Domino Designer proxy server settings - proxy

I am trying to install an Eclipse plugin in Domino Designer. There are many useful tutorials how to do it. However, when I enter the remote site in the Application Locations window > Remote Location
I get this error code:
CWPPR0031W: The requested provisioning operation(s) completed with partial success.
Network connection problems encountered during search.
Unable to access "".
Unable to access site: "" [Server returned HTTP response code: "403 Forbidden"
My company uses a proxy server to access the internet. I suspect, the error is caused By Domino Designer trying to access the link directly. Is there any way to tell Designer to go through our proxy server?

It looks like you're trying to install Mercurial into Domino Designer. I know in the past David Leedy and Declan Lynch had to install older versions, because Domino Designer is based on an older version of Eclipse. I'm not sure of the details for that. But I know both David and Declan now recommend using SourceTree for management of local mercurial source control repositories. It's better documented (several NotesIn9 episodes as well as Show 103 from Connect 2014 which I presented with Declan) and mor Domino developers use it (as well as non-Domino developers) so if you hit problems, there will be more of a cummunity to help.

All of those settings will be handled by the location set in the Notes client.
Go to File>Preferences>Locations> and edit the current location
In the basics tab there is an option for proxy configuration. You should be able to drop in all of your configs right there.

this site helps me to install a eclipse color theme for the domino designer.
first I had the same proxy problem like you, but this guide helps me, perhaps you to.


500 Internal Server Error after installing VS10sp1-KB983509

When I tried to use an Ajax control toolkit, I get a grey out error and searching around they said installing VS10 Service pack could help to solve the problem. So I did install it and now I got a serious problem:
I can no longer load the website that I can load normally before, it shows this error:
Server Error. 500 - Internal server error.
I tried many ways and finally found this one looks quite close to what happened to me:
And I tried what it suggested:
go to C:\Windows\system32\mcfc42.dll-> properties\security\Edit\Add
Iwam_computername or computername\Iwam_computername
Also added:
Allow Full control to all.
Restart server. But still the same problem. Please help me to fix this problem, unfortunately my server did not install backup option before I install VS SP1 so I could not recover to the previous point. Any solution ? If I cannot access it, no way I can code and test my website...
I found the solution for this. At first, to narrow down the problem I load the website at server side (not at client side) then I see this error lines in my web.config file, I think when I click at property at project in VS and choose .net 4.0 then back to 3.5 it add some duplicate to my web.config file. I just add all the first lines related to .net 3.5 and keep the xml format correct then it works fine now! Many thanks !!

Domino OSGI Update Site Creation

This is a continuation of a question I asked a few days ago regarding a designer connection for Domino OSGI dev and testing.
In eclipse, I do have the "debugging plug-in" installed (as mentioned by stwissel), and I am fairy certain that it is configured properly.
In a second attempt, I tried to export my plug-in in an update site.
1. import plug-in to feature
2. import feature to update site
3. build update site
I first tried to install using My Widgets in the notes sidebar. I did not get the thing to run with that so, then went into designer and installed it there directly, also nothing.
current stand
I built the update site and deployed using an nsf Update Site as a widget. I use this for openNTF Domino API, the ExtLibs -- it is comfortable and I like it.
I can verify that the feature is available in the application Management window of designer.
3 I expect to see those libraries in the page generation tab, but do not.
1. Am I missing something?
2. Must I add some sort of class/code/flag in order to choose this library/plug-in in designer?
3. How can I best verify that the plug in and not just the feature is installed?
if your XspLibrary is not a 'global' one you probably won't see the activator run until the first nsf that uses it activates it.
seeing as you can't select it in an nsf this is probably why no nsf is ever activating it
can I ask have you correctly defined the library as an extension of
as type
if you don't define the extension you will not see it in the list of libraries.
also you must make sure you set the plugin settings to export the XspLibrary class (or package of the class) otherwise designer can't use the class
see this article on the domino designer wiki for an overview of necessary steps to correctly set up the XspLibrary plugin. the / plugin.xml settings are important.
another thing to double check, is to inspect the actual built plugin jar, using something like 7zip. you can open it up like a zip and have a look to make sure the .class files are actually included in the jar. if your build settings are incorrect it may not include them in the jar properly. also make sure the and plugin.xml are in there properly
EDIT from Greg
This should be the link for a non-mobile user
When you setup the debug plugin, it should create an entry in the workspace directory of the Notes client and Domino server (I think down in the RCP directory). This entry points back to the Eclipse workspace. So you don't need to deploy the plug-in. You also should see a warning when loading Notes ( with rparams -console) or Domino on the console about the debug.
Also what I found: auto deployment via Widget works when the update site sits on a server via http or nrpc. It doesn't when it is specified as file:/// so I run a Apache http on local (I need it for other stuff too, so no big deal for me).
I'll check the exact settings when I get back to my Dev workstation
You can identify if a plugin is installed via Help > About IBM Domino Designer, then clicking on the Plug-in Details button in the dialog.
Help > Support > View Log and View Trace should give more details. Trace is more detailed and allows you to write content, as we do for the OpenNTF Domino API. It may allow you to see how far through the code it's going.
That first message is in the XspLibrary class, in the constructor, just using a sysout
* Constructor
public XspLibrary() {
System.out.println("Loading org.openntf.domino.xsp library");
Hopefully that should help you see where it's failing.

