My joomla component view doesn't load in the template - joomla

I got a component that doesn't load in the template.
All the other views from the component load perfectly except that one. etc.
What could be the cause?

It needs the ?view=campaigns postfix of th url to work.Look at chrome console
Uncaught ReferenceError: PaymentMethods is not defined .
So initialization of the component is failed.Try to filter this link if you have a seo component and is enabled.If there is a bug that do not assign this postfix at a menu item create a link type item instead and add the url :


AdxStudio: How display an entity form in Web template(Liquid Templates)

I am trying to display an entity form in a adxStudio web template, found one link Using Liquid to display EntityForm
<div class="container">{% entityform name:'My Entity Form' %}</div>
but this did't work for me.
Please help me to put an entity form on web template in adxstudio.
Thanks in advance......
Solved It!
Initially I am trying to display the web template with footer web template of home page, which did't work.
For displaying Entity form We need to:
Place the Entity Form in Web template like <div class="container">{% entityform name:'My Entity Form' %}</div>
Associate the Web template to a Page template
Page template needs to associate to a Web page
Browse the page, finally you will see/submit your form.

Cannot find registration form in Joomla

I have created new Login module and linked to the login menu in Joomla 3.4.1. Also created registration menu as described in docs and tutorials. The login form is showing - I have assigned the position to show in the template from module manager but I cannot view registration form - since there is no registration module. The registration page is showing empty with header and footer but with no body. Is there any way to solve this?
Is the module position valid for your template?
You van check this by enabling the "preview Module Position" under the template options. To view the module position go to your home page e.g. hhtp:// Please note the tp=1 ..
Now you can check if the module positions exists on your site.
Just let me know.
kind regards.

"ADD TO CART" button not working in product view page in magento

we want customers to enter zip code on product view page to find delivery is available or not for that zip code.
so we used this extension : product-delivery-check-by-zip-code magento extension
we got what we needed by this extension. but after using this extension, "add to cart" button on product
view page is not working, also product images are not zooming as before.
seems this is the file for displaying on product view page
availability.phtml code here :
demo :
please help me to find solution.
This issue is imho not related to the avaiability. The Button "add to Cart" calls a JS method to submit the respective Form. However, you have some JS issues on that page that prevent any JS excecution - maybe due to jQuery incompatibility or other. Take a look at your browsers console to see all errors
TypeError: jQuery(...).dcSocialShare is not a function intel-core-2-extreme-qx9775-3-20ghz-retail.html:727:0
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:0
TypeError: jQuery(...).viewPC is not a function em0113.js:372:5
TypeError: jQuery(...).csslider is not a function intel-core-2-extreme-qx9775-3-20ghz-retail.html:486:0
TypeError: jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def] is not a function jquery.themepunch.plugins.min.js:69:81
TypeError: jQuery(...).ajaxForm is not a function em_ajaxcart.js:275:8
and resolve them. That should also restore all other JS dependent functions like the image zoom.
in my case it got solved by unticking "Merge JavaScript Files" (system > configuration > developer)
Do the following
From http://localhost/magento2community/

Hide component name from urls in joomla

I need to hide component name in joomla urls.
I have also applied configuration for SEO urls in administrator.
But still it is displaying component name in urls
So please suggest me appropriate solution for hiding component name in urls
You need to create a menu item (or tree of items) to the component. The alias you give the menu will appear in the URL.

Add a module to a component , but not every page of the component

i'm working on a joomla 1.5 for a university project (when it started 2.5 wasn't out :D). What i'm trying to do is to assign a module to my custom component , but not every page of it.
The 2 different pages of my component is a page that shows every product , but the other one needs an id to work. In order to assign the module just to a page i think i need to assign every page my component has to a menu item.
But my problem is that i don't know how to assign my page that shows a specific product the variable id to make it work.
The Joorthodox way, i guess, would be to control the module availability from the module manager in administator page, where you can assign it to certain pages/menu items only.
Thus summarizing, create a menu item type for that page assign it to a menu item which in turn will be your module control switch for that page.
Another approach could be a control directly to the joomla module renderer. An example can be found here: joomla-is-there-a-module-render-plugin-event
One method would be to set the module to be hidden on that page using CSS.
Go to views/view_name/tmpl/default.php and within the tags at the top, add the following code in:
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
$doc->addStyleDeclaration(" #element_id { display: none; } ");
You will need to inspect the module using a tool such as Firebug, Chrome Dev Tools or another tool depending on which browser you're using, and change element_id to whatever suits your needs.
Hope this helps
Just use Advanced Module Manager and assign your module by URL's not just by the menu link, it works for me to hide and show a module inside the different pages of the same component
