how to debug data query in laravel - laravel

This is a beginner question, but I searched for an hour and couldn't find an answer.
I am trying to write a simple data query which I included in my HomeController
class HomeController extends BaseController {
public function showWelcome()
return View::make('hello');
$programs=DB::table('node')->where('type', 'Programs')->get();
$programs is undefined so I am guessing that my query didn't work but I have no idea how to debug it. I tried installing firebug and phpbug and chromphp tools but they don't seem to show anything. My apache log doesn't show anything either. Am I missing something? How do I debug this?

You can't use an expression outside of a method when using a class, instead you need to put it inside a method like:
class HomeController extends BaseController {
public function getPrograms()
$programs = DB::table('node')->where('type', 'Programs')->get();
// pass the $programs to the programs view for showing it
return View::make('programs')->with('programs', $programs);
So, for example, if you have a route like this:
Route::get('/programs', 'HomeController#getPrograms');
Then you may use an URL like: to invoke the getPrograms method in the class HomeController.
Probably this answer doesn't help much but I think you should learn the basics (PHP Manual) first so read books and articles online and check the Laravel website to read the documentation.

You can pass the result of that query to the view like so:
class HomeController extends BaseController {
public function showWelcome()
$programs = DB::table('node')->where('type', 'Programs')->get();
return View::make('hello', array('programs' => $programs));
And in your view you will have access to the $programs variable.

I don't know If i'm missing the point, but can't you use the "dd($programs)" to check what is or not is inside the variable?


How to work with subdirectory controllers in CodeIgniter 4?

I need help with using sub directory controllers in CodeIgniter 4.
I just can't make it work for some reason.
This is the URL for example:
In the controllers folder, I created a folder named Admin, and a file named Dashboard.php.
I used this code in Dashboard.php:
namespace App\Controllers;
class Dashboard extends BaseController
public function index()
I tried changing the class name to AdminDashboard, Admin_Dashboard, pretty much every logical name but every time I get a 404 error, saying:
Controller or its method is not found:
I know the file itself gets loaded successfully, but I think I don't declare the classname correctly and it keeps throwing me those 404 errors.
The documentation of CI4 isn't providing any information about what the classname should be called unfortunately...
I managed to make it work by changing few things:
namespace App\Controllers\Admin;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class Dashboard extends Controller
public function index()
But now it won't extend the BaseController which has some core functions that I built for my app.
Any ideas to how to make it extend BaseController?
I must admit that I don't have much knowledge about namespacing yet, so that might be the reason for my mistakes.
As I imagined, the problem was that I didn't learn about namespacing.
I needed to point the use line at the BaseController location.
namespace App\Controllers\Admin;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
class Dashboard extends BaseController
public function index()
Now goes directly to that index function, as intended.
php spark make:controller /Subfolder/ControllerName
$routes->add('/(.+?)_(.+?)/(.+?)$', 'subdir\\\\$1_$2::$3');
$routes->add('/(.+?)_(.+?)$', 'subdir\\\\$1_$2::index');
I was able to map with this setting.
The route mapping could be as simple as:
$routes->group('admin', static function ($routes) {
$routes->get('dashboard', 'Admin\Dashboard::index');

How can I add an external code or script to Codeigniter as class library?

I have an external script or code, for example, including functions, classes, and database inside it. Is there any way to add it to Codeigniter as class library? If yes, please explain more details as possible. My script has some important files included a number of good functions and classes, even database connection and mysql queries inside, but I am confused about how to add it to Codeigniter without rewriting code lines in Codeigniter. Suggest me some good methods to resolve my problem effectively as possible because I do not want to spend time on rewriting and I am a new beginner of Codeigniter. Thank you very much for your help!
The user guide is pretty well explained
go to application/library put your class into
Library file name lib.php
class lib {
public function __construct()
public function test(){
return "welcome";
go to application->controllers
class Hall_list extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
public function index()
echo $this->lib->test();
In this way you can load library to your controller

Laravel Use a method from BaseController in a view

As I need to get for every page a site configurations variables from a table of my database called 'site_configuration', I use a method in my baseController :
In the __constructor i have
$this->config = SiteParameter::first();
and I have a public method to retrieve a variable :
public function getSiteParameter($variable)
return $this->config->$variable;
If I do $this->getSiteParameter('sitename') it works. I'd like to do the same thing in a view. but without passing values to the view. I'd be happy if it was automatic.
Use the controller __construct to share the config data with the view. E.g.:
public function __construct() {
View::share('config', $this->config);
Just use the Config class, as explained in the configuration documentation. To put it short, assuming you created a customer configuration file app/config/site.php:
<h1><?= Config::get('site.sitename') ?></h1>

