How to control two operations for same url in Spring mvc? - spring

Consider the following problem.
The user has chosen to create a document by clicking on the Create document and then he writes data into the document. The url for creating the document is /document/save.
For the subsequent write up, the existing document must be saved instead of creating a new one.
Here is my code for that.
public MyController implements Controller, TemplateTypeAware
public String saveOrCreateDocument(#ModelAttribute DocumentWrapper wrapper, ModelAndView m)
Document doc=createDocument(wrapper);
saveDocument(m.getModel().get("document_id"), wrapper);
return documentView;
<input type="hidden" name="document_id" th:value="*{document_id}"/>
<!-- other fields -->
The problem here is, I am getting document_id always null. Is there any work around for this problem?
Thanks in advance. Hope you will reply as soon as possible.

Form fields will be automatically bound to your DocumentWrapper fields if they have matching names, that means DocumentWrapper needs a field named document_id, otherwise the document_id request parameter won't be bound to your object.
Model attributes will be exposed to the view, at this point the model will be empty, you can add attributes in your handler method and they will become in your view, but request parameters won't be in the model. That explains why you always get null.
If you just need the document_id parameter, use #RequestParam:
public String saveOrCreateDocument(#RequestParam("document_id") Long documentId, Model m) {
Please refer to the binding section of Spring MVC:


Spring Boot Post Request Method not having all Object values

Using Spring Boot, Hibernate JPA and Thymeleaf.
I have an Order database table which currently only holds 1 record. This record has a few columns and some of the columns are not seen on any forms, they are set upon saving the Order, for instance the creation date.
On the GET request below I select the specific Order and all values are returned into the Order object as expected.
This is my GET Request method:
#RequestMapping(value = "/editorder/{orderId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String editOrderGet(Model model, #PathVariable long orderId)
Order order = orderService.findById(orderId);
model.addAttribute("order", order);
return "/editorder";
This is a small snippit of my edit order html form using Thymeleaf, binding the Order object to the form using th:object as below:
<form role="form" th:action="#{/editorder}" th:object="${order}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" th:field="*{orderId}"/>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update Order</button>
And this is my POST Request method:
#RequestMapping(value = "/editorder", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String editOrderPost(Model model,
#Valid #ModelAttribute("order") Order order, BindingResult bindingResult)
//rest of code here
As you can see, on the GET request I am adding the Order object to the model.
On the html form, I am binding the Order object to the entire form. Then on the POST request I am getting the Order object.
But on the POST it is seen as a new Order and only contains the fields as specified in the form, it does for instance not contain the creation date as seen in the GET request.
My question is this:
Am I missing something or do I explicitly need to go set each of those fields as hidden fields on my form?
In your GET response you may be returning the whole Order object into the Model, but Thymeleaf when trying to build the actual html from template will pick only the items it needs to build the template. So only the fields that are used in the form are used to build the form in your html page.
So when u resubmit the form to the POST service only those fields that are available in the form is reposted.
If u want these fields to be displayed on the page then add these fields in the Form. Thymeleaf picks them and displays in the form. If you dont want them to be shown in the Page then just ignore them. The Order object which u receive in the POST would not have that fields as they were not available in original form.
U can get them by querying the database, any how you do have the order id saved as the Hidden field.
public String editOrderPost(Model model,
#Valid #ModelAttribute("order") Order order, BindingResult bindingResult){
Order orderFromDB = orderService.findById(order.getId());
// Code to update the orderFromDB from order object;
This will save the updated fields to the database.
Generally its not a good practice to expose the Entity objects to the API. Try using a DTO/value object. This can have only fields that define your business fields. Also u can use BeanMapper frameworks like dozer/mapstruct/modelmapper to copy from DTO to Entity and vice versa.

