What does the % symbol mean in Ruby? [duplicate] - ruby

This question already has answers here:
How Does Modulus Divison Work
(19 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
What does the % symbol mean in Ruby? For example, I use the following code:
puts "Roosters #{100 - 25 * 3 % 4}"
And get the following output:
Where the deuce did the 97 come from? I've looked up what the modulo operator is and still have no idea what it does in this simple mathematics example.

Modulo operator.
It does division and returns the remainder. So, in your case, 75 / 4 is 18 with a remainder of 3.
25 * 3 = 75
75 % 4 = 3 (the remainder)
100 - 3 = 97

modulo - divide with remainder
divide, and take the remainder from the integer division.
10 / 3 = 3 (with remainder 1 that we discard with integer division)
10 % 3 = 1 (the part we normally discard is the part we are interested in with mod)
It is also used to create cycles. If we had a sequence of 1 to N, we could mod it by M and produce a cycle. Assume M = 3 again
for n in 0..10
m = n % 3
puts "#{n} mod 3 = #{m}"
0 mod 3 = 0
1 mod 3 = 1
2 mod 3 = 2
3 mod 3 = 0
4 mod 3 = 1
5 mod 3 = 2
6 mod 3 = 0
7 mod 3 = 1
8 mod 3 = 2
9 mod 3 = 0
10 mod 3 = 1


