No images on any custom theme on any forum software - image

I have a forum:
When I use the default theme, everything is fine. However, no images will show when I use any custom theme. I have made sure I am using themes for the correct version of phpBB. I got frustrated and tried a different forum software, MyBB and had the exact same issue, where the default theme worked fine but any custom themes will not show images. So I assume this is not forum software but something on the server. It is an Apache server hosted through HostPapa.
One thing I notice is that if I try to go to the images directly, they also act different. For example, if I go to, which is one of the default themes, I can see the image. However if I go to the same image in the downloaded theme, I get a 404 error, permission denied, however the file permissions are exactly the same.
This sounds super simple but I can't find the solution. I appreciate the help.


My laravel app does not take modification

Good morning! I don't have much experience with laravel. I created an app with laravel then I installed breeze for authentication and I also installed an html/css theme everything works fine. The problem is that if I make a modification in the app.blade.php or the home component.blade.php nothing is displayed as if there was no modification but when I got connected and I makes the changes appear on the dashboard. Similarly if I add a link in the menu there is no effect even the text does not change however if I log in the change appears. please See how you can help me please
I searched on google but without result.

image goes upto tmp folder but is not uploaded in product image Magento

I updated my website theme and just a week back backend admin product image upload functionality completely stopped working. I am not able to view or upload images at all. I have checked the permissions made changes to Uploader.php in lib it goes up to tmp folder but doesnot upload. my Magento version is mentioned. I tried disabling modules. Adding Dull uploader / Maven HTML5 Uploader none of which seems to work. I have gone through most questions on Stack but no solution seems to work. Any help pointing me towards a good solution is appreciated
it seems that the theme update may be causing this issue.
First thing you can try is changing the theme to magento's default theme.
If this is not helping, you can try going into the image upload page in magento backend and inspect the page, see if there are any error messages.If this isn't helping you can try contacting the theme's support team to help you, or ask them for older version of the theme so you revert it.

Silverstripe 3.1.2 Issue saving FocusPoint when module used with Gallery module

I'm using two great modules for Silverstripe 3 but there is a conflict somewhere which I can't work out. I've asked the developers but they have not found the solution yet.
FocusPoint which allows you to choose where the image crops from. Great!
Gallery, popular gallery module.
Both work fine. But Focus points do not "save" within the gallery section of a Gallery page. You can edit and choose the focus point but after saving it snaps back to the previous position. You can alter the focus point in the Files tab of the CMS so it must be how Gallery saves each image.
I have updated the template to CroppedFocusedImage but this is not a template issue.
It would be a very helpful addition.
Can you please provide some details of failure? Do you see any warning or error messages if you run in dev mode? Any small black error box on left-top when you save?
If FocusPoint module does not work, you can have a look at folder permissions or maybe any PHP libraries like ImageMagick, GD support etc. Maybe you you changed something during upgrade?
If both modules work individually, but the problem is cropped image is not saved in correct directory, it is another issue although it could still be permission issue.
You can set which folder it needs to save into, same as how you set in normal UploadField. But it wouldn't change just because of your upgrade.
For anyone looking for the answer it has been resolved here:

opencart theme not changing

I installed opencart 1.5.6 on my localhost, and it's not possible for me to change the theme. The admin panel says the new theme is active, but the default theme always appears.
I made the same installation on a remote server, and everything is working well there.
I have no idea what's wrong on my localhost. I'm on a new installation on Ubuntu 12.4 with a default configuration for LAMP. I tried to compare the two phpinfo but there are so many things that are different that gives me no clue.
It was just a problem of rights on the theme folder. Very stupid ...
First, I would check your database to see if the change is registered. Use phpMyAdmin (or whatever included with your LAMP stack) and look at the "oc_setting" (prefix may differ) and see if the config_template is set to the template you've chosen via the admin. This will help identify if the issue is database related.
I have the solution, the ACTUAL solution. (For me anyway)
Extract the theme.
Login to your OpenCart website using FTP. Please read our article if
you need help using FTP.
Upload the catalog and images folders to the root of your OpenCart installation.
Once the upload is finished, log into your OpenCart Dashboard and go
to System > Settings
Choose your website from the list, check the box next to it, and select “Edit”
In the store tab you will now see your new theme option available under 'Template'
Click Save.
It has now been updated.
Many, many tutorials online at the moment incorrectly instruct people to upload their theme directly into the catalog > view > theme location as though it were a WordPress theme or similar. You actually need to put the appropriate resources where they need to be.

Magento frontend and backend page looks different

I am a newb in magento and recently started looking at it to create a store for my client.
I am not sure but i tried installing firephp extension and soon after that I’m having my screen looks like the screenshot. ** please check the link provided!
Do I have to make any installations to get everything working as normal or what am I suppose to do to go to the normal screen. I have also changed the inline translation option to NO if thats what it requires.
Any help would be appreciated.
Cheers I have also posted this question on the magento forum
Looks like you turned on some sort of template building helper that shows what templates generate which parts of the page.
Some quick googling found this, which appears to be the one. Look for "Template Path Hints" in the settings and turn it off.
