start-stop-daemon: pass arguments to application (vertx) - start-stop-daemon

I'm trying to build an upstart configuration that's used in combination with monit.
I'd like to pass some arguments to vertx as well (multiple instances of the verticle), but I'm failing to get a proper statement on the shell already, so I think there's no need to quote the upstart script.
start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /my/app/dir --exec /usr/bin/vertx runzip -instances 20
No idea how to pass the '-instances 20' arg to the exec statement, somehow it is always interpreted as option to start-stop-daemon
start-stop-daemon: invalid option -- 'i'
I already tried putting the whole --exec statement into braces...

Maybe I missed something in Unix basics and didn't manage to properly escape the --exec string, so my pragmatic approach/workaround was creating a custom parameterized start script:
export JAVA_OPTS="$1 -Djava.rmi.server.hostname="
/usr/bin/vertx runzip $2 -instances $3
Upstart config (running 10 instances of a verticle via JMX RMI on port 33002)
VERTX_OPTS=" 33002 10"
exec start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/bin/myVertxStartup --$VERTX_OPTS
end script


A clarification on the command syntax in Kubernetes manifest files

I'm working on a question that wants me to deploy a pod with the nginx image. The pod should sleep for 5000 seconds.
The command can be specified like so:
command: ["sleep", "5000"]
or like so:
- sleep
- "5000"
Why can't the command be specified like so:
- sh
- -c
- sleep "5000"
or like so:
- sleep "5000"
In other words, I'm confused about two things:
What does sh -c do? I understand that -c is there to denote arguments, but isn't the sleep command run using sh?
When can the command and args be listed on the same line, and when do they have to be on separate lines? In this example, why doesn't sleep "5000" work? Why do sleep and "5000" have to be on separate lines? Also, why are quotes around the number 5000 required?
Note that command and args as in K8s object definitions or manifest are in-facet entrypoint and cmd fields as found in container image definitions. These are supposed to behave in a certain specific way. for eg: if you look at at how docker images are defined, you would find entrypoint and cmd as 2 highly used fields.
supplying command and/or args in K8s object definition overrides entrypoint and cmd fields of the associated container.
entrypoint in docker image definitions for example is allowed either as a single string (sleep 5000) or as a broken down array (["sleep", "500"]). either ways, it's eventually broken down into an array of arguments (i.e. sleep 5000 becomes ["sleep", "5000"]).
I suppose K8s tries to simplify this by letting you supply this only as an array.
this article is a good reference to understand how entrypoint and cmd work in combination on container image definitions. The behavior feels a bit unnecessarily complicated and I cannot thank K8s contributors more for they simplified it to some extent at least.
The two ways of running the command:
command: ["sleep", "5000"]
Is exactly the same as:
- sleep
- 5000
In both cases, it is interpreted as a list. It's two ways of expressing a list.
The command cannot be specified as command: sleep "5000" because this would be interpreted as a single argument "sleep 5000" rather than as two separate arguments sleep and 5000.
Think of it as running this command in shell:
`"sleep 5000"`
This would be run as a single command and the 5000 would not be interpreted as an argument. Whereas the expression: command: [sleep, 5000] would be interpreted as:
`"sleep"` 5000
# or simply... (same as)
`sleep` "5000"
Thus being interpreted correctly as an argument of sleep.
For sh -c, sh calls the program sh (shell) as the interpreter and the -c flag means to execute the following command as interpreted by this program. -c is the flag that tells the shell to execute the command that follows it. So in this scenario, it would be redundant to use sh -c, and I'm uncertain if that would even execute correctly.

how to execute docker sqlplus query inside bash script?

On Ubuntu 21.04, I installed oracle dtb from docker, works fine I am using it for sql developer but now I need to use it in shell script. I am not sure if it can work this way, or is it some better way. I am trying to run simple script:
select_ssn () {
sudo docker exec -it oracle bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus username/password#ORCLCDB;" <<EOF > $SSN_NUMBER
select SSN from employee
where fname = 'James';
After I run this, nothing happens and I need to kill the session. or
the input device is not a TTY
is displayed
Specifying a here document from outside Docker is problematic. Try inlining the query commands into the Bash command line instead. Remember that the string argument to bash -c can be arbitrarily complex.
docker exec -it oracle bash -c "
source /home/oracle/.bashrc
printf '%s\n' \\
\"select SSN from employee\" \\
\"where fname = \'James\'\;\" |
sqlplus -s username/password#ORCLCDB" > "$SSN_NUMBER"
I took out the sudo but perhaps you really do need it. I added the -s option to sqlplus based on a quick skim of the manual page.
The quoting here is complex and I'm not entirely sure it doesn't require additional tweaking. I went with double quotes around the shell script, which means some things inside those quotes will be processed by the invoking shell before being passed to the container.
In the worst case, if the query itself is static, storing it inside the image in a file when you build it will be the route which offers the least astonishment.