Represent integers on d digits using smallest possible base

I'd like to create a function where for an arbitrary integer input value (let's say unsigned 32 bit) and a given number of d digits the return value will be a d digit B base number, B being the smallest base that can be used to represent the given input on d digits.
Here is a sample input - output of what I have in mind for 3 digits:
Input Output
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 0 1 1
4 1 0 0
5 1 0 1
6 1 1 0
7 1 1 1
8 0 0 2
9 0 1 2
10 1 0 2
11 1 1 2
12 0 2 0
13 0 2 1
14 1 2 0
15 1 2 1
16 2 0 0
17 2 0 1
18 2 1 0
19 2 1 1
20 0 2 2
21 1 2 2
22 2 0 2
23 2 1 2
24 2 2 0
25 2 2 1
26 2 2 2
27 0 0 3
28 0 1 3
29 1 0 3
30 1 1 3
.. .....
The assignment should be 1:1, for each input value there should be exactly one, unique output value. Think of it as if the function should return the nth value from the list of strangely sorted B base numbers.
Actually this is the only approach I could come up so far with - given an input value, generate all the numbers in the smallest possible B base to represent the input on d digits, then apply a custom sorting to the results ('penalizing' the higher digit values and putting them further back in the sort), and return the nth value from the sorted array. This would work, but is a spectacularly inefficient implementation - I'd like to do this without generating all the numbers up to the input value.
What would be an efficient approach for implementing this function? Any language or pseudocode is fine.
MBo's answer shows how to find the smallest base that will represent an integer number with a given number of digits.
I'm not quite sure about the ordering in your example. My answer is based on a different ordering: Create all possible n-digit numbers up to base b (e.g. all numbers up to 999 for max. base 10 and 3 digits). Sort them according to their maximum digit first. Numbers are sorted normalls within a group with the same maximum digit. This retains the characteristic that all values from 8 to 26 must be base 3, but the internal ordering is different:
8 0 0 2
9 0 1 2
10 0 2 0
11 0 2 1
12 0 2 2
13 1 0 2
14 1 1 2
15 1 2 0
16 1 2 1
17 1 2 2
18 2 0 0
19 2 0 1
20 2 0 2
21 2 1 0
22 2 1 1
23 2 1 2
24 2 2 0
25 2 2 1
26 2 2 2
When your base is two, life is easy: Just generate the appropriate binary number.
For other bases, let's look at the first digit. In the example above, five numbers start with 0, five start with 1 and nine start with 2. When the first digit is 2, the maximum digit is assured to be 2. Therefore, we can combine 2 with a 9 2-digit numbers of base 3.
When the first digit is smaller than the maximum digit in the group, we can combine it with the 9 2-digit numbers of base 3, but we must not use the 4 2-digit numbers that are ambiguous with the 4 2-digit numbers of base 2. That gives us five possibilites for the digits 0 and 1. These possibilities – 02, 12, 20, 21 and 22 – can be described as the unique numbers with two digits according to the same scheme, but with an offset:
4 0 2
5 1 2
6 2 0
7 2 1
8 2 2
That leads to a recursive solution:
for one digit, just return the number itself;
for base two, return the straightforward representation in base 2;
if the first number is the maximum digit for the determined base, combine it with a straighforward representations in that base;
otherwise combine it with a recursively determined representation of the same algorithm with one fewer digit.
Here's an example in Python. The representation is returned as list of numbers, so that you can represent 2^32 − 1 as [307, 1290, 990].
import math
def repres(x, ndigit, base):
"""Straightforward representation of x in given base"""
s = []
while ndigit:
s += [x % base]
x /= base
ndigit -= 1
return s
def encode(x, ndigit):
"""Encode according to min-base, fixed-digit order"""
if ndigit <= 1:
return [x]
base = int(x ** (1.0 / ndigit)) + 1
if base <= 2:
return repres(x, ndigit, 2)
x0 = (base - 1) ** ndigit
nprev = (base - 1) ** (ndigit - 1)
ncurr = base ** (ndigit - 1)
ndiff = ncurr - nprev
area = (x - x0) / ndiff
if area < base - 1:
xx = x0 / (base - 1) + x - x0 - area * ndiff
return [area] + encode(xx, ndigit - 1)
xx0 = x0 + (base - 1) * ndiff
return [base - 1] + repres(x - xx0, ndigit - 1, base)
for x in range(32):
r = encode(x, 3)
print x, r
Assuming that all values are positive, let's make simple math:
d-digit B-based number can hold value N if
Bd > N
B > N1/d
So calculate N1/d value, round it up (increment if integer), and you will get the smallest base B.
(note that numerical errors might occur)
d=2, N=99 => 9.95 => B=10
d=2, N=100 => 10 => B=11
d=2, N=57 => 7.55 => B=8
d=2, N=33 => 5.74 => B=6
Delphi code
function GetInSmallestBase(N, d: UInt32): string;
Base, i: Byte;
Base := Ceil(Power(N, 1/d) + 1.0E-12);
if Base > 36 then
Exit('Big number, few digits...');
SetLength(Result, d);
for i := d downto 1 do begin
Result[i] := Digits[1 + N mod Base]; //Delphi string is 1-based
N := N div Base;
Result := Result + Format(' : base [%d]', [Base]);
Memo1.Lines.Add(GetInSmallestBase(99, 2));
Memo1.Lines.Add(GetInSmallestBase(100, 2));
Memo1.Lines.Add(GetInSmallestBase(987, 2));
Memo1.Lines.Add(GetInSmallestBase(1987, 2));
Memo1.Lines.Add(GetInSmallestBase(87654321, 6));
Memo1.Lines.Add(GetInSmallestBase(57, 2));
Memo1.Lines.Add(GetInSmallestBase(33, 2));
99 : base [10]
91 : base [11]
UR : base [32]
Big number, few digits...
H03LL7 : base [22]
71 : base [8]
53 : base [6]

How to compute the remainder of a very large number (string with 1 mi digits) in the division by 1500

