Apache Jmeter missing Config Element Http Request - jmeter

I open a GUI for Apache Jmeter and not all of the features that are shown in videos and tutorials are shown. It's missing the Add > Config Element > Http Request. Where is this config element? Why is it missing from my version of Apache Jmeter?

I use linux mint and installed JMeter from the software manager. To get that component, along with other HTTP components, I needed to install the http module along with the main application.

Use latest version of JMeter which is 2.11 (at this time of posting this answer). http://jmeter.apache.org/download_jmeter.cgi
You mean 'HTTP Request Defaults'? (It lets you set default values that your HTTP Request)
If yes, as they say, it will be available in the below path.
If you are looking for 'HTTP Request' - it is NOT a config element. It is a sampler. So you need to have a 'Thread Group' to see a sampler.
So, add a Thread Group first.
Then Select Thread Group -> Go to Sampler -> HTTP Request.

When you're on linux and after installing jmeter you miss HTTP Request options you have to run:
sudo apt-get install jmeter-http
To install missing http module.


Jmeter report giving errors with distributed mode but errors don`t appear in result tree

I am running my test in distributed mode from the GUI. I have some 20,000 users and two vitual machines have more than 4 VPCUs and 80 Gg memory. I can`t see any stress on any of the machines, neither the slaves or masters, nor the server under test and I could hardly see any error in the GUI. However, in the report, I am having the following errors:
Non HTTP response code: javax.net.ssl.SSLException/Non HTTP response
message: Couldn't kickstart handshaking
Non HTTP response code: javax.net.ssl.SSLException/Non HTTP response
message: readHandshakeRecord
Non HTTP response code: javax.net.ssl.SSLException/Non HTTP response
message: Connection reset
The errors are only 0.05%
Can anyone help me what these errors mean and how can I correct them.
You are not seeing the error in GUI because i.e. View Results Tree listener shows only 500 last results, it is controllable by view.results.tree.max_results JMeter Property and if you add the next line to user.properties file:
next time you run JMeter you will see each and every request in the View Results Tree listener.
Be informed that GUI mode should be used for tests development and debugging, execution should happen in command-line non-GUI mode
For Couldn't kickstart handshaking and readHandshakeRecord - you can get some troubleshooting information by enabling debug logging for SSL, it can be done by adding the next line to system.properties file:
For Connection reset - see JMeterSocketClosed wiki article
If you have access to your application logs - check them for any suspicious entries
More information:
Apache JMeter Properties Reference
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Kindly share if any attribute can be set in properties file or anywhere in jmeter to update the waiting time and maximum tries to get server response

Getting 'response code 504 - GATEWAY TIMEOUT' when run jmeter scripts in distributed mode (1 master, 2 slaves in aws - ec2 instances). Kindly share if any attribute/value can be set in properties file or anywhere in jmeter to update the waiting time and maximum tries to get server response.
Actually you are getting the response already so you don't need to change any properties as they will not have any effect. If you need to retry the request in case of receiving HTTP status code 504 follow the next steps:
Store response code into a JMeter Variable using Regular Expression Extractor like:
Once done you can put your HTTP Request under the While Controller and use the following condition: ${__javaScript("${code}" != "200",)}.
This way JMeter will retry executing the sampler until response code will not become 200.

What is the default response timeout in JMeter?

Can anyone help to know about default response time in JMeter if we do not set any timeout in 'HTTP request' sampler?
It defaults to 0 (no timeout)
The recommended way of setting the timeout is using GUI.
If for some reason it doesn't play for you you can use the following properties:
user.properties file:
httpclient.parameters file:
Both files live under JMeter's "bin" folder, JMeter restart is required to pick the properties up after the change.
Timeouts for http requests
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond in Jmeter

I have recorded a script and trying to replay the script. During the run i'm receiving the following errors.
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond
I'm receiving this errors from the payment gateway hits.
It looks like you're experiencing the issue described in Connection Reset since JMeter 2.10 ?, this is due to applied configuration to make JMeter to act like well-behaved browsers.
If you're totally sure that everything is fine with your server, you can try tweaking some JMeter properties in order to workaround these errors
Add the next 2 lines to user.properties file (located in JMeter's "bin" folder)
In hc.parameters file (lives in JMeter's "bin" folder as well) add the following line:
You need to restart JMeter to pick these properties up.
Also above instructions apply to HTTPClient4 implementation. It is default for the most recent JMeter versions, but just in case you can explicitly set it for all HTTP Request samplers using HTTP Request Defaults configuration element.
More often than not, this happens when you use the wrong port. Please check if you are using the right URL (name + port).
In addition to what Sasidhar indicated, you may want to ensure the JVM on the server associated with your port # is up and running. I've seen this when the JVM has been stopped without my knowledge. If none of these work, ensure the target server's httpd.conf file is properly configured and the server is actually up and running.

