Recurrence relation for a given program - algorithm

Consider the following code :
def f(int A):
if A<256 :
return A^(1/2)
B = A^(1/2)
C = B^(1/2)
return (f(B)+f(C))mod 16
Let T(n) denote the time complexity of this Algorithm. Time complexity is :
a) T(n) = T(n/2) + T(n/4) + O(1)
b) T(n) = T(n^(1/2)) + T(n^(1/4)) +O(1)
according to me, the answer should be (b) but it is given as (a). Why is this the answer, and where am I going wrong?

We usually talk about the complexity of an algorithm with respect to it's input size (i.e. the length of it's binary representation), not the actual numerical value of the input.
So in this case the input size is n = log(A), and the binary representations of B and C are n / 2 = log(A) / 2 = log(A^(1/2)) = log(B) and n / 4 = log(C) respectively. This gives us the relation in (a).


What is the time complexity of recursive function?

I have a recursive function. And i’m looking for what is the time complexity ?
Here is the function
public static int f7(int N){
if (N==1) return 0;
return 1 + f7(N/2);
First, we come up with a recurrence for this function:
T(1) = 1
T(n) = T(n/2) + 1
This is a recurrence that we can plug into the master theorem, which will give us Θ(log n) as an answer.
Assume that when N=1, the call takes a time units, and when N is a power of 2, it takes b time units, not counting the recursive call.
T(1) = a
T(2^n) = T(2^(n-1)) + b.
This can be seen as an ordinary linear recurrence
S(0) = a
S(n) = S(n-1) + b = S(n-2) + 2b = … = S(0) + nb = a + nb,
T(N) = a + Lg(N) b
where Lg denotes the base-2 logarithm.
When N is not a power of 2, the time is the same as for the nearest inferior power of 2.
The exact formula for all N is
T(N) = a + [Lg(N)] b.
Brackets denote the floor function.

what the Time Complexity of T(n) = 2T(n/2) +O(1)

i want to know what the Time Complexity of my recursion method :
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1)
i saw a result that says it is O(n) but i don't know why , i solved it like this :
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1
T(n-1) = 4T(n-1/4) + 3
T(n-2) = 8T(n-2/8) + 7
...... ………….. ..
T(n) = 2^n+1 T (n/2^n+1) + (2^n+1 - 1)
I think you have got the wrong idea about recursive relations. You can think as follows:
If T(n) represents the value of function T() at input = n then the relation says that output is one more double the value at half of the current input. So for input = n-1 output i.e. T(n-1) will be one more than double the value at half of this input, that is T(n-1) = 2*T((n-1)/2) + 1
The above kind of recursive relation should be solved as answered by Yves Daoust. For more examples on recursive relations, you can refer this
Consider that n=2^m, which allows you to write
or by denoting S(m):= T(2^m),
S(m)=2 S(m-1) + O(1),
2^m S(m)=2 2^(m-1)S(m-1) + 2^(m-1) O(1)
and finally,
R(m) = R(m-1) + 2^(m-1) O(1).
Now by induction,
R(m) = R(0) + (2^m-1) O(1),
T(n) = S(m) = 2^(1-m) T(2^m) + (2 - 2^(m-1)) O(1) = 2/n T(n) + (2 - n/2) O(1).
There are a couple of rules that you might need to remember. If you can remember these easy rules then Master Theorem is very easy to solve recurrence equations. The following are the basic rules which needs to be remembered
case 1) If n^(log b base a) << f(n) then T(n) = f(n)
case 2) If n^(log b base a) = f(n) then T(n) = f(n) * log n
case 3) 1) If n^(log b base a) >> f(n) then T(n) = n^(log b base a)
Now, lets solve the recurrence using the above equations.
a = 2, b = 2, f(n) = O(1)
n^(log b base a) = n = O(n)
This is case 3) in the above equations. Hence T(n) = n^(log b base a) = O(n).

complexity algorithm recurrence relation

int function(int n){
if (n<=1)
return 1;
return (2*function(n/2));
What is the recurrence relation T(n) for running time , and why ?
The complexity-function of this algorithm would be
T(n) = T(n / 2) + 1
T(1) = 1
Applying the master-theorem, we would get
a = 1
b = 2
c = 0 (1 = n^0)
log b(A) = log2(1) = 0 = 0 c, thus case 2
apply values and the result is O(log n).
As #guillaume already correctly stated, this can be solved a lot easier by using a linear function though.
You can calculate directly: it is the nearest 2^n, largest or equal.
You calculate L=log2(n), and you take 2^L, or 2^(L+1)
Complexity is O(log2 N) : log2 N operations.

