Process running when starting terminal on Mac OSX - macos

Whenever I start terminal on my Macbook Pro it is running a process. I have to use ctrl+C to kill it. If I close the window directly it warns me that following processs are running: login, bash, bash, perl5.12.
Any idea what might be going on here and how I get back to the normal state?

I personally had this issue a while ago. First check to see if it is from one of your profiles. Assuming you are using bash, we will look at your bash profile.
First, make sure the problem is actually stemming from your bash profile. Source the scrips as follows.
source ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.profile
If after running those you observe the same hanging problem where you have to cntrl+c, then you know what script has the problem.
The best way to remedy the situation is to comment out different parts of your script to figure out where the problem is. Backup your profile and then comment out half of your profile and do a
source ~/.bash_profile
and if it hangs or not will tell you what half the problem is on. Keep repeating this until you find the problem. It sounds longer than it actually is.


Bash Scripts (even trivial ones) stuck when invoked on the terminal

I have a server on which we execute multiple bash scripts to automate tasks (like copying files to other servers, kicking off backups, etc). It has been working for some months, but today it started to get erratic.
What is happening, is that the script gets 'stuck' for a while, and after that, it runs with no problem. If I copy and paste the commands one by one on the terminal, it works, so is not something on the script itself, but it seems something that is preventing the bash interpreter (if that makes sense).
Another weird behavior is that the same script will run with no issues eventually. However, as we use Jenkins for automation, the scripts are re-created every time a new job starts.
For example, I created a new script,, which only contains an echo. If I try to run it directly, it gets stuck for a while. I tried to debug it with bash -xeav but it does not print my script code, which means that it is not reading it. After a while, the script ran, with no changes. However, creating one script, with the same content and a different name, resurfaces the issue.
My hypothesis is that something prevents the script to be read, and just waits until whatever is blocking it to finish. However, I did not see any process holding the file, which means that it may not the case.
Is there any other thing I should try? My knowledge in bash is pretty basic, so I don't know if there is a flag that may help me on debugging this internally.
I am working on RHEL 8.85, the bash version is GNU bash, version 4.4.20(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
Server resources are OK, no usage for them.
Hardware for the server also works fine, the ops team has not reached out with any known issue at least
Reboot makes the issue disappear, however, it reappears after 5 minutes or so
The issue seems that is not related to bash profiles and such.
Issue solved, posting this as an answer so people can find it quicker.
Turns out, as multiple users suggested in the comments (thanks to all!!) the problem was caused by a security monitor, which analyzed each of the scripts that were executed. The team changed some settings on that end to prevent it from happening, and so far is working.

CTRL+C does not work in msys2

I used Msys1 for many years and was used to CTRL+C for killing processes that I start within my shell.
After updating from Msys1 to Msys2 CTRL+C does not work any more.
For example: I start "make" press CTRL+C. Shell prompts to finished and enables typing more commands, but make.exe is still running+working.
Result of my analysis:
In Msys1: shell.exe(12345) starts make.exe(23456) and make.exe(23456) has the information, that its parent is (12345).
In Msys2: shell.exe(12345) starts make.exe(23456) and make.exe(23456) has the information, that its parent is the (34567), which is not alive anymore. So I guess Msys2 uses an additional process for starting subprocesses.
I tried bash.exe, shell.exe, mintty.exe,... all seems to have the same problems.
Content I found searching
This ticket just focuses on missing signal types -> I don't care about that.
The issue in this mailing list seems to be near my problem, but I do not understand what I should change, or if the change can only be made within the msys2 implementation. (What is CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP? and how to change it):
Kindest regards
It looks like mintty provides the default terminal for MSYS2 (note that this is different from the shell that is run within). If so, then the "Ctrl+C kills native (e.g. MSYS2 compiled) programs abruptly rather than sending a catchable signal" problem is the same one as described over on and the MSYS2 wiki porting FAQ.
If what you're attempting works when you are using Windows' default terminal (e.g. when using cmd.exe from the start menu) then this is the issue you're seeing.
It is in fact suggested in the other answer but you can just run each program by winpty.exe which will make CTRL-C working again.

Activator/Play commands make Cygwin bash commands invisible

I'm using Cygwin and any time I use an Activator command (e.g., activator run or activator "eclipse with-source=true"), any text thereafter is invisible. It's being typed, because if I hit enter, the command will be executed, but I cannot see it.
I've done some searching of this issue, and I'm not the only one to experience it, as I've learned I can blindly type stty sane and I'll get my text visible again, but that's a bit onerous.
Other tips suggest commenting out a certain line in <activator>\minimal\activator, but looking through that file, I see many lines for detecting if the terminal being used is Cygwin and then specific handling for that, so I'm not sure what to edit nor why it isn't already handling the fact that I'm using Cygwin.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Postgres.App installation

this is probably a total newbie question but try as I might, I cannot seem to get my terminal to recognize the psql command. So far, I have tried the following:
Added PATH="/Applications/$PATH" to my .profile file, saved, and reopened terminal. No luck. (Path that is given in the Postgres.App installation instructions on their site.)
Added PATH="/Applications/$PATH" to my .bash_profile file, saved, and reopened terminal. No luck. (Tried another file to be sure.)
Added export PATH="/Applications/$PATH" to my .profile file, saved, and reopened terminal. No luck. (Recommended in another question asked here on Stack.)
Same deal as previous but in .bash_profile. No luck.
Same deal but with /Users/my_user/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-9.3 in both .profile and .bash_profile. No luck. (Data directory given in the app preferences, running out of ideas.)
What am I missing? This shouldn't be this hard. Thanks for the help!
Okay, so it never ceases to amaze me how much is knowledge is assumed by the courses, programs, and even installation instructions dealing with unix based systems. Like I thought, it was a silly issue.
I've heard repeatedly and from multiple sources that to make sure changes are applied, restart your terminal. Well, in this case, that is not enough. If you find yourself in the same situation, you must either restart your computer or (and much more simply) issue the following command in terminal:
source ~/.bash_profile
While a silly little issue, ignorance doesn't care and your stuff won't work until eradicate said ignorance. The good thing is that with each new hard won gem of knowledge, that's one more thing I won't forget anytime soon and insight into how to better diagnose future problems.

swi-prolog aborts (after installation via homebrew)

For some reasons I had to uninstall/reinstall homebrew on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.9).
I wanted to reinstall swi-prolog via homebrew (like I did the first time). The installation process worked without any visible issue, but now every time in want to run swi-prolog in my terminal this message appears: "Abort trap: 6"
I have no clue of what that means. There is a lot of things about this message on the internet but I can't relate them with my issue.
Could you help me?
For some reason it seems that the symbolic link doesn't work correctly. In my version of swi-prolog I had to type the full path to get it to run correctly, for example:
Remember to keep in mind that your version number could be different than what I have listed above.
This became extremely tedious however to remember when having to type it every time I wanted to use Prolog, so I was able to add it as an alias with this command:
alias prolog='/usr/local/Cellar/swi-prolog/6.4.1/bin/swipl'
From that point on in the current terminal session, I was able to open it by just typing:
This way is obviously much easier, however you need to remember to change the alias if the version also changes.
The command "prolog" can of course be exchanged with any command you wish to use.
Keep in mind, if you want this command to be more permanent (as in after you close the terminal window), you will need to also add the above alias command to the ~/.bash_profile file so it runs on startup.
Hope this helps!
if i am not mistaken, swi-prolog required x11 to run but now in mac 10.9, there were no x11 anymore instead of xQuartz.
i am not sure if this is the real problem now.
