, 3}
C {2, 4}
D {2, 4, 9}
E {3, 5}
F {1, 2, 3, 7}
Expected answer: B and A are subset of F (it's not important B is also subset of A); C is a subset of D; E remains unassigned.
Here's an idea that might work:
Build a table that maps number to a sorted list of sets, sorted first by size with largest first, and then, by size, arbitrarily but with some canonical order. (Say, alphabetically by set name.) So in your example, you'd have a table that maps 1 to [F, A, B], 2 to [F, A, D, C], 3 to [F, A, B, E] and so on. This can be implemented to take O(n log n) time where n is the total size of the input.
For each set in the input:
fetch the lists associated with each entry in that set. So for A, you'd get the lists associated with 1, 2, and 3. The total number of selects you'll issue in the runtime of the whole algorithm is O(n), so runtime so far is O(n log n + n) which is still O(n log n).
Now walk down each list simultaneously. If a set is the first entry in all three lists, then it's the largest set that contains the input set. Output that association and continue with the next input list. If not, then discard the smallest item among all the items in the input lists and try again. Implementing this last bit is tricky, but you can store the heads of all lists in a heap and get (IIRC) something like O(n log k) overall runtime where k is the maximum size of any individual set, so you can bound that at O(n log n) in the worst case.
So if I got everything straight, the runtime of the algorithm is overall O(n log n), which seems like probably as good as you're going to get for this problem.
Here is a python implementation of the algorithm:
from collections import defaultdict, deque
import heapq
def LargestSupersets(setlists):
'''Computes, for each item in the input, the largest superset in the same input.
setlists: A list of lists, each of which represents a set of items. Items must be hashable.
# First, build a table that maps each element in any input setlist to a list of records
# of the form (-size of setlist, index of setlist), one for each setlist that contains
# the corresponding element
element_to_entries = defaultdict(list)
for idx, setlist in enumerate(setlists):
entry = (-len(setlist), idx) # cheesy way to make an entry that sorts properly -- largest first
for element in setlist:
# Within each entry, sort so that larger items come first, with ties broken arbitrarily by
# the set's index
for entries in element_to_entries.values():
# Now build up the output by going over each setlist and walking over the entries list for
# each element in the setlist. Since the entries list for each element is sorted largest to
# smallest, the first entry we find that is in every entry set we pulled will be the largest
# element of the input that contains each item in this setlist. We are guaranteed to eventually
# find such an element because, at the very least, the item we're iterating on itself is in
# each entries list.
output = []
for idx, setlist in enumerate(setlists):
num_elements = len(setlist)
buckets = [element_to_entries[element] for element in setlist]
# We implement the search for an item that appears in every list by maintaining a heap and
# a queue. We have the invariants that:
# 1. The queue contains the n smallest items across all the buckets, in order
# 2. The heap contains the smallest item from each bucket that has not already passed through
# the queue.
smallest_entries_heap = []
smallest_entries_deque = deque([], num_elements)
for bucket_idx, bucket in enumerate(buckets):
smallest_entries_heap.append((bucket[0], bucket_idx, 0))
while (len(smallest_entries_deque) < num_elements or
smallest_entries_deque[0] != smallest_entries_deque[num_elements - 1]):
# First extract the next smallest entry in the queue ...
(smallest_entry, bucket_idx, element_within_bucket_idx) = heapq.heappop(smallest_entries_heap)
# ... then add the next-smallest item from the bucket that we just removed an element from
if element_within_bucket_idx + 1 < len(buckets[bucket_idx]):
new_element = buckets[bucket_idx][element_within_bucket_idx + 1]
heapq.heappush(smallest_entries_heap, (new_element, bucket_idx, element_within_bucket_idx + 1))
output.append((idx, smallest_entries_deque[0][1]))
return output
Note: don't trust my writeup too much here. I just thought of this algorithm right now, I haven't proved it correct or anything.
So you have millions of sets, with thousands of elements each. Just representing that dataset takes billions of integers. In your comparisons you'll quickly get to trillions of operations without even breaking a sweat.