Grail validate data already saved to database

I have this really complicated form. All the fields must be filled, but the process of filling can be saved and leter continued. So what i need s that when finally confirm is pressed, all the data get validated. But because it is already saved to database calling validate() wont work. I save the data by douing save(validate:false), because i dont need validation when the work is still in progremm.
How can i validate data that has already been saved to database ? Do i have to do it manually?
What happens when you validate an already persisted object?
Is there a way to make it appear dirty after retrieving and before validating?
I have edited the answer to explain form encapsulation in more detail, typically maybe from a tier step process of form input or more complex iterated objects that needs to be elsewhere. To begin if all you need is a one step that captures a variety of information and you are happy to then process all that manually and store in different classes on mass params dump then look into jquery-ui tabs. If you choose to use the dynamic feature of tabs i.e. <li><a href="someurl">click</li> which then loads content dynamically to a given tab then that would also cover single forms that are outside or maybe if you prefer more complex within DOM.
Anyhow the reason for my edit wasn't above it is for something a little more complex that captures multi tier forms.
So you had step 1 that sent params through to a controller that then passed those params to a new gsp or maybe even an iteration of something that belongs to another totally different object within the form.
Typically you would end up with:
<g:form action=myDomain" action="doThis">
<!-- this is some iteration that belongs to some other class outside of what i am actually trying to do: -->
<g:each in="someObject" var="p">
<g:hiddenField name="form1.firstName" value="${p.firstName}"/>
<!-- in this case hidden -->
<g:hiddenField name="form1.surName" value="${p.surName}"/>
<!-- this is my actual form -->
<g:textField name="username" />
When form is submitted to a controller
Class MyDomainController {
def doThis(MyBean bean) {
//this be in src/main/groovy
import grails.validation.Validateable
//important for some reason it needs entire collections
// have had issues initialising it without .*
import org.apache.commons.collections.*
Class MyBean implements Validateable {
//this is capturing the current form fields
String username
//This is now collecting our form1 fields
List<MyDetailsBean> form1 = ListUtils.lazyList([], { new MyDetailsBean() } as Factory)
//if that had been 1 instance of it or like as mentioned passed from pervious form and called form2
MyDetailsBean form2
static constraints={
username(nullable:false) //, validator: checkSomething)
This is again in src/main/groovy and was used to originally collect each iteration of an object:
import grails.validation.Validateable
Class MyDetailsBean implements Validateable {
String firstName
String surName
I have updated the answer since i suggested encapsulating the object in a bean without any details of how one would go about doing such a thing. I hope above is clear. It is all on the fly but if tested hope it all works as explained above.
TO add after next update explained form2 example. to finally validate both sets you call
if (bean.validate() && bean.form2.validate()) {
//all good
Because you are binding it to another validation class the rules of that class can now be applied as part of validation process.
Old answer
Quite simply put it is on the db why on earth would you want to validate a validated input. Anyhow the work around is a validation bean in Grails 2 src/groovy/package which is #Validateable or
Grails 3 : src/main/groovy/package which implements Validateable
class MyDmainBean {
// must declare id
def id
// Then each object in your real domain class
static constraints = {
id (nullable:true,bindable:true)
importFrom MyDomainClass//, exclude: ['field1']
//field 1 is not included but if field 1 was integer
// in actual domain class and BigDecimal in bean
//then exlude it since it won't bind
def formatObject(MyDomainClass domain) {
Now you can call
MyDomain record = MyDomain.get(0L)
MyDmainBean bean = new MyDmainBean().formatObject(record)

How do you exclude properties from binding when calling UpdateModel()?

I have a view model sent to the edit action of my controller. The ViewModel contains references to EntityObjects. (yea i'm fine with it and don't need to want to duplicate all the entities properties in the viewmodel).
I instantiate the view model and then call UpdateModel. I get an error that a property is "null" which is fine since it is a related model. I am trying to exclude the property from being bound during model binding. On debugging it I see in the entity where the model binder is trying to set the value of the property to null.
Here is my edit action:
var model = new SimplifiedCompanyViewModel(id);
var excludeProperties = new string[] {
UpdateModel<SimplifiedCompanyViewModel>(model, String.Empty, null, excludeProperties);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(model);
I have looked at a few other issues about specifying a "prefix" but I don't think that is the issue since I am telling it to bind to the viewmodel instance not just the entity object.
Am I excluding the properties correctly? Strange thing is is only seems to happen on this item. I suspect it may be an issue with the fact that there is actually no refund bank related to my entity. But I have other related items that don't exist and don't see the same issue.
More info... since I'm told me model isn't designed well.
The Company is related to a BankAccount. The Company view shows the currently related BankAccount.BankAccountId and there is a hidden field with the BankAccount.Key. I use jQueryUI autocomplete feature to provide a dropdown of bank account displaying the BankAccount.BankAccountId and when one is selected the jQuery code changes the hidden field to have the correct Key value. So, when this is posted I don't want the current bankaccounts BankAccountID modified, hence I want it to skip binding that field.
If I exclude BankAccountId in the model then on the BankAccount edit view the user would never be able to change the BankAccountId since it won't be bound. I'm not sure how this indicates a poor model design.
Use the Exclude property of the Bind attribute:
public class SimplifiedCompanyViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
// ...
This is part of the System.Web.Mvc namespace. It takes a comma-separated list of property names to exclude when binding.
Also you should consider using TryUpdateModel instead of UpdateModel. You can also just have the default model binder figure it out by passing it as an argument to the constructor:
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Exclude="Id")]SimplifiedCompanyViewModel model)
// ...
A very simple solution that I figured out.
UpdateModel<SimplifiedCompanyViewModel>(model, String.Empty, null, excludeProperties);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(model);
Another option here is simply don't include this attribute in your view and it won't be bound. Yes - you are still open to model injection then if someone creates it on the page but it is another alternative. The default templates in MVC will create your EditorFor, etc as separate items so you can just remove them. This prevents you from using a single line view editor with EditorForModel, but the templates don't generate it that way for you anyways.
EDIT (adding above comment)
DRY generally applies to logic, not to view models. One view = one view model. Use automapper to easily map between them. Jimmy Bogard has a great attribute for this that makes it almost automatic - ie you create the view model, load up your Customer entity for example, and return it in the action method. The AutpMap attribute will then convert it to a ViewModel. See
Try the Exclude attribute.
I admit that I haven't ever used it.
public Entity Name {get; set;}

