Memory access time analytical modelling - caching

There is this question regarding solving the AMAT(Average Memory Access Time) given these data:
Legends: Cache Level 1 = L1 Cache Level 2 = L2 Main Memory = M
L1, L2 and M's Hit Time are 1, 10 and 100 respectively whilst
L1 Miss Rate is 5%, L2 5% and M 50%.
Find the AMAT in clock cycles.
After attempting to solve this question, here is my solution:
AMAT's formula is = Hit Time X Hit Rate + Miss Penalty * Miss Rate
Miss Penalty = AMAT for the next cache(say for example, AMAT of L2)
So I manipulated the formula, resulting into something like this:
AMAT = Hit Time L1 X Hit Rate L1 + AMAT L2 * Miss Rate L1
AMAT L2 = Hit Time L2 X Hit Rate L2 + AMAT M * Miss Rate L2
AMAT M = Hit Time M X Hit Rate M + [???] * Miss Rate M
providing the numerical value for the said formula would look like this:
AMAT = 1 X .95 + AMAT L2 * .05
AMAT L2 = 10 X .95 + AMAT M * .05
AMAT M = 100 X .5 + [???] * .5
So my first question would be, is my formula correct?
Next, how to get M's Miss Penalty?

Your "cascading" deductions are correct. If you miss L1 then the data has to be fetched from L2, involving a penalty, and if you miss L2 the data has to be fetched from RAM involving a higher penalty. Based on this your method of computing AMAT is correct.
Now, let's look a bit at the computer architecture. After L1 you have L2, after L2 there can be an L3 or it can be a RAM. After RAM you have the persistent storage (Hard disk).
However, the access time towards the HDD is very difficult to compute. Majority of the profilers (e.g perf, oprofile) just give you miss rates for the cache and assume that the rest of reads are taken directly from the RAM. Usually this is the case in modern computers. Reads from hard drives are marked as I/O requests. Why is it hard to compute the HDD access time? Because your data block can be at any location on your HDD, depending fragmentation. In case of spinning disks the access time can be lower f the data is located near the magnetic reader. So usually HDD access time is hard to predict when computing AMAT.
This means that if the problem statement gives you only L1, L2, M hit time, you cannot compute HDD hit time. However you can measure/estimate it in real life applications, using profilers.
So in short:
Is your formula correct? Yes - From mathematical point of view. From practical point of view, it is hard to use and generally does not make sense if M hit rate is not 100%.
How to compute M miss penalty? If it is not given you cannot compute it. In practice, by analyzing profiler output you can determine it for a specific measurement (no guaranteed that it will be the same for another measurement, because of the reasons described above).


Finding average memory access time, AMAT and global miss rate

I'm quite confused about this question. So, I have IL1, DL1 and UL2 and when I try to find AMAT do I use the formula AMAT = Hit Time(1) + Miss Rate * (Hit time(2) + Miss Rate * Miss Penalty ? or Do I also add Hit time(3) because there are 3 miss rates
For Example: 0.4 + 0.1 * (0.8 + 0.05 * (10 + 0.02 * 48))
I used AMAT = Hit Time(1) + Miss Rate * (Hit time(2) + Miss Rate * (Hit time(3) + Miss Rate * Miss Penalty))
Here is the Table, and also Frequency is 2.5 GHZ and It is also provided that 20% of all instructions are of load/store type.
By the way are there also a way to find global miss rate of UL2 in %? I'm also quite stuck on that one too.
There are two different cache hierarchies to consider.  I cannot tell from your question post if you're trying to compute AMAT for just data operations (load & store) or for instruction access + data operations (20% of the them).
The hierarchies:
Instruction Cache: IL1 backed by UL2 backed by Main Memory
Data Cache: DL1 backed by UL2 backed by Main Memory
There is a stated hit time & miss rate associated with each individual cache, and, this is necessary because the caches are of different construction and size (and also in different positions in the hierarchy).
All instructions participate in accessing of the Instruction Cache, so hit/miss there applies to every instruction regardless of the nature or type of the instruction.  So, you can compute the AMAT for instruction access alone generally using the IL1->UL2->Main Memory hierarchy — be sure to use the specific hit time and miss rate for each given level in the hierarchy: 1clk & 10% for IL1; 25clk & 2% for UL2; and 120clk & 0% for Main Memory.
20% of the instructions participate in accessing of the Data Cache.
Of those that do data accesses, you can compute that component of AMAT using the DL1->UL2->Main Memory hierarchy — here you have DL1 with 2clk & 5%; UL2 with 25clk & 2%; and Main Memory with 120clk & 0%.
These numbers can be combined to an overall value that accounts for 100% of the instructions incurring the instructions cache hierarchy AMAT, and 20% of them incurring the data cache hierarchy AMAT.
As needed you can convert AMAT in cycles/clocks to AMAT in (nano) seconds.

how do you find the miss penalty of a single level cache?

