cannot build in release only in debug - debugging

I have a project built in VS 2013, for some reason I cannot build in release mode only debug mode. If I build in release mode I get a bunch of errors that doesn't really seem relavant. Anyone got any suggestion on where to begin looking for errors?

From your error I can guess that you're using an external library, either through NuGet or locally.
You have to set up the environment to use this library in both release and debug mode. That means installing it on either one through NuGet or setting up the correct include/library paths in the project settings.

In my case it was an unrelated Nuget package that had a higher .Net Framework version than my project.

I had a similar problem, with the same error of Invalid pointer, and it turned out that I had uninstalled Telerik from machine.
1. Make sure that you have Telerik installed , on my machine it is under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015\"
The file "Telerik.Web.UI.dll" is available in the Bin[nn]-folders, select the one you want (perhaps the latest version).
2. In visual studio; if your reference to "Telerik.Web.UI" has a yellow warning triangle it indicates that Visual Studio cannot locate the dll file.
Add new reference by browsing your Telerik Bin[nn] folder and selecting the file "Telerik.Web.UI.dll" (and repeat this for all projects using the Telerik components in your solution)


How do I fix missing NuGet references?

I'm using Visual Studio Professional 2017, version 15.6.6. A co-worker gave me a solution which he says I should be able to open and rebuild without any problems. There seems to be something wrong with either the NuGet packages and/or Framework. Co-worker will only say it must be something wrong with my computer, so I'm hoping someone here can help.
I tried right clicking on the solution and picking "Restore NuGet Packages". The references still have the yellow triangle by them. I tried to rebuild anyway and got the message "The reference assembilies for framework ".NETFramework, Version=v6.0" were not found. I looked at the project properties and saw the target framework was blank. I tried choosing .NET Framework 4.6, but that gave me multiple errors of the type "Package [name of NuGet package] is not compatible with net46(.NETFramework, Version=v4.6)." The co-worker had mentioned trying .NET Core before, so I tried downloading .NET Core 3.1 from this site: I installed it (including restarting my computer), but don't see .NET Core in the Target framework. Can anyone help guide me getting this solution running?
Here's an image showing the missing references (yellow triangle) on the right and the reference error message when I tried to rebuild.
Here's an image after I set the framework to 4.6 and showing the target framework choices I have available:
We can see that:
.NET 6 is supported by Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio 2022 for Mac (and later versions).
You can update to VS2022 and try again.

Visual Studio 2019 - MSBuild tools version 12 missing

I'd like our developers to use one version of Visual Studio for all of our projects (where possible) - to that end, I've asked them to use VS2019 for some projects that were originally created in VS2010 and then migrated to VS2013.
A runtime behavior change occurred when running one of these old webforms applications in VS2019. I'm not sure why it's different since the dlls being used are the same and the compiled IL is the same for the method in question, but at the moment I don't really care about "fixing" it since it would require making code changes and regression testing the entire application; a path I'd like to avoid for the moment.
What I'd like to do is make sure VS2019 builds with the indicated tools so that we retain the old behavior. The project file is referencing tools version 12 (VS2013 is not installed), but when Visual Studio builds I see the following in the MSBuild output:
Project file contains ToolsVersion="12.0". This toolset may be unknown or missing, in which case you may be able to resolve this by installing the appropriate version of MSBuild, or the build may have been forced to a particular ToolsVersion for policy reasons. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="Current". For more information, please see
I installed MSBuild Tools 2013, but that didn't correct the issue before or after a restart. I also tried with tools version 15 and got the same error (VS2017 is installed).
MSBuild from the VS2019 dev command prompt worked, but I had to copy the 14.0 webapplication targets to a new folder named "16.0". I'm not sure why there is a 14.0 folder but no 12.0 or 15.0 folder without doing more searching online.
Is this a fool's errand, or am I missing something simple?
MSBuild from the VS2019 dev command prompt worked, but I had to copy
the 14.0 webapplication targets to a new folder named "16.0". I'm not
sure why there is a 14.0 folder but no 12.0 or 15.0 folder without
doing more searching online.
Update 1
This is just a prompt warning to ensure that you'd better use the related MSBuild version to build the project. It is designed as a reminder message.
But in fact, MSBuild does add backward compatibility feature.
The message is just a warning rather than an error and will not break the build process. And if it breaks the build process, it can prove that backward compatibility is not supported.
You can test it: use VS2019 to build a VS2017 or VS2015 projects and I am sure that it can built them successfully.
Each version of VS creates a project that is built for the corresponding MSBuild version.
For example, in the project created in VS2010, its ToolsVersion="4.0", so when you use MSBuild from VS2010(msbuild v4.0), it will built without that warning.
VS2013-->ToolsVersion=12.0 , VS2015-->ToolsVersion=14.0 , VS2017-->ToolsVersion=15.0, VS2019--> ToolsVersion=Current
So when you build the project, you should try the related msbuild version to build them.
Although MSBuild supports backwards compatibility, the problem is always in the form of a warning, which has been troubling us during the project migration.
To solve it, you should use the related MSBuild to build the project with the corresponding ToolsVersion.
If you want to build them in VS2017, you should change ToolsVersion to 15.0 in every project's xxx.xxproj file.
If you want to build them in VS2019, you should change ToolsVersion to Current in every project's xxx.xxproj file.
More info, you can refer to my answer in this similar issue.