Can't get log4net working in MVC3 sub-classed controller

I have an MVC3 application that I'd like to get log4net working in.
I got the code I'm using from this site
I can get the logging to work if I add this code to an Action method.
public ActionResult Index() {
log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
log.Info("Here I am in Index.");
return View();
I'd like to enable logging in all my controllers, so I added the following class to my project,
public class LoggingController :Controller {
protected log4net.ILog Log;
public LoggingController () {
Log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
and I'm having my Home controller inherit from this class, LoggingController.
I've put a break point on my LoggingController's constructor and determined the constructor is being called, however my logging isn't working when done this way.
My question then is:
Why isn't this working?
Is there a better way of accomplishing what I'm trying to do here?
Thanks in advance.
Why isn't this working?
Because the type argument you pass to the GetLogger method must match that of the containing type. You are passing HomeController (by using GetType()) instead of LoggingController which is where the variable is declared. Try like this:
public LoggingController () {
Log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

Codeigniter : calling a method of one controller from other

I have two controllers a and b.
I would like to call a method of controller a from a method of controller b.
Could anyone help explain how I can achieve this?
This is not supported behavior of the MVC System. If you want to execute an action of another controller you just redirect the user to the page you want (i.e. the controller function that consumes the url).
If you want common functionality, you should build a library to be used in the two different controllers.
I can only assume you want to build up your site a bit modular. (I.e. re-use the output of one controller method in other controller methods.) There's some plugins / extensions for CI that help you build like that. However, the simplest way is to use a library to build up common "controls" (i.e. load the model, render the view into a string). Then you can return that string and pass it along to the other controller's view.
You can load into a string by adding true at the end of the view call:
$string_view = $this->load->view('someview', array('data'=>'stuff'), true);
test.php Controller File :
Class Test {
function demo() {
echo "Hello";
test1.php Controller File :
Class Test1 {
function demo2() {
$test = new Test();
Very simple way in codeigniter to call a method of one controller to other controller
1. Controller A
class A extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
function custom_a()
2. Controller B
class B extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
function custom_b()
require_once(APPPATH.'controllers/a.php'); //include controller
$aObj = new a(); //create object
$aObj->custom_a(); //call function
I agree that the way to do is to redirect to the new controller in usual cases.
I came across a use case where I needed to display the same page to 2 different kind of users (backend user previewing the page of a frontend user) so in my opinion what I needed was genuinely to call the frontend controller from the backend controller.
I solved the problem by making the frontend method static and wrapping it in another method.
Hope it helps!
// Frontend
function profile()
//Access check
//Get profile id
$id = get_user_id();
return self::_profile($id);
static function _profile($id)
$CI = &get_instance();
//Prepare page
//Load view
// Backend
function preview_profile($id)
$this->load->file('controllers/frontend.php', false);
I posted a somewhat similar question a while back, but regarding a model on CI.
Returning two separate query results within a model function
Although your question is not exactly the same, I believe the solution follows the same principle: if you're proposing to do what you mention in your question, there may be something wrong in the way you're coding and some refactoring could be in order.
The take home message is that what you're asking is not the way to go when working with MVC.
The best practice is to either use a Model to place reusable functions and call them in a controller that outputs the data through a view -- or even better use helpers or libraries (for functions that may be needed repeatedly).
You can do like
$result= file_get_contents(site_url('[ADDRESS TO CONTROLLER FUNCTION]'));
Replace [ADDRESS TO CONTROLLER FUNCTION] by the way we use in site_url();
You need to echo output in controller function instead of return.
You can use the redirect() function.
Like this
class ControllerA extends CI_Controller{
public function MethodA(){
Controller to be extended
require_once(PHYSICAL_BASE_URL . 'system/application/controllers/abc.php');
$report= new onlineAssessmentReport();
echo ($report->detailView());
You can use the redirect URL to controller:
Class Ctrlr1 extends CI_Controller{
public void my_fct1(){
redirect('Ctrlr2 /my_fct2', 'refresh');
Class Ctrlr2 extends CI_Controller{
public void my_fct2(){
very simple
in first controllr call
place file MyController.php to /model patch
MyController.php should be contain
class MyController extends CI_Model {
function __construct() {
function test()
echo 'OK';
