How to replace the deprecated method splitViewController:willHideViewController:withBarButtonItem:forPopoverController: - ios8

My standard implementation for this delegate method is the following. I just initialize the navigation button and save locally the button and the popover.
- (void) splitViewController: (UISplitViewController *) splitController
willHideViewController: (UIViewController *) viewController
withBarButtonItem: (UIBarButtonItem *) barButtonItem
forPopoverController: (UIPopoverController *) popoverController
// Set the button to open the PopOver
barButtonItem.title = viewController.title;
[self.navigationItem setLeftBarButtonItem:barButtonItem animated:YES];
// Save the ref to the default left navigation button
_masterButton = barButtonItem;
// Save the ref to the PopOver
_masterPopOver = popoverController;
From iOS 8 this method is deprecated and the Apple documentation says:
Implement the splitViewController:willChangeToDisplayMode: method instead.
But the arguments of the new method has nothing to do with the deprecated method!
I guess I have to create a button and a popover myself?
Does somebody already made this re-coding to implement the current popup behaviour?
Thank you for your help

Take a look at displayModeButtonItem. It is very similar to barButtonItem from the deprecated method.
You can refactor your example into using the new splitViewController:willChangeToDisplayMode: method in the following way:
- (void)splitViewController:(UISplitViewController *)svc
willChangeToDisplayMode:(UISplitViewControllerDisplayMode)displayMode {
if (displayMode == UISplitViewControllerDisplayModePrimaryHidden) {
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = svc.displayModeButtonItem;

This is an extension to Alexander's answer. To cover Cihad's comment: the last line of code creates the leftBarButtonItem and makes it the blue "<" button that will open the master viewController.
I just commented out willHideViewController and willShowViewController from my detail viewController and cut and pasted Alexander's code. Worked first time.
Then I discovered that if I started the app in portrait it did not work until I went landscape and back to portrait. Obviously the method is not called until a change of orientation.
So I added this code in my viewDidLoad method of my detail viewController and it worked fine:
//Set up the splitview controller
if (self.splitViewController.displayMode == UISplitViewControllerDisplayModePrimaryHidden) {
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.splitViewController.displayModeButtonItem;}
splitViewController is a property of your detail viewController that should be there for you to use.


How to hide the initial window on start with OS X storyboards

I am creating an OS X status bar application, so I want the application to start hidden.
I have created a "storyboard" application, and the initial window always shows up, even if "Visible at launch" is unchecked (was unchecked by default).
Note: if I disable "Is initial controller" then the app correctly starts without any window, but my (now orphan) window seems to never be added to the storyboard:
var mainWindow = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)?.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("mainWindow")
The "mainWindow" controller is not found (even though I correctly set "Storyboard ID" on the Window Controller).
So I think it's better to leave "Is initial controller" but simply have the main window hidden at the start…
Uncheck the "Is Initial Controller" box on the storyboard, leaving your app without an initial controller. Your app will run, but will have no window.
This might be a bit of a hack, but you can do this
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
And then later on...
Uncheck "Is Initial Controller", but then you need to set the storyboard and its associated NSWindowController manually.
The precise way of doing that is shown in this answer, which I'll quote here:
[...] in your AppDelegate, set up a property for the window controller:
#property NSWindowController *myController;
In your applicationDidFinishLaunching: method implementation, create a reference to the Storyboard. This way you get access your window controller from the storyboard. After that, the only thing left to do is to display the window by sending your window controller the showWindow: method.
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#interface AppDelegate ()
#implementation AppDelegate
#synthesize myController;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// get a reference to the storyboard
NSStoryboard *storyBoard = [NSStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"Main" bundle:nil];
// instantiate your window controller
myController = [storyBoard instantiateControllerWithIdentifier:#"secondWindowController"];
// show the window
[myController showWindow:self];
The way to do this is just like you tried:
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
guard let mainWC = storyboard.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("MainWindowController") as? MainWindowController else {
fatalError("Error getting main window controller")
// optionally store the reference here
self.mainWindowController = mainWC
mainWC.window?.makeKeyAndOrderFront(nil) // or use `.showWindow(self)`
The only thing you probably forgot was to uncheck "Release when closed".
This would immediately release the window and prevents the storyboard loading mechanism from finding it even if you had the right identifier.

Use NSToolBar Outlet xcode 6 and Storyboard?