How do I pass an object from the Index view to the edit view using MVC3

I have created a simple WCF service that is to be configured by an MVC3 UI.
When I call the index page from my controller, I want to display the values held in the configuration, which has been returned by the service. The user could then chose to edit these settings and then send them back to the service.
I want to do something like this in the index view ...
#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", model)
and then consume the model in the controller like this...
public ActionResult Edit( SettingsModel Config)
List<string> configErrors = null;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Set up a channel factory to use the webHTTPBinding
using (WebChannelFactory<IChangeService> serviceChannel = new WebChannelFactory<IChangeService>(new Uri(baseServiceUrl)))
IChangeService channel = serviceChannel.CreateChannel();
configErrors = channel.SetSysConfig(Config);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
but this doesn't work.
Any suggestions???
When the form gets posted, all the input type fields data is collected and sent to the server. You can see this data using FireBug. The key point here is that, is the data that is being posted in a form, that MVC's default model binder can understand and map it to the model object, which is being passed as input parameter to the action method.
In your case, the model is of type "SettingsModel". You have to ensure that, the form data that is being posted is in format, that can be mapped to the "SettingsModel" object.
Same kind of question discussed in another thread : Can't figure out why model is null on postback?
Check Out this article : NerdDinner Step 6: ViewData and ViewModel
In the above article, carefully go through the "Using a ViewModel Pattern" section. My guess is that, this is what you are looking for.
You will need to post the values to populate the SettingsModel object on the Edit action. You can do this using hidden form fields if you don't want the user to see it. Otherwise you could have no parameters on the Edit action and make another call to the web service to populate the Settings model.

What, exactly, does a modelbinder do? How to use it effectively?

I was researching something and came across this blog post at about model binders. It actually works pretty darn well for my purposes but I am not sure exactly whats going on behind the scenes. What I did was create a custom ModelBinder called USerModelBinder:
public class UserModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
ValueProviderResult value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("id");
MyEntities db = new MyEntities();
User user = db.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserName == value.AttemptedValue);
return user;
Then in my Global.asax.cs I have:
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(User), new UserModelBinder());
My understanding is that using the model binder allows me to NOT have to use the following lines in every controller action that involves a "User". So instead of passing in an "id" to the action, the modelbinder intercepts the id, fetches the correct "item"(User in my case) and forwards it to the action for processing.
MyEntities db = new MyEntities();
User user = db.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserName == value.AttemptedValue);
I also tried using an annotation on my User class instead of using the line in Global.asax.cs:
public partial class User
I'm not looking for a 30 page white paper but I have no idea how the model binder does what it does. I just want to understand what happens from when a request is made to the time it is served. All this stuff "just working" is not acceptable to me, lol. Also, is there any difference between using the annotation versus adding it in Global.asax.cs? They seem to work the same in my testing but are there any gotchas?
Usually the Model Binder (in MVC) looks at you Action method and sees what it requires (as in, the objects types). It then tries to find the values from the HTTP Request (values in the HTTP Form, QueryString, Json and maybe other places such as cookies etc. using ValueProviders). It then creates a new object with the parameters that it retrieves.
IMO What you've done is not really "model binding". In the sense that you've just read the id and fetched the object from the DB.
example of usual model binding:
// class
public class SomeClass
public int PropA {get;set;}
public string PropB {get;set;}
// action
public ActionResult AddSomeClass(SomeClass classToBind)
// implementation
// pseudo html
<form action="">
<input name="PropA" type="text" />
<input name="PropB" type="text" />
if you post a form that contains the correct values (lets say you post a form with PropA and PropB ) the model binder can identify that you've sent those values in the form and build a SomeClass object.
If you really want to create a real working example you should use a strongly typed View and use HtmlHelper's EditorFor (or EditorForModel) to create all the correct names that MVC needs.
for reference MVC's default binder is the DefaultModelBinder, and some (there are more, you can look around in the System.Web.Mvc namespace) ValueProviders that it uses by default are the FormValueProvider and the QueryStringValueProvider
So, as I already said, how this basically works is that the default model binder reads the model that the action is recieving (say SomeClass in the example) reads what are the values that it can read (say PropA and PropB) and asks the ValueProviders for the correct values for the properties.
Also, if I recall correctly, you can also see the value providers in runtime using the ValueProviderFactories static class.
A ModelBinder looks at the arguments of the selected Controller action's method signature, then converts the values from the ValueProviders into those arguments.
This happens when the ControllerActionInvoker invokes the action associated with the ControllerContext, because the Controller's Execute() method told it to.
For more about the ASP.NET MVC execution process, see Understanding the MVC Application Execution Process