I am attempting to find the average memory access time (AMAT) of a single level cache. In order to do so, miss penalty must be calculated since the AMAT formula requires it.
Doing this for a multilevel cache requires using the next level cache penalty. But for a single level, there is obviously no other cache level.
So how is this calculated?
You have the correct formula to calculate the AMAT, however you may be misinterpreting the components of the formula. Let’s take a look at how to use this equation, first with a single-level cache and next with a multi-level cache.
Suppose you have a single-level cache. Hit time represents the amount of time required to search and retrieve data from the cache. Miss rate denotes the percentage of the data requested that does not reside in the cache i.e. the percentage of data you have to go to main memory to retrieve. Miss penalty is the amount of time required to retrieve the data once you miss in the cache. Because we are dealing with a single-level cache, the only other level in the memory hierarchy to consider is main memory for the miss penalty.
Here’s a good example for single-level cache:
L1 cache has an access time of 5ns and a miss rate of 50%
Main memory has an access time of 500ns
AMAT = 5ns + 0.5 * 500ns = 255ns
You always check the cache first so you always incur a 5 ns hit time overhead. Because our miss rate is 0.5, we find what we are looking for in the L1 cache half the time and must go to main memory the remaining half time. You can calculate the miss penalty in the following way using a weighted average:
(0.5 * 0ns) + (0.5 * 500ns) = (0.5 * 500ns) = 250ns.
Now, suppose you have a multi-level cache i.e. L1 and L2 cache. Hit time now represents the amount of time to retrieve data in the L1 cache. Miss rate is an indication of how often we miss in the L1 cache. Calculating the miss penalty in a multi-level cache is not as straightforward as before because we need to consider the time required to read data from the L2 cache as well as how often we miss in the L2 cache.
Here’s a good example:
L1 cache has an access time of 5 ns and miss rate of 50%
L2 cache has an access time of 50 ns and miss rate of 20%
Main memory has an access time of 500 ns
AMAT = 5ns + 0.5 * (50ns + 0.2 * 500ns) = 80 ns
Again, you always check the L1 cache first so you always incur a 5 ns hit time overhead. Because our miss rate is 0.5, we find what we are looking for in the L1 cache half the time and must down the memory hierarchy (L2 cache, main memory) the remaining half time. If we do not find the data in the L1 cache, we always look in the L2 cache next. We thus incur a 50 ns hit time overhead every time we miss in the L1 cache. In the case that the data is not in the L2 cache also (which is 20% of the time), we must go to main memory which has a memory access time of 500 ns.

Calculating average time for a memory access

I find it hard to understand the differences between the local and global miss rate and how to calculate the average time for a memory access and would just like to give an example of a problem that I have tried to solve. I would appreciate if someone could tell me if I'm on the right track, or if I'm wrong what I have missed.
Consider the following multilevel cache hierarchy with their seek times and miss rates:
L1-cache, 0.5 ns, 20%
L2-cache, 1.8 ns, 5%
L3-cache, 4.2 ns, 1.5%
Main memory, 70 ns, 0%
In this case, the seek times given refer to the total time it takes to both check whether the requested data is available on the current level of hierarchy, and transmit the data to the level above (or to the CPU). This is the same as hit time, right?
The miss rates given are local. And as I have understood, the a miss rate of one level needs to be multiplied with the miss rates of all previous levels in order to be correct for that level.
Lets say if we have 1000 memory accesses, in L1 20% of them will miss. So 20% of them will go to L2, there 5% of these will miss. So from 1000 memory accesses 1000 * 20% * 5% will get there.
Now, as far as I know... and please correct me if I am wrong, the above miss rates are local, but their product is the global missrate for each corresponding level. This means the global miss rate would be 0,2*0,05 = 1% for L2.
Now, I may be very wrong with this calculation but this is how I think:
AMAT (Average Memory Access Time) = Hit time + Miss rate * Miss penalty
AMAT = 0.5 + 0.2 * (1.8 + 0.2 * 0.05 * (4.2 + 0.2 * 0.05 * 0.015 * 70))
After calculating this I get AMAT = 0.868421 ns
Am I doing this correctly?
Now it has become clear to me what exactly global and local miss rate is, and thus I realize I made a mistake in my calculation.
Before, the calculation looked like this:
AMAT = 0.5 + 0.2 * (1.8 + 0.2 * 0.05 * (4.2 + 0.2 * 0.05 * 0.015 * 70)) = 0.868421 ns
This means that the local miss rate of, for example, L1, affects the contributions of miss penalty for each further away in the hierarchy, too many times.. when it already has been accounted for in a previous stage.
The correct solution should be:
AMAT = 0.5 + 0.2 * (1.8 + 0.05 * (4.2 + 0.015 * 70)) = 0.9125 ns
So, recursively we can define:
AMAT = L1 Hit time + L1 Miss rate * L1 Miss penalty
L1 Miss penalty = L2 Hit time + L2 Miss rate * L2 Miss penalty
L2 Miss penalty = L3 Hit time + L3 Miss rate * L3 Miss penalty
L3 Miss penalty = Main memory hit time