I am trying to add an outlet into my viewcontroller for a toolbar item in my window controller. I have tried playing around with first responder and bindings but have not been able to find any solutions.
A similar question that was answered provided some insight but no one has mentioned anything about IBOutlets other than still asking how to add them in the comments. The answer has been accepted so i am assuming no one will add to it.
How to use NSToolBar in Xcode 6 and Storyboard?
Incase my question is unclear at all, i would like to be able to add this to my storyboard program
#IBOutlet weak var Mytoolbar: NSToolbarItem!
func enabletoolbar()
Mytoolbar.action = "FunctionIn.ViewController.swift"
Mytoolbar.enabled = true
I found a decent workaround by adding IBOutlets to my custom NSWindow class and using the storyboard to connect my views to the IBOutlets. Then, I accessed these views from my NSViewController class by getting them from the custom NSWindow.
Basically you need to set the action and other properties to the toolbaritem but not in the toolbar. So try the same.
i ended up doing this in my view controller which seems to work
override func viewDidLayout() {
var x = self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[1].label
if(self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[0].label! != "Check")
func toobarediting() {
self.view.window?.toolbar?.insertItemWithItemIdentifier("Check", atIndex: 0)
func toolbarcheck(functiontoset: Selector) {
var y = self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[0] as NSToolbarItem
y.action = functiontoset
if(functiontoset != nil)
y.enabled = true
It seems to allow me to make the tool bar button clickable/unclickable when ever i require it to change it just seems so much more bulky and error prone than
myitem.enable = fale
myitem.action = nil
is this really the best way for a storyboard based application in osx?
While connectiong IBActions works by using either the First Responder or by adding an "Object" to the scene, then changing its class to the window's view controller class, this doesn't help with IBOutlets and delegates that you'd like to point to the view controller.
Here's a work-around for that:
Add the Toolbar to the View Controller, not to its Window. That way, you can make all the IBOutlet connections in the View Controller Scene easily. I've done that for years and found no issues with it, even when using Tabs.
You'll have to assign the window's toolbar in code, then. E.g. like this:
#interface ViewController ()
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSToolbar *toolbar; // connect this in your storyboard to the Toolbar that you moved to the View Controller Scene
- (void)viewWillAppear {
[super viewWillAppear];
self.view.window.toolbar = self.toolbar;

How to use custom Navigationcontroller in AppDelegate by using a Storyboard

I've got a problem concerning Navigationcontroller in AppDelegate. I'm using a storyboard, which looks like this:
As a result of using Push notifications, i've got the following function in my AppDelegate File:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
When the notification arrives I want to initialize the "Detail View" - Controller which needs an ID as a parameter. This ID is part of my payload so it is present in didReceiveRemoteNotification.
I'd like to to the follwing:
DetailView *detail = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"detail"];
detail.conversationID = theID;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:detail animated:YES];
My question at this point is: how can I get the navigation controller? I've searched for a function like "getNavigationControllerByIdentifier" or something like this, but found nothing. I can't instantiate the Detail View Controller directly because the navigationbar is missing there.
I hope you understand what I mean - if you think my approach is completly wrong please correct me ;o)
Just another small information: It's not important for me that the back button in the Detail View Controller goes back to the Table View - it's enough when it links to the controller with the button "Load Table View".
Thank you for help!
UINavigationController is a UIViewController subclass and can also be assigned an identifier in the storyboard.
Use -instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: to create the UINavigationController and it's root view controller. You may need to instantiate all of the intermediate controllers in code and modify the navigation controller's viewControllers property to set up the appropriate navigation stack. This way when the app launches into the detail view, they can find their way back as if they had manually pushed all the way through via the interface.
You can use rootViewController on your window object.
UIViewController *rootViewController = self.window.rootViewController;
// You now have in rootViewController the view with your "Hello world" label and go button.
// Get the navigation controller of this view controller with:
UINavigationController *navigationController = rootViewController.navigationController;
// You can now use it to push your next view controller:
DetailViewController *detail = [navigationController.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"detail"];
detail.conversationID = theID;
[navigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];

Calling function from popover

Alright, so I made a popover from my main view and all that good stuff. But I want to have my popover call an action in my main view when a button within the popover is pressed.
MainView *mainView = [[MainView alloc] initWithNibName:#"MainView" bundle:nil];
[mainView doStuff];
The "dostuff" function changes some elements within the view. For example, the color of the toolbar is supposed to be changed. I've put a print command and the print command executes. But for some reason, the toolbar won't change color.
I've imported the header of MainView into the popover.
I did an #class thingy for MainView in my popover.
doStuff is declared in MainView's header.
The IBOutlets are declared too, and connected.
Any ideas?
Well its disappointing that we have no direct method that can be used to check in which view (view controller) the popover is shown. The thing that I am doing in tabbased application is:
New_iPadAppDelegate *appDel = (New_iPadAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSArray *viewConts = [(UINavigationController *)[[appDel tabBarController] selectedViewController] viewControllers];
MainViewController *viewController = (MainViewController *)[viewConts lastObject];
if([[viewController popoverController] isPopoverVisible]){
[viewController doStuff];
Hope this helps,
I know this is not the best way, hoping apple thinks about this issue, or if somebody has devised a work around.

