what the Time Complexity of T(n) = 2T(n/2) +O(1) - algorithm

i want to know what the Time Complexity of my recursion method :
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1)
i saw a result that says it is O(n) but i don't know why , i solved it like this :
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1
T(n-1) = 4T(n-1/4) + 3
T(n-2) = 8T(n-2/8) + 7
...... ………….. ..
T(n) = 2^n+1 T (n/2^n+1) + (2^n+1 - 1)

I think you have got the wrong idea about recursive relations. You can think as follows:
If T(n) represents the value of function T() at input = n then the relation says that output is one more double the value at half of the current input. So for input = n-1 output i.e. T(n-1) will be one more than double the value at half of this input, that is T(n-1) = 2*T((n-1)/2) + 1
The above kind of recursive relation should be solved as answered by Yves Daoust. For more examples on recursive relations, you can refer this

Consider that n=2^m, which allows you to write
or by denoting S(m):= T(2^m),
S(m)=2 S(m-1) + O(1),
2^m S(m)=2 2^(m-1)S(m-1) + 2^(m-1) O(1)
and finally,
R(m) = R(m-1) + 2^(m-1) O(1).
Now by induction,
R(m) = R(0) + (2^m-1) O(1),
T(n) = S(m) = 2^(1-m) T(2^m) + (2 - 2^(m-1)) O(1) = 2/n T(n) + (2 - n/2) O(1).

There are a couple of rules that you might need to remember. If you can remember these easy rules then Master Theorem is very easy to solve recurrence equations. The following are the basic rules which needs to be remembered
case 1) If n^(log b base a) << f(n) then T(n) = f(n)
case 2) If n^(log b base a) = f(n) then T(n) = f(n) * log n
case 3) 1) If n^(log b base a) >> f(n) then T(n) = n^(log b base a)
Now, lets solve the recurrence using the above equations.
a = 2, b = 2, f(n) = O(1)
n^(log b base a) = n = O(n)
This is case 3) in the above equations. Hence T(n) = n^(log b base a) = O(n).


Solve the recurrence equation T(n) = T(n/3) + O(1) using iteration or substitution

I realize that solving this with Master's theorem gives the answer of Big Theta(log n). However, I want to know more and find the base of the logarithm. I tried reading about masters theorem more to find out about the base but could not find more information on wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_theorem_(analysis_of_algorithms)).
How would I solve this using recursion tree or substitution method for solving recurrences?
You can assume n = 2^K and T(0) = 0.
Don't set n=2^k but n=3^k
thus T(3^k) = T(3^{k-1}) + c
recurrence becomes w_k = w_{k-1} + c
Assuming T(1) = 1
with the general term: w_k = ck+1
and w_0 = 1
you conclude T(n) = clog_3(n) + 1
and thus T(n) = O(log_3(n))
T(n) = T(n/3) + O(1) = T(n/9) + O(1) + O(1) = T(n/27) + O(1) + O(1) + O(1) = …
After log3(n) steps, the term T vanishes and T(n) = O(log(n)).

Deduct time complexity from this Recurrence formula?

