Problems with Moarfonts after updating to XCode 6 - xcode

I encountered a problem with Moarfonts (site) after upgrading from XCode 5.1 to XCode 6.
The build phase of a project fails showing the following error:
moarfonts[4477:507] *** Assertion failure in -[FontCache initWithSDKRootURL:], /Users/0xced/Projects/MoarFonts/moarfonts/FontCache.m:33
error: Font cache directory not found
I tried the troubleshooting from the author of that plugin (from the site of the plugin), but no luck!
Has anyone found and solved this problem? Thank you in advance.

After digging up a little bit (nothing to do, unluckly), I've found this link while looking for the hashtag #moarfonts on Twitter.
That link shows the content of a bash script, and inside that there is the following directory path:
With this link, I've looked for the value of SDKROOT (following example from troubleshooting guide from plugin's site), and it appears that it has to be equals to the location of iOS8 SDK.
Looking for that directory path ($SDKROOT/System/Library/.lilid/.lilic) gave no result. So I looked for it inside the previously used SDK directory (iOS 7.1 for me, from folder /Applications/, and there I found the directory System/Library/.lilid/.lilic).
At that point, the solution was to copy the folder .lilid from the iOS 7.1 SDK folder to iOS 8 SDK folder (inside System/Library, i.e.: maintaining folder structure).
After that, I could build my project with no other problems.
Hope this helps.


Executable Not Found. is not a valid path to an executable file

Executable Not Found
Domain: DVTMachOErrorDomain
Code: 5
Recovery Suggestion: /Users/riber/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/digitalCurrency-hiyiyrokjaydkiagjimlwohehrtu/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ is not a valid path to an executable file. Please rebuild the project to ensure that all required executables are created. Check your project settings to ensure that a valid executable will be built.
System Information
macOS Version 11.4 (Build 20F71)
Xcode 12.5 (18205) (Build 12E262)
Timestamp: 2021-06-11T16:34:20+08:00
Check if all files are available.
Targets -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources
If you see faint files, then they need to be removed or added.
Under "Build Settings" - "Architectures" check that you don't have "arm64" excluded under "Excluded architectures" for release, as all new iOS devices use this architecture.
I'm also get the same error. Let me share how I fix it.
I write cpp code on vscode.
I deleted a .cpp/.h file that I didn't need anymore a few days ago.
Everything nice and happy when I working on vscode.
".app is not a valid path" appeared when i switched back to the xcode to verification function.
I was confused.
(I don't immediately remember my delete operation a few days ago)
The key isn't the dialog showed "Executable Not Found",
Switch to "Issue Navigator" and drag to the bottom...
Now the ERROR shows up in front of U:
Finally the solution is :
TARGETS -> Select your ‘Target' -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources :
Select the ".cpp" file that had been delete, then "Remove Items" by click the second "-" button in the lower left corner.
I fixed it by adding x86_64 to VALID_ARCHS. Build Setting search "VALID_ARCHS",check the x86_64 is there or not, add and run.It worked with me .
resolve it using pod install.
as Frank said, I also use RN in my app.
I have tried clean derived data & even reboot, still happening
Check the Executable File in the Info(.plist). It should be named the same as your Product in Products
I have this issue on a react native application and I can resolve it reinstalling cocoaPods.
pod install
Inside the ios folder on your react native project.
Check if you have any other info.plist-s added to project.
I had similar issue when I added some pod sources (MKStoreKit) to the project - it had several info plists for different platforms which interfered with original one. Deleting wrong info plists solved the issue.
I have to delete the 'DerivedData' folder:
$ rm -Rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
EDIT: I've found a solution...
The problem in my case was because of project configurations and Pods. In the long life of my project the configuration files for the schemes changed and Xcode, using the new build system, did not like.
To fix it, just go to the Project -> Info tab. Under Configurations change the Based on Configuration value of the Targets and set them to None. Please note that I've changed only the Targets.
Now close Xcode and launch pod install from the Terminal.
reopen Xcode and launch your project.
Old answer:
I may have found a workaround to this issue... not a solution but a workaround.
I have to work on a not really recent project that was built using the Legacy System that, as you may know, is deprecated now.
While I was using Xcode 12 everything was fine. Then I installed the Xcode 13 GM and I upgrated the project to the new building system and I started to experience this issue. I have the same problem with any Xcode 13.x version. With the betas I had not, as far as I can remember.
The strange thing is that "sometimes" (I could not reproduce it sorry), the new build system worked... but just for a while.
The building phase succeeds but then, then the app is installed on simulator OR on a real device, I have that annoying message that we know...
This morning I may have find a solution...
In Xcode go to File -> Workspace Settings, keep the Legacy Build System and check the box "Do not show a diagnostic issue about build system deprecation"
Now the app builds and can be installed.
Honestly I don't know it is an Xcode bug or not... maybe it is.
if you are using git, there's huge chance there might be conflict in .pbxproj due to multiple people adding stuffs together. During the resolution xcode might try to recover those 'lost references' it got confused and unable to resolve the once there references. find those 'recovered references' in project explorer and remove them if they are invalid
Had the same issue. I deleted the simulators and added them again.
Please make sure that your runner isn't missing AppDelegate.swift or Runner-Bridging-Header.h file.
In my case, my AppDelegate.swift file and Runner-Bridging-Header.h files were deleted, so I copy and paste both the files in ios>Runner folder again from some other project (usually both of these files are same in all projects, just need to add the code lines for firebase configurations).

