Spring Boot Post Request Method not having all Object values - spring

Using Spring Boot, Hibernate JPA and Thymeleaf.
I have an Order database table which currently only holds 1 record. This record has a few columns and some of the columns are not seen on any forms, they are set upon saving the Order, for instance the creation date.
On the GET request below I select the specific Order and all values are returned into the Order object as expected.
This is my GET Request method:
#RequestMapping(value = "/editorder/{orderId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String editOrderGet(Model model, #PathVariable long orderId)
Order order = orderService.findById(orderId);
model.addAttribute("order", order);
return "/editorder";
This is a small snippit of my edit order html form using Thymeleaf, binding the Order object to the form using th:object as below:
<form role="form" th:action="#{/editorder}" th:object="${order}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" th:field="*{orderId}"/>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update Order</button>
And this is my POST Request method:
#RequestMapping(value = "/editorder", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String editOrderPost(Model model,
#Valid #ModelAttribute("order") Order order, BindingResult bindingResult)
//rest of code here
As you can see, on the GET request I am adding the Order object to the model.
On the html form, I am binding the Order object to the entire form. Then on the POST request I am getting the Order object.
But on the POST it is seen as a new Order and only contains the fields as specified in the form, it does for instance not contain the creation date as seen in the GET request.
My question is this:
Am I missing something or do I explicitly need to go set each of those fields as hidden fields on my form?

In your GET response you may be returning the whole Order object into the Model, but Thymeleaf when trying to build the actual html from template will pick only the items it needs to build the template. So only the fields that are used in the form are used to build the form in your html page.
So when u resubmit the form to the POST service only those fields that are available in the form is reposted.
If u want these fields to be displayed on the page then add these fields in the Form. Thymeleaf picks them and displays in the form. If you dont want them to be shown in the Page then just ignore them. The Order object which u receive in the POST would not have that fields as they were not available in original form.
U can get them by querying the database, any how you do have the order id saved as the Hidden field.
public String editOrderPost(Model model,
#Valid #ModelAttribute("order") Order order, BindingResult bindingResult){
Order orderFromDB = orderService.findById(order.getId());
// Code to update the orderFromDB from order object
This will save the updated fields to the database.
Generally its not a good practice to expose the Entity objects to the API. Try using a DTO/value object. This can have only fields that define your business fields. Also u can use BeanMapper frameworks like dozer/mapstruct/modelmapper to copy from DTO to Entity and vice versa.


passing a model to the next controller from view

I have a form with few inputs, name, email, message and some checkboxes. I've created a model for these inputs and set all the validations i require.
But now I also want to pass my model (i.e. from #model MyModel) or rather some object property of my model together with those inputs.
Is populating a VewBag/viewData with my model a way to go?
ViewBag.MyModel = Model;
// or ViewBag.ThatProperty = Model.ThatProperty
or do i still have a better way up my sleeve?
ViewBag and ViewData persist in one trip from server to client, and not the other way around.
There is no way to pass an object from the view to the controller. If it's a database object, you can pass the object Id using one of the two methods described below, then query the DB on post.
If you have no other way, you can encode the object as a JSON string (using the Newtonsoft package, for example) and pass it also using one of the two methods described below, but this isn't the best option.
To pass a property from the View to the Controller, you have two options:
Url Parameter
Hidden field
Url Parameter
<form ... asp-route-ThatProperty="#Model.ThatProperty">
Form Field
<input type="hidden" name="ThatProperty" value="#Model.ThatProperty" />
Controller Action
If 'ThatProperty' doesn't exist on your model, receive it as an extra parameter.
public IActionResult MyAction (MyModel model, string ThatProperty)

Spring: Registration form remove object from model

In my Spring MVC Project I created a registration page.In this page there is a form in which the user insert his information(name,surname and so on).I have used the Spring tag form to bind the object "cliente" to the form. In my controller I have:
public String viewRegistration(ModelMap model){
return "registrazione";
In registration.jsp
<form:form method="post" action="add" modelAttribute="cliente">
In this project I have not used Spring Security,because I'm a student and I hadn't learned this part yet.
If the user leaves the page without register, I want to delete the object "Cliente" from the model.How can I solve it?Thanks
At first you don't need to delete object from model as if client leaves page with mapping /registration model ref will be overriden with model of another mapping method.
Second in more cases it's no good idea to call your method clienteFactory.createCliente()) in GET request method. Better to call it in POST after user fill all form fields and post his request than you know that you need to call clientFactory.Also use #ModelAttribute annotation as method argument.
As you have in your form form:form method="post" it will not working without such method
public String makeRegistration(ModelMap model){
Also see simple Sring tutorial for handling forms.

How to control two operations for same url in Spring mvc?

