Locking down multiple sites in Sitecore - url-rewriting

I have two sites running under one Sitecore 6 installation. The home nodes of the sites are as such:
Assuming the primary site is at domain.com, the careers site can be accessed at careers.domain.com.
My problem is that, by prefixing the uri with /sitecore/content/, any sitecore item can be accessed by either (sub)domain. For example, I can get to:
http://domain.com/sitecore/content/careers.aspx (should be under careers.domain.com)
http://careers.domain.com/sitecore/content/home/destinations.aspx (should be under domain.com).
I know I can redirect these urls (using IIS7 Redirects or ISAPIRewrite) but is there any way to 'lock' Sitecore down to only serve items under the configured home node for that domain?

I can't say for sure without testing it but you could try putting each site it its own security domain and denying access to each other. In the <sites/> node there is a domain="extranet" attribute, create a new security domain and set the Careers site to use it.
You can create new security domains using the domain manager in the Sitecore desktop.


How to host multiple website in already Hosted Umraco in local IIS

I'm new to Umraco CMS i'm developed a site and hosted in local IIS, but i have One More site and i want to hosted in Umbraco How to Host Multiple sites in single Umbraco.
Generally you have one instance of Umbraco for each website. However, there are exceptions to this; for example multi-lingual websites or if your websites are so similar that they will share content, document types, templates etc. then you could set up multiple websites in the same instance... it is relatively simple...
First of all you need to setup/bind your URLs to the Umbraco website in IIS. Go to Bindings in IIS for your Umbraco website and add the other URL.
As a simple example, in Umbraco, a website has a Home node at root level. The children of that node are the pages on the site.
You can create another node at root level and create another site under that.
To set up a different URL for each root level node you just right-click each Home node and choose Culture and Hostnames. Add the URL and language of your site. Done!
The URLs that you set up in IIS all point to the same Umbraco instance and Umbraco looks after the routing.
That's how it's done but honestly, if you have two totally unrelated sites, then you should have a separate instance of Umbraco for each.

Multiple domains to one site in Laravel Forge

Is it possible to have multiple top-level-domains point to the same site? .com/.net/.eu etc...
I created a site in Laravel Forge and you have to tell him the domain your site is going to be on. This works for the .com domain, but how about the other tld's? Do I have to create multiple sites, Do I have to change it on the server itself (DNS) or are their any other methods?
I solved it myself:
Create sites for your new tld domains
Click the edit button 'pencil' next to your created site
Click the edit file(s) button
Click Edit NGINX configuration
Change the following line: root /home/forge/****/public; to the path of the main domain.

Wordpress Issues Regarding IP and Domain Name - Host Gator

I am hoping somebody can help me because I am on the verge of frustration tears.
The company I work for has a site hosted on godaddy and has to remain up until I complete the rebuild on hostgator, using the Wordpress theme, Grand Restaurant http://themes.themegoods2.com/?theme=GrandRestaurant
To get around the domain name issue since I cannot change nameservers yet, I had to use the Google Chrome plugin, Virtual Hosts, which has me input the IP and domain, to force access to the site.
Everything was working fine until I needed to use the "content builder." If you look at the Grand Restaurant theme, you can click on Menu. I need to use the "Menu Grid" option in the content builder but it does not work. Whenever I try to add the menu grid, it appears that it is trying to load (showing the gif loading image) yet in never actually loads. I have spent several days and hours going back and forth with host gator and the theme developer.
The theme developer says that the content builder does not work because:
"The WordPress URL and Site URL are set to the domain name. When you are logged in, you are being redirected to the IP, so the browser sees 2 different sites and some functionality ex. AJAX call doesn't allow you to get data from different URLs.
Your WordPress URL and Site URL settings are different from your actual site. You have to change your Domain Name URL and Site URL settings to the IP number."
I did what he said earlier today and it completely broke the site. Spent nearly 2 hours with host gator's tech support to get it back up. All tech support will tell me in regards to the content builder not working is that I need to change the AJAX file to allow the site URL and wordpress URL to be different. I have no idea how to do that!
Any wisdom you all could provide would be greatly appreciated. I have 1700 bakery items that I need upload by the end of July and I do not know what I am going to do if I cannot get the content builder working.
In order for this to work properly you should be using a method of back up and restore. By migrating from one hosting provider to another you could simply deploy the new Wordpress on host gator as a new site and import the Wordpress backup to the host gator with the many different plugins available through Wordpress. The way your trying to complete this is impossible and usually will only work with images and back ups being managed on virtual machines, and VPS. It won't hurt anything on the original up and running site. You mentioned that host gator was able to get the site back up? You shouldn't have to rebuild this if you use a back up and restore method. Everything should fall right into place, you can also test these methods through virtual box, and VMware virtualization products which offer trial versions. Try using a migration method and see if the conflicts still persist with the content builder.
Heres is what I would do if you cannot change the domain over but still use the domain for the dev environment.
Modify your hosts file and use hostgators IP and the company domain as the entry.
Install wordpress to the current company domain by simply entering the domain (Should go to hostgators server since you've added that entry in your hosts file)
With the hosts file modification, you should be able to view the wordpress site thats hosted with hostgator using the live domain name.
This way, when you're launching, theres no need to do any modification on wordpress. Simply change the DNS over, revert your hosts file and the site will swap over seamlessly.

point subdomain from website-1 to subfolder on website-2 (both hosted on the same server)

I have a client with three websites, each with separate c-panels for their hosting and dns management.
I need to point a subdomain from website-1 and website-2 to website-3, and then have their root be a subfolder on website-3.
I was able to set up a simple subdomain for website-3, and set it's root to the subfolder that I needed, but am having trouble pointing the other two sites.
It seems (from googling around) that the issue is caused by the site's all sharing an IP address, since they're all on the same server.
On website-3 where the subfolder is, I've tried setting up an "add-on domain" of test.website-1.com but get an error stating:
website-1.com is already configured. Sorry, that domain is already setup (remove it from httpd.conf)
I get a similar error trying to use the park a domain settings in the cpanel. I don't have access to the server in a way that lets me httpd.conf (unless there's a way through the cpanel).
Is there any other way to set this up that I'm missing?
If you are using IIS, you can create a website (Add Web site under Sites folder in IIS) in IIS and point to any folder. For example, if you are trying to point a subdomain mysubdomain.website-1.com to a particular folder, create a website in IIS that points to that subfolder, then in bindings, bind it to mysubdomain.website-1.com. In your domain registry, simply point the sub domain to the same IP of Website-1. I believe that should work.
Unfortunately, my knowledge is limited to IIS. If you are not using IIS, you may find other resources to configure a subdomain.
If all your primary domains are using same IP , you will not be able to point the subdomains as you have mentioned since all the subdomains also using the same IPs.
Instead of pointing the subdomain 1 subdomain 2 to subdomain 3 ... just set up redirects directly to subdomain 3 for each subdomain from their primary domain's cpanel.
You can easily set the redirects from Redirects option in cpanel

handling sub-domains in IIS for a web application

I am have a web application on local IIS (mylocalsite.com)
What settings I need, so that I can handle all subdomains of my local site, like
All urls will point to same index page from where I can seperate subdomain and load page accordingly.
Since your description is not that clear, my initial thought would that you can setup different Bindings in IIS to cater for all the subdomains.
In IIS 7, right click your website -> Edit Bindings -> Add..
But my guess would be that you may need to do this from code, since users are added to your system (assuming user/sub-domain model). For this I refer you to
Create Binding in in IIS (iis.net)
Cool new IIS7 Features and APIs - ScottGu