I'm wondering if there is a trick with number theory to compute this remainder without need to implement a BigInt division algorithm.
Haha, it's easy!
I can iterate over all digits, adding each parcel...
Using the properties:
1) (a+b) mod c = (a mod c + b mod c) mod c
2) (a*b) mod c = (a mod c * b mod c) mod c
The power of ten can be increased mod 1500 each step.
Its simple, just check these three things:
Divisibility by 1500
it has to be divisible by 100 (last two digits must be 00)
it has to be divisible by 5 (third digit from right has to be 0 or 5)
it has to be divisible by 3 (iterate over all digits, sum them, and the result has to be divisible by 3)
And if you want to know the remainder, its again simple:
Check for divisible by 5 and get remainder
get remainder from last 4 digits after division by 500, it will be from 0 to 499.
Check for divisible by 3 and get remainder
iterate over all digits, sum them, and get remainder from that after division by 3, it will be from 0 to 2.
and depending from this remainder increase the remainder from 1st step by this remainder multiplied by 500.
Example 1
1234567890 % 1500 = 390
7890 % 500 = 390
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 0 = 45 and 45 % 3 = 0, so nothing has to be added to 390 and the result is then 390.
Example 2
12345678901 % 1500 = 901
8901 % 500 = 401
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 0 + 1 = 46 and 46 % 3 = 1, so we have to add 1 * 500 to the result from 1st step, so 401 + 1 * 500 = 901.
Example 3
1357913579 % 1500 = 1079
3579 % 500 = 79
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 50 and 50 % 3 = 2, so we have to add 2 * 500 to the result from 1st step, so 79 + 2 * 500 = 1079.
Hope this helps you.

Division algorithm with decimal bignum

EDIT: I rebased my bignum class to use std::bitset and I just implemented long division fine. I just didn't know any class to store bits. (like std::bitset)
I'm making a bignum class with std::string to use decimal characters as internal representation. I tried implementing division with a simple algorithm:
while N ≥ D do
N := N - D
return N
And of course it was slow. I tried implementing long division but that was too hard to do with decimal characters.
Thanks in advance.
Instead of subtracting D very often you could try to find the highest value of the form
D^2n and sub this. Than repeat that steps with the remaining value until the remaining is less than D.
0 result=0
1 powerOfD = D
2 while (powerOfD*powerOfD<N)
3 powerOfD=powerOfD*powerOfD
4 result = result+powerOfD/D, N=N-powerOfD;
5 if(N>D)
6 goto 1
7 return result
Example 31/3 (N=31, D=3)
0 result=0
1 powerD = 3;
2 3*3 < 31 TRUE
3 powerOfD= 3*3;
2 9*9 < 31 FALSE
4 result=0+9/3; N=31 - 9
5 22> 3 TRUE
6 goto 1
1 powerD = 3
2 3*3 < 22 TRUE
3 powerOfD= 3*3;
2 9*9 < 31 FALSE
4 result=3+9/3; N=22 - 9
5 13> 3 TRUE
6 goto 1
1 powerD = 3
2 3*3 < 13 TRUE
3 powerOfD= 3*3;
2 9*9 < 31 FALSE
4 result=6+9/3; N=13 - 9
5 4> 3 TRUE
6 goto 1
1 powerD = 3
2 3*3 < 4 ALSE
4 result=9+3/3; N=4-3
5 1> 3 FALSE
7 return 10