Can not figure out complexity of this recurrence

I am refreshing on Master Theorem a bit and I am trying to figure out the running time of an algorithm that solves a problem of size n by recursively solving 2 subproblems of size n-1 and combine solutions in constant time.
So the formula is:
T(N) = 2T(N - 1) + O(1)
But I am not sure how can I formulate the condition of master theorem.
I mean we don't have T(N/b) so is b of the Master Theorem formula in this case b=N/(N-1)?
If yes since obviously a > b^k since k=0 and is O(N^z) where z=log2 with base of (N/N-1) how can I make sense out of this? Assuming I am right so far?
ah, enough with the hints. the solution is actually quite simple. z-transform both sides, group the terms, and then inverse z transform to get the solution.
first, look at the problem as
x[n] = a x[n-1] + c
apply z transform to both sides (there are some technicalities with respect to the ROC, but let's ignore that for now)
X(z) = (a X(z) / z) + (c z / (z-1))
solve for X(z) to get
X(z) = c z^2 / [(z - 1) * (z-a)]
now observe that this formula can be re-written as:
X(z) = r z / (z-1) + s z / (z-a)
where r = c/(1-a) and s = - a c / (1-a)
Furthermore, observe that
X(z) = P(z) + Q(z)
where P(z) = r z / (z-1) = r / (1 - (1/z)), and Q(z) = s z / (z-a) = s / (1 - a (1/z))
apply inverse z-transform to get that:
p[n] = r u[n]
q[n] = s exp(log(a)n) u[n]
where log denotes the natural log and u[n] is the unit (Heaviside) step function (i.e. u[n]=1 for n>=0 and u[n]=0 for n<0).
Finally, by linearity of z-transform:
x[n] = (r + s exp(log(a) n))u[n]
where r and s are as defined above.
so relabeling back to your original problem,
T(n) = a T(n-1) + c
T(n) = (c/(a-1))(-1+a exp(log(a) n))u[n]
where exp(x) = e^x, log(x) is the natural log of x, and u[n] is the unit step function.
What does this tell you?
Unless I made a mistake, T grows exponentially with n. This is effectively an exponentially increasing function under the reasonable assumption that a > 1. The exponent is govern by a (more specifically, the natural log of a).
One more simplification, note that exp(log(a) n) = exp(log(a))^n = a^n:
T(n) = (c/(a-1))(-1+a^(n+1))u[n]
so O(a^n) in big O notation.
And now here is the easy way:
put T(0) = 1
T(n) = a T(n-1) + c
T(1) = a * T(0) + c = a + c
T(2) = a * T(1) + c = a*a + a * c + c
T(3) = a * T(2) + c = a*a*a + a * a * c + a * c + c
note that this creates a pattern. specifically:
T(n) = sum(a^j c^(n-j), j=0,...,n)
put c = 1 gives
T(n) = sum(a^j, j=0,...,n)
this is geometric series, which evaluates to:
T(n) = (1-a^(n+1))/(1-a)
= (1/(1-a)) - (1/(1-a)) a^n
= (1/(a-1))(-1 + a^(n+1))
for n>=0.
Note that this formula is the same as given above for c=1 using the z-transform method. Again, O(a^n).
Don't even think about Master's Theorem. You can only use Masther's Theorem when you're given master's theorem when b > 1 from the general form T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n).
Instead, think of it this way. You have a recursive call that decrements the size of input, n, by 1 at each recursive call. And at each recursive call, the cost is constant O(1). The input size will decrement until it reaches 1. Then you add up all the costs that you used to make the recursive calls.
How many are they? n. So this would take O(2^n).
Looks like you can't formulate this problem in terms of the Master Theorem.
A good start is to draw the recursion tree to understand the pattern, then prove it with the substitution method. You can also expand the formula a couple of times and see where it leads.
See also this question which solves 2 subproblems instead of a:
Time bound for recursive algorithm with constant combination time
May be you could think of it this way
n = 1, T(1) = 1
n = 2, T(2) = 2
n = 3, T(3) = 4
n = 4, T(4) = 8
n = 5, T(5) = 16
It is easy to see that this is a geometric series 1 + 2+ 4+ 8 + 16..., the sum of which is
first term (ratio^n - 1)/(ratio - 1). For this series it is
1 * (2^n - 1)/(2 - 1) = 2^n - 1.
The dominating term here is 2^n, therefore the function belongs to Theta(2^n). You could verify it by doing a lim(n->inf) [2^n / (2^n - 1)] = +ve constant.
Therefore the function belongs to Big Theta (2^n)

