how to use cookie-free domains (yslow) - set

I was trying to solve the problem with cookie-free, the yslow has suggested to create a subdomain. I did, but the yslow still "show" the problem.
i didn't set the cookie´s domain in the page, cause i don't know how to do it.
anyone know a tutorial or a solution to this problem?

Create a subdomain such as which is where you will deliver all your static files from.
Point your new subdomain to the /wp-content directory for a WordPress installation.
For cPanel users, you will need to update the document root field from public_html/static to public_html/wp-content like the screenshot below. cpanel document root
Edit your config.php file to reflect the following:
define("WP_CONTENT_URL", "");
define("COOKIE_DOMAIN", "");
Now that your cookie domain and static content subdomain are set, you can begin delivering static content without the server setting an unnecessary cookie for static assets.

To work around this problem, make sure that static components are requested with cookie-free requests by creating a subdomain and hosting them there.
If your domain is, you can host your static components on However, if you've already set cookies on the top-level domain as opposed to, then all the requests to will include those cookies.
In this case, you can buy a whole new domain, host your static components there, and keep this domain cookie-free.
Yahoo! uses, YouTube uses, Amazon uses and so on.
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Serve static content from a different domain to avoid unnecessary cookie traffic.
When the browser requests a static image and sends cookies with the request, the server ignores the cookies. These cookies are unnecessary network traffic.
Move all your static content on a different domain, where no cookies
are set.
Move your static content on a different sub domain and set
all the cookies to the www subdomain.


Using one Laravel app from different domains - building urls issue

I searched for my issue in so many ways, but I don't seem to find the correct case, so I'm asking here.
I have a Laravel app which is installed on a server and everything works correct. The domain is set as HTTP only and is configured from AWS. However we need to have another domain which should work only from HTTPS. The HTTP domain is pointing to the server instance and the HTTPS one is pointing to a CloudFront distribution with origin the HTTP domain. The issue is that when I open the HTTPS domain, all of the links and images are loaded from the HTTP domain.
To be more concrete, let's say I have and
When I open everything works as it should and there are no issues. However when I open the site loads, also files like app.js and app.css load with the correct host, but things like fonts, images, links, etc, load from
Because most of the urls are built with the url() function, I think the issue has something to do with APP_URL, which was first set to, but when I added the new domain, I set it to empty (APP_URL=),
however the urls are still built the same way (I cleared config cache).
What should I do in order for my site to build the urls according to the current host?
I don't need any other change for the two domains. They should load everything exactly the same, only the host should remain and not redirect to the other domain.
It turned out there were two different issues.
I'll describe them here, because there is a slight chance someone could be dealing with one of them.
First, I printed the contents of the $_SERVER variable on both domains and the host in both was the same - the HTTP domain.
This issue was from the CloudFront configuration. Turned out the Host header was removed from the CF distribution behavior, so that CF replaced it with the origin's value (the origin is the http domain). After this was fixed, the host in $_SERVER appeared correctly.
But the initial issue for the urls building was something else which I didn't think of. After clearing the cache to remove the debugging and seeing the right urls on the HTTPS domain, I switched back to the HTTP one and saw now there all the urls pointed to the HTTPS domain. That is when it hit me that these domains share not only the configuration, but also the cache. And most of my urls on the page I was testing with, were coming from a function with cache, so when the cache was stored from one of the domains, they appeared the same on the other. When I included the host in the cache key, everything worked correctly.
Hope this helps someone else.
goto file .env and setup the APP_URL= and change
href={{asset('folder-path')}} in layout or blades file

1 Laravel Installation with 2 TLDs

I'm allowing my customers to upload large files. Because I'm using Cloudflare, anything over 100 MB gets rejected, which is no good.
So what I'm thinking of doing is switching the upload form action from to This way I'm using a domain name that isn't going through Cloudflare, so file sizes won't be restricted.
I've set up as a site in Forge to mirror by setting the root location in nginx to point to the current folder of So now when someone goes to they see the contents of
Unfortunately, is now open to DDOS attacks because it isn't running through Cloudflare.
So what I'd like to do is make it so that is the only route that's open under that domain, and that it's only accessible from my load balanced servers.
Is this possible, and if so: how do I do it?
I've been researching this and haven't really come across an answer that applies to me, the most common scenario is using subdomains, which is not applicable in my situation.
Figured it out; I decided to use a subdomain as it was easier.
I went into Cloudflare, added the subdomain (of course, use your real domain) so traffic could hit it, and then turned off protection for the subdomain so that large files could be uploaded.
I updated my .env file and added the SESSION_DOMAIN variable, so that the user's session will work across both and domains.
Notice that the domain starts with a period, and the value is enclosed in quotes. If you omit the quotes your users will not be able to login to your app, and if you use Envoyer omitting quotes will break the decryption when editing your .env file.
I then added a new group to my routes file to handle traffic to the subdomain. I added a route to redirect all GET traffic back to the original site (, and added a POST route to handle the uploads.
Route::group(['domain' => ''], function () {
Route::get('/', function () {
return redirect(url(''));
Route::post('upload', 'UploadController#store')->middleware('throttle:4,1');
And then in my form...
<form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Finally, I cleared my browser's cache and cookies, then logged into the site and uploaded a large file! :)

point subdomain from website-1 to subfolder on website-2 (both hosted on the same server)