Red5 demos don't work

I just installed red5 on my server, and the install seems to work fine. As you can see here:
I got this far by using this walkthrough:
The /demos page gives me a 404 error. So I logged onto the server, and checked to see if the "demo" directory was already there. It was not.
The applications that I installed were a directory up from the root directory. I'm not sure if this is right or not.
Either way, my end goal is to actually get something working besides the main page. If I can get the demos to work, then hopefully I should be well on my way.
I guess my questions can be broken down like this:
Does anyone know how to get the demos working?
Should I forget about the demos, and try to start writing my own code?
If I should write my own code, how should I go about installing it? Since the installer is not properly installing the demos.
The tutorial is good but you dont need the admin app. Use the installer link in the tutorial and install the demo you want to use. The content of the "demos" directory is only the swf files used to access the server demos which you use the installer app to install. For instance , select "oflaDemo" and then from the main page navigate to demos/oflaDemo et voila.
I know I'm biased being a core developer, but we've attempted to make the server as ez as possible to use.
I could install demos from the latest svn trunk, Checkout the source, use ant&ivy to build and run the server and you can install two sample apps(oflaDemo and SOSample).
You may need to use ivy commands resolve some of the common issues during installations.
E:\dev\red5\java\server\trunk>ant ivyclear dist
()Red5 user mailing list may help you, because this is not exactly problem with Red5 source.
I could resolve the issue based on the information in Red5 users mailing list and comments by Mr.Mondain in one of the posts in Stackoverflow

IIS Express fails to serve cshtml files

I've just started checking out WebMatrix, and am running into a problem. I performed a fresh install of WebMatrix, then started a tutorial which involves creating one small cshtml file. Whenever I try to run the site, I get the following error:
This type of page is not served.
Description: The type of page you have requested is not served because it has been explicitly forbidden. The extension '.cshtml' may be incorrect. Please review the URL below and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Home.cshtml
In the IIS Express Requests section, the page request shows the following error:
404.17 Dynamic Content Mapped to Static Handler
Details: The requested matched a wildcard mime map and was matched to the static filder (What's up with all the typos MS?) handler. However, if the pre-conditions were different, the request would map to a different handler. This can mean that the pre-conditions are incorrect.
I tried reinstalling to no avail. Does anybody have any ideas?
I am running Windows 7 Pro, with IIS 7 installed. (IIS Express is supposed to be able to run side-by-side no problemo)
Thanks much!
It was set to 4.0 -- Uninstalling and reinstalling ASP.NET Web Pages did the trick.
It seems you selected 2.0 .NET framework in Settings section (in WebMatrix). Change it to '.NET 4 (Integrated)'.
Same boat - just toying with it and its "integrated workflow" with VS2010..but alas, it's not as "clean" as one would hope (or maybe just needs more manual tweaking of knobs and switches).
But try this (instead of, or before giving up all hope and re-installing): run Webmatrix in Administrator mode (right click -> runas).
Your solution is something I had to do on the server side though (IIS6/w2k3)....via web platform installer. While it seems odd to install Webmatrix server side, I just gave up and did it anyway to ensure all the dependencies are installed along with it (didn't want to spend or rather waste any more time figuring it out).
Worked for me....after looking glassy eyed with that "but it was working fine yesterday" look. So I hope this saves you (and anyone else) some time and frustration.

Add Web Service Reference Weird Problem in WP7

I have a WP7 project in VS2010 pro/ultimate and I have added a web reference from another project on the same solution. The web service project is just a normal website project, I just created .ASMX file. I tested the service using web browser and it works fine.
The problem is, after I added this service as service reference, I cannot reference it in my WP7 project and I can't view it in Object Browser either as if it doesn't exist.
I use local URL like 'http://localhost:12345/WebService.asmx' when I added the service, VS can see all the methods and can add successfully. Very strange for me and I don't know how to solve this issue.
Anyone can give me any clue on this? Thanks very much.
I've had a similar issues before- on one machine, a restart was required, on another, I had to uninstall ALL of my SL stuff, then uninstall Vstudio, then reinstall and reapply any SL add-ons.
Then it worked fine.
Also had a friend with the same issue- uninstall all, then reinstall worked for him also.
I believe these were machines with pre-rtm SL and Phone bits on them.
I've had a similar problem. I created a WP7 project using VB.Net. I built a WCF Class web service, a client side proxy class, and then a WP7 application with the service reference. When I added the service reference, the code generating utility would not build the required Reference.svcmap file detail (it only created the header information). However the project would still compile, yet I couldn't reference the service in code as it didn't exist in the underlying files.
I tried recreating the WP7 project in C# and everything worked. My guess is that the VB implementation of WP7 might still have some issues, however that is a guess only. I'm keen to see if anyone else has had the same issue specific to the VB WP7 template or if it is something else.
I bumped into the same problem, but it was fixed after a reboot as suggested in this thread by dethSwatch.
I do remember that a silverlight SDK update was installed a bit earlier, maybe the reboot is required after the update?
I think this issue might be related to the January Update to the WP7 tools. I managed to fix this issue by installing the VS10-KB2486994-x86.exe fix found on the above page. That sorted the issue I had with generating a client side proxy for the WCF service I wanted to call. Hope this helps.