Therefore I'll assume that you need a solution which will distribute across a lot of machines. Which means that I'll think in terms of A series of them.
Read the sets in, mapping them to k:v pairs of i: s where i is an element of the set s.
Receive a key of an integers, along with a list of sets. Map them off to pairs (s1, s2): i where s1 <= s2 are both sets that included to i. Do not omit to map each set to be paired with itself!
For each pair (s1, s2) count the size k of the intersection, and send off pairs s1: k, s2: k. (Only send the second if s1 and s2 are different.
For each set s receive the set of supersets. If it is maximal, send off s: s. Otherwise send off t: s for every t that is a strict superset of s.
For each set s, receive the set of subsets, with s in the list only if it is maximal. If s is maximal, send off t: s for every t that is a subset of s.
For each set we receive the set of maximal sets that it is a subset of. (There may be many.)
There are a lot of steps for this, but at its heart it requires repeated comparisons between pairs of sets with a common element for each common element. Potentially that is O(n * n * m) where n is the number of sets and m is the number of distinct elements that are in many sets.
Here is a simple suggestion for an algorithm that might give better results based on your numbers (n = 10^6 to 10^7 sets with m = 2 to 10^5 members, a lot of super/subsets). Of course it depends a lot on your data. Generally speaking complexity is much worse than for the other proposed algorithms. Maybe you could only process the sets with less than X, e.g. 1000 members that way and for the rest use the other proposed methods.
Sort the sets by their size.
Remove the first (smallest) set and start comparing it against the others from behind (largest set first).
Stop as soon as you found a superset and create a relation. Just remove if no superset was found.
Repeat 2. and 3. for all but the last set.
If you're using Excel, you could structure it as follows:
1) Create a cartesian plot as a two-way table that has all your data sets as titles on both the side and the top
2) In a seperate tab, create a row for each data set in the first column, along with a second column that will count the number of entries (ex: F has 4) and then just stack FIND(",") and MID formulas across the sheet to split out all the entries within each data set. Use the counter in the second column to do COUNTIF(">0"). Each variable you find can be your starting point in a subsequent FIND until it runs out of variables and just returns a blank.
3) Go back to your cartesian plot, and bring over the separate entries you just generated for your column titles (ex: F is 1,2,3,7). Use an AND statement to then check that each entry in your left hand column is in your top row data set using an OFFSET to your seperate area and utilizing your counter as the width for the OFFSET

Python 2.7: List comprehension with "if-statement" runs very slowly

I am having performance troubles with a script I wrote. It compares two images and calculates statistics. Basic principle is as follows:
I have two data sets (dataX and dataY), both of size 955*707 elements (675185 in total). In both data sets, there are missing values which are marked with "-999". So at first I get a list that marks the position of the missing values:
del_items = []
for i in range(sizeX):
if dataX[i] == -999 or dataY[i] == -999:
This is done within the blink of an eye.
Now I want a subset of dataX and dataY of which those elements are removed that are -999 in either of the data sets (that's why I have the "or" connection above). I do this by list comprehension:
dataX = [x for i,x in enumerate(dataX) if i not in del_items]
dataY = [x for i,x in enumerate(dataY) if i not in del_items]
But this takes an incredible amount of time! I re-wrote the statements above to print out i and it takes about 2 minutes to get 100.000 items, so that would make 30 minutes for the whole image. That's way too long, considering how quick all other loops work in this script for data of the same size.
My assumption is that it takes so long, because it has to check if i is in del_items each and every time, whereas in the first loop it just has to verify if i is of a certain value.
Any ideas how I could speed up this process?
Thank you guys so much!
It's a typical look-up in list problem - it has O(n) complexity. To achieve O(1) complexity, you need to convert your look-up list to set.
del_items = set()
for i in xrange(sizeX):
if dataX[i] == -999 or dataY[i] == -999:
After that, if i not in del_items part of list comprehension will be performed in const time.

How to test if one set of (unique) integers belongs to another set, efficiently?

