Ruby cgi needs to reload apache for new value? - ruby

I have phusion-passenger installed with apache on Ubuntu. In my, I have the following code:
require 'cgi'
$tpl =['myvar'] + '.rb'
app = proc do |env|
[200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html" }, [$tpl]]
run app
So then when I go to my browser at http://localhost/?myvar=hello, I see the word hello printed out, which is fine. Then I change the url to http://localhost/?myvar=world, but the page still shows hello. Only after I reload apache will the page show world.
Before using phusion-passenger, I was using mod_ruby with apache. If I remember correctly, I didn't need to restart apache to get the CGI variable to print the updated value.
I'm not stuck on needing to use CGI. I just want to be able to grab query string parameters without having to reload apache each time.
I'm not using rails or Sinatra because i'm just trying to wrap my head around the Ruby language and what phusion-passenger with apache is all about.

IMO this behavior makes sense. Because $tpl is set only once when the file is loaded, what happens when the first request is served. After that - in following requests - only the proc is called, but that does not change $tpl anymore.
Instead of using plain CGI, I would do it with a very simple Rack app:
require 'rack'
require 'rack/server'
class Server
req =
tpl = "#{req.params['myvar']}.rb"
[200, {}, [tpl]]
run Server


Intercept WEBrick request

I have a web app that runs on different pieces of hardware, that for the most part consists of smart TVs and set-top boxes.
My web app contains a ruby script to setup the app for local debugging. This script builds my app, listens for file changes, and hosts the app using a simple WEBrick server.
Now I'm running into a problem on a specific piece of hardware. This hardware expects to get a success response from a POST request to a health_check API running on the same host as the web app, before it will load up the web app.
I'm simply hoping to intercept this request and spoof it so that the hardware will load my client. So far I've gotten as far as this:
def start_server
require 'webrick'
root = File.expand_path 'public'
request_callback = { |req, res|
if req.path =~ /health_check/
# return 200 response somehow?
server = :Port => 5000, :DocumentRoot => root, :RequestCallback => request_callback
I can modify the response object to set status to 200, but it still ends up returning a 404.
You don't need to "intercept" all requests and check for a specific path. You simply want mount_proc, to handle a specific route with a proc.
Add the following before server.start:
server.mount_proc '/health_check' do |req, res|
res.body = 'what what' # your content here
You'll probably want to wrap this in a check to determine if you're running on whatever custom hardware requires this behavior.
See Custom Behavior in the WEBrick docs.

Modular Sinatra app returns 404's under Passenger

I have a modular Sinatra app which runs fine when executed with rackup. The file is defined as follows:
map '/' do
run My::Controllers::Default
map '/api' do
run My::Controllers::Api
When I run the app under nginx/passenger I get nothing but 404's, even for the '/' route. Suspecting that something was wrong with routing, I modified as follows:
run My::Controllers::Default
After restarting nginx, I was served the default page of the app. However, the default page of the app reaches into the api route to get some documentation to display, and that part returns a 404. Given that is able to run the Default controller, I'm sure that the issue has nothing to do with being able to load all of the relevant ruby files--which seems to be the problem in other related questions I've found on SO.
With that in mind I modified as follows:
map '/api' do
run My::Controllers::Api
run My::Controllers::Default
At this point I'm back to getting nothing but 404's, even for the '/' route. It seems that the map statement is confusing the webserver and making it unable to find the correct routes.
If I just run the app using rackup everything behaves as expected, so I'm really at a loss to explain what I'm seeing.
I remember this being the answer. Let me know if it works for you. If it does I'll "Accept" the answer so that others will find it.
A bug in passenger prevents it from understanding the map statement in!msg/phusion-passenger/PoEEp9YcWbY/1y0QL_i3tHYJ
class PassengerFix
def initialize(app)
#app = app
def call(env)
env["SERVER_NAME"] = env["HTTP_HOST"]
configure do
use PassengerFix