Asp.NetCore 1.1->2.0 Migration Error - `System.Object' is not defined or imported

I have a project I've been messing with and adding features to, and it was aspnet core 1.1. I am migrating it to 2.0.
I use Visual Studio for Mac, and it's up-to-date.
I am following this documentation:
The exact error I'm getting is:
The predefined type `System.Object' is not defined or imported
I found the answer:
In VS for Mac, it didn't let me get to a menu for selecting the target framework for a project. This is usually opened by right-clicking the project, and selecting "properties."
VS for Mac didn't show this.
Upon using my windows install on my iMac, I found the menu and saw AspNetCore2.0 wasn't listed (but 1.0 and 1.1 were). There was also another option to install more. this led me to:
At this page, there are SDK's for the AspNet Core 2.0 for macOS and windows 64-bit. You need to install these, and then it'll build.
The fact that visual studio doesn't indicate that you're missing a selected framework for the project you're trying to build (as defined in its config file) is absurd. They need to fix this to avoid these kind of headaches. I was under the impression that it wasn't needed, as the NUGET package for 2.0 had all o this.

How to upgrade a VC++6.0 project to VS2010?

I have MFC Dialogue based applications written in VC++6.0. Due to my work environment requirements I need to upgrade to Visual Studio 2010. I don't need to add any new feature, just compile with the upgraded visual studio.
Can any guide me on this?
What are all the primary requirements and how to start it?
Just open the project/solution in VS-2010. Convert it and compile.
You might get some compiler warnings/errors depending on your code, because the new compiler is more precise.
But most conversions lead just to a view warnings, like security stuff and others and should work directly.
From the VC++ team blog and Visual Studio 2010 C++ Project Upgrade Guide:
With Visual Studio 2010, C++ build system moved from the VCBuild based system to the MSBuild based build system.
The C++ project system is also built on top of the MSBuild build system.
There are some limitations, known issues or by design changes that you may run into during the upgrade process.
VS2010 supports upgrading from VC6, VS2002, VS2003, VS2005 and VS2008.
As in previous versions of Visual Studio, upgrade can be done either through IDE conversion wizards or from the command line (Devenv.exe /upgrade).
Here are the recommendations for upgrading your applications:
1) Set up the upgrade environment the same as your build environment
The upgrade process will try to load files and evaluate values during upgrade. If your projects use values that are not defined by the project files themselves, for example, values defined by environment variables, it is required that these environment variables are set up before doing the upgrade. Without these environment variables properly set up, you may get conversion warnings or errors caused by unevaluated values.
2) Make sure you have the required platforms installed before doing upgrade
Converting a project on a machine without all the available platforms for the project will result in a conversion error. For example, if you try to convert a project with Itanium Platform on Visual Studio Professional SKU, which does not support the Itanium platform, you will see a conversion error like the following:
Failed to upgrade 'Debug|<Itanium>'. Please make sure you have the corresponding platform installed under
'%vctargetspath%\platforms\Itanium'. Cannot load the project due to a corrupt project file. The following error
has occurred during XML parsing:
File: D:\Sample\ConsoleApp\ConsoleApp.vcproj
Line: 28
Column: 5
Error Message:
System error: -2147154677.
The file 'D:\Sample\ConsoleApp\ConsoleApp.vcproj' has failed to load.
