Problems with certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle ids. iOS development - xamarin

I have had many problems with certificates, provisioning profiles and bundle ids in the past and here is the latest.
When trying to run my App on an iOS device I get the following error:
Your application failed code-signing checks. Check your certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle ids. Probably your device is not part of the selected provisioning profile (error: 0xe8008015).
I am aware of the following questions that touch similar topics but I seem to have perhaps a combination of them with something else:
Invalid Provisioning Profile- Missing Code-Signing Certificate
Xcode fails with “Code Signing” Error
why does xamarin suddenly not let me deploy to iOS devices
iOS 8, How to use device for development?
In the past the following things fixed a similar type of error message, however, this time the error at most changed slightly:
Go to Apple Member center and check that the device I am using is listed under "iOS devices"
Go to "Provisioning Profile" -> "Development" and check the profile is active
3.Check the device is listed in the provisioning profile. Re-download the provisioning profile.
4.Clean and build the solution a lot.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am using a macbook air running OSX 10.9.5 and iPad with iOS 8.2.
Xamarin version 5.7.2
Xcode version 6.01

As I was typing the last line of my question it occurred to me that I should check if my Xcode is up to date: It wasn't!
Updated Xcode to the latest version (i.e. 6.2). In the update details it says: "Adds support for iOS 8.2 and WatchKit to create apps...".
While Xcode was updating I also did the following:
Correct a spelling mistake in my bundle identifier (To be EXACTLY the same as in my provisioning profile).
In Apple member center I had the possibility to update the list of devices. This is since I renewed my licence not long ago and it gave me the option to reset my previous list. I just followed the instructions and left exactly the same devices as I had previously.
After X-code updated I cleaned the solution and DONE.
I had few things going on so perhaps this won't be really useful to anyone but who knows... I hope this helps


Xamarin.iOS - Using IPhoneSimulator's Keychain with a free iOS Development certificate

I have troubles with saving an account credentials inside an IPhoneSimulator's Keychain. I cannot use AccountSaver.Create().Save(credentials, "app") without Entitlements.plist. However when I add it to my project, compilation error shows up:
Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS.
I've added iOS Development certifcate to my account on Mac and tried to create a free provisioning profile but failed due to a lack of IPhone device.
Suprisingly, when I tried to build dummy project with added Keychain to Entitlements inside Xcode on my Mac and run it on a simulator no compilation errors occured.
My questions are: Do I have to make Apple Developer Account to test my Xamarin.iOS app inside IPhoneSimulator or is it possible without it and I'm doing something wrong? If so, what should I do to be able to compile my app?
I use Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 8 connected to a Mac Agent (Mac Mini).
P.S.: Most posts states, that simulator doesn't need provisioning profile, but according to this thread:
Starting with Xamarin.iOS 8.10, if the Entitlements.plist file is set at all for the iPhoneSimulator build configuration, then codesigning is required and thus an iOS code signing certificate is required to be installed in your keychain. ~ Xamarin Forum
Some time has passed since I asked this question, but I think it deserves an answer not only in the comments.
As #wottle wrote it is required to be enrolled i Apple Developer Program in order to have access to Keychain.
I sugest also to use Xamarin.Essentials' SecureStore instead of AccountSaver.
We have a bunch of Apple Store applications that had their Apple Distribution profiles expired. The issue was gone once we regenerated the Apple Distribution Certificate and created a new Distribution Profile for the impacted Applications.

XCode - Always have to reset signing identities and re-download provisioning profiles

I'm building mobile apps using Xamarin-Visual Studio. I have a MacBook Air that is my iOS build host.
Every day or two I have to reset my XCode signing identities, re-download my provisioning profiles, and then reboot the MacBook. If I don't, I am unable to install the IPA on an iOS device (it creates an IPA file but just won't install to device).
Any ideas why?
XCode version is 7.3.1. My setup was working fine for months. It started doing this for no apparent reason about a week ago. I'll also add that I have another build environment with an iMac that started doing the same thing at about the same time.
Absolutely nothing has changed with my Mac and Windows environments (although I'm not sure Windows/Xamarin have anything to do with this. Seems like more of a glitch on the Mac side).
Thanks in advance!
Making comment above an answer since there has been no activity on this since:
If you are sharing a signing identity with other team members, if another team member needs to use the singing identity, they will need to reset it and redownload the profile. And when they do, you will have to do the same when you need to use it again. Resetting the signing identity basically creates a new certificate (with the same name) and thus invalidates the profile that used the "old" certificate.

"Valid signing identity not found" Xcode 4.6

I bought a new Mac, and installed Xcode again etc.
But I have problems with certificates and provisioning profiles.
In Organizer, Xcode is giving the error under the status of all my provisioning profiles:
"Valid signing identity not found"
Is it because I bought a new Mac?
I searched on the web a lot, but I couldn't find a working solution.
do you have an older Macintosh that you used to build your iOS / MacOS apps on?
If so, you need to migrate your certificates and provisioning profiles.
This tutorial shows you how to do that.
If you never built iOS or Mac apps before, then you need to create new certificates and provisioning profiles.
This related question should point you the right direction.

Xcode 4.3.2 and iOS 5.1.1 + jailbreak: App installs but crash on launch

I don't have the Apple 79€/year account. In iOS 5.0 and Xcode 4.2.1 I changed SDKSettings.plist ecc... And it works. In iOS 5.1.1 and Xcode 4.3.2 no, I already changed settings ecc but don't work, the app installs on device but crash on launch... How can I run my app on device without crashes? Thanks, and sorry for my english.
I have had this issue before on a jailbroken device. You have a few solutions depending on the exact issue. First you can install app sync in order to allow unsigned code to work on your device if you are not using a valid code signing identity. The second option is to actually get a valid code signing identity along with the provision profile so you can run the application correctly. This involves paying for the developer program so this may not be the best option.
Last is a very common issue with jailbroken devices. Which is that you will receive an error such as "failed to get the task for process xxxxx". This tends to happen a lot with jailbroken devices. This is because Xcode notices you are not using a provision profile that is required to report error logs. All you have to do is launch the application again on the device and everything should work.
This is just Xcode not being able to fully launch your application because of the missing provision profile so it results in a crash. If none of these solutions solve your problem please post a more detailed explanation of the issue you are having.

Xcode cannot run using the selected device No provisioned iOS devices are available

One of my coworkers set me up with a provisioning profile through our corporate profile. I have read through several tutorials and none of them corresponded to the steps he actually took to get it set up. In the end my device was listed under the devices section of the organizer with a green circle next to it (I am guessing that's good?) but when I try to run the application on my device I get the error I mentioned in the subject of this post. I should mention my device is jailbroken running iOS 4.2.6. Is the "jailbrokenness" of my device an issue?
This is like day one with Xcode and it is pretty overwhelming coming from the Linux command line and Emacs. I don't expect a complete walk through from any of you. But if you can point me to a nice long tutorial showing me how to set this up with the latest version of Xcode I would appreciate it.
Check if you can see your device in Organizer and verify iOS version installed on the device with the deployment target for your application. This is very often the case as you won't be able to deploy 4.3 application to 4.2.1 device (for example).
In Xcode Set the target to project_name | iOS Device
Then in Xcode From the product menu=>Build For=> Build For Testing