Docker CMD evaluation with ENTRYPOINT

I have a Dockerfile that falls into the exec_entry p1_entry /bin/sh -c exec_cmd p1_cmd category in the matrix found in Understand how CMD and ENTRYPOINT interact. The behavior is not what I'm expecting. I was expecting /bin/sh -c exec_cmd p1_cmd to evaluate first then get passed into exec_entry p1_entry. What I am observing is that /bin/sh -c exec_cmd p1_cmd literally gets passed into exec_entry p1_entry which I think is funny.
To provide more context, I am specifically deriving a new Dockerfile from an existing Dockerfile where the parent has:
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/registrator"]
I want to pass in specific command-line parameters from my Dockerfile:
FROM gliderlabs/registrator:v7
CMD echo "-ip=$EXTERNAL_IP consul://$CONSUL_HOST"
When I run my Docker image in a container:
$ docker run --rm --name=test-registrator --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock -e "EXTERNAL_IP=<some-ip>" -e "CONSUL_HOST=<some-consul-hostname>:8500" my/registrator
I get the following error:
2016/12/28 19:20:46 Starting registrator v7 ...
Extra unparsed arguments:
-c echo "-ip=$EXTERNAL_IP consul://$CONSUL_HOST"
Options should come before the registry URI argument.
Usage of /bin/registrator:
/bin/registrator [options] <registry URI>
-cleanup=false: Remove dangling services
-deregister="always": Deregister exited services "always" or "on-success"
-internal=false: Use internal ports instead of published ones
-ip="": IP for ports mapped to the host
-resync=0: Frequency with which services are resynchronized
-retry-attempts=0: Max retry attempts to establish a connection with the backend. Use -1 for infinite retries
-retry-interval=2000: Interval (in millisecond) between retry-attempts.
-tags="": Append tags for all registered services
-ttl=0: TTL for services (default is no expiry)
-ttl-refresh=0: Frequency with which service TTLs are refreshed
This means that -c echo "-ip=$EXTERNAL_IP consul://$CONSUL_HOST" is literally getting passed into /bin/registrator as the parameter.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation of the use case where /bin/sh -c exec_cmd p1_cmd does not get evaulated first before getting passed into the ENTRYPOINT? If the latter is true, then can you also explain the usefulness of this use case?
Yes. This is exactly how it is supposed to work.
The value of CMD is just passed as a parameter to the ENTRYPOINT.
Main difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT is that CMD just provides default command argument to the ENTRYPOINT program and it's usually overridden by the arguments to run command. On the other hand you have to redefine ENTRYPOINT explicitly with --entrypoint option if you want different command to be executed.
Also, notice there is a difference how things are executed depending on the way ENTRYPOINT and CMD are defined in the Dockerfile. When they are defined as an array in the form of ['arg1', 'arg2'] this array is passed as is to the ENTRYPOINT command, with the first element of ENTRYPOINT being the program being executed. In the other case when they are defined as a simple string like arg1 arg2 this string is first passed is prepended by "/bin/sh -c" note that Docker does not execute /bin/sh and returns the result of evaluation back, that string itself is passed to the ENTRYPOINT program.
So in your case you have to use array method of passing the arguments:
CMD [-ip, $EXTERNAL_IP, consul://$CONSUL_HOST]

how do I get etcd values into my systemd service on coreOS?

I have two services A and B.
A sets a value in etcd as it's being started, say the public IP address which it gets from an environment file:
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/etcdctl set /A_ADDR $COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4
B needs that value as it starts up, as well as its own IP address. So something like this would be nice:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run -e MY_ADDR=$COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4 -e A_ADDR=$ETCD_A_ADDR mikedewar/B
but that's obviously not possible as etcd variables don't present as systemd environment variables like that. Instead I can do some sort of /usr/bin/bash -c 'run stuff' in my ExecStart but it's awkward especially as I need systemd to expand $COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4 and my new bash shell to expand $(etcdctl get /A_ADDR). It also reeks of code smell and makes me think I'm missing something important.
Can someone tell me the "right" way of getting values from etcd into my ExecStart declaration?
-- update
So I'm up and running with
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'source /etc/environment && /usr/bin/docker run -e A_ADDR=$(/usr/bin/etcdctl get /A_ADDR) -e MY_ADDR=$COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4 mikedewar/B'
but it's pretty ugly. Still can't believe I'm not missing something..
I've was struggling with the same thing until recently. After reading much of the documentation of CoreOS and systemd, here is a slightly 'cleaner' version of what you're doing:
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/docker run -e A_ADDR=$(/usr/bin/etcdctl get /A_ADDR) -e MY_ADDR=$COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4 mikedewar/B'
Additionally, I have adopted a pattern where my services depend on a systemd 'oneshot' service that will compute some value and write it in to /etc/environment. This allows you to keep more complex shell scripting out of the main service unit and place it into it's own oneshot service unit.
Here are the docs for EnvironmentFile:
Finally, a quick gotchya: you must use a shell invocation if you use any variable in your ExecStart/Stop commands. systemd does no shell invocation when executing the command you provide, so variables will not be expanded.
I am currently using such a workaround:
I've created scripts which extracts data from particular etcd directory
#! /bin/sh
for entry in `etcdctl ls /my_dir --recursive` ; do
echo ' -e '`grep -o '[^/]*$' <<< ${entry}`=`etcdctl get ${entry}`
its output looks following:
-e DATABASE_URL=postgres://
So then eventually I can in my init file place that in such way
/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/docker run -p 9000:9000 $(/home/core/ me/myapp -D FOREGROUND'
It's not the most elegant way, and I'd love to know how to improve it, but placing that for loop as a one-liner requires lots of escaping.
Can you container read directly from etcd as it starts, over the docker0 bridge IP, instead of passing in the values? This will also allow you to do more complex logic on the response, parse JSON if you are storing it as the etcd value, etc.

getting Bash to execute external commands through proxy

I want to add some extra logging, so I'd like bash to run "myevaluator cmdline" after expanding all the environment variables in cmdline, is that possible?
Update: basically I want to extend my bash history logging to include PID of the main process started by the command, and things from /proc/ tree.
For instance, if I run "java xyz" from bash command line, I want to log PID of the java process started by that command line.
Only way I can see to implement this would be to have "bash" call my custom evaluator giving it the final command-line, and then my evaluator would take care of starting the process and doing the logging
So the question is -- how do I get bash to call "myevaluator cmdline" whenever bash tries to execute an external process
Use set -x in your script ( or /bin/bash -x ) to print every line prepended with PS4 to stderr.