I have a client with three websites, each with separate c-panels for their hosting and dns management.
I need to point a subdomain from website-1 and website-2 to website-3, and then have their root be a subfolder on website-3.
I was able to set up a simple subdomain for website-3, and set it's root to the subfolder that I needed, but am having trouble pointing the other two sites.
It seems (from googling around) that the issue is caused by the site's all sharing an IP address, since they're all on the same server.
On website-3 where the subfolder is, I've tried setting up an "add-on domain" of but get an error stating: is already configured. Sorry, that domain is already setup (remove it from httpd.conf)
I get a similar error trying to use the park a domain settings in the cpanel. I don't have access to the server in a way that lets me httpd.conf (unless there's a way through the cpanel).
Is there any other way to set this up that I'm missing?
If you are using IIS, you can create a website (Add Web site under Sites folder in IIS) in IIS and point to any folder. For example, if you are trying to point a subdomain to a particular folder, create a website in IIS that points to that subfolder, then in bindings, bind it to In your domain registry, simply point the sub domain to the same IP of Website-1. I believe that should work.
Unfortunately, my knowledge is limited to IIS. If you are not using IIS, you may find other resources to configure a subdomain.
If all your primary domains are using same IP , you will not be able to point the subdomains as you have mentioned since all the subdomains also using the same IPs.
Instead of pointing the subdomain 1 subdomain 2 to subdomain 3 ... just set up redirects directly to subdomain 3 for each subdomain from their primary domain's cpanel.
You can easily set the redirects from Redirects option in cpanel

codeigniter folder structure with SSL

Hey folks, working on a CI app that provides public ad well as private (secure) access. I have not implemented SSL before but i understand that part of the setup is specifying which folders should be accessed using https.
I would like some advice with regards to how i should structure my folders to facilitate that.
Does the setup only affect the controllers folder? in other words should I split my app controllers between a public and secure subfolders under the standard CI controllers folder?
Do I need to do do anything to my views and models folders? anything else I should be paying attention to?
Your help would be appreciated.
OK the best way to split things up the way you want, would be to:
Set up your CodeIgniter app under a folder, say /var/www and ensure everything is working as you want.
Set the base url for the site under the config.php of CodeIgniter to just "/".
Create an Apache virtual host for the secure portion of the site, listening to requests on port 443 or whatever. Install your certificate and so on. are good for certs. Set up the web root as the CodeIgniter folder, e.g. /var/www.
Create a further Apache virtual host, pointing to the same directory e.g. /var/www for the unsecure version of the website.
You will now, all being well, at this stage be able to access the entire site using either https or standard http. I think you mentioned being able to take things a step further by only allowing access to certain controllers via HTTPS and certain unsecure. What I would do for this is the following.
Create a CodeIgniter library, call it say Ssl.php, under your application/libraries folder. Put in the following code:
class Ssl {
public function require()
// Is the current request method secure, via SSL?
if ( ! isset($_SERVER['https']) )
// No. Do something here, display an error, redirect... up to you
show_error("This resource must be accessed through an SSL encrypted connection.");
Now, in your application controllers, simply load the library the usual way $this->load->library('ssl') and for any controller method that you wish to require an SSL connection for, simply call the $this->ssl->require() method before any execution starts.
You could even go a step further and drop that method call to require() in a class controller __construct() function, or even an entire new controller that you may wish to extend from.
I hope this helps in some way.
Hey, I am in the middle of developing a CI app that is successfully running with HTTPS/SSL.
I think you are a bit confused. As far as I know, you can only set up an SSL enabled site per se by creating a new site or "virtual host" if you are using Apache for example.
So essentially if you were using Apache, you would create a virtual host to handle requests on port 443 for say and then set the web root to say /var/www or wherever your CI app sits. You would also have to configure Apache to use your certificate file, once you have bought the cert and downloaded the bits and bobs after generating the cert request. It's easier than it sounds.
Is there any reason why you can't just have your entire app running through SSL? Rather than an encrypted and non-encrypted section? There is a small CPU overhead for SSL but it is minimal.
I hope this helps in one way or another.
You're welcome. It's a minimal overhead. For the hassle, I would just simple put it all under an SSL vhost. Plus, if you were to split content between SSL/non-SSL, you may notice that if you include non-SSL based content on an SSL page, users will get a pesky message in their browser about "insecure content" etc, which may put them off and create some needless doubt.
It may be quite difficult to split as you want - as you would need seperate root index.php CI files for each vhost to allow CI to route it correctly. You couldn't just set a vhost serving a directory such as application/controllers/private/ because CodeIgniter wouldn't know how to handle the request without some severe modification to it's core routing.
I would honestly just stick everything under an SSL vhost. Or, another option would be to set up two CI apps running from the same system/core CI folder... if that makes sense, but then sharing content such as libraries and models will become tedious.

Locking down multiple sites in Sitecore

I have two sites running under one Sitecore 6 installation. The home nodes of the sites are as such:
Assuming the primary site is at, the careers site can be accessed at
My problem is that, by prefixing the uri with /sitecore/content/, any sitecore item can be accessed by either (sub)domain. For example, I can get to: (should be under (should be under
I know I can redirect these urls (using IIS7 Redirects or ISAPIRewrite) but is there any way to 'lock' Sitecore down to only serve items under the configured home node for that domain?
I can't say for sure without testing it but you could try putting each site it its own security domain and denying access to each other. In the <sites/> node there is a domain="extranet" attribute, create a new security domain and set the Careers site to use it.
You can create new security domains using the domain manager in the Sitecore desktop.
