how to execute docker sqlplus query inside bash script? - bash

On Ubuntu 21.04, I installed oracle dtb from docker, works fine I am using it for sql developer but now I need to use it in shell script. I am not sure if it can work this way, or is it some better way. I am trying to run simple script:
select_ssn () {
sudo docker exec -it oracle bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus username/password#ORCLCDB;" <<EOF > $SSN_NUMBER
select SSN from employee
where fname = 'James';
After I run this, nothing happens and I need to kill the session. or
the input device is not a TTY
is displayed

Specifying a here document from outside Docker is problematic. Try inlining the query commands into the Bash command line instead. Remember that the string argument to bash -c can be arbitrarily complex.
docker exec -it oracle bash -c "
source /home/oracle/.bashrc
printf '%s\n' \\
\"select SSN from employee\" \\
\"where fname = \'James\'\;\" |
sqlplus -s username/password#ORCLCDB" > "$SSN_NUMBER"
I took out the sudo but perhaps you really do need it. I added the -s option to sqlplus based on a quick skim of the manual page.
The quoting here is complex and I'm not entirely sure it doesn't require additional tweaking. I went with double quotes around the shell script, which means some things inside those quotes will be processed by the invoking shell before being passed to the container.
In the worst case, if the query itself is static, storing it inside the image in a file when you build it will be the route which offers the least astonishment.


Problem handling enviroment variable when launching terminal from bash script

The following script gets called with an enviroment variable setted.
I need to launch a terminal and inside that terminal read that variable from another script ( ).
xfce4-terminal -x sh -c \
"export VAR='${VAR}'
It works but not when VAR has single quotes in it.
I also feel like there is a better way to pass enviroment variable to the terminal but I don't know how.
I really appreciate any kind of help and I'm sorry for my english.
One of the intended features of the environment is that you can add to it, but you never remove things from it. Add VAR to the current environment, and it will be inherited by xfce4-terminal and any process started by that terminal.
export VAR
xfce4-terminal -x sh -c /home/usr/scripts/
If you don't want it in the current environment, only in the new terminal's, then use a precommend assignment.
VAR="$VAR" xfce4-terminal -x sh -c /home/usr/scripts/
This avoids any fragile dynamic script construction like you are contending with.
Since xfce4-terminal appears to not fork a new process itself, I would pass the desired value as an argument to sh.
xfce4-terminal -x sh -c 'VAR="$1" /home/usr/scripts/' _ "$VAR"
The argument to -c is still a fixed string rather than one generated by interpolating the value of $VAR.

How to execute an interactive multiline bash script remotely over ssh which has default csh shell?

I'm writing a script that would give me an ability to execute other local bash scripts remotely over SSH without uploading them. Some of my servers have Linux, some FreeBSD with csh as default. So far, I've came to the following:
ssh remote_server 'bash -c '\'"$(cat"\'' script_parameters'
This allows me to execute on remote_server, supports interactivity (for example, "read" command will work in, and I can transfer positional parameters to the script. The problem is that if a has multiple lines the code above works for remote servers with bash default shell only. On FreeBSD sshd starts csh first to execute "bash -c" command and tries to pass the script code (the result of $(cat to it as the first parameter. But because this code is multiline and csh wants the closing quote be on the same line as the opening quote I get the "Unmatched '." error. So csh just can't parse this escaped multiline parameter to pass it to the bash process.
The only solution I can see now is to parse the and automatically rewrite it into a one-liner using ";" delimiters before passing it via SSH. But this requires creating another script and seems to be not so easy. So I'd like to ask if this csh miltiline parsing problem can be resolved somehow?
What about using standard input /dev/stdin ?
ssh remote_server bash /dev/stdin script_parameters <
Using two different commands and temporary file
ssh remote_server $'tmp=`mktemp tmp.XXXXXX`;cat <<\'HEREDOC_END\' >"$tmp"
bash "$tmp" script_parameters ;rm "$tmp"'
ssh remote_server 'set tmp=`mktemp tmp.XXXXXX`;cat <<"HEREDOC_END" >"$tmp"
bash "$tmp" script_parameters ;rm "$tmp"'
In this particular case, there is no need to keep the outermost quotes.
ssh remote_server bash -c "\"$(cat\"" script_parameters
This is not entirely robust; for example, single quotes in will not quote text verbatim. So the following example
echo 'fnord "$(echo yes)"'
will have the command substitution evaluated remotely even though the string is in single quotes. In the general case, you'd have to replace cat with, basically, a shell parser which identifies constructs which need escaping.

Check if possible to run command as sudo in Bourne shell?