I was reading a time complexity calculation related question on SO but I can't comment there (not enough reps).
What's the time complexity of this algorithm for Palindrome Partitioning?
I have a question regarding going from 1st to 2nd equation here:
Now you can write the same expression for H(n-1), then substitute back
to simplify:
H(n) = 2 H(n-1) + O(n) =========> Eq.1
And this solves to
H(n) = O(n * 2^n) =========> Eq.2
Can someone illustrate how he got Eq.2 from Eq.1? Thank you.
Eq 1. is a recurrence relation. See the link for a tutorial on how to solve these types of equations, but we can solve via expansion as below:
H(n) = 2H(n-1) + O(n)
H(n) = 2*2H(n-2) + 2O(n-1) + O(n)
H(n) = 2*2*2H(n-3) + 2*2O(n-2) + 2O(n-1) + O(n)
H(n) = 2^n*H(1) + 2^(n-1)*O(1) + ... + 2O(n-1) + O(n)
since H(1) = O(n) (see the original question)
H(n) = 2^n*O(n) + 2^(n-1)*O(1) + ... + 2O(n-1) + O(n)
H(n) = O(n * 2^n)
We need to homogenize the equation, in this simple case just by adding a constant to each side. First, designate O(n) = K to avoid ealing with the O notation at this stage:
H(n) = 2 H(n-1) + K
Then add a K to each side:
H(n) + K = 2 (H(n-1) + K)
Let G(n) = H(n) + K, then
G(n) = 2 G(n-1)
This is a well-known homogeneous 1-st order recurrence, with the solution
G(n) = G(0)×2n = G(1)×2n-1
Since H(1) = O(n), G(1) = H(1) + K = O(n) + O(n) = O(n),
G(n) = O(n)×2n-1 = O(n×2n-1) = O(n×2n)
H(n) = G(n) - K = O(n×2n) - O(n) = O(n×2n)
They are wrong.
Let's assume that O refers to a tight bound and substitute O(n) with c * n for some constant c. Unrolling the recursion you will get:
When you finish to unroll recursion n = i and b = T(0).
Now finding the sum:
Summing up you will get:
So now it is clear that T(n) is O(2^n) without any n
For people who are still skeptical about the math:
solution to F(n) = 2F(n-1) + n
solution to F(n) = 2F(n-1) + 99n

Solving the recurrence T(n) = T(n / 3) + T(2n / 3) + n^2?

I have been trying to solve a recurrence relation.
The recurrence is T(n) = T(n/3)+T(2n/3)+n^2
I solved the the recurrence n i got it as T(n)=nT(1)+ [ (9/5)(n^2)( (5/9)^(log n) ) ]
Can anyone tell me the runtime of this expression?
I think this recurrence works out to Θ(n2). To see this, we'll show that T(n) = Ω(n2) and that T(n) = O(n2).
Showing that T(n) = Ω(n2) is pretty straightforward - since T(n) has an n2 term in it, it's certainly Ω(n2).
Let's now show that T(n) = O(n2). We have that
T(n) = T(n / 3) + T(2n / 3) + n2
Consider this other recurrence:
S(n) = S(2n / 3) + S(2n / 3) + n2 = 2S(2n / 3) + n2
Since T(n) is increasing and T(n) ≤ S(n), any upper bound for S(n) should also be an upper-bound for T(n).
Using the Master Theorem on S(n), we have that a = 2, b = 3/2, and c = 2. Since logb a = log3/2 2 = 1.709511291... < c, the Master Theorem says that this will solve to O(n2). Since S(n) = O(n2), we also know that T(n) = O(n2).
We've shown that T(n) = Ω(n2) and that T(n) = O(n2), so T(n) = Θ(n2), as required.
Hope this helps!
(By the way - (5 / 9)log n = (2log 5/9)log n = 2log n log 5/9 = (2log n)log 5/9 = nlog 5/9. That makes it a bit easier to reason about.)
One can't tell about runtime from the T(n) OR the time complexity!It is simply an estimation of running time in terms of order of input(n).
One thing which I'd like to add is :-
I haven't solved your recurrence relation,but keeping in mind that your derived relation is correct and hence further putting n=1,in your given recurrence relation,we get
So,either you'll be provided with the values for T(1/3) and T(2/3) in your question OR you have to understand from the given problem statement like what should be T(1) for Tower of Hanoi problem!
For a recurrence, the base-case is T(1), now by definition its value is as following:
T(1) = T(1/3) + T(2/3) + 1
Now since T(n) denotes the runtime-function, then the run-time of any input that will not be processed is always 0, this includes all terms under the base-case, so we have:
T(X < 1) = 0
T(1/3) = 0
T(2/3) = 0
T(1) = T(1/3) + T(2/3) + 1^2
T(1) = 0 + 0 + 1
T(1) = 1
Then we can substitute the value:
T(n) = n T(1) + [ (9/5)(n^2)( (5/9)^(log n) ) ]
T(n) = n + ( 9/5 n^2 (5/9)^(log n) )
T(n) = n^2 (9/5)^(1-log(n)) + n
We can approximate (9/5)^(1-log(n)) to 9/5 for asymptotic upper-bound, since (9/5)^(1-log(n)) <= 9/5:
T(n) ~ 9/5 n^2 + n
O(T(n)) = O(n^2)