Strange issue in Sinatra

ok so this is very strange (well is to me), everything in my master branch works fine, I then created a new branch called twitter to conduct some twitter feed implementation. I have done this and was working yesterday on my linux machine.. I have pulled the branch today in a windows environment but when i load the app i now get the regular Sinatra 404 Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty.
This is my profile.rb file
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require './config/config.rb' if File.exists?('./config/config.rb')
require 'sinatra/jsonp'
require 'twitter'
require 'sinatra/static_assets'
class Profile < Sinatra::Base
helpers Sinatra::Jsonp
enable :json_pretty
register Sinatra::StaticAssets
##twitter_client =
:consumer_key => ENV["CONSUMER_KEY"],
:consumer_secret => ENV["CONSUMER_SECRET"],
:oauth_token => ENV["OAUTH_TOKEN"],
:oauth_token_secret => ENV["OAUTH_SECRET"],
get '/' do
erb :index
get '/feed' do
jsonp ##twitter_client.user_timeline('richl14').map(&:attrs)
require './profile'
run Profile
Does anyone have any ideas of what i need to be looking at to solve this? Can anyone speak from experience with this?
When you use the classic Sinatra style you use require 'sinatra' and then add routes to the top level. These routes get added to the Sinatra::Application. When you directly run this file, e.g. with ruby my_app.rb, Sinatra runs a built in web server, which will serve the Sinatra::Application app.
When you use the modular style, you use require 'sinatra/base', and then add routes to your Sinatra::Base subclass. In this case directly executing the file doesn’t start the built in server.
In your case you are using the modular style, but have used require 'sinatra'. You create your Profile app, but when you run the file directly Sinatra launches the built in server and serves the Sinatra::Application app. Since you haven’t added any routes to this (they’ve all been added to Profile) it runs but all requests return 404.
One way to get your app to launch you is to use rackup. This will launch the Profile app that you have explicitly set in your (Explicitly starting your webserver will also work, e.g. using thin start).
Another possibility would be to add a line like this to the end of your Profile class:
run! if app_file == $0
This tells Sinatra to start the build in server running the Profile app if the file is the same as the Ruby file being executed, in a similar way to how the classic style app is launched. If you use this method you should change require 'sinatra' to require 'sinatra/base' otherwise you will get two servers launched, one after the other (in fact you should probably make that change anyway).
See the Sinatra docs for more info about the difference between classic and modular style.

Sinatra Net::HTTP causes timeouts on a simple request

I have a small simple Net::HTTP POST request to do to my Sinatra app:
def collect(website)
uri = URI("http://localhost:9393/save/#{website}")
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => 'ruby', 'max' => '50')
puts res.body
But it causes a timeout. Here is the request handler:
post '/save/:website' do |website|
puts request.body
I never reach the puts nor the done. My shotgun server is running on port 9393 of course. When I use the REST Console extension and paste valid json in it, it works for that same path.
What is causing this Timeout::Error?
So the weird thing is, I changed my server from shotgun to simply running it with sinatra and the gem sinatra/reloader. I was using shotgun because it would auto reload whenever the source file changed, and sinatra itself didn't.
After ditching shotgun, it worked straight away.

POSTing an HTML form to remote.cgi - written in Ruby?