Can someone help solve this recurrence relation? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 0(1)
T(n) = T(sqrt(n)) + 0(1)
In the first one I use substitution method for n, logn, etc; all gave me wrong answers.
Recurrence trees: I don't know if I can apply as the root will be a constant.
Can some one help?
Let's look at the first one. First of all, you need to know T(base case). You mentioned that it's a constant, but when you do the problem it's important that you write it down. Usually it's something like T(1) = 1. I'll use that, but you can generalize to whatever it is.
Next, find out how many times you recur (that is, the height of the recursion tree). n is your problem size, so how many times can we repeatedly divide n by 2? Mathematically speaking, what's i when n/(2^i) = 1? Figure it out, hold onto it for later.
Next, do a few substitutions, until you start to notice a pattern.
T(n) = 2(2(2T(n/2*2*2) + θ(1)) + θ(1)) + θ(1)
Ok, the pattern is that we multiply T() by 2 a bunch of times, and divide n by 2 a bunch of times. How many times? i times.
T(n) = (2^i)*T(n/(2^i)) + ...
For the big-θ terms at the end, we use a cute trick. Look above where we have a few substitutions, and ignore the T() part. We want the sum of the θ terms. Notice that they add up to (1 + 2 + 4 + ... + 2^i) * θ(1). Can you find a closed form for 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + 2^i? I'll give you that one; it's (2^i - 1). It's a good one to just memorize, but here's how you'd figure it out.
Anyway, all in all we get
T(n) = (2^i) * T(n/(2^i)) + (2^i - 1) * θ(1)
If you solved for i earlier, then you know that i = log_2(n). Plug that in, do some algebra, and you get down to
T(n) = n*T(1) + (n - 1)*θ(1). T(1) = 1. So T(n) = n + (n - 1)*θ(1). Which is n times a constant, plus a constant, plus n. We drop lower order terms and constants, so it's θ(n).
Prasoon Saurav is right about using the master method, but it's important that you know what the recurrence relation is saying. The things to ask are, how much work do I do at each step, and what is the number of steps for an input of size n?
Use Master Theorem to solve such recurrence relations.
Let a be an integer greater than or equal to 1 and b be a real number greater than
1. Let c be a positive real number and
d a nonnegative real number. Given a recurrence of the form
T (n) = a T(n/b) + nc .. if n > 1
T(n) = d .. if n = 1
then for n a power of b,
if logb a < c, T (n) = Θ(nc),
if logb a = c, T (n) = Θ(nc log n),
if logb a > c, T (n) = Θ(nlogb a).
1) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 0(1)
In this case
a = b = 2;
logb a = 1; c = 0 (since nc =1 => c= 0)
So Case (3) is applicable. So T(n) = Θ(n) :)
2) T(n) = T(sqrt(n)) + 0(1)
Let m = log2 n;
=> T(2m) = T( 2m / 2 ) + 0(1)
Now renaming K(m) = T(2m) => K(m) = K(m/2) + 0(1)
Apply Case (2).
For part 1, you can use Master Theorem as #Prasoon Saurav suggested.
For part 2, just expand the recurrence:
T(n) = T(n ^ 1/2) + O(1) // sqrt(n) = n ^ 1/2
= T(n ^ 1/4) + O(1) + O(1) // sqrt(sqrt(n)) = n ^ 1/4
The series will continue to k terms until n ^ 1/(2^k) <= 1, i.e. 2^k = log n or k = log log n. That gives T(n) = k * O(1) = O(log log n).
Let's look at the first recurrence, T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1. The n/2 is our clue here: each nested term's parameter is half that of its parent. Therefore, if we start with n = 2^k then we will have k terms in our expansion, each adding 1 to the total, before we hit our base case, T(0). Hence, assuming T(0) = 1, we can say T(2^k) = k + 1. Now, since n = 2^k we must have k = log_2(n). Therefore T(n) = log_2(n) + 1.
We can apply the same trick to your second recurrence, T(n) = T(n^0.5) + 1. If we start with n = 2^2^k we will have k terms in our expansion, each adding 1 to the total. Assuming T(0) = 1, we must have T(2^2^k) = k + 1. Since n = 2^2^k we must have k = log_2(log_2(n)), hence T(n) = log_2(log_2(n)) + 1.
Recurrence relations and recursive functions as well should be solved by starting at f(1). In case 1, T(1) = 1; T(2) = 3; T(4) = 7; T(8) = 15; It's clear that T(n) = 2 * n -1, which in O notation is O(n).
In second case T(1) = 1; T(2) = 2; T(4) = 3; T(16) = 4; T(256) = 5; T(256 * 256) =6; It will take little time to find out that T(n) = log(log(n)) + 1 where log is in base 2. Clearly this is O(log(log(n)) relation.
Most of the time the best way to deal with recurrence is to draw the recurrence tree and carefully handle the base case.
However here I will give you slight hint to solve using substitution method.
In recurrence first try substitution n = 2^k
In recurrence second try substitution n = 2^2^k