Complexity for the function maxheight in a binary tree

The function:
if(node == NIL)
return -1;
return max(MAX-HEIGHT(node.leftChild), MAX-HEIGHT(node.rightChild)) + 1;
Suppose that we have N nodes and we call the function with MAX-HEIGHT(root).
I think that the complexity of this function is O(N) because we need to visit each node.
However, I am not sure and I can not prove it rigorously. Please give me a good explanation why it is O(N), if it is O(N), and why not if it is not O(N).
So, what is the complexity?
Thank you.
In the average case, for a balanced binary tree
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Θ(1);
Every recursive call gives you two problems of half the size. By master theorem, this would evaluate to T(n) = Θ(n)
In the worst case, where each node has only one child.
T(n) = T(n-1) + Θ(1)
Which evaluates to T(n) = Θ(n)
The questions you should ask are:
What does N represent in my data structure (a binary tree)
How many N do I have to go through before I can determine the height of my structure.
Here, N represent the number of nodes in your tree, and you have to go through all of them before returning the height.
For that reason your algorithm is in O(N)
Here is another approach for this. I could be wrong in some of these calculations, so please correct me.
We can write
T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + c for all n > 1, where c is some constant. And
T(n) = 1 when n = 1
So T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + c, now start substituting T(n/2) and move one
=> T(n) = 2 [ 2 T(n/4) + c ] + c
=> T(n) = 2^2T(n/4) + 2c
Now substitute t(n/4) as well
=> T(n) = 2^2[2 T(n/8) + c] + 2c
=> T(n) = 2^3T(n/8) + 3c
Now assume that if we keep dividing like this, at some point we will reach 1 i.e., when n/2^k = 1, then T(1) = 1
=> T(n) = 2^kT(n/2^k) + kc
Now since we know that n/2^k = 1
=> k = log n (I am representing log as base 2)
Therefore substitute k value in above T(n) equation to get
=> T(n) = 2^(log n) T(1) + c log n
=> T(n) = n T(1) + c log n (Check log rule on how we got n for first coefficient)
=> T(n) = n + c log n (since T(1) = 1)
Therefore T(n) = O(n) since n dominates log n in growth rate.

The Recurrence T(n)= 2T(n/2) + (n-1)

I have this recurrence:
T(n)= 2T(n/2) + (n-1)
My try is as follow:
the tree is like this:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + (n-1)
T(n/2) = 2T(n/4) + ((n/2)-1)
T(n/4) = 2T(n/8) + ((n/4)-1)
the hight of the tree : (n/(2h))-1 = 1 ⇒ h = lg n - 1 = lg n - lg 2
the cost of the last level : 2h = 2lg n - lg 2 = (1/2) n
the cost of all levels until level h-1 : Σi=0,...,lg(2n) n - (2i-1), which is a geometric series and equals (1/2)((1/2)n-1)
So, T(n) = Θ(n lg n)
my question is: Is that right?
No, it isn't. You have the cost of the last level wrong, so what you derived from that is also wrong.
(I'm assuming you want to find the complexity yourself, so no more hints unless you ask.)
Edit: Some hints, as requested
To find the complexity, one usually helpful method is to recursively apply the equation and insert the result into the first,
T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + (n-1)
= 2*(2*T(n/4) + (n/2-1)) + (n-1)
= 4*T(n/4) + (n-2) + (n-1)
= 4*T(n/4) + 2*n - 3
= 4*(2*T(n/8) + (n/4-1)) + 2*n - 3
= ...
That often leads to a closed formula you can prove via induction (you don't need to carry out the proof if you have enough experience, then you see the correctness without writing down the proof).
Spoiler: You can look up the complexity in almost any resource dealing with the Master Theorem.
This can be easily solved with Masters theorem.
You have a=2, b=2, f(n) = n - 1 = O(n) and therefore c = log2(2) = 1. This falls into the first case of Master's theorem, which means that the complexity is O(n^c) = O(n)