I'm writing a program where I'm having to test if one set of unique integers A belongs to another set of unique numbers B. However, this operation might be done several hundred times per second, so I'm looking for an efficient algorithm to do it.
For example, if A = [1 2 3] and B = [1 2 3 4], it is true, but if B = [1 2 4 5 6], it's false.
I'm not sure how efficient it is to just sort and compare, so I'm wondering if there are any more efficient algorithms.
One idea I came up with, was to give each number n their corresponding n'th prime: that is 1 = 2, 2 = 3, 3 = 5, 4 = 7 etc. Then I could calculate the product of A, and if that product is a factor of the similar product of B, we could say that A is a subset of similar B with certainty. For example, if A = [1 2 3], B = [1 2 3 4] the primes are [2 3 5] and [2 3 5 7] and the products 2*3*5=30 and 2*3*5*7=210. Since 210%30=0, A is a subset of B. I'm expecting the largest integer to be couple of million at most, so I think it's doable.
Are there any more efficient algorithms?
The asymptotically fastest approach would be to just put each set in a hash table and query each element, which is O(N) time. You cannot do better (since it will take that much time to read the data).
Most set datastructures already support expected and/or amortized O(1) query time. Some languages even support this operation. For example in python, you could just do
A < B
Of course the picture changes drastically depending on what you mean by "this operation is repeated". If you have the ability to do precalculations on the data as you add it to the set (which presumably you have the ability to do so), this will allow you to subsume the minimal O(N) time into other operations such as constructing the set. But we can't advise without knowing much more.
Assuming you had full control of the set datastructure, your approach to keep a running product (whenever you add an element, you do a single O(1) multiplication) is a very good idea IF there exists a divisibility test that is faster than O(N)... in fact your solution is really smart, because we can just do a single ALU division and hope we're within float tolerance. Do note however this will only allow you roughly a speedup factor of 20x max I think, since 21! > 2^64. There might be tricks to play with congruence-modulo-an-integer, but I can't think of any. I have a slight hunch though that there is no divisibility test that is faster than O(#primes), though I'd like to be proved wrong!
If you are doing this repeatedly on duplicates, you may benefit from caching depending on what exactly you are doing; give each set a unique ID (though since this makes updates hard, you may ironically wish to do something exactly like your scheme to make fingerprints, but mod max_int_size with detection-collision). To manage memory, you can pin extremely expensive set comparison (e.g. checking if a giant set is part of itself) into the cache, while otherwise using a most-recent policy if you run into memory issues. This nice thing about this is it synergizes with an element-by-element rejection test. That is, you will be throwing out sets quickly if they don't have many overlapping elements, but if they have many overlapping elements the calculations will take a long time, and if you repeat these calculations, caching could come in handy.
Let A and B be two sets, and you want to check if A is a subset of B. The first idea that pops into my mind is to sort both sets and then simply check if every element of A is contained in B, as following:
Let n_A and n_B be the cardinality of A and B, respectively. Let i_A = 1, i_B = 1. Then the following algorithm (that is O(n_A + n_B)) will solve the problem:
// A and B assumed to be sorted
i_A = 1;
i_B = 1;
n_A = size(A);
n_B = size(B);
while (i_A <= n_A) {
while (A[i_A] > B[i_B]) {
if (i_B > n_B) return false;
if (A[i_A] != B[i_B}) return false;
return true;
The same thing, but in a more functional, recursive way (some will find the previous easier to understand, others might find this one easier to understand):
// A and B assumed to be sorted
function subset(A, B)
n_A = size(A)
n_B = size(B)
function subset0(i_A, i_B)
if (i_A > n_A) true
else if (i_B > n_B) false
if (A[i_A] <= B[i_B]) return (A[i_A] == B[i_B]) && subset0(i_A + 1, i_B + 1);
else return subset0(i_A, i_B + 1);
subset0(1, 1)
In this last example, notice that subset0 is tail recursive, since if (A[i_A] == B[i_B]) is false then there will be no recursive call, otherwise, if (A[i_A] == B[i_B]) is true, than there's no need to keep this information, since the result of true && subset0(...) is exactly the same as subset0(...). So, any smart compiler will be able to transform this into a loop, avoiding stack overflows or any performance hits caused by function calls.
