Installing provisioning profile on iOS 8.0.2 - ios8

I'm trying to install my prov. profile via email,itunes. When I try to tap the prov. profile in email it just directs me to settings. I believe that there should be a pop up that ask to install the prov. profile but I see none. Did I forget any important parts that cause this trouble or maybe its a bug from new iOS 8 update?

"It's not a bug, it's a feature". Apple has purposely made it so that they can no longer be installed manually by a user and must be installed by dev tools such as Xcode or device management systems such as MDM. Additionally, they are no longer shown in Profiles & Device Management and are not removable by the everyday user either.
With iOS 8, Apple has moved to the model that any flow that requires the everyday user to install, remove, or even think about provisioning profiles is flawed and that iOS should handle this automatically on the user's behalf. If the provisioning profile is expired, iOS should get rid of it automatically. As apps are deleted, iOS should properly deal with the provisioning aspects automatically. This philosophy is mentioned in WWDC 2014's talk on Managing Apple Devices around ~42 minutes in.

I guess it's a bug. I'm having the same issue with Testflight.
As a workaround install the profile using Xcode's 'Devices' view.


XCode - Always have to reset signing identities and re-download provisioning profiles

I'm building mobile apps using Xamarin-Visual Studio. I have a MacBook Air that is my iOS build host.
Every day or two I have to reset my XCode signing identities, re-download my provisioning profiles, and then reboot the MacBook. If I don't, I am unable to install the IPA on an iOS device (it creates an IPA file but just won't install to device).
Any ideas why?
XCode version is 7.3.1. My setup was working fine for months. It started doing this for no apparent reason about a week ago. I'll also add that I have another build environment with an iMac that started doing the same thing at about the same time.
Absolutely nothing has changed with my Mac and Windows environments (although I'm not sure Windows/Xamarin have anything to do with this. Seems like more of a glitch on the Mac side).
Thanks in advance!
Making comment above an answer since there has been no activity on this since:
If you are sharing a signing identity with other team members, if another team member needs to use the singing identity, they will need to reset it and redownload the profile. And when they do, you will have to do the same when you need to use it again. Resetting the signing identity basically creates a new certificate (with the same name) and thus invalidates the profile that used the "old" certificate.

Problems with certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle ids. iOS development

I have had many problems with certificates, provisioning profiles and bundle ids in the past and here is the latest.
When trying to run my App on an iOS device I get the following error:
Your application failed code-signing checks. Check your certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle ids. Probably your device is not part of the selected provisioning profile (error: 0xe8008015).
I am aware of the following questions that touch similar topics but I seem to have perhaps a combination of them with something else:
Invalid Provisioning Profile- Missing Code-Signing Certificate
Xcode fails with “Code Signing” Error
why does xamarin suddenly not let me deploy to iOS devices
iOS 8, How to use device for development?
In the past the following things fixed a similar type of error message, however, this time the error at most changed slightly:
Go to Apple Member center and check that the device I am using is listed under "iOS devices"
Go to "Provisioning Profile" -> "Development" and check the profile is active
3.Check the device is listed in the provisioning profile. Re-download the provisioning profile.
4.Clean and build the solution a lot.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am using a macbook air running OSX 10.9.5 and iPad with iOS 8.2.
Xamarin version 5.7.2
Xcode version 6.01
As I was typing the last line of my question it occurred to me that I should check if my Xcode is up to date: It wasn't!
Updated Xcode to the latest version (i.e. 6.2). In the update details it says: "Adds support for iOS 8.2 and WatchKit to create apps...".
While Xcode was updating I also did the following:
Correct a spelling mistake in my bundle identifier (To be EXACTLY the same as in my provisioning profile).
In Apple member center I had the possibility to update the list of devices. This is since I renewed my licence not long ago and it gave me the option to reset my previous list. I just followed the instructions and left exactly the same devices as I had previously.
After X-code updated I cleaned the solution and DONE.
I had few things going on so perhaps this won't be really useful to anyone but who knows... I hope this helps

Xcode - what is the team impact of having Xcode add a device and regenerate development provisioning profiles?

My issue is that I don't want to proceed to do this if it affects other teams who may be on related profiles. Will other teams' developers profiles stop working because my device gets added to the profiles? Or is it always completely safe to tell Xcode to "fix it" when it reports that (my new test) device is not listed on any of the valid provisioning profiles?
It will not affect other developers on the team or invalidate their provisioning profiles. It will simply generate a new profile with your new device added. Next time their Xcode syncs with apple's servers, they will get the updated profile with your device listed as an approved device.
Things that can affect the other developers:
Adding a new device when your account is close to the 100 device limit. If your account has 99 devices and you add your device, your team will be unable to add any more devices until you renew your account and remove old devices to drop back down under 100.
Invalidating the current certificate and creating a new one, then regenerating the provisioning profile. If you do this, it will break any old builds using the old certificate. I don't think Xcode will ever do this for you, though; you would need to do this manually through the apple developer site.

Testing a Mac App on Registered Devices

I have a Cocoa Mac App that I don't know if it will on the Mac AppStore.
The application is still in development, and I want few persons to be able to launch it on their devices while the app gets new features.
The situation is the following :
I have a Mac Developer Certificate
Devices are registered in the Mac Member Center.
Every time they launch the app, GateKeeper complain the app doesn't come from the Mac AppStore, nor is provided by a identified developer, no matter if I sign the app or not.
So I tried to sign it and a provisioning profile is embedded into the app. If I don't sign it nothing embedded.
I should mention that the app has a Spotlight importer and QuickLook generator bundled into it.
I didn't find any clear explanation on how to resolve this issue in the Apple documentation, and most (if not all) blog posts, or articles on the Internet are about iPhone apps, not Mac ones (the process/requirements seems to be different on the two platforms).
The documentation is unclear on if all testers should be team members (which seems crazy because some of them aren't developers and don't have Xcode installed).
Can someone provide a clear step-by-step explanation on how to do that ?
Or maybe a article/blog post link or tips ?
Edit :
Here are screenshots of the app bundle structure and plug-in structure :
Everything seems to be right.
The way I obtained that is : I didn't set "Code Signing Identity" build setting, but rather archived the app, and exported it specifying code signing identity at that time.
Edit :
More and more curious, when I run codesign command in the terminal, codesign -vvv, the output tends to suggests that all is rightly done : valid on disk satisfies its Designated Requirement
Interpreting this question as essentially:
"how do I beta test Mac App Store apps" ?
Apple hasn't yet published an official workflow in the App Distribution Guide, but the following process works:
Tester sends "System Information utility > Hardware tab > Hardware UUID" to developer
Developer updates dev provisioning profile to include the hardware UUID
Developer uses Xcode Organizer Archives tab, Distribute > "Save as Mac Application", then select the updated development signing identity.
Developer sends newly built app to the tester
Note: The development identities have yellow caution ! icons during the re-signing process but they can still be used.
Not only does this avoid the GateKeeper prompt, but the development provisioning profile is also needed for any store technologies you might be using to work during testing, e.g. iCloud, GameCenter, etc.

no longer able to provision to iPad2 after upgrade to iOS5

After upgrading to iOS 5.01, I can no longer provision to the device. I see the provisioning profiles on the device (via Organizer). And my xcode has the same developer cert that used to work just yesterday.
Anyone knows what could be the issue?
Maybe you have to create one more time the certificated to add your device and profile, also, you can eliminate all the olders certificates to have only one.