How to make Jmeter recognize "localhost" URL?

How to do performance testing of localhost url which is accessible only to my computer?
I am able to do performance testing using jmeter for live websites like google etc but jmeter is not able to detect local url.
URL of application-
2. Output of View Results Tree listener- ALL failed http alerts Description of screenshot of HTTP Request sampler- added only server name i.e URL –
I have the same problem, but my mistake is that I thik the Server Name was the URL Base and it is not works.
This is the wrong way:
Server Name: "localhost/api/v1" (Wrong)
Http Request -> Path: "/auth"
Http Request Defaults (Jmeter):
The correct way:
Server Name: "localhost"
Http Request -> Path: "/api/v1/auth"
Http Request Defaults (Jmeter):
Http Request (Test):
JMeter doesn't care whether application under test is local or remote, if you cannot hit local URL with JMeter - something is wrong with your HTTP Request Sampler configuration, most likely "Port" value is wrong.
In order to be able to help we need to know the following:
1. URL of your application
2. Output of View Results Tree listener
3. Contents of JMeter log
4. Description of screenshot of your HTTP Request sampler
As an alternative option you can try recording your scenario using JMeter Chrome Extension and see if you're able to replay recorded scenario without errors. Again, use View Results Tree listener to inspect request and response details.
In general it is not recommended to run the application under test and the load generator on the same physical or virtual machine as the load generator (JMeter in your case) may consume immense amount of resources like CPU and RAM and it may interfere your application health (unless you're using completely isolated containers), so I would recommend use separate hosts for application and the load generator.
For anyone testing localhost with JMeter for the first time, make sure endpoint are configured correctly.
For a Get request of http://localhost:8080/rest/comments, set:
Server Name or IP: localhost
Port Number: 8080
Path: /rest/comments
Method: Get
please note that i have attached images for each step
Step 1 : First create Thread Group .After Create thread group you will see three part.
Number of thread means how many requests you want to perform and loop count means how many time you want to execute
Step 2 : right click on the thread group Add --> Sampler --> http request as like attach image .In the name filed just give a name as like whats you want.In my case it was Order Service http request
In protocol filed i am going to http request so for that i have given http in the box
In the server name i have set it to localhost because i am using local machine .If you use just remote server then use Ip address or domain name . Don't use http or port number before or after the ip address or domain name
In the port number field i am using 9003 that's why I have given 9003 .
In the http request field use your desired http method in my case i will post some data so i am using POST method so that i have selected post method
Path field just use the path after the ip address or domain name or localhost in my case it was order/create-order . please note that do not add forward slash before that. slash will automatically added by JMeter.
As it is post request so My server side request some body data so i have attached that as json format so click on the body data
step 3 : Sometimes you need to pass some header information for example content type . for that you need to create another option HTTP header manager to create that option . Right click on the thread group then add-> config element- > http header manage as like attach image . I have given the content type
Step 4 : Now you are ready to for request to server but sometimes you need to check the response and other thing so for that click on the thread group then add -> listner -> view result tree
Final Step : To execute the request, click on the greeen button from the top bar.
In order to have Jmeter "recognize" localhost (and any other program on your machine) you have to modify host file:
On Windows
Typically host is located under C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/. Just open it with any text editor.
Add following record to this file and save changes: localhost
On OSx
Open /private/etc/hosts file for editing with any text editor
Add following record to this file and save changes: localhost
As a result you'll map localhost to your computers default local IP address which is
Get your ip addres using ipconfig (windows)
Think your URL is -
Use Server Name or IP -
Use Port Number - 3000
Use Protocol - http
Use Path - api/user/showTeams
Use IPv4 address instead of using localhost or to access your local application.
Get JMeter's recording template from File > Template.
Set proxy on 8888 port and start recording
In my case, I was running a web app using local Tomcat on port 8080. JMeter was unable to connect using localhost:8080/app-name. It was connecting just fine to the remote-host:8080/app-name.
Solution: I found out that there was another application accessible using Perhaps, this was confusing JMeter. So, eventually, I changed my tomcat port to 9090 using server.xml and then JMeter was able to connect to localhost:9090/app-name
for your path use http://[::1]:{port}/route
[::1] instead of localhost fixed this for me, took me hours to figure that out