I'm writing a Bourne shell deployment script, which runs some commands as root and some as the current user. I want to not run all commands as root, and check upfront if the commands I'll need are available to root (to prevent aborted half-done deployments).
In order to do this, I want to make a function that checks if a command can be run as root. My idea was to do this:
sudo_command() {
sudo sh -c 'type "$1"'
And then to use it like so:
required_sudo_commands="cp rm apt"
for command in $required_sudo_commands do
sudo_command "$command" || (
echo "missing required command: $command;
exit 1;
As you might guess by my question here: it doesn't work. Does any of you see what I'm doing wrong here?
I tried running the command inside sudo_command by itself, but that miraculously (to me) did work. But when I put the command into a separate file, it didn't work.
There are two immediate problems:
The $1 not expanding in single quotes.
You can semi-fix this by expanding it in double quotes instead: sudo sh -c "type '$1'"
Your command not exiting. That's easily fixed by replacing your || (..) with || {..}.
(..) creates a subshell that limits the scope of everything inside it including exit. To group commands, use {..}
However, there is also the fundamental problem of trying to use sh -c 'type "$1" to do anything.
One of the major points of sudo is the ability to limit what a user can and can't do. You're assuming that a user has complete, unrestricted access to run arbitrary commands as root, and that any problems are due to root not having these commands available.
That may be a valid assumption for you, but you may want to instead run e.g. sudo apt --version to get a better (but still incomplete) picture of whether you're allowed and able to run apt with sudo without requiring complete and unrestricted access.

Bash commands as variables failing when joining to form a single command

ssh="ssh user#host"
dumpstructure="mysqldump --compress --default-character-set=utf8 --no-data --quick -u user -p database"
mysql=$ssh "$dumpstructure"
$mysql | gzip -c9 | cat > db_structure.sql.gz
This is failing on the third line with:
mysqldump --compress --default-character-set=utf8 --no-data --quick -u user -p database: command not found
I've simplified my actualy script for the purpose of debugging this specific error. $ssh and $dumpstructure aren't always being joined together in the real script.
Variables are meant to hold data, not commands. Use a function.
mysql () {
ssh user#host mysqldump --compress --default-character-set=utf8 --nodata --quick -u user -p database
mysql | gzip -c9 > db_structure.sql.gz
Arguments to a command can be stored in an array.
# Although mysqldump is the name of a command, it is used here as an
# argument to ssh, indicating the command to run on a remote host
args=(mysqldump --compress --default-character-set=utf8 --nodata --quick -u user -p database)
ssh user#host "${args[#]}" | gzip -c9 > db_structure.sql.gz
Chepner's answer is correct about the best way to do things like this, but the reason you're getting that error is actually even more basic. The line:
mysql=$ssh "$dumpstructure"
doesn't do anything like what you want. Because of the space between $ssh and "$dumpstructure", it'll parse this as environmentvar=value command, which means it should execute the "mysqldump..." part with the environment variable mysql set to ssh user#host. But it's worse than that, since the double-quotes around "$dumpstructure" mean that it won't be split into words, and so the entire string gets treated as the command name (rather than mysqldump being the command name, and the rest being arguments to it).
If this had been the right way to go about building the command, the right way to stick the parts together would be:
mysql="$ssh $dumpstructure" that the whole combined string gets treated as part of the value to assign to mysql. But as I said, you really should use Chepner's approach instead.
Actually, commands in variables should also work and can be in form of `$var` or just $($var). If it says command not found, it could because the command maybe not in you PATH. Or you should give full path of you command.
So let's put this vote down away and talk about this question.
The real problem is mysql=$ssh "$dumpstructure". This means you'll execute $dumpstructure with additional environment mysql=$ssh. So we got command not found exception. It's actually because mysqldump is located on remote server not this host, so it's reasonable this command is not found.
From this point, let's see how to fix this question.
OP want to dumpplicate mysql data from remote server, which means $dumpstructure shoud be executed remotely. Let's see third line mysql=$ssh "$dumpstructure". Now we figure out this would result in problem. So what should be the correct command? The simplest command should be like mysql="$ssh $dumpstructure", which means both $ssh and $dumpstructure will be join into single command line in variable $mysql.
At the end, let's talk about the last command line. I do not agree with variable are meant to hold data, not command. Cause command is also a kind of data. The real problem is how to use it correctly.
OP's command is also supported, at least it is supported on bash 4.2.46.
So the real problem is how to use a variable to hold commands not import a new method to do that, wraping them into a bash function, for example.
So who can tell me why this answer does not come into readers' notice but be voted down?

Bash script with psql command tells nothing, but doesn't work

I am really confused with this piece of code:
su postgres -c '$COM' &> pg_a.log
in psql shell this SQL code works fine, but in script he is not creating archive and tells me nothing about mistakes or fails.
Thanks in advance!
You'll get one hint if you replace your "su" command with this:
echo '$COM'
What you'll see is that it prints out $COM -- not an expansion, but the string itself.
You'll probably find a number of other problems with this approach. You're going to have to escape a bunch of characters so the shell doesn't interpret them for you. It's going to be a real pain.
I would put the sql into a file and use the -f option to psql.