Unable to Resolve Build File: Reference to Missing Target with GUID

I recently forked an iOS library on GitHub to add support to it for the Swift Package Manager. Here's the repository:
When I add it to a completely new iOS app and try to build it, I get this error:
Unable to resolve build file: XCBCore.BuildFile (The workspace has a reference to a missing target with GUID 'PACKAGE-TARGET:Mapbox')
I've found posts for similar errors, such as this one, but the reason for the build file failing to resolve is different.
I have tried the usual cleaning the build folder, deleting derived data, and restarting Xcode, but that hasn't helped.
What is the reason for this specific resolution failure, and how would I fix it?
I ran into a similar problem after upgrading to Xcode 12 recently, and found a fix for my case.
A major hint that led to the solution came from Aaron's May 3, 2019 answer on this page.
What fixed it for me was to select the root of the Xcode project, and change the Project Format from "Xcode 11.0-compatible" to "XCode 12.0-compatible".

Developing Flutter iOS plugin packages - Pods folder in Xcode project is empty

I am developing a plugin package for Flutter. I follow the instructions exactly as written in a tutorial here: Step-2c-add-ios-platform-code-hmswift.
It says to open hello/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace with xcode, and then:
iOS platform code of your plugin is located in Pods/DevelopmentPods/hello/Classes/ in the Project Navigator
But, when I open xcode project as specified, there is nothing under Pods folder, it is empty:
How can I fix this { I am still kinda Xcode noob } ...
EDIT: iOS specific plugin files are there on the disk, so I guess this is just some project file "wiring" bug or something like this.
The problem was that with Xcode, I have opened Runner.xcodeproj instead of Runner.xcworkspace. Hope this helps other people who did not pay full attention to Flutter Guide, like I did.

Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props Not Found

So, I have been trying to fix this error I am getting over a month now, but with no success. I am currently working on a personal app project in collaboration with one other friend and surprisingly the project compiles perfectly fine on my friend's machine.
I am getting the below error:
"The imported project "C:\Users\divye\Documents\NHSF Xamarin App\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\netstandard1.0\Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk".
I can't understand why my code will not compile. I have gone through lots and lots of Stack Overflow posts already and tried pretty much all the proposed solutions without any success. As a last resort I am having to post on here.
I have tried the following:
Deleted the project locally from my machine and re-cloned the git repository and then tried running the project
Cleaned the project out and tried rebuilding again
Have spoken with my friend who is also working on the project, and matched my local project set out to his
I have gone into the Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android .csproject files and also manually added in the Import statement for 'Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props'
I have manually checked the folder '$..\netstandard1.0\ folder path to make sure the 'Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props' file physically exists in the folder and it does for both iOS and Android.
Updated all packages in Xamarin Studio for the project to make sure latest versions of the packages are being used
Downgraded the Xamarin.Forms package to see if it could be to do with a bug in the latest package but this does not seem to be the issue.
A suggested fix that worked for my friend was recreating the project to contain the ASP.NET backend for mobile packages. I have tried this as well.
I was initially getting the error on my Mac so I thought I would give it a go on my Windows machine. Same thing happens on there too.
I am stumped at the issue. It is failing to build at all. Neither iOS or Android work.
I am hoping someone from here can help.
Remove the whitespaces in the pathname of the project!

Failed to import bridging header FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h file not found

I am trying to add the Facebook login using Parse with swift and I have been following the iOS Developers guide. However it states swift compiler error: failed to import bridging header FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h file not found and the issue was found in the Test section on Xcode. Please can someone please help me to rectify this. Thank you very much.
I just solved this exact problem by actually copying the Facebook desired frameworks (in my case CoreKit, LoginKit and ShareKit) from the ~/Documents/FacebookSDK folder to the project folder.
To achieve that, I just dragged the frameworks into the project folder on XCode, but I CHECKED the option "Copy items if needed".
After that, everything worked in the first build.
I'm using Facebook SDK 4.7 and XCode 7.1.
I've had the same problem. I CHECKED the option "Copy items if needed" and build succeeded.
works for XCode 7.1 , Facebook SDK 4.7.1