Finding Average Penalty from AMAT

I can calculate penalty when I have a single cache. But I'm unsure what to do when I am presented with two L1 caches (one for data and one for instruction) that are accessed in parallel. I'm also unsure what to do when I'm presented with clock cycles instead of actual time such as ns.
How do I calculate the average miss penalty using these new parameters?
Do I just use the formula two times and then average the miss penalty or is there more to this?
AMAT = hit time + miss rate * miss penalty
For example I have the following values:
AMAT = 4 clock cycles
L1 data access = 2 clock cycle (also hit time)
L1 instruction access = 2 clock cycle (also hit time)
60% of instructions are loads and stores
L1 instruction miss rate = 1%
L1 data miss rate = 3%
How would these values fit into AMAT?
Short answer
The average memory access time (AMAT) is typically calculated by taking the total number of instructions and dividing it by the total number of cycles spent servicing the memory request.
On page B-17 of Computer Architecture a Quantiative Approach, 5th edition AMAT is defined as:
Average memory access time = % instructions x (Hit time + instruction miss rate x miss penalty) + % data x (Hit time + Data miss rate x miss penalty)`.
As you can see in this formula each instruction counts for a single memory access and the instructions that operate on data (load/store) constitute an additional memory access.
Note that there are many simplifying instructions that are made when using AMAT, and depending on the performance analysis that you want to perform. The same textbook I quotes earlier notes that:
In summary, although the state of the art in defining and measuring
memory stalls for out-of-order processors is complex, be aware of the
issues because they significantly affect performance. The complexity
arises because out-of-order processors tolerate some latency due to
cache misses without hurting performance. Consequently, designers
normally use simulators of the out-of-order processor and memory when
evaluating trade-offs in the memory hierarchy to be sure that an
improvement that helps the average memory latency actually helps
program performance.
My point of including this quote is that in practice AMAT is used for getting an approximate comparison between various different option. And as a result there are always simplifying assumptions used. But generally the memory accesses for instructions and data are added together to get a total number of accesses when calculating AMAT, rather than being calculated separately.
The way I see it, since the L1 Instruction Cache and the L1 Data Cache are accessed in parallel, you should compute AMAT for Instructions and AMAT for data, and then take the largest value as the final AMAT.
In your example since the Data Miss Rate is higher than Instruction Miss Rate you can consider that during the time the CPU waits for data, it solves all the misses on the instruction cache.
If the measure unit is cycles you do the same as if it were nanoseconds. If you know the frequency of your processor, you can convert back the AMAT in nanoseconds.

Calculating actual/effective CPI for 3 level cache

(a) You are given a memory system that has two levels of cache (L1 and L2). Following are the specifications:
Hit time of L1 cache: 2 clock cycles
Hit rate of L1 cache: 92%
Miss penalty to L2 cache (hit time of L2): 8 clock cycles
Hit rate of L2 cache: 86%
Miss penalty to main memory: 37 clock cycles
Assume for the moment that hit rate of main memory is 100%.
Given a 2000 instruction program with 37% data transfer instructions (loads/stores), calculate the CPI (Clock Cycles per Instruction) for this scenario.
For this part, I calculated it like this (am I doing this right?):
(m1: miss rate of L1, m2: miss rate of L2)
AMAT = HitTime_L1 + m1*(HitTime_L2 + m2*MissPenalty_L2)
CPI(actual) = CPI(ideal) + (AMAT - CPI(ideal))*AverageMemoryAccess
(b) Now lets add another level of cache, i.e., L3 cache between the L2 cache and the main memory. Consider the following:
Miss penalty to L3 cache (hit time of L3 cache): 13 clock cycles
Hit rate of L3 cache: 81%
Miss penalty to main memory: 37 clock cycles
Other specifications remain as part (a)
For the same 2000 instruction program (which has 37% data transfer instructions), calculate the CPI.
(m1: miss rate of L1, m2: miss rate of L2, m3: miss rate of L3)
AMAT = HitTime_L1
+ m1*(HitTime_L2 + m2*MissPenalty_L2)
+ m2*(HitTime_L3 + m3*MissPenalty_L3)
Is this formula correct and where do I add the miss penalty to main memory in this formula?
It should probably be added with the miss penalty of L3 but I am not sure.
(a) The AMAT calculation is correct if you notice that the MissPenalty_L2 parameter is what you called Miss penalty to main memory.
The CPI is a bit more difficult.
First of all, let's assume that the CPU is not pipelined (sequential processor).
There are 1.37 memory accesses per instruction (one access to fetch the instruction and 0.37 due to data transfer instructions). The ideal case is that all memory acceses hit in the L1 cache.
So, knowing that:
CPI(ideal) = CPI(computation) + CPI(mem) =
CPI(computation) + Memory_Accesses_per_Instruction*HitTime_L1 =
CPI(computation) + 1.37*HitTime_L1
With real memory, the average memory access time is AMAT, so:
CPI(actual) = CPI(computation) + Memory_Accesses_per_Instruction*AMAT =
CPI(ideal) + Memory_Accesses_per_Instruction*(AMAT - HitTime_L1) =
CPI(ideal) + 1.37*(AMAT - HitTime_L1)
(b) Your AMAT calculation is wrong. After a miss at L2, it follows a L3 access that can be a hit or a miss. Try to finish the exercise yourself.
