Kendoui Mvc samples and dll version - kendo-ui

I have downloaded the KendoUI sample from
I have: *VisualStudio 2013 AND *KendoUI trial version: 2014.2.903.545
In references section of this sample, Kendo.Mvc was marked yellow therefore i replaced it by adding mine version. Still I am getting following error.
Warning 1 The primary reference "Kendo.Mvc" could not be resolved because it was built against the ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" framework. This is a higher version than the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0". SalesHub.Client
How can i get the older version to run this sample? Or these sample are simply obsolete and no more maintained. I am facing same issues nearly with all the samples downloaded. If i upgrade the sample project to higher version of .NET framework then obviously other packages started to cry.
Warning 10 Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly that could not be resolved. These reference conflicts are listed in the build log when log verbosity is set to detailed. SalesHub.Client

All you need to do is change the target framework for the project.
If you right click the project go to properties and select application you will probably see that the project is targeting the 4.0 framework.
Just change this to 4.5 and the project should build and run for you.


Cannot Select .Net Core Version for New Projects

Until recently, when creating a .Net Core project, I've been able to select what version of Core to use for it. Since a recent update of Visual Studio 2019, any library project I've created for .Net Core has defaulted to version 3.0. There do not appear to be any options during project creation to select a different version.
For the time being, I need to create projects using .Net Core 2.2, so I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get that option back. For now, I've just been manually changing the target version after creation, but that seems hacky, and I suppose it may be leaving me with bundled references I don't need, or omitting ones that I do.
After installing tons of SDKs, I still do not see the option to choose a framework upon project creation. The documentation for Visual Studio 2019 shows the option as it appears for .NET Framework projects:
... but when creating .NET Core or Standard projects, I am not presented with the option to choose the version:
Is the policy, now, that all projects default to the latest, and if you want something else, you have to change it in the project properties?

Asp.NetCore 1.1->2.0 Migration Error - `System.Object' is not defined or imported

I have a project I've been messing with and adding features to, and it was aspnet core 1.1. I am migrating it to 2.0.
I use Visual Studio for Mac, and it's up-to-date.
I am following this documentation:
The exact error I'm getting is:
The predefined type `System.Object' is not defined or imported
I found the answer:
In VS for Mac, it didn't let me get to a menu for selecting the target framework for a project. This is usually opened by right-clicking the project, and selecting "properties."
VS for Mac didn't show this.
Upon using my windows install on my iMac, I found the menu and saw AspNetCore2.0 wasn't listed (but 1.0 and 1.1 were). There was also another option to install more. this led me to:
At this page, there are SDK's for the AspNet Core 2.0 for macOS and windows 64-bit. You need to install these, and then it'll build.
The fact that visual studio doesn't indicate that you're missing a selected framework for the project you're trying to build (as defined in its config file) is absurd. They need to fix this to avoid these kind of headaches. I was under the impression that it wasn't needed, as the NUGET package for 2.0 had all o this.

VSTS Specified TypeScript compiler not found

I am using VSTS for a project that is using TypeScript. We have a CI Build configured and suddenly that one stopped working today. Yesterday all was fine, today they are all failing.
Looking into the build logs I discovered that it's not finding the TypeScript compiler that we specified:
Warning : Your project specifies TypeScriptToolsVersion 2.1, but a matching compiler was not found. The latest available TypeScript compiler will be used (2.4). To remove this warning, install the TypeScript 2.1 SDK or update the value of TypeScriptToolsVersion.
So all of a sudden it starts compiling with TypeScript 2.4 and we have some code that's not compatible with that version (Promises).
I have defined the TypeScript Tools Version in our .csproj as
and that seems to be working as I read in the build logs that it tried using that one first.
Any idea what caused VSTS suddenly to "forget" about TypeScript 2.1 and how I can fix this? I could not find any update notification or anything.
Right click on Project and click properties
Click on TypeScriptBuild and Select Use Latest Available
That means the TypeScript SDK has been updated on build server. If you are using private build agent, you can check it on your build server. If you are using Hosted agent, it will be updated irregularly (official article isn’t updated)
Regarding this issue, you can refer to these threads:
For VS 2015 project (Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild package): Visual Studio Team Services build Typescript error
For VS 2017 project (Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild package): Angular4.1 with .NET Core1.1 build fails in VSTS Hosted VS2017 agent

MVC6 vNext The dependency does not support framework DNXCore, Version=5.0

I'm adding this question as I ran into this issue and could see it happening to other people.
I have an MVC6 project which was building and tried to move from the full dnx451 to use the dnx core 5.0 version. As soon as I did this dnx core was unable to build due to Newtonsoft.json not being a compatible version with dnxcore. I was getting weird behaviour in my NuGet manager; I would upgrade and use precompile versions yet it would still show as using a different version.
It turned out this was due to an earlier attempt to use dnu wrap. This had created a wrap folder, and in my global.json added this wrap folder to "projects". This meant that the version of newtonsoft.json which was being found in the wrap folder was taking precedence over the one which the dnxcore50 packages wanted.
As soon as I removed "wrap" from my global.json and restored packages, the issue was resolved.

cannot build in release only in debug

I have a project built in VS 2013, for some reason I cannot build in release mode only debug mode. If I build in release mode I get a bunch of errors that doesn't really seem relavant. Anyone got any suggestion on where to begin looking for errors?
From your error I can guess that you're using an external library, either through NuGet or locally.
You have to set up the environment to use this library in both release and debug mode. That means installing it on either one through NuGet or setting up the correct include/library paths in the project settings.
In my case it was an unrelated Nuget package that had a higher .Net Framework version than my project.
I had a similar problem, with the same error of Invalid pointer, and it turned out that I had uninstalled Telerik from machine.
1. Make sure that you have Telerik installed , on my machine it is under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015\"
The file "Telerik.Web.UI.dll" is available in the Bin[nn]-folders, select the one you want (perhaps the latest version).
2. In visual studio; if your reference to "Telerik.Web.UI" has a yellow warning triangle it indicates that Visual Studio cannot locate the dll file.
Add new reference by browsing your Telerik Bin[nn] folder and selecting the file "Telerik.Web.UI.dll" (and repeat this for all projects using the Telerik components in your solution)