This will certainly work, but we might be able to optimize it a lot in the average case if you have and provide more information about your sets, such as the probability distribution of the values in the sets, if you somehow expect the answer to be biased (ie, it will more often be true, or more often be false), etc.
Also, have you already written any code to actually measure its performance? Or are you trying to pre-optimize?
You should start by writing the simplest and most straightforward solution that works, and measure its performance. If it's not already satisfactory, only then you should start trying to optimize it.
I'll present an O(m+n) time-per-test algorithm. But first, two notes regarding the problem statement:
Note 1 - Your edits say that set sizes may be a few thousand, and numbers may range up to a million or two.
In following, let m, n denote the sizes of sets A, B and let R denote the size of the largest numbers allowed in sets.
Note 2 - The multiplication method you proposed is quite inefficient. Although it uses O(m+n) multiplies, it is not an O(m+n) method because the product lengths are worse than O(m) and O(n), so it would take more than O(m^2 + n^2) time, which is worse than the O(m ln(m) + n ln(n)) time required for sorting-based methods, which in turn is worse than the O(m+n) time of the following method.
For the presentation below, I suppose that sets A, B can completely change between tests, which you say can occur several hundred times per second. If there are partial changes, and you know which p elements change in A from one test to next, and which q change in B, then the method can be revised to run in O(p+q) time per test.
Step 0. (Performed one time only, at outset.) Clear an array F, containing R bits or bytes, as you prefer.
Step 1. (Initial step of per-test code.) For i from 0 to n-1, set F[B[i]], where B[i] denotes the i'th element of set B. This is O(n).
Step 2. For i from 0 to m-1, { test F[A[i]]. If it is clear, report that A is not a subset of B, and go to step 4; else continue }. This is O(m).
Step 3. Report that A is a subset of B.
Step 4. (Clear used bits) For i from 0 to n-1, clear F[B[i]]. This is O(n).
The initial step (clearing array F) is O(R) but steps 1-4 amount to O(m+n) time.
Given the limit on the size of the integers, if the set of B sets is small and changes seldom, consider representing the B sets as bitsets (bit arrays indexed by integer set member). This doesn't require sorting, and the test for each element is very fast.
If the A members are sorted and tend to be clustered together, then get another speedup by testing all the element in one word of the bitset at a time.

Algorithm/Data Structure for finding combinations of minimum values easily

I have a symmetric matrix like shown in the image attached below.
I've made up the notation A.B which represents the value at grid point (A, B). Furthermore, writing A.B.C gives me the minimum grid point value like so: MIN((A,B), (A,C), (B,C)).
As another example A.B.D gives me MIN((A,B), (A,D), (B,D)).
My goal is to find the minimum values for ALL combinations of letters (not repeating) for one row at a time e.g for this example I need to find min values with respect to row A which are given by the calculations:
A.B = 6
A.C = 8
A.D = 4
A.B.C = MIN(6,8,6) = 6
A.B.D = MIN(6, 4, 4) = 4
A.C.D = MIN(8, 4, 2) = 2
A.B.C.D = MIN(6, 8, 4, 6, 4, 2) = 2
I realize that certain calculations can be reused which becomes increasingly important as the matrix size increases, but the problem is finding the most efficient way to implement this reuse.
Can point me in the right direction to finding an efficient algorithm/data structure I can use for this problem?
You'll want to think about the lattice of subsets of the letters, ordered by inclusion. Essentially, you have a value f(S) given for every subset S of size 2 (that is, every off-diagonal element of the matrix - the diagonal elements don't seem to occur in your problem), and the problem is to find, for each subset T of size greater than two, the minimum f(S) over all S of size 2 contained in T. (And then you're interested only in sets T that contain a certain element "A" - but we'll disregard that for the moment.)