Consider the following problem.
The user has chosen to create a document by clicking on the Create document and then he writes data into the document. The url for creating the document is /document/save.
For the subsequent write up, the existing document must be saved instead of creating a new one.
Here is my code for that.
public MyController implements Controller, TemplateTypeAware
public String saveOrCreateDocument(#ModelAttribute DocumentWrapper wrapper, ModelAndView m)
Document doc=createDocument(wrapper);
saveDocument(m.getModel().get("document_id"), wrapper);
return documentView;
<input type="hidden" name="document_id" th:value="*{document_id}"/>
<!-- other fields -->
The problem here is, I am getting document_id always null. Is there any work around for this problem?
Thanks in advance. Hope you will reply as soon as possible.
Form fields will be automatically bound to your DocumentWrapper fields if they have matching names, that means DocumentWrapper needs a field named document_id, otherwise the document_id request parameter won't be bound to your object.
Model attributes will be exposed to the view, at this point the model will be empty, you can add attributes in your handler method and they will become in your view, but request parameters won't be in the model. That explains why you always get null.
If you just need the document_id parameter, use #RequestParam:
public String saveOrCreateDocument(#RequestParam("document_id") Long documentId, Model m) {
Please refer to the binding section of Spring MVC: http://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/mvc.html#mvc-ann-requestparam

Model Validation in asp .net MVC

I am developing an application where I have a form with a model "StudentListModel".
I have a button in the same page which is not a submit button. I have written an ajax function which calls an action method in the controller specified.
Now my problem is there is a textbox for the studentname ,
[StringLength(160, MinimumLength = 3)]
[Display(Name = "First Name")]
[Remote("CheckDuplicateNames", "AddStudent")]
public string StudentName { get; set; }
None of these validations are firing.However if I make the button as submit ,these will work.
Is there any way to do model validation other than using formsubmission?
Model validation is done automatically before your ActionMethod is executed and ModelState will be populated with information about that validation. You do not need to call ValidateModel as long as you are running your Controller and ActionMethods in the default MVC lifecycle.
An action method that has parameters will have the values for parameters populated using MVC Model Binding. This means that any values posted in a Form or QueryString (and a few other sources) will be name matched to simple parameters or properties in complex parameters. Using an HTML form and the MVC HtmlHelper methods for creating input types you get the desired behavior with very little work, but as you have noted it requires a form submit to send the data.
An ajax call will also populate the model using Model Binding but it requires the fields to be sent to the ActionMethod. Using jQuery it is as simple as performing a post or get request on the buttons click event passing a JavaScript object with your model's properties on it.
$('#yourButtonId').click(function() {
var student = {};
student.StudentName = $('#StudentName').val();
$.post('#Url.Action("ActionMethodName")', student).done(function (data) {
//handle returned result from ActionMethod}
You can call model validation manually in the controller method. The syntax is simply ValidateModel(model). This validates the model based on its current property values, and populates the ModelState dictionary with any errors.
If your model does not get populated with the values, but you have got them at hand, you can populate it using UpdateModel(model, values), another method inherited from the Controller class.

Spring MVC: How to retrieve data apart from the Model submitted to a view

I have the following requirement. I submit a Model object to a view as follows...
#RequestMapping(value ="/addItem", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView showContacts() {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("addItem", "command", new Item());
return modelAndView;
But on post, I need to retrieve a value apart from the "Item" object (model) that is returned to me. I can't have this variable be a part of the Item model object because it does not belong there. But I need it returned in order to act on that value. How can I get about doing this ?
I.e. In my JSP file, I have the following fields...
<form:input type="text" path="val1"/>
<form:input type="text" path="val2"/>
<form:input type="text" path="val3"/>
Out of the above, only fields val1 and val2 have mappings to the Item object, where as val3 does not. Nevertheless, I need the value of val3 passed back to my controller as well. The code I have right now to handle the POST is as follows, but I can't figure out how to get the value for val3. The code does not compile right now because it says that there is no field or appropriate getter method in the Item class for val3.
#RequestMapping(value = "/postItem", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String postItem(#ModelAttribute("item") Item item , BindingResult result) {
logger.info("Post Item:");
return "home";
How can I modify the above code to suite my requirement ?
Some guidance on this matter will be highly appreciated.
You can pass a map as the model, and include all sorts of different things in there. You are not limited to a single domain object, that constructor is there as a convenience, it is not the only way to do it. There is a variation of the constructor:
public ModelAndView(Object view,
Map model)
Create a new ModelAndView given a View object and a model.
view - View object to render (usually a Servlet MVC View object)
model - Map of model names (Strings) to model objects (Objects).
Model entries may not be null, but the model Map may be null if
there is no model data.