This is by design as the conversion needs to evaluate the properties in the missing platforms to do a successful conversion. You can verify which platforms are installed on your machine by looking in the following directories: %ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\Microsoft.cpp\V4.0\Platforms (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\MSBuild\Microsoft.cpp\V4.0\Platforms on x64 machine) for the Platforms installed on the machine.
3) Use native Multi-Targeting to build against VS2008 toolset first if possible
In VS 2010, Native multi-targeting have been added which allows you to build against the Visual Studio 2008 toolset from within the VS2010 IDE using the new MSBuild-based project system. I recommend you to take advantage of this feature by using VS2010 to build against VS2008 toolset first when upgrading. This can help isolate any project system/build system related issues from the tools issues that you may run into after upgrade. This will make the move to the VS2010 toolset much smoother.
Upon upgrade, the property sheet files (.vsprops) are converted to their new format (.props). Likewise, project files (.vcproj) are converted to their new format (.vcxproj). Note, the new project files are generated alongside the old project files. A new file type (.filter.vcxproj) is also generated during conversion. The filter files contain the information that is used to display folders in the solution explorer. This filter information was originally part of the project file. This change was necessary because MSBuild requests a rebuild whenever the project files changes. By storing filter information in a separate file, the filter can be changed without triggering a rebuild of the entire project.
Note: Upgrade process will not convert the .user file. As a result, your debugging and deployment settings will not be preserved after conversion.
In VS2010, a new command line upgrade tool, VCUpgrade.exe is introduced. This command line tool is suitable for upgrading applications with only one project as it cannot take in solution file as input and parse solution information into project files. VCUpgrade.exe is located at: $(VSInstallDir)\common7\Tools directory. This tool will also be shipped in the next release of WinSDK so that the users can do command line upgrade of the project files shipped in WinSDK without Visual Studio IDE.

Target Framework does not change in Visual Studio 2010

When I change the target framework of any project in Visual Studio 2010 it does not actually change the System assembly references. For example if I target v2.0 and check the properties of System and System.Data I can see that they are still both v4.0. If i change the target to v3.5, System stays at v4.0 but System.Core changes to v3.5.
Because of this I am truly not targeting anything except v4.0.
There may be something strange in your install. I just created a WPF project, keeping the default settings, thus targeting .NET 4. Then, I switched to 3.5. VS asked to reload the project and then the targeted runtime of the references was v2 (correct) and their version was 3.5 (with an error that Microsoft.CSharp and System.Xaml were missing, which is understandable).
Then, I did the same for .NET 3 and 2 and got the same results: after reloading the project, the version of the referenced DLLs had changed were it made sense (System.Data is always v2.0).
When using the CLR v2, the vshost debug helper had its name changed to something like vshost-clrv2.
I've reinstalled Visual Studio several times and it hasn't solved anything. After uninstalling there is 10.0 stuff laying all over the place leading me to believe the uninstaller is also leaving what ever is causing this issue. I'm going to have to reinstall the OS to get the issue to go away.
I also wanted to link to my earlier post because this post has more information about how I originally discovered this issue, contains a link to the Microsoft Connect bug report I opened and links to several other users experiencing the same problem: Visual Studio 2010 Can no longer build .NET v3.5