I am working on a website hosted on microsoft's office live service. It has a contact form enabling visitors to get in touch with the owner. I want to write a Ruby script that sits on a seperate sever and which the form will POST to. It will parse the form data and email the details to a preset address. The script should then redirect the browser to a confirmation page.
I have an ubuntu hardy machine running nginx and postfix. Ruby is installed and we shall see about using Thin and it's Rack functionality to handle the script. Now it's come to writing the script and i've drawn a blank.
It's been a long time and if i remember rightly the process is something like;
read HTTP header
parse parameters
send email
send redirect header
Broadly speaking, the question has been answered. Figuring out how to use the answer was more complicated than expected and I thought worth sharing.
First Steps:
I learnt rather abruptly that nginx doesn't directly support cgi scripts. You have to use some other process to run the script and get nginx to proxy requests over. If I was doing this in php (which in hind sight i think would have been a more natural choice) i could use something like php-fcgi and expect life would be pretty straight forward.
Ruby and fcgi felt pretty daunting. But if we are abandoning the ideal of loading these things at runtime then Rack is probably the most straight forward solution and Thin includes all we need. Learning how to make basic little apps with them has been profoundly beneficial to a relative Rails newcomer like me. The foundations of a Rails app can seem hidden for a long time and Rack has helped me lift the curtain that little bit further.
Nonetheless, following Yehuda's advice and looking up sinatra has been another surprise. I now have a basic sinatra app running in a Thin instance. It communicates with nginx over a unix socket in what i gather is the standard way. Sinatra enables a really elegant way to handle different requests and routes into the app. All you need is a get '/' {} to start handling requests to the virtual host. To add more (in a clean fashion) we just include a routes/script.rb into the main file.
# cgi-bin.rb
# main file loaded as a sinatra app
require 'sinatra'
# load cgi routes
require 'routes/default'
require 'routes/contact'
# 404 behaviour
not_found do
"Sorry, this CGI host does not recognize that request."
These route files will call on functionality stored in a separate library of classes:
# routes/contact.rb
# contact controller
require 'lib/contact/contactTarget'
require 'lib/contact/contactPost'
post '/contact/:target/?' do |target|
# the target for the message is taken from the URL
msg =, target)
redirect msg.action, 302
The sheer horror of figuring out such a simple thing will stay with me for a while. I was expecting to calmly let nginx know that .rb files were to be executed and to just get on with it. Now that this little sinatra app is up and running, I'll be able to dive straight in if I want to add extra functionality in the future.
The ContactPost class handles the messaging aspect. All it needs to know are the parameters in the request and the target for the email. ContactPost::action kicks everything off and returns an address for the controller to redirect to.
There is a separate ContactTarget class that does some authentication to make sure the specified target accepts messages from the URL given in request.referrer. This is handled in ContactTarget::accept? as we can guess from the ContactPost::action method;
# lib/contact/contactPost.rb
class ContactPost
# ...
def action
return failed unless #target.accept? #request.referer
if send?
# ...
ContactPost::successful and ContactPost::failed each return a redirect address by combining paths supplied with the HTML form with the request.referer URI. All the behaviour is thus specified in the HTML form. Future websites that use this script just need to be listed in the user's own ~/cgi/contact.conf and they'll be away. This is because ContactTarget looks in /home/:target/cgi/contact.conf for the details. Maybe oneday this will be inappropriate, but for now it's just fine for my purposes.
The send method is simple enough, it creates an instance of a simple Email class and ships it out. The Email class is pretty much based on the standard usage example given in the Ruby net/smtp documentation;
# lib/email/email.rb
require 'net/smtp'
class Email
def initialize(from_alias, to, reply, subject, body)
#from_alias = from_alias
#from = ""
#to = to
#reply = reply
#subject = subject
#body = body
def send
Net::SMTP.start('localhost', 25) do |smtp|
smtp.send_message to_s, #from, #to
def to_s
From: #{#from_alias}
To: #{#to}
Reply-To: #{#from_alias}
Subject: #{#subject}
Date: #{DateTime::now().to_s}
All I need to do is rack up the application, let nginx know which socket to talk to and we're away.
Thank you everyone for your helpful pointers in the right direction! Long live sinatra!
It's all in the Net module, here's an example:
#net = '', 80
#params = {:name => 'doris', :email => ''}
# Create HTTP request
req = 'script.cgi', {} )
req.set_form_data #params
# Send request
response = #net.start do |http|
http.read_timeout = 5600
http.request req
Probably the best way to do this would be to use an existing Ruby library like Sinatra:
require "rubygems"
require "sinatra"
get "/myurl" do
# params hash available here
# send email
You'll probably want to use MailFactory to send the actual email, but you definitely don't need to be mucking about with headers or parsing parameters.
CGI class of Ruby can be used for writing CGI scripts. Please check:
By the way, there is no need to read the HTTP header. Parsing parametres will be easy using CGI class. Then, send the e-mail and redirect.