Transpose and reshape a 3d array in matlab

Suppose I have an array X of size n by p by q. I would like to reshape it as a matrix with p rows, and in each row put the concatenation of the n rows of size q, resulting in a matrix of size p by nq.
I managed to do it with a loop but it takes a while say if n=1000, p=300, q=300.
for k=1:size(F,1)
Is there a faster way?
I think this is what you want:
Y = reshape(permute(X, [2 1 3]), size(X,2), []);
Example with n=2, p=3, q=4:
>> X
X(:,:,1) =
0 6 9
8 3 0
X(:,:,2) =
4 7 1
3 7 4
X(:,:,3) =
4 7 2
6 7 6
X(:,:,4) =
6 1 9
1 4 3
>> Y = reshape(permute(X, [2 1 3]), size(X,2), [])
Y =
0 8 4 3 4 6 6 1
6 3 7 7 7 7 1 4
9 0 1 4 2 6 9 3
Try this -
reshape(permute(X,[2 3 1]),p,[])
Thus, for code verification, one can look into a sample case run -
n = 2;
p = 3;
q = 4;
X = rand(n,p,q)
for k=1:n
F0_noloop = reshape(permute(X,[2 3 1]),p,[])
Output is -
F0 =
0.4134 0.6938 0.3782 0.4775 0.2177 0.0098 0.7043 0.6237
0.1257 0.8432 0.7295 0.2364 0.3089 0.9223 0.2243 0.1771
0.7261 0.7710 0.2691 0.8296 0.7829 0.0427 0.6730 0.7669
F0_noloop =
0.4134 0.6938 0.3782 0.4775 0.2177 0.0098 0.7043 0.6237
0.1257 0.8432 0.7295 0.2364 0.3089 0.9223 0.2243 0.1771
0.7261 0.7710 0.2691 0.8296 0.7829 0.0427 0.6730 0.7669
Rather than using vectorization to solve the problem, you could look at the code to try and figure out what may improve performance. In this case, since you know the size of your output matrix F0 should be px(n*q), you could pre-allocate memory to F0 and avoid the constant resizing of the matrix at each iteration of the for loop
for k=1:size(F,1)
F0(:,(k-1)*q+1:k*q) = squeeze(F(k,:,:));
While probably not as efficient as the other two solutions, it is an alternative. Try the above and see what happens!

Can someone please explain the use of modulus in this code?

I know that modulus gives the remainder and that this code will give the survivor of the Josephus Problem. I have noticed a pattern that when n mod k = 0, the starting count point begins at the very beginning of the circle and that when n mod k = 1, the person immediately before the beginning of the circle survived that execution round through the circle.
I just don't understand how this recursion uses modulus to find the last man standing and what josephus(n-1,k) is actually referring to. Is it referring to the last person to get executed or the last survivor of a specific round through the circle?
def josephus( n, k):
if n ==1:
return 1
return ((josephus(n-1,k)+k-1) % n)+1
This answer is both a summary of the Josephus Problem and an answer to your questions of:
What is josephus(n-1,k) referring to?
What is the modulus operator being used for?
When calling josephus(n-1,k) that means that you've executed every kth person up to a total of n-1 times. (Changed to match George Tomlinson's comment)
The recursion keeps going until there is 1 person standing, and when the function returns itself to the top, it will return the position that you will have to be in to survive. The modulus operator is being used to help stay within the circle (just as GuyGreer explained in the comments). Here is a picture to help explain:
1 2
6 3
5 4
Let the n = 6 and k = 2 (execute every 2nd person in the circle). First run through the function once and you have executed the 2nd person, the circle becomes:
1 X
6 3
5 4
Continue through the recursion until the last person remains will result in the following sequence:
1 2 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X X X
6 3 -> 6 3 -> 6 3 -> X 3 -> X X -> X X
5 4 5 4 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X
When we check the values returned from josephus at n we get the following values:
n = 1 return 1
n = 2 return (1 + 2 - 1) % 2 + 1 = 1
n = 3 return (1 + 2 - 1) % 3 + 1 = 3
n = 4 return (3 + 2 - 1) % 4 + 1 = 1
n = 5 return (1 + 2 - 1) % 5 + 1 = 3
n = 6 return (3 + 2 - 1) % 6 + 1 = 5
Which shows that josephus(n-1,k) refers to the position of the last survivor. (1)
If we removed the modulus operator then you will see that this will return the 11th position but there is only 6 here so the modulus operator helps keep the counting within the bounds of the circle. (2)
Your first question has been answered above in the comments.
To answer your second question, it's referring to the position of the last survivor.
Consider j(4,2).
Using the algorithm gives
and so
Now the table of j(2,2) is
1 2
1 x
so j(2,2) is indeed 1.
For j(3,2) we have
1 2 3
1 x 3
x x 3
so j(3,2) is 3 as required.
Finally, j(4,2) is
1 2 3 4
1 x 3 4
1 x 3 x
1 x x x
which tells us that j(4,2)=1 as required.