Custom NSView in NSMenuItem not receiving mouse events

I have an NSMenu popping out of an NSStatusItem using popUpStatusItemMenu. These NSMenuItems show a bunch of different links, and each one is connected with setAction: to the openLink: method of a target. This arrangement has been working fine for a long time. The user chooses a link from the menu and the openLink: method then deals with it.
Unfortunately, I recently decided to experiment with using NSMenuItem's setView: method to provide a nicer/slicker interface. Basically, I just stopped setting the title, created the NSMenuItem, and then used setView: to display a custom view. This works perfectly, the menu items look great and my custom view is displayed.
However, when the user chooses a menu item and releases the mouse, the action no longer works (i.e., openLink: isn't called). If I just simply comment out the setView: call, then the actions work again (of course, the menu items are blank, but the action is executed properly). My first question, then, is why setting a view breaks the NSMenuItem's action.
No problem, I thought, I'll fix it by detecting the mouseUp event in my custom view and calling my action method from there. I added this method to my custom view:
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSLog(#"in mouseUp");
No dice! This method is never called.
I can set tracking rects and receive mouseEntered: events, though. I put a few tests in my mouseEntered routine, as follows:
if ([[self window] ignoresMouseEvents]) { NSLog(#"ignoring mouse events"); }
else { NSLog(#"not ignoring mouse events"); }
if ([[self window] canBecomeKeyWindow]) { dNSLog((#"canBecomeKeyWindow")); }
else { NSLog(#"not canBecomeKeyWindow"); }
if ([[self window] isKeyWindow]) { dNSLog((#"isKeyWindow")); }
else { NSLog(#"not isKeyWindow"); }
And got the following responses:
not ignoring mouse events
not isKeyWindow
Is this the problem? "not isKeyWindow"? Presumably this isn't good because Apple's docs say "If the user clicks a view that isn’t in the key window, by default the window is brought forward and made key, but the mouse event is not dispatched." But there must be a way do detect these events. HOW?
[[self window] makeKeyWindow];
has no effect, despite the fact that canBecomeKeyWindow is YES.
Add this method to your custom NSView and it will work fine with mouse events
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent*) event {
NSMenuItem* mitem = [self enclosingMenuItem];
NSMenu* m = [mitem menu];
[m cancelTracking];
[m performActionForItemAtIndex: [m indexOfItem: mitem]];
But i'm having problems with keyhandling, if you solved this problem maybe you can go to my question and help me a little bit.
Add this to your custom view and you should be fine:
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent
return YES;
I added this method to my custom view, and now everything works beautifully:
- (void)viewDidMoveToWindow {
[[self window] becomeKeyWindow];
Hope this helps!
I've updated this version for SwiftUI Swift 5.3:
final class HostingView<Content: View>: NSHostingView<Content> {
override func viewDidMoveToWindow() {
And then use like so:
let item = NSMenuItem()
let contentView = ContentView()
item.view = HostingView(rootView: contentView)
let menu = NSMenu()
menu.items = [item]
So far, the only way to achieve the goal, is to register a tracking area manually in updateTrackingAreas - that is thankfully called, like this:
override func updateTrackingAreas() {
let trackingArea = NSTrackingArea(rect: bounds, options: [.enabledDuringMouseDrag, .mouseEnteredAndExited, .activeInActiveApp], owner: self, userInfo: nil)
Recently I needed to show a Custom view for a NSStatusItem, show a regular NSMenu when clicking on it and supporting drag and drop operations on the Status icon.
I solved my problem using, mainly, three different sources that can be found in this question.
Hope it helps other people.
See the sample code from Apple named CustomMenus
In there you'll find a good example in the ImagePickerMenuItemView class.
It's not simple or trivial to make a view in a menu act like a normal NSMenuItem.
There are some real decisions and coding to do.