First of all, note that if you have n letters, that this amounts to asking Omega(2^n) questions, roughly one for each subset. (Excluding the zero- and one-element subsets and those that don't include "A" saves you n + 1 sets and a factor of two, respectively, which is allowed for big Omega.) So if you want to store all these answers for even moderately large n, you'll need a lot of memory. If n is large in your applications, it might be best to store some collection of pre-computed data and do some computation whenever you need a particular data point; I haven't thought about what would work best, but for example computing data only for a binary tree contained in the lattice would not necessarily help you anything beyond precomputing nothing at all.
With these things out of the way, let's assume you actually want all the answers computed and stored in memory. You'll want to compute these "layer by layer", that is, starting with the three-element subsets (since the two-element subsets are already given by your matrix), then four-element, then five-element, etc. This way, for a given subset S, when we're computing f(S) we will already have computed all f(T) for T strictly contained in S. There are several ways that you can make use of this, but I think the easiest might be to use two such subset S: let t1 and t2 be two different elements of T that you may select however you like; let S be the subset of T that you get when you remove t1 and t2. Write S1 for S plus t1 and write S2 for S plus t2. Now every pair of letters contained in T is either fully contained in S1, or it is fully contained in S2, or it is {t1, t2}. Look up f(S1) and f(S2) in your previously computed values, then look up f({t1, t2}) directly in the matrix, and store f(T) = the minimum of these 3 numbers.
If you never select "A" for t1 or t2, then indeed you can compute everything you're interested in while not computing f for any sets T that don't contain "A". (This is possible because the steps outlined above are only interesting whenever T contains at least three elements.) Good! This leaves just one question - how to store the computed values f(T). What I would do is use a 2^(n-1)-sized array; represent each subset-of-your-alphabet-that-includes-"A" by the (n-1) bit number where the ith bit is 1 whenever the (i+1)th letter is in that set (so 0010110, which has bits 2, 4, and 5 set, represents the subset {"A", "C", "D", "F"} out of the alphabet "A" .. "H" - note I'm counting bits starting at 0 from the right, and letters starting at "A" = 0). This way, you can actually iterate through the sets in numerical order and don't need to think about how to iterate through all k-element subsets of an n-element set. (You do need to include a special case for when the set under consideration has 0 or 1 element, in which case you'll want to do nothing, or 2 elements, in which case you just copy the value from the matrix.)
Well, it looks simple to me, but perhaps I misunderstand the problem. I would do it like this:
let P be a pattern string in your notation X1.X2. ... .Xn, where Xi is a column in your matrix
first compute the array CS = [ (X1, X2), (X1, X3), ... (X1, Xn) ], which contains all combinations of X1 with every other element in the pattern; CS has n-1 elements, and you can easily build it in O(n)
now you must compute min (CS), i.e. finding the minimum value of the matrix elements corresponding to the combinations in CS; again you can easily find the minimum value in O(n)
Note: since your matrix is symmetric, given P you just need to compute CS by combining the first element of P with all other elements: (X1, Xi) is equal to (Xi, X1)
If your matrix is very large, and you want to do some optimization, you may consider prefixes of P: let me explain with an example
when you have solved the problem for P = X1.X2.X3, store the result in an associative map, where X1.X2.X3 is the key
later on, when you solve a problem P' = X1.X2.X3.X7.X9.X10.X11 you search for the longest prefix of P' in your map: you can do this by starting with P' and removing one component (Xi) at a time from the end until you find a match in your map or you end up with an empty string
if you find a prefix of P' in you map then you already know the solution for that problem, so you just have to find the solution for the problem resulting from combining the first element of the prefix with the suffix, and then compare the two results: in our example the prefix is X1.X2.X3, and so you just have to solve the problem for
X1.X7.X9.X10.X11, and then compare the two values and choose the min (don't forget to update your map with the new pattern P')
if you don't find any prefix, then you must solve the entire problem for P' (and again don't forget to update the map with the result, so that you can reuse it in the future)
This technique is essentially a form of memoization.
